Rosenstein Is Dead Meat

Hey dumbasses...Rosenstein has resigned already...effective after the Barr confirmation
He's QUITTING ya stupid retards.
McCabe tried to do the same but TRUMP had Rosenstein fire him on his last day...:auiqs.jpg:

Either way this is a great way for Barr to step in with oversight of the Mueller investigation.
BTW the entire meeting with The Fusion GPS employee was recorded.

Nothing happened or Mueller would have leaked it to The Media.

You idiots forget that Obama had The Trump
campaign under surveillance 24-7

Why do you need an investigation when you had the entire campaign wiretapped?

Because Mueller has zero evidence to match his mandate to take down Trump.

This is why Moscow Mueller has
to create petty process crimes
to keep his Fake Investigation going.

Obama weaponkzed The Entire Intelligence and Law Endkrcement Community against President Trump and came up with NOTHING!

All of the men that were indicted should be let go for illegal practices. I would be for Trump to give pardons to all.
Horseshit. The opened the investigation so they could stage a coup. They knew he wasn't "colluding" with Russia from the get-go.

Let's see...there was that investigation regarding Russian assistance to the Trump campaign...the Flynn interactions with the Russians (which a judge called TREASONOUS)..there were all the lies about meetings with Russians...there was Trump admitting he fired Comey to ease pressure from "the Russia thing"

Yea...why would an organization like the FBI (which spends a LOT of time worrying about counterintel) be concerned....
You're including part of the coup as evidence there was no coup?

You're the forum's biggest idiot.

What are "all those meetings with Russians?" You mean the one with the Russian lawyer? What does that prove? Nothing.
Well.....we all know that all Russians are spies trying to overthrow the government and elect Hillary as POTUS
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.
And which Russian agents are you talking about?
Hillary and Obama left years ago. There aren't any known Russian agents left in the WH. Most of them are in Congress now. There's at least 100 card carrying Communists in the Democrat Party now.
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset
Horseshit. The opened the investigation so they could stage a coup. They knew he wasn't "colluding" with Russia from the get-go.
bullshit bri your ah has gotten help from the russians Why do his people continue to lie about meeting with russians ?? Are you an American or a FN Russian Trump ass kisser
What lies are those? The traitors are the ones who staged a coup against a legally elected President.

You obviously can't prove it because you have no evidence. Mueller's witch hunt is toast.
He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Kind of a pity he and the others can't be dealt with the way they all should be....swinging from nooses on the South Lawn.


Shocked he hasn't been fired is Trump waiting on?
Trump needs to clear it with Putin before acting.
Yah just like he cleared it with Putin before he bombed the shit out of Millions of dollars of MIGs in Syria on a Russian Airbase.

He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Kind of a pity he and the others can't be dealt with the way they all should be....swinging from nooses on the South Lawn.


Shocked he hasn't been fired is Trump waiting on?
Trump needs to clear it with Putin before acting.
What are "all those meetings with Russians?" You mean the one with the Russian lawyer?

Yea..the one where Don Jr enthusiastically and illegally tried to get a foreign government give him dirt on Clinton.

Yea...that one
What are "all those meetings with Russians?" You mean the one with the Russian lawyer?

Yea..the one where Don Jr enthusiastically and illegally tried to get a foreign government give him dirt on Clinton.

Yea...that one
Hmmm. Nope. Even if he did do that, it's not illegal unless he gives them something in return.

However, the Russian lawyer is not the Russian government. You numskulls behave as every single Russian is an official representative of the Russian government.
He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Threat removed

Rosenstein conned Sessions into stepping down...

Rosenstein conned the President into going ahead with his decision to fire Comey after which he recommended Trump be investigated for Obstruction...

Rosenstein pitched the idea to wear a wire to take down the President using the 25th Amendment...

Rosenstein signed the illegal FISA Request...

Rosenstein Obstructed Justic by refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas...

Rosenstein committed Perjury...

He should be the criminal marching band leader out front of the 'Prison Parade', leading Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Baker, and Ohr to jail...
Even if he did do that, it's not illegal unless he gives them something in return.

We kbow he did do that based on his own e-mails and It absolutely IS illegal. That is a foreign government contributing a thing of value to an election. Completely illegal

However, the Russian lawyer is not the Russian government

She has been identified as a Russian agent and PRESENTED herself as an agent of the Russian government
Rosenstein conned Sessions into stepping down...

Sessions was already recused when Rosenstein was appointed AG. FAIL

Rosenstein conned the President into going ahead with his decision to fire Comey after which he recommended Trump be investigated for Obstruction...

Trump demanded that Rosenstein write that letter (which did NOT recommend Comey be fired). Sessions wrote a similar letter that same day that DID.

So are you lying or just stupid?
Rosenstein conned Sessions into stepping down...

Sessions was already recused when Rosenstein was appointed AG. FAIL

Rosenstein conned the President into going ahead with his decision to fire Comey after which he recommended Trump be investigated for Obstruction...

Trump demanded that Rosenstein write that letter (which did NOT recommend Comey be fired). Sessions wrote a similar letter that same day that DID.

So are you lying or just stupid?
Lynch and Comey wrote a letter, too, well before the investigation into Hillary's crimes was over....

Rosenstein conned Sessions into stepping down...

Sessions was already recused when Rosenstein was appointed AG. FAIL

Rosenstein conned the President into going ahead with his decision to fire Comey after which he recommended Trump be investigated for Obstruction...

Trump demanded that Rosenstein write that letter (which did NOT recommend Comey be fired). Sessions wrote a similar letter that same day that DID.

So are you lying or just stupid?
Lynch and Comey wrote a letter, too, well before the investigation into Hillary's crimes was over....

Now you're just babbling...but's what you do
The deep state is bubbling to the surface...with the Magic kenyan in hiding....
Lesh is just freaking out because he is worried about Rosenstein, knowing he will be someone's bitch in prison... :p

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