ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

Honestly I don't see why not, after all it's these sanctuary city policies that are encouraging the crisis we currently have at the border.
the crisis at the border is a refugee crisis, asylum seekers, NOT an illegal immigrant problem... asylum seekers do not need sanctuaries, they are here legally, while seeking asylum, which is done in an immigration court...

once they have their hearing and are accepted, they become refugees, legal refugees, if they are denied in court, then they are shipped home, if they try to reenter at a later time and cross illegally after their court hearings which denied them, they then become felons....

But again, there is no need for these asylum seekers to seek sanctuary in a city offering it, before their hearings... they legally have a right to be here, by law and by a treaty.
Honestly I don't see why not, after all it's these sanctuary city policies that are encouraging the crisis we currently have at the border.
the crisis at the border is a refugee crisis, asylum seekers, NOT an illegal immigrant problem... asylum seekers do not need sanctuaries, they are here legally, while seeking asylum, which is done in an immigration court...

once they have their hearing and are accepted, they become refugees, legal refugees, if they are denied in court, then they are shipped home, if they try to reenter at a later time and cross illegally after their court hearings which denied them, they then become felons....

But again, there is no need for these asylum seekers to seek sanctuary in a city offering it, before their hearings... they legally have a right to be here, by law and by a treaty.

Yeah, IF they were telling the truth, but most of these "asylum seekers" are simply gaming the system.
This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.

Really? So what you're saying is that taking leftist rhetoric seriously and acting on it is not in the best interests of the American people? You're admitting that the things you say are bad for America, and that you say it knowing that?
Horseshit. I admitted nothing. This is another instance of your whore trying to divide the U.S. Why can't these people be released where they are? This is merely political shit that your whore thought that he could get away with.

Incidentally, why does your whore repeatedly attack Democrats in his speeches? I take it from this that he is only president of republicans, not all Americans.

Horseshit. You may not want to ACKNOWLEDGE that you admitted it, but you did.

And then you signaled surrender with your "You disagree with me! That MUST mean you're a Trump fan, because there CAN'T be any other reason!!!!"

They shouldn't be released AT ALL. Why don't YOU want them in YOUR city? What's the point of declaring yourself a "sanctuary city" if you get your panties all ruffled about actually acting as a sanctuary? What the fuck did you think "sanctuary city" MEANT, other than the standard "I'm so much better and more moral than you are, because look at the bullshit I'm saying?"?

WE aren't the ones who keep blathering like brain-damaged baboons about how they need to be given a free pass to wander around a country they're not supposed to be in in the first place. WE aren't the ones who keep preening ourselves on our wonderfulness for demanding that they be allowed to violate our laws with impunity. WE aren't the ones who have spent years trying to claim the moral high ground for a bunch of empty words about how welcome they were in our cities. YOU did. So why should WE have to put up with them and deal with them, instead of YOU?

This is merely political shit YOU tried to get away with, and are now having to own.

I think we can tell who the REAL whores here are, Lice. And I can't imagine what about yourself ever made you think you were any kind of actual American.

I am an "actual American" whatever that means in your addled little head. Born and raised in New Jersey, have a birth certificate and carry a passport issued by the United States. Are you an "actual American"? How so?

Your whore resides about 20 minutes from where I live, considering that they will close 395 so that your whore's caravan can buzz through with a clear highway. Everybody can, and has come to live here. Folks here in Northern Virginia are a law-abiding bunch, just working and caring for their families.

You assholes have spent years blathering to us about how you are "Christian," "morality," "American values," and "the sanctity of life," yet you are incapable of focusing on the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of the others of the world's great religions, and on the "American values" that allowed my ancestors and your's to come and prosper here. Your anger and cruelty toward the unfortunate show what you are.

I hope that if you are anywhere near the border, you are bringing food to those families in need and arranging comfortable accommodations for them.

BTW: nobody allows anyone to rape, murder, steal, swindle, etc., at will. Persons who do so are arrested.

Let's send them to your front lawn then asshole.
You want them here, so your sanctuary cities need to put up or shut up.
"The Post quoted DHS officials as saying the administration sought to release detainees in the San Francisco-based district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif." :lol:

And they thought they already had a bad problem with human shit on the sidewalks...

In an ideal world we just ship them home BUT since that isn't an option this is a great idea. Flood sanctuary cities with more of them than they can handle.
You think this is brilliant?! How do you see it playing out? Flood the sanctuary cities and then they will suddenly realize the error in their ways and then they will magically come together in support of Trumps immigration policies and everything will be right in the world?!

Keep dreaming Gramps. It’s a cheap gotchya attempt that will only fuel each sides base to yell louder and fight harder. It’s not good for America. The drama continues.

Well the solution is to cut off funding for health care and welfare programs to cities that accept illegals.

Then you will see a dramatic shift in the thinking, when they themselves have to pay the bills.

But otherwise, I agree with your statement. Left-wing idiots never see their folly. Never. Venezuela is a perfect example. Even after complete and total implosion of their country, the left-wing is blaming everything, and everyone, except socialism and their bad policies.

Even Hugo Chavez did this. Remember it was "economic sabotage from the US" that caused rice shortages after price controls were put in place.

So, no matter what happens in San Fransisco, the toddlerism ideology will simply blame someone else for their problems. It will be the Federal government for not bailing them out.
No, we don’t allow our government to hold one program hostage to influence another. Thats a horrible idea

Why? We do that all the time. In fact, as far as I am aware that has been the standard for ages. If you don't follow education standards, schools are denied school lunch funding last I checked.

If I remember right, if a clinic denies Medicaid patients (because medicaid pays even less than Medicare), then you denied government health care funding, including Medicare.

This is normal operating procedure. Government routinely says if you don't do X, then we'll deny money for Y.
"The Post quoted DHS officials as saying the administration sought to release detainees in the San Francisco-based district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif." :lol:

And they thought they already had a bad problem with human shit on the sidewalks...
Well, with all those immigrants who need a job, no problemma!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
"The Post quoted DHS officials as saying the administration sought to release detainees in the San Francisco-based district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif." :lol:

And they thought they already had a bad problem with human shit on the sidewalks...

They created sanctuary for illegals, why then would they be against illegals being sent there ?
We should have kept your parents or grand parents out then scumbags like you wouldn't be here

They came here LEGALLY. They were registered at Ellis Island and came into the country with no expectation of government anything other than to be allowed to live and prosper. Which is what all four of my Grandparents did along with many of their friends. All four were happy to learn English and proud as could be when they became American citizens. They didn't form groups to denigrate "their" country (America).

You're thinking of the illegal aliens. You must be proud of yourself.

so one million new people? OMG !!! where are we gonna get 200,000 port o potties in a week?

No need for Port o Potties, Mayor disgraziato allows public urination, defecating in public should be a natural step. They do it on San Francisco streets all the time.

It's Official: Public Urination No Longer a Criminal ...
It's Official: Public Urination No Longer a Criminal Offense in New York City - Washington Free Beacon
New York City formally passed legislation this week that steers punishment for offenses such as public urination, littering, and drinking in public away from criminal court.
This is how fucking stupid Trump is and how fucking stupid his supporters are.

Go ahead,

Dump all these people in sanctuary cities likely in blue states. right before the fucking CENSUS.

You stupid fucks could INCREASE the number of Democrat Representatives in the House by altering the number of Reps a state gets.

Stupid fucking people doing stupid fucking shit.

You can't make this shit up!

Those lib sanctuary cities already vote Democrat so where exactly is the downside here, Skippy?
Pelosi fumes over White House plan to release immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities

Clip: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea “despicable.”

So sending illegal brown people to her district is OFF FUCKING LIMITS YO!

Of course I don't actually believe that makes her a racist but it does prove she is one big ass two faced hypocritical bitch.

Now imagine if Trump had tied the word despicable to illegals, can you imagine the lefts outrage? Oh wait! He said something similar you say? And they still hold it against him you say?
Obvious double standard is obvious

What a stupid ignorant post. Having a flood of people who would need housing & food & help without any funding would hurt a district. Nothing to do with race.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

Your just desserts not looking so tasty?
It will be a great help for us in the census. Too bad Trump pussed out.
I hear ya! Gotta get that control even if it means cheating. Typical progressive.

I say overwhelm them cocksuckers
Trump’s too much of a pussy

The idea is so patently stupid that it was almost certainly a plan the fucking idiot himself came up with.

Yet you cannot explain why it is stupid. That must mean you are dumber than Trump, right?
Democrats have been dumping the flotsam into rural middle America. Those are the areas slated for change. That's where the population democrats want to replace lives.

Ttump proposes something different. The sanctuaries should enjoy the benefit.
Politicians designate cities to be sanctuary cities because they believe that the illegals are peaceful and productive people. They are better human beings than Americans. They work harder, commit no crimes, love their children more and neither drink nor use drugs.

Liberals should be glad to have Trump drop busloads of these wonderful people off in their cities. Didn't Nancy Pelosi say that her grandson was crying because he wasn't brown? Well, he can be buggered by lots of wonderful brown men.

In an ideal world we just ship them home BUT since that isn't an option this is a great idea. Flood sanctuary cities with more of them than they can handle.
You think this is brilliant?! How do you see it playing out? Flood the sanctuary cities and then they will suddenly realize the error in their ways and then they will magically come together in support of Trumps immigration policies and everything will be right in the world?!

Keep dreaming Gramps. It’s a cheap gotchya attempt that will only fuel each sides base to yell louder and fight harder. It’s not good for America. The drama continues.

Well the solution is to cut off funding for health care and welfare programs to cities that accept illegals.

Then you will see a dramatic shift in the thinking, when they themselves have to pay the bills.

But otherwise, I agree with your statement. Left-wing idiots never see their folly. Never. Venezuela is a perfect example. Even after complete and total implosion of their country, the left-wing is blaming everything, and everyone, except socialism and their bad policies.

Even Hugo Chavez did this. Remember it was "economic sabotage from the US" that caused rice shortages after price controls were put in place.

So, no matter what happens in San Fransisco, the toddlerism ideology will simply blame someone else for their problems. It will be the Federal government for not bailing them out.
No, we don’t allow our government to hold one program hostage to influence another. Thats a horrible idea

Why? We do that all the time. In fact, as far as I am aware that has been the standard for ages. If you don't follow education standards, schools are denied school lunch funding last I checked.

If I remember right, if a clinic denies Medicaid patients (because medicaid pays even less than Medicare), then you denied government health care funding, including Medicare.

This is normal operating procedure. Government routinely says if you don't do X, then we'll deny money for Y.
Because we are talking about the health and well being of our poor and citizens. We don’t pull healthcare services for immigration issues. If you can’t understand why then I can’t help you

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