Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times.

I have read the bill, you haven't.
You lied about it. Why? Are you trying to provide cover for Senate Democrats? Once a bill is passed by the house it goes to the senate for their input. Why haven’t the senate Democrats participated in the process? Why are you giving them a pass?
Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

The best time to cut spending is when you can cut spending

Biden wants to spend more and will only agree to spending cuts when he is forced to
Oh fuck off -- Reagan spent like a drunken sailor on weekend leave in a red light district. Yes, the Dems also spent but look at the scoreboard. The debt-GDP ratio doubled between 1981 and 1989. Facts are not your friends.
/——/ Thank you for missing the point. You never fail to deliver.
Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

What were the terms of each of the increases in the debt ceiling regarding cutting spending?

You also neglected to mention this relevant fact: "Over the course of his term in office, the debt ceiling was raised a total of 18 times, from $935 billion to $2.8 trillion."

That's about $1.9 TRILLION over EIGHT YEARS.

As of December 16, 2021.
  • President Joe Biden signed a debt ceiling increase into law, preventing the first-ever U.S. default.
  • The measure lifts the government’s borrowing limit by $2.5 trillion, which is expected to allow the U.S. to cover its obligations into 2023.
To where we are now. That's a $2.5 TRILLION increase in fewer than two years.

What were the terms of each of the increases in the debt ceiling regarding cutting spending?

You also neglected to mention this relevant fact: "Over the course of his term in office, the debt ceiling was raised a total of 18 times, from $935 billion to $2.8 trillion."

That's about $1.9 TRILLION over EIGHT YEARS.

As of December 16, 2021.
  • President Joe Biden signed a debt ceiling increase into law, preventing the first-ever U.S. default.
  • The measure lifts the government’s borrowing limit by $2.5 trillion, which is expected to allow the U.S. to cover its obligations into 2023.
To where we are now. That's a $2.5 TRILLION increase in fewer than two years.

Much of the current debt is a direct result of Republican Presidents and Congress

Read the bill that passed. All kinds of shit in it that has nothing to with spending or revenues. Like a damn wish list for Republican PAC's. And the spending cuts that were proposed were just caps with no thought as to what programs to be cut. Political theater, nothing more.
For example.
Red - increased yearly debt in Presidency Blue - decreased yearly debt in Presidency

ok, not sure what that had to do with my post nor what years those bars are suppose to represent and why they only show a few years
Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times.​

Is that the same guy who opened the floodgates for millions of wetbacks? The same guy who began the total destruction of America by way of the great replacement?
Reagan faced a hostile democrat congress and a hostile media. It's a wonder the Gipper managed to become one of the greatest presidents in modern history.
Reagan was the WORST, most corrupt, president in US history...............until, Trump was installed.

The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by numerous scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any president in American history.
It's a collective responsibility.

I hate to agree with you, but you're not wrong. On the record, I disagree with Republican debt demands, but it's not unreasonable to ask for some spending reduction in principle. But more than that, Biden got out-coached by McCarthy, plain and simple. Biden didn't think this would happen, but it did. And now he looks pretty piss-weak.
You can always tell a Marxist when they use the term "Collective". They are like ants and need to be exterminated...

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