Rosenstein Is Dead Meat

it was reported weeks ago that rosenstein would leave after a new AG was confirmed.
Even if he did do that, it's not illegal unless he gives them something in return.

We kbow he did do that based on his own e-mails and It absolutely IS illegal. That is a foreign government contributing a thing of value to an election. Completely illegal

However, the Russian lawyer is not the Russian government

She has been identified as a Russian agent and PRESENTED herself as an agent of the Russian government
Wrong, shit for brains. No one met with the Russian government. The Russian lawyer is not the Russian government.The Trumps offered her nothing for information, and she gave no information. Information isn't considered "a thing of value" as far as election law is concerned. If it was, then Hillary would be in prison now. You morons have been told this at least 1000 times, but you keep dragging it up. Either you're stupid, or you're dishonest pieces of shit. You're probably both.

She has been "identified as a Russian agent?" What does that even mean? She certainly doesn't work for Russian intelligence.

Face it: you are making shit up because you know this is a big nothing burger.

He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Kind of a pity he and the others can't be dealt with the way they all should be....swinging from nooses on the South Lawn.


Shocked he hasn't been fired is Trump waiting on?

Someone else to do the firing, tRumPutin is a pussy!

we already said it several weeks ago

Rod Rosenstein will be fired

we did


it's no surprise to us now that what we said is coming true.

that's why I don't bother arguing with the left wing idiots here....:dunno:
The Russian lawyer is not the Russian government.

She presented herself as a representative of the Russian government. She has been IDENTIFIED as a Russian intel agent

The Trumps offered her nothing for information

That we know of. That makes it an illegal campaign finance DONATION from a foreign government

Information isn't considered "a thing of value" as far as election law is concerned. absolutely is
Even if he did do that, it's not illegal unless he gives them something in return.

We kbow he did do that based on his own e-mails and It absolutely IS illegal. That is a foreign government contributing a thing of value to an election. Completely illegal

However, the Russian lawyer is not the Russian government

She has been identified as a Russian agent and PRESENTED herself as an agent of the Russian government
Wrong, shit for brains. No one met with the Russian government. The Russian lawyer is not the Russian government.The Trumps offered her nothing for information, and she gave no information. Information isn't considered "a thing of value" as far as election law is concerned. If it was, then Hillary would be in prison now. You morons have been told this at least 1000 times, but you keep dragging it up. Either you're stupid, or you're dishonest pieces of shit. You're probably both.

She has been "identified as a Russian agent?" What does that even mean? She certainly doesn't work for Russian intelligence.

Face it: you are making shit up because you know this is a big nothing burger.

Lesh is in the final terminal phase of TDS, brought on by the complete failed collapse of Mueller's witch hunt, Ohr's testimony that helped expose the coup, McCabe admitting the collusion between the DOJ & FBI (QUID PRO QUO, 25th Amendment ploy, Obstruction ploy) and the coup....

The biggest treasonous scandal in US history has not only been exposed and proven, but it has been put out for the world to some sick Socialist circus freak show...

And CNN, the liberal media, Democrats, and snowflakes are in complete meltdown mode, trying to put out a house fire with a squirt gun.

The Russian lawyer is not the Russian government.

She presented herself as a representative of the Russian government. She has been IDENTIFIED as a Russian intel agent

Neither of those claims is true.

The Trumps offered her nothing for information

That we know of. That makes it an illegal campaign finance DONATION from a foreign government
If you don't know of it, then how can you claim it happened. "Bigfoot doesn't exist, that we know of" Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?

Information isn't considered "a thing of value" as far as election law is concerned. absolutely is

Wrong. I've been over this 1000 times. The former chairman of the FEC says it isn't. Who should we believe, him or you?
The Russian lawyer is not the Russian government.

She presented herself as a representative of the Russian government. She has been IDENTIFIED as a Russian intel agent

The Trumps offered her nothing for information

That we know of. That makes it an illegal campaign finance DONATION from a foreign government

Information isn't considered "a thing of value" as far as election law is concerned. absolutely is
Lesh, why are you bringing her up again?

It was a setup attempt by Obama, who had to override his own Department of Immigration, who had banned her from the country, to get her into the US. The place was bugged & his own ex-FBI Russian Interpreter was in the room....

Trump Jr left after 15 minutes after arranging a reason to leave with his Secretary...leaving with no information having exchanged hands...

And you hilariously want to call THAT meeting evidence of 'Russian Collusion', compared to Hillary who took over $100 million from Russians AND PAID THE RUSSIANS FOR THEIR HELP IN TRYING TO WIN IN 2016, specifically paid for a RUSSIAN-AUTHORED propaganda-filled document that Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI illegally used in a COUP ATTEMPT against the President of the United States....


You have lost your damn mind...
Even if he did do that, it's not illegal unless he gives them something in return.

We kbow he did do that based on his own e-mails and It absolutely IS illegal. That is a foreign government contributing a thing of value to an election. Completely illegal

However, the Russian lawyer is not the Russian government

She has been identified as a Russian agent and PRESENTED herself as an agent of the Russian government
The Russian lawyer is not the Russian government.

She presented herself as a representative of the Russian government. She has been IDENTIFIED as a Russian intel agent

The Trumps offered her nothing for information

That we know of. That makes it an illegal campaign finance DONATION from a foreign government

Information isn't considered "a thing of value" as far as election law is concerned. absolutely is
I repeat

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