Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 2/18/13: The Drone Threat:...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Extra-Judicial Killing is the opposite of Justice

[ame=]Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 2/18/13: The Drone Threat - YouTube[/ame]
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Granny says, "Dat's right - the gubmint spyin' on us...
NYC drone sighting: FBI investigates pilot's report
5 March 2013 - Drones like the one reportedly seen over New York are allowed in the US but not at such high altitude
The FBI is investigating a pilot's report of an unmanned drone in the skies near a major New York airport. A pilot with Alitalia told air traffic controllers at John F Kennedy airport he saw a drone about three miles (4.8km) from a runway on Monday. The pilot estimated the drone was flying about 1,750ft (533m) high and came within 200ft of his aeroplane.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said the pilot did not have to change course and landed safely. "We saw a drone, a drone aircraft," the pilot can be heard saying in a recording of his conversation with air traffic controllers captured by

In later radio communication with other pilots, air traffic controllers described the aircraft as small and black, about 3.3ft (1m) wide, with four propellers. "The FBI is asking anyone with information about the unmanned aircraft or the operator to contact us," said FBI Special Agent in Charge John Giacalone. "Our paramount concern is the safety of aircraft passengers and crew." Planes matching the pilot's description are allowed to be flown by hobbyists, but under FAA rules they may not fly at altitudes higher than 400ft.

BBC News - NYC drone sighting: FBI investigates pilot's report

See also:

Holder: Drone strike against Americans in the U.S. possible
March 5th, 2013 - Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday stopped short of entirely ruling out a drone strike against an American citizen on U.S. soil—without trial.
Holder’s comment came in a letter to Sen. Rand Paul. Paul had sent a letter to President Obama’s CIA director nominee John Brennan asking for the administration’s views on the president’s power to authorize lethal force.

In the letter, Holder said “It is possible I suppose to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States." In a separate letter, Brennan told Paul that the CIA has no such authority.

The nomination passed its first hurdle Tuesday with the Senate intelligence committee voting to approve the nomination in a 12-3 vote. Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia said he voted against the nomination because of inconsistencies in Brennan's testimony.

Earlier in the day, the White House agreed to provide legal documents written by Justice Department officials explaining the legal rationale for targeting Americans overseas who are involved in terror-related activities that threatened America or American interests.

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Granny says, "Dat's right - the gubmint spyin' on us...
NYC drone sighting: FBI investigates pilot's report
5 March 2013 - Drones like the one reportedly seen over New York are allowed in the US but not at such high altitude
The FBI is investigating a pilot's report of an unmanned drone in the skies near a major New York airport. A pilot with Alitalia told air traffic controllers at John F Kennedy airport he saw a drone about three miles (4.8km) from a runway on Monday. The pilot estimated the drone was flying about 1,750ft (533m) high and came within 200ft of his aeroplane.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said the pilot did not have to change course and landed safely. "We saw a drone, a drone aircraft," the pilot can be heard saying in a recording of his conversation with air traffic controllers captured by

In later radio communication with other pilots, air traffic controllers described the aircraft as small and black, about 3.3ft (1m) wide, with four propellers. "The FBI is asking anyone with information about the unmanned aircraft or the operator to contact us," said FBI Special Agent in Charge John Giacalone. "Our paramount concern is the safety of aircraft passengers and crew." Planes matching the pilot's description are allowed to be flown by hobbyists, but under FAA rules they may not fly at altitudes higher than 400ft.

BBC News - NYC drone sighting: FBI investigates pilot's report

Nothing to see here folks. It ain't happening. Well, that's what Big Brother keeps telling us anyway. ;)
Granny says, "Dat's right - the gubmint spyin' on us...
NYC drone sighting: FBI investigates pilot's report
5 March 2013 - Drones like the one reportedly seen over New York are allowed in the US but not at such high altitude
The FBI is investigating a pilot's report of an unmanned drone in the skies near a major New York airport. A pilot with Alitalia told air traffic controllers at John F Kennedy airport he saw a drone about three miles (4.8km) from a runway on Monday. The pilot estimated the drone was flying about 1,750ft (533m) high and came within 200ft of his aeroplane.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said the pilot did not have to change course and landed safely. "We saw a drone, a drone aircraft," the pilot can be heard saying in a recording of his conversation with air traffic controllers captured by

In later radio communication with other pilots, air traffic controllers described the aircraft as small and black, about 3.3ft (1m) wide, with four propellers. "The FBI is asking anyone with information about the unmanned aircraft or the operator to contact us," said FBI Special Agent in Charge John Giacalone. "Our paramount concern is the safety of aircraft passengers and crew." Planes matching the pilot's description are allowed to be flown by hobbyists, but under FAA rules they may not fly at altitudes higher than 400ft.

BBC News - NYC drone sighting: FBI investigates pilot's report

Nothing to see here folks. It ain't happening. Well, that's what Big Brother keeps telling us anyway. ;)

The only thing to see is the OP and Ron Paul exhibiting their collective ignorance of the Constitution and its case law:

California v. Ciraolo (1986), The Fourth Amendment does not require the police to obtain a warrant for what is plainly seen from the public airways.

Florida v. Riley (1989), a warrant is not required for the state to subject private property to aerial surveillance.
Granny says, "Dat's right - the gubmint spyin' on us...
NYC drone sighting: FBI investigates pilot's report
5 March 2013 - Drones like the one reportedly seen over New York are allowed in the US but not at such high altitude

Nothing to see here folks. It ain't happening. Well, that's what Big Brother keeps telling us anyway. ;)

The only thing to see is the OP and Ron Paul exhibiting their collective ignorance of the Constitution and its case law:

California v. Ciraolo (1986), The Fourth Amendment does not require the police to obtain a warrant for what is plainly seen from the public airways.

Florida v. Riley (1989), a warrant is not required for the state to subject private property to aerial surveillance.

Shocking. You defending your beloved Big Brother. Whoda thunk it?
Like mebbe Waco or Ruby Ridge?...
Holder: Drone strike against Americans in the U.S. possible
March 5th, 2013 - Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday stopped short of entirely ruling out a drone strike against an American citizen on U.S. soil—without trial.
Holder’s comment came in a letter to Sen. Rand Paul. Paul had sent a letter to President Obama’s CIA director nominee John Brennan asking for the administration’s views on the president’s power to authorize lethal force.

In the letter, Holder said “It is possible I suppose to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States. “ In a separate letter, Brennan told Paul that the CIA has no such authority.

The nomination passed its first hurdle Tuesday with the Senate intelligence committee voting to approve the nomination in a 12-3 vote. Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia said he voted against the nomination because of inconsistencies in Brennan's testimony.

Earlier in the day, the White House agreed to provide legal documents written by Justice Department officials explaining the legal rationale for targeting Americans overseas who are involved in terror-related activities that threatened America or American interests.


See also:

After Protracted Questioning: Holder Admits It's Unconstitutional for Gov't to Kill U.S. Citizen Sitting Peacefully in U.S. in Cafe
March 6, 2013 – U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that the U.S. Constitution does not allow the targeted drone killing of a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil who does not pose an imminent threat to life or bodily harm.
“Let me be clear. Translate my appropriate to no. I thought I was saying no. Alright? No,” Holder said after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) asked him six times whether hypothetically it was constitutional for the U.S. to use a drone to kill a U.S. citizen sitting in a café in the U.S. who does not pose an immediate threat. “If an individual is sitting quietly at a café in the United States, in your legal judgment, does the Constitution allow a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil to be killed by a drone?” Cruz (R-Texas) asked Holder.

“For sitting in a café and having a cup of coffee?” Holder asked. “If that individual is not posing an imminent and immediate threat of death or bodily harm, does the U.S. Constitution allow a drone to kill that individual?” Cruz asked. “On the basis of what you said, I don’t think you can arrest that person,” Holder said.

“The person is suspected to be a terrorist. You have abundant evidence he’s a terrorist. He’s involved in terrorist plots, but at the moment, he’s not pointing a bazooka at the Pentagon. He is sitting in a café overseas. The United States government uses drones to take out individuals when they’re walking down a pathway, when they’re sitting in a café,” Cruz said. “If a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil is not posing an immediate threat to life or bodily harm, does the Constitution allow a drone to kill that citizen?” Cruz asked.

“I would not think that that would be an appropriate use of any kind of lethal force. We would deal with that in the way that we typically deal with a situation like that,” Holder said before Cruz cut him off. “With all respect, General Holder, my question wasn’t about appropriateness or prosecutorial discretion. It was a simple legal question. Does the Constitution allow a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil who doesn’t pose an imminent threat to be killed by the U.S. government?” Cruz asked again.

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The whole thing is a disgrace. Shame on all who are defending it.
I don't see why drones themselves are so often seen as the problem. They are a tool. It is the immoral or illegal use of drones (or any other weapon/vehicle) that should be at issue.

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