Rose McGowan Eviscerates Joe Biden And Democratic Party: ‘You Are Monsters, Frauds’


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Hollywood star Rose McGowan just let loose on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party via a series of tweets on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, branding them all “frauds.”

McGowan, who has been one of the few stars to stand by Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser Tara Reade, let her disdain for the former vice president be known as she ripped into his speech in which he said America is a “cloak of darkness” under President Donald Trump.

“Give people light. Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said, according to Fox News.

McGowan, however, was not having any of it.

“You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie,” McGowan tweeted.

BJ's Pull Quote:

“What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf—kers,” she wrote.

BJ -

Damn, it's even worse for the Democrats than I was thinking -
Your masks are off Dems, which is kinda poetic.
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Hollywood star Rose McGowan just let loose on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party via a series of tweets on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, branding them all “frauds.”

McGowan, who has been one of the few stars to stand by Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser Tara Reade, let her disdain for the former vice president be known as she ripped into his speech in which he said America is a “cloak of darkness” under President Donald Trump.

“Give people light. Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said, according to Fox News.

McGowan, however, was not having any of it.

“You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie,” McGowan tweeted.

BJ's Pull Quote:

“What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf—kers,” she wrote.

BJ -

Damn, it's even worse for the Democrats that I was thinking -
Your masks are off Dems, which is kinda poetic.
Way to go, Rose! SO nice to see.
Hollywood star Rose McGowan just let loose on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party via a series of tweets on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, branding them all “frauds.”

McGowan, who has been one of the few stars to stand by Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser Tara Reade, let her disdain for the former vice president be known as she ripped into his speech in which he said America is a “cloak of darkness” under President Donald Trump.

“Give people light. Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said, according to Fox News.

McGowan, however, was not having any of it.

“You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie,” McGowan tweeted.

BJ's Pull Quote:

“What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf—kers,” she wrote.

BJ -

Damn, it's even worse for the Democrats than I was thinking -
Your masks are off Dems, which is kinda poetic.
It is the left that is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform. Stop being so ignorant and only paroting right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

This is All the Right Wing stands for with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Do you care or are you willing to merely and only be, practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God)?
Hollywood star Rose McGowan just let loose on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party via a series of tweets on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, branding them all “frauds.”

McGowan, who has been one of the few stars to stand by Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser Tara Reade, let her disdain for the former vice president be known as she ripped into his speech in which he said America is a “cloak of darkness” under President Donald Trump.

“Give people light. Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said, according to Fox News.

McGowan, however, was not having any of it.

“You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie,” McGowan tweeted.

BJ's Pull Quote:

“What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf—kers,” she wrote.

BJ -

Damn, it's even worse for the Democrats than I was thinking -
Your masks are off Dems, which is kinda poetic.
It is the left that is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform. Stop being so ignorant and only paroting right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

This is All the Right Wing stands for with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Do you care or are you willing to merely and only be, practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God)?

You are aware that Rose is a hard-core Hollywood Leftist, who is simply tired of being raped by her peers, both actually and figuratively.

No one except leftists are involved in this story.
Last edited:
Hollywood star Rose McGowan just let loose on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party via a series of tweets on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, branding them all “frauds.”

McGowan, who has been one of the few stars to stand by Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser Tara Reade, let her disdain for the former vice president be known as she ripped into his speech in which he said America is a “cloak of darkness” under President Donald Trump.

“Give people light. Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said, according to Fox News.

McGowan, however, was not having any of it.

“You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie,” McGowan tweeted.

BJ's Pull Quote:

“What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf—kers,” she wrote.

BJ -

Damn, it's even worse for the Democrats than I was thinking -
Your masks are off Dems, which is kinda poetic.
It is the left that is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform. Stop being so ignorant and only paroting right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

This is All the Right Wing stands for with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Do you care or are you willing to merely and only be, practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God)?
Your guy has been one of the biggest liars in politics for 47 years. And the minimum wage would take care of itself if we secured our border and deported cheap illegal alien labor. That's called the law of supply and demand. And if we rethought free trade, like Trump has been doing, wages would go even higher and our supply chain would be much more secure. Biden doesn't even have the courage to come out of his basement. He's a joke. MAGA
Hollywood star Rose McGowan just let loose on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party via a series of tweets on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, branding them all “frauds.”

McGowan, who has been one of the few stars to stand by Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser Tara Reade, let her disdain for the former vice president be known as she ripped into his speech in which he said America is a “cloak of darkness” under President Donald Trump.

“Give people light. Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said, according to Fox News.

McGowan, however, was not having any of it.

“You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie,” McGowan tweeted.

BJ's Pull Quote:

“What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf—kers,” she wrote.

BJ -

Damn, it's even worse for the Democrats than I was thinking -
Your masks are off Dems, which is kinda poetic.
It is the left that is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform. Stop being so ignorant and only paroting right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

This is All the Right Wing stands for with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Do you care or are you willing to merely and only be, practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God)?
So your whole defense of everything that Biden has failed to do is fifteen an hour and healthcare?
I was under the impression that the crazy left was all for ACA? Are you now claiming that that wasn’t reform? That 44 and Biden screwed up?

you do realize that pices would go up if fifteen an hour was enacted?
Hollywood star Rose McGowan just let loose on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party via a series of tweets on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, branding them all “frauds.”

McGowan, who has been one of the few stars to stand by Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser Tara Reade, let her disdain for the former vice president be known as she ripped into his speech in which he said America is a “cloak of darkness” under President Donald Trump.

“Give people light. Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said, according to Fox News.

McGowan, however, was not having any of it.

“You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie,” McGowan tweeted.

BJ's Pull Quote:

“What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf—kers,” she wrote.

BJ -

Damn, it's even worse for the Democrats than I was thinking -
Your masks are off Dems, which is kinda poetic.
It is the left that is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform. Stop being so ignorant and only paroting right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

This is All the Right Wing stands for with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Do you care or are you willing to merely and only be, practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God)?
Your guy has been one of the biggest liars in politics for 47 years. And the minimum wage would take care of itself if we secured our border and deported cheap illegal alien labor. That's called the law of supply and demand. And if we rethought free trade, like Trump has been doing, wages would go even higher and our supply chain would be much more secure. Biden doesn't even have the courage to come out of his basement. He's a joke. MAGA

Most leftists have no idea how things actually work.
Hollywood star Rose McGowan just let loose on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party via a series of tweets on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, branding them all “frauds.”

McGowan, who has been one of the few stars to stand by Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser Tara Reade, let her disdain for the former vice president be known as she ripped into his speech in which he said America is a “cloak of darkness” under President Donald Trump.

“Give people light. Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said, according to Fox News.

McGowan, however, was not having any of it.

“You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie,” McGowan tweeted.

BJ's Pull Quote:

“What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf—kers,” she wrote.

BJ -

Damn, it's even worse for the Democrats than I was thinking -
Your masks are off Dems, which is kinda poetic.
It is the left that is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform. Stop being so ignorant and only paroting right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

This is All the Right Wing stands for with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Do you care or are you willing to merely and only be, practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God)?

You are aware that Rose is a hard-core Hollywood Leftist, who is simply tired of being raped by her peers, both actually and theoretically?

No one except leftists are involved in this story.
No. I only know she is parroting right wing propaganda and rhetoric. Otherwise, she would know it is the left not the right who are for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and healthcare reform, not the right wing.
Hollywood star Rose McGowan just let loose on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party via a series of tweets on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, branding them all “frauds.”

McGowan, who has been one of the few stars to stand by Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser Tara Reade, let her disdain for the former vice president be known as she ripped into his speech in which he said America is a “cloak of darkness” under President Donald Trump.

“Give people light. Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said, according to Fox News.

McGowan, however, was not having any of it.

“You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie,” McGowan tweeted.

BJ's Pull Quote:

“What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf—kers,” she wrote.

BJ -

Damn, it's even worse for the Democrats than I was thinking -
Your masks are off Dems, which is kinda poetic.
It is the left that is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform. Stop being so ignorant and only paroting right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

This is All the Right Wing stands for with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Do you care or are you willing to merely and only be, practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God)?

You are aware that Rose is a hard-core Hollywood Leftist, who is simply tired of being raped by her peers, both actually and theoretically?

No one except leftists are involved in this story.
No. I only know she is parroting right wing propaganda and rhetoric. Otherwise, she would know it is the left not the right who are for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and healthcare reform, not the right wing.

The way that left wing loons want to do things, simply does not work.
She is tired of Democrats lying.
Everyone should be.

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