ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.

Why is it bad for illegals to get free transportation to sanctuary cities?

Isn’t that what you want?
This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.

Really? So what you're saying is that taking leftist rhetoric seriously and acting on it is not in the best interests of the American people? You're admitting that the things you say are bad for America, and that you say it knowing that?
Horseshit. I admitted nothing. This is another instance of your whore trying to divide the U.S. Why can't these people be released where they are? This is merely political shit that your whore thought that he could get away with.

Incidentally, why does your whore repeatedly attack Democrats in his speeches? I take it from this that he is only president of republicans, not all Americans.
Pelosi fumes over White House plan to release immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities

Clip: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea “despicable.”

So sending illegal brown people to her district is OFF FUCKING LIMITS YO!

Of course I don't actually believe that makes her a racist but it does prove she is one big ass two faced hypocritical bitch.

Now imagine if Trump had tied the word despicable to illegals, can you imagine the lefts outrage? Oh wait! He said something similar you say? And they still hold it against him you say?
Obvious double standard is obvious
Then let you cock suckers give those cities your tax money so we can support them

Fuck you, we don't want them here AT ALL ! YOU PAY FOR THEM, YOUR SIDE WANTS TO KEEP THEM HERE.
This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.
In other words you hate Trump but you haven't yet figured out why.
This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.

Really? So what you're saying is that taking leftist rhetoric seriously and acting on it is not in the best interests of the American people? You're admitting that the things you say are bad for America, and that you say it knowing that?
Horseshit. I admitted nothing. This is another instance of your whore trying to divide the U.S. Why can't these people be released where they are? This is merely political shit that your whore thought that he could get away with.

Incidentally, why does your whore repeatedly attack Democrats in his speeches? I take it from this that he is only president of republicans, not all Americans.

You want them here, show your compassion then, let them camp on your front lawn !
Pelosi fumes over White House plan to release immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities

Clip: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea “despicable.”

So sending illegal brown people to her district is OFF FUCKING LIMITS YO!

Of course I don't actually believe that makes her a racist but it does prove she is one big ass two faced hypocritical bitch.

Now imagine if Trump had tied the word despicable to illegals, can you imagine the lefts outrage? Oh wait! He said something similar you say? And they still hold it against him you say?
Obvious double standard is obvious
Then let you cock suckers give those cities your tax money so we can support them

Fuck you, we don't want them here AT ALL ! YOU PAY FOR THEM, YOUR SIDE WANTS TO KEEP THEM HERE.

“Cocksuckers” he says.

Homophobic liberal, what a hypocrite.
This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.

Asshole, he is demonstrating to you that if you want illegals here, then these cities that want illegals harbored should be the ones to take them.
Put up, or shut up !
I will personally volunteer to drive a busload of these people from the border to the nearest sanctuary city !
isnt there a giant stadium in Louisiana with the cleanest restrooms we can dump about 10,000 of them in?
Sanctuary cities, time to roll out the red carpet to illegals. Don’t be xenophobic.

This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.

Really? So what you're saying is that taking leftist rhetoric seriously and acting on it is not in the best interests of the American people? You're admitting that the things you say are bad for America, and that you say it knowing that?
Horseshit. I admitted nothing. This is another instance of your whore trying to divide the U.S. Why can't these people be released where they are? This is merely political shit that your whore thought that he could get away with.

Incidentally, why does your whore repeatedly attack Democrats in his speeches? I take it from this that he is only president of republicans, not all Americans.

Horseshit. You may not want to ACKNOWLEDGE that you admitted it, but you did.

And then you signaled surrender with your "You disagree with me! That MUST mean you're a Trump fan, because there CAN'T be any other reason!!!!"

They shouldn't be released AT ALL. Why don't YOU want them in YOUR city? What's the point of declaring yourself a "sanctuary city" if you get your panties all ruffled about actually acting as a sanctuary? What the fuck did you think "sanctuary city" MEANT, other than the standard "I'm so much better and more moral than you are, because look at the bullshit I'm saying?"?

WE aren't the ones who keep blathering like brain-damaged baboons about how they need to be given a free pass to wander around a country they're not supposed to be in in the first place. WE aren't the ones who keep preening ourselves on our wonderfulness for demanding that they be allowed to violate our laws with impunity. WE aren't the ones who have spent years trying to claim the moral high ground for a bunch of empty words about how welcome they were in our cities. YOU did. So why should WE have to put up with them and deal with them, instead of YOU?

This is merely political shit YOU tried to get away with, and are now having to own.

I think we can tell who the REAL whores here are, Lice. And I can't imagine what about yourself ever made you think you were any kind of actual American.
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Sanctuary states and cities need to man-up !!
Send busses, pick the illegals up, bring them back to your place.
The libs are fully embracing illegals as long as they stay in Arizona and Texas.
This thread shows one thing for sure.....liberals have no sense of humor whatsoever. No wonder these people are miserable nearly every waking moment if their lives. Shit....the were times when Obama did something to pwn the right and you had to laugh because you knew how much Obama was laughing!

This story is hysterical s0ns!:abgg2q.jpg:

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