Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times.

There is effectively no debt “limit” at all when it is always raised — each and every time.

We need a very determined GOP policy of electing only strict Constitutionalists.

Get a majority in both houses of Congress and refuse to pass any new budgets ever that exceed the prior debt limit. And then keep lowering that limit. And pasting budgets that require that all first budgetary lines must include (minimally) any debt interest due, and the. Some principle reduction.

Start elimination bullshit departments like the federal Department of Education. Fortify our ability to raise holy hell on cost overruns. Target the massive markups by our defense suppliers.

We all know what needs to be done. Kicking the can down the road is no longer acceptable. We need to start yesterday.
Cant do that when at 2am all the Republican watchers are forced to leave and then suitcases of ballots are pulled out and run till the Marxists win the election....
Because you are already as queer as a three dollar bill......

Oh, see, looks like you're our resident expert on queer identification. Guess that makes you the homo detective, always hot on the trail of some bugger's ass. Stay away from mine, creep.
You support queer ideology, you must be a closet queer....

I support no such thing, fart sniffer, because being queer isn't an ideology; it's someone's sexual preference. I support leaving people the fuck alone, which you all cannot seem to do. You pervs are sex-obsessed and probably go around through your neighbors' dirty linen when you're visiting their homes and sniff their underwear. So that makes you all the creeps.
I support no such thing, fart sniffer, because being queer isn't an ideology; it's someone's sexual preference. I support leaving people the fuck alone, which you all cannot seem to do. You pervs are sex-obsessed and probably go around through your neighbors' dirty linen when you're visiting their homes and sniff their underwear. So that makes you all the creeps.
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Sexual preference? That is an ideology you moron. I used to support leaving the queers alone since "What happens behind closed doors, is none of my business". But you fucking Marxists went full on mental retardness and opened that door, so now we have to deal with queers indoctrinating children. Do you support queers indoctrinating children?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Sexual preference? That is an ideology you moron.

You really are one ignorant mo-ther fuck-er. You have no fucking clue what an ideology is, dipfuck, so stop using big words you don't understand and leave that to the grownups.

Anyway, I think we were talking about the debt ceiling and how Reagan basically blew up the national debt. He was not a good president. Had little or nothing to do with the fall of communism because he was literally going senile in his last 2 years in office. It was George H. W. Bush who brought down the Iron Curtain, not that goofy actor.

George H W Bush was also probably the last fiscally sane and competent Republican president that this country had and ever will have.
Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

Hate to point this out but basically, McCarthy out-played Biden on this one. Biden and the Dems assumed that McCarthy wouldn't be able to agree on anything long enough to put together a House bill. Kept saying over and over again, "They don't even have a bill, won't say what they want." Clearly the WH assumed they wouldn't get one. But the House did and suddenly, it was the WH that had no plan. They said they weren't going to negotiate but clearly made threats they didn't really intend to carry out.

Now the WH is forced to capitulate and the progressives aren't happy, which is understandable. But the hard truth is, Americans really do take the position that there's a spending problem at the moment and it's hard to argue otherwise when the treasury runs out of money three months before originally forecast to do so.

I think this will lead to a serious re-think within the party as to whether or not Joe is their guy in 2024.
Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

Presidents don't raise the debt ceiling - Congress does...nice try.
Presidents don't raise the debt ceiling - Congress does...nice try.

But they sign the laws and congress ain't gonna pass shit if the president won't sign it. Presidents are the leaders of their parties.

Stop being daft.
But they sign the laws and congress ain't gonna pass shit if the president won't sign it. Presidents are the leaders of their parties.

Stop being daft.

I'm sorry...did I destroy your thread by correcting your mis-statement?

Biden has no plan, had no plan, and waited to rhe last second to declare he wasn't signing any budget rhat wasn't a no-strings-attatched blank check debt ceiling increase that allowed more insane spending and foreign cash give-aways.

Some f*ing 'leader'.

He was offered a budget that raised the debt ceiling and paid off $4 trillion in debt in 10 years. He rejected it.

Biden is leading alright .. leading the US off a cliff.
I'm sorry...did I destroy your thread by correcting your mis-statement?

Nah, you just displayed how ignorant you are, but par for the course.

Biden has no plan, had no plan, and waited to rhe last second to declare he wasn't signing any budget rhat wasn't a no-strings-attatched

Well, here you do have a point, I'm afraid to say, a broken clock being right twice a day and all.

Republicans are sons of bitches, but Biden and the Dems had to see this coming a mile away. They fucked up. Not just Biden but the whole fucking party when they had control of Congress in their lame-duck session. Inexcusable stupidity, but the Dem party loves losing. It's what they do well. Even when they have power.
Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

You are very uninformed. The Republican House passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling, as was done 18 times under Reagan. Democrats have not passed any bill to raise the debt ceiling at all.
You really are one ignorant mo-ther fuck-er. You have no fucking clue what an ideology is, dipfuck, so stop using big words you don't understand and leave that to the grownups.

Anyway, I think we were talking about the debt ceiling and how Reagan basically blew up the national debt. He was not a good president. Had little or nothing to do with the fall of communism because he was literally going senile in his last 2 years in office. It was George H. W. Bush who brought down the Iron Curtain, not that goofy actor.

George H W Bush was also probably the last fiscally sane and competent Republican president that this country had and ever will have.
And you are a parrot of the Marxists talking points. It wasnt until 4 years after President Reagan left office that he started acting like Joe Biteme 2 years ago.

You fuckers just cant admit your side fucks you all the time.

I'm seeing a huge increase in spending over eight years by President Obama.

Which of those Presidents had a pandemic that killed millions around the world and launched by Communist China?
First year was a result of tarp negotiated under Bush and it fell every year past that. Under Obama the sequestration was passed and then promptly blown up by Republicans under Trump.

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