Ronnie got one thing right


Mar 3, 2013
Not jesusland
The teabaggers would hate him

[ame=]Ronald Reagan: "Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit." - YouTube[/ame]

Was that before SS surpluses were counted as reducing the deficit?

For teabaggers to hate Reagan they would have to know he tripled the national debt creating the canned heat economy aped by every president since including the magic Hawiian. Yes, that economy, the one that bubbleth over every few years since 1983.

Then they would have to admit it.

One suspects not many of those little busts of Siddartha Reagan are coming out of incense cabinets in white trash America any time soon.
did he call the OP stupid? But he got lots of things right....and social security may not have been an issue then.
" We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." ~ Ronald Reagan.
Reagan got a lot of things right.



Such as winning the Cold War. He outspent the fucking Russians; he asked Gorbachev to "play ball"; he ask Gorbachev to "tear down that wall"; he caused the dissolution of the Soviet Union; he...

What else do you need to remember about Reagan?

That he was a filthy lowlife cocksucker who tripled the national debt creating a debt-fueled fake economy?

Or that he constantly reminds us that there are people degenerate enough to make the claim or stupid enough to actually believe the bobbleheaded fuck "won" the cold war? The knowledge there are people that lost about makes me sick. The USSR could not possibly have maintained an invasion of any part of Europe in the winter at any time after 1945.
Reagan got a lot of things right.


He didn't.

List two or three.

Foreign Policy: Willingness to place IRBMs in Western Europe, despite huge public opposition, in order to counter the USSR's placement of these in E. Germany in a bid to cow the Western Europeans into accepting USSR hegemony over energy supplies, which would have economically propped up the USSR indefinitely.

Domestic Policy: Firing the striking air traffic controllers, which resulted in a decade of labor peace and economic expansion.

P.S. Are you old enough to remember these events, or do you rely on the Huffington Post?
Was that before SS surpluses were counted as reducing the deficit?

No, it was LBJ, in the sixties that created the unified budget so that the surpluses in social security would hide the rapidly growing deficits caused by his great society programs. In the eighties, and Ronald Reagan, the social security surplus was still offsetting the deficit, and Reagan was right, it was not responsible for the deficit.

Times have changed. The black cloud that was just visible on the horizon, in the eighties, is just about on top of us now. We have to alter the growth curves on social security and medicare, or they will go broke. Every year that we wait means that the change will need to be greater to achieve the same objective.
Ronald Reagan: "Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit."

someone needs to give that message to the "magic Hawaiian" - or like the sequester he "let" happen he will be doing the bidding for the Republicans against the very people who reelected him ... again.
Reagan got a lot of things right.


He didn't.

List two or three.

Foreign Policy: Willingness to place IRBMs in Western Europe, despite huge public opposition, in order to counter the USSR's placement of these in E. Germany in a bid to cow the Western Europeans into accepting USSR hegemony over energy supplies, which would have economically propped up the USSR indefinitely.

Domestic Policy: Firing the striking air traffic controllers, which resulted in a decade of labor peace and economic expansion.

P.S. Are you old enough to remember these events, or do you rely on the Huffington Post?

At 63 the filthy lowlife cocksucker who tripled the national debt creating a debt fueled fake economy while shadow boxing a rickety collection of shit for brains economies, is way too well remembered.

That there are people degenerate enough to publish shit like that as fact or stupid enough to believe it is among my greatest disappointments in the nation.


Such as winning the Cold War. He outspent the fucking Russians; he asked Gorbachev to "play ball"; he ask Gorbachev to "tear down that wall"; he caused the dissolution of the Soviet Union; he...

What else do you need to remember about Reagan?

That he was a filthy lowlife cocksucker who tripled the national debt creating a debt-fueled fake economy?

Or that he constantly reminds us that there are people degenerate enough to make the claim or stupid enough to actually believe the bobbleheaded fuck "won" the cold war? The knowledge there are people that lost about makes me sick. The USSR could not possibly have maintained an invasion of any part of Europe in the winter at any time after 1945.

Your knowledge of history is right down there with your knowledge of life. Reagan will go down as one of the great presidents, while your heroes will get one line each. Clinton will be noted with Johnson as the second president impeached, but not convicted, and Obama will be noted as the first Black President. I imagine that just sucks for you lefties.
Such as winning the Cold War. He outspent the fucking Russians; he asked Gorbachev to "play ball"; he ask Gorbachev to "tear down that wall"; he caused the dissolution of the Soviet Union; he...

What else do you need to remember about Reagan?

That he was a filthy lowlife cocksucker who tripled the national debt creating a debt-fueled fake economy?

Or that he constantly reminds us that there are people degenerate enough to make the claim or stupid enough to actually believe the bobbleheaded fuck "won" the cold war? The knowledge there are people that lost about makes me sick. The USSR could not possibly have maintained an invasion of any part of Europe in the winter at any time after 1945.

Your knowledge of history is right down there with your knowledge of life. Reagan will go down as one of the great presidents, while your heroes will get one line each. Clinton will be noted with Johnson as the second president impeached, but not convicted, and Obama will be noted as the first Black President. I imagine that just sucks for you lefties.

The historians have already rated Reagan. In the last poll of 238 noted historians and presidential experts they rated Reagan 18 out of 44 presidents. Clinton was rated 13th best. G.W. Bush was 39th. Of course as new presidents are added and new data emerges those rating could change. Oh yes, this poll was in 2010 but they still rated Obama on his first two years and gave him 15th best. Be interesting to see where they all come out in the next poll. They do change and it depends on who is polled, these were historians but the Wall Street Journal also rates and Reagan should be much higher there.
Such as winning the Cold War. He outspent the fucking Russians; he asked Gorbachev to "play ball"; he ask Gorbachev to "tear down that wall"; he caused the dissolution of the Soviet Union; he...

What else do you need to remember about Reagan?

That he was a filthy lowlife cocksucker who tripled the national debt creating a debt-fueled fake economy?

Or that he constantly reminds us that there are people degenerate enough to make the claim or stupid enough to actually believe the bobbleheaded fuck "won" the cold war? The knowledge there are people that lost about makes me sick. The USSR could not possibly have maintained an invasion of any part of Europe in the winter at any time after 1945.

Your knowledge of history is right down there with your knowledge of life. Reagan will go down as one of the great presidents, while your heroes will get one line each. Clinton will be noted with Johnson as the second president impeached, but not convicted, and Obama will be noted as the first Black President. I imagine that just sucks for you lefties.

Au contraire, Reagan was a Class B actor in the movies and as Prez and in his last two years an alzheimers patient. It really must suck big time for crackers in jesusland that your better was re -elected and that the demographics have shifted as Ms Lindsay Graham said: "The demographics race we're losing badly,” “We're not generating enough angry white guys"

Now allow me :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

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