Ronald Reagan's shameful legacy

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Ronald Reagan?s shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness -

Excerpted from "American Psychosis"
[ame=]American Psychosis: How the Federal Government Destroyed the Mental Illness Treatment System: E. Fuller Torrey: 9780199988716: Books[/ame]

In November 1980, Republican Ronald Reagan overwhelmingly defeated Jimmy Carter, who received less than 42% of the popular vote, for president. Republicans took control of the Senate (53 to 46), the first time they had dominated either chamber since 1954. Although the House remained under Democratic control (243 to 192), their margin was actually much slimmer, because many southern “boll weevil” Democrats voted with the Republicans.

One month prior to the election, President Carter had signed the Mental Health Systems Act, which had proposed to continue the federal community mental health centers program, although with some additional state involvement. Consistent with the report of the Carter Commission, the act also included a provision for federal grants “for projects for the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of positive mental health,” an indication of how little learning had taken place among the Carter Commission members and professionals at NIMH. With President Reagan and the Republicans taking over, the Mental Health Systems Act was discarded before the ink had dried and the CMHC funds were simply block granted to the states. The CMHC program had not only died but been buried as well. An autopsy could have listed the cause of death as naiveté complicated by grandiosity.

President Reagan never understood mental illness. Like Richard Nixon, he was a product of the Southern California culture that associated psychiatry with Communism. Two months after taking office, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, a young man with untreated schizophrenia. Two years later, Reagan called Dr. Roger Peele, then director of St. Elizabeths Hospital, where Hinckley was being treated, and tried to arrange to meet with Hinckley, so that Reagan could forgive him. Peele tactfully told the president that this was not a good idea....

Reagan always gave off a vibe of utter cluelessness. He just never seemed to be quite up to speed. Now we know he had Alzheimer's but, although it seemed as though Nancy was running the show and protecting him, we'll never know when it started to affect him.

The book looks interesting but not one I would add to the stack to read.
Ronald Reagan?s shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness -

Excerpted from "American Psychosis"
American Psychosis: How the Federal Government Destroyed the Mental Illness Treatment System: E. Fuller Torrey: 9780199988716: Books

In November 1980, Republican Ronald Reagan overwhelmingly defeated Jimmy Carter, who received less than 42% of the popular vote, for president. Republicans took control of the Senate (53 to 46), the first time they had dominated either chamber since 1954. Although the House remained under Democratic control (243 to 192), their margin was actually much slimmer, because many southern “boll weevil” Democrats voted with the Republicans.

One month prior to the election, President Carter had signed the Mental Health Systems Act, which had proposed to continue the federal community mental health centers program, although with some additional state involvement. Consistent with the report of the Carter Commission, the act also included a provision for federal grants “for projects for the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of positive mental health,” an indication of how little learning had taken place among the Carter Commission members and professionals at NIMH. With President Reagan and the Republicans taking over, the Mental Health Systems Act was discarded before the ink had dried and the CMHC funds were simply block granted to the states. The CMHC program had not only died but been buried as well. An autopsy could have listed the cause of death as naiveté complicated by grandiosity.

President Reagan never understood mental illness. Like Richard Nixon, he was a product of the Southern California culture that associated psychiatry with Communism. Two months after taking office, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, a young man with untreated schizophrenia. Two years later, Reagan called Dr. Roger Peele, then director of St. Elizabeths Hospital, where Hinckley was being treated, and tried to arrange to meet with Hinckley, so that Reagan could forgive him. Peele tactfully told the president that this was not a good idea....

Reagan always gave off a vibe of utter cluelessness. He just never seemed to be quite up to speed. Now we know he had Alzheimer's but, although it seemed as though Nancy was running the show and protecting him, we'll never know when it started to affect him.

The book looks interesting but not one I would add to the stack to read.
The Reagans were some pair. His brain was rotting in his head and she was addicted to Quaalude. They were totally under the control of an emerging corporatocracy and the Reagan presidency laid the groundwork for what we're seeing today. And this is only the beginning.

It's really too bad that all Hinckley could afford was a pawn shop .22.
he did some good things, but, imo, still a bad POTUS
granted, people do.sumb shit and make terrible choices
human nature or something
Consider the last two Democrats. One is known as the blow job president who lied when the truth would have sounded better, and the other one is known as the food stamp president who throws tantrums every time he doesn't get what he wants. Reagan had more integrity in his little finger than those two can ever hope to have, no matter HOW many votes they buy with other people's money. They're both an embarrassment to this country.
he did some good things, but, imo, still a bad POTUS
granted, people do.sumb shit and make terrible choices
human nature or something
That he did some good things can also be said about Hitler, Stalin, Nero, and every other villain in history who was smart enough to toss out a few sweets now and then to keep the fools happy. You are so right about people making bad choices. Reagan was one of the worst, but it must be said he was a pretty good actor and he had a lot of us fooled.
Consider the last two Democrats. One is known as the blow job president who lied when the truth would have sounded better, and the other one is known as the food stamp president who throws tantrums every time he doesn't get what he wants. Reagan had more integrity in his little finger than those two can ever hope to have, no matter HOW many votes they buy with other people's money. They're both an embarrassment to this country.

Ronald Reagan was an actor, a professional faker, whose entire presidency was a role he played in full accordance with a script, obviously written by the corporatist shadow government. The same may be said for President Blowjob, except he wasn't nearly as good an actor as Reagan.
I have to say that I never was much of a Regan fan. There was a lot of wicked shit that went down under his administration that was clearly the work of the 5th column etc.
Consider the last two Democrats. One is known as the blow job president who lied when the truth would have sounded better, and the other one is known as the food stamp president who throws tantrums every time he doesn't get what he wants. Reagan had more integrity in his little finger than those two can ever hope to have, no matter HOW many votes they buy with other people's money. They're both an embarrassment to this country.

Ronald Reagan was an actor, a professional faker, whose entire presidency was a role he played in full accordance with a script, obviously written by the corporatist shadow government. The same may be said for President Blowjob, except he wasn't nearly as good an actor as Reagan.

Slick Willie was one pretty damn good actor though.not quite as good as reagan,but pretty damn good.Like reagan,the people ate up his charm and fell for his good looks and personality just like they did with reagan being gullible enough to think he was any different than his long time pal and friend Bushwacker.

Just like there are ignorant sheople that fell for reagan and think he was a great president like Crusader Retard,there are a lot of ignorant sheople out there as well who think Slick willie was one of the greatest presidents as well.:cuckoo: I have seen many sheople over the years with bumper stickers that read-I miss Bill.

have to say that I never was much of a Regan fan. There was a lot of wicked shit that went down under his administration that was clearly the work of the 5th column etc.
which like the willing puppet he was,he served them instead of the people and we got people yet we got people like crusader retard who worship that bastard.:cuckoo:
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he did some good things, but, imo, still a bad POTUS
granted, people do.sumb shit and make terrible choices
human nature or something
That he did some good things can also be said about Hitler, Stalin, Nero, and every other villain in history who was smart enough to toss out a few sweets now and then to keep the fools happy. You are so right about people making bad choices. Reagan was one of the worst, but it must be said he was a pretty good actor and he had a lot of us fooled.


Yes,the americans that are awake know for a fact that every president we have had dating back to Hoover,that with the exception of Kennedy, "who was our last REAL president we had in the fact he wasnt a willing puppet for the establishment like every president since then has been in the fact that unlike them,he didnt do what they told him to do and paid the price for it,not going to get into that here on this thread,i pretty much spelled that out on the reagan revisionist thread.",every one of them have all been evil corrupt bastards and were the likes of Hitler,Stalin,Pol Pot,and Ghenghis Khan and served the establishment and shit on the constitution.Reagan for sure,was no different than any of them.

With the exception of the president i just mentioned,you got to go way back to Calvin Coolidge to find a decent president who followed the constitution and served the people.

The GOOD presidents in the 20th century,never got to serve in office for more than one term.Thats because we dont put them in office or elect them,the establishment SELECTS them and puts them in office for us through rigged elections.

Thats why you never see an independent party president get elected because both parties are corrupt and there is no difference between the two.Reagan was definetly part of that establishment quo.
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he did some good things, but, imo, still a bad POTUS
granted, people do.sumb shit and make terrible choices
human nature or something
That he did some good things can also be said about Hitler, Stalin, Nero, and every other villain in history who was smart enough to toss out a few sweets now and then to keep the fools happy. You are so right about people making bad choices. Reagan was one of the worst, but it must be said he was a pretty good actor and he had a lot of us fooled.


Yes,the americans that are awake know for a fact that every president we have had dating back to Hoover,that with the exception of Kennedy, "who was our last REAL president we had in the fact he wasnt a willing puppet for the establishment like every president since then has been in the fact that unlike them,he didnt do what they told him to do and paid the price for it,not going to get into that here on this thread,i pretty much spelled that out on the reagan revisionist thread.",every one of them have all been evil corrupt bastards and were the likes of Hitler,Stalin,Pol Pot,and Ghenghis Khan and served the establishment and shit on the constitution.Reagan for sure,was no different than any of them.

With the exception of the president i just mentioned,you got to go way back to Calvin Coolidge to find a decent president who followed the constitution and served the people.

The GOOD presidents in the 20th century,never got to serve in office for more than one term.Thats because we dont put them in office or elect them,the establishment SELECTS them and puts them in office for us through rigged elections.

Thats why you never see an independent party president get elected because both parties are corrupt and there is no difference between the two.Reagan was definetly part of that establishment quo.
Well, if your stupid ass comments (including the one about Kennedy, who spent his entire term with his pants down) didn't expose you for the idiot you are, your name certainly does.
That he did some good things can also be said about Hitler, Stalin, Nero, and every other villain in history who was smart enough to toss out a few sweets now and then to keep the fools happy. You are so right about people making bad choices. Reagan was one of the worst, but it must be said he was a pretty good actor and he had a lot of us fooled.


Yes,the americans that are awake know for a fact that every president we have had dating back to Hoover,that with the exception of Kennedy, "who was our last REAL president we had in the fact he wasnt a willing puppet for the establishment like every president since then has been in the fact that unlike them,he didnt do what they told him to do and paid the price for it,not going to get into that here on this thread,i pretty much spelled that out on the reagan revisionist thread.",every one of them have all been evil corrupt bastards and were the likes of Hitler,Stalin,Pol Pot,and Ghenghis Khan and served the establishment and shit on the constitution.Reagan for sure,was no different than any of them.

With the exception of the president i just mentioned,you got to go way back to Calvin Coolidge to find a decent president who followed the constitution and served the people.

The GOOD presidents in the 20th century,never got to serve in office for more than one term.Thats because we dont put them in office or elect them,the establishment SELECTS them and puts them in office for us through rigged elections.

Thats why you never see an independent party president get elected because both parties are corrupt and there is no difference between the two.Reagan was definetly part of that establishment quo.
Well, if your stupid ass comments (including the one about Kennedy, who spent his entire term with his pants down) didn't expose you for the idiot you are, your name certainly does.

you are the idiot here troll.its well known that elections are rigged and that every president since Hoover was as evil as those people.:lol: your just a stupid brainwashed troll who has been brainwashed by our corrupt school system who doesnt know the true facts that you do the easy thing,shoot the messenger cause the truth hurts.:lol::lol:

oh and i guess a CIA agent who confessed to being in dallas that day as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy to his son a few years ago after saying he wasnt there in dallas for over 4 decades means noting to you.:lol: the only thing you got right in your retarded post is that JFK had his pants down all the time.:lol:

Yes,the americans that are awake know for a fact that every president we have had dating back to Hoover,that with the exception of Kennedy, "who was our last REAL president we had in the fact he wasnt a willing puppet for the establishment like every president since then has been in the fact that unlike them,he didnt do what they told him to do and paid the price for it,not going to get into that here on this thread,i pretty much spelled that out on the reagan revisionist thread.",every one of them have all been evil corrupt bastards and were the likes of Hitler,Stalin,Pol Pot,and Ghenghis Khan and served the establishment and shit on the constitution.Reagan for sure,was no different than any of them.

With the exception of the president i just mentioned,you got to go way back to Calvin Coolidge to find a decent president who followed the constitution and served the people.

The GOOD presidents in the 20th century,never got to serve in office for more than one term.Thats because we dont put them in office or elect them,the establishment SELECTS them and puts them in office for us through rigged elections.

Thats why you never see an independent party president get elected because both parties are corrupt and there is no difference between the two.Reagan was definetly part of that establishment quo.
Well, if your stupid ass comments (including the one about Kennedy, who spent his entire term with his pants down) didn't expose you for the idiot you are, your name certainly does.

you are the idiot here troll.its well known that elections are rigged and that every president since Hoover was as evil as those people.:lol: your just a stupid brainwashed troll who has been brainwashed by our corrupt school system who doesnt know the true facts that you do the easy thing,shoot the messenger cause the truth hurts.:lol::lol:

oh and i guess a CIA agent who confessed to being in dallas that day as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy to his son a few years ago after saying he wasnt there in dallas for over 4 decades means noting to you.:lol: the only thing you got right in your retarded post is that JFK had his pants down all the time.:lol:
HAHAHA, dumbfuck, my comment referring to Kennedy was not about his assassination, it was about your comment indicating he was a good president. He sucked, like you. And thanks for the 0 rep. You really devastated me with that one. :lol: :lol: :lol:
True, Reagan is responsible for starting the nation on this latest economic binge, but he wasn't all bad. He voted for FDR, and worked with Tip O'Neil to put Social Security on a better path. He had a lot of cute little sayings that he carried on 3 by 5 cards and was a fair actor. That's about as good as Republican presidents get. Still his tripling of the national debt did hurt.

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