ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

Secondly; couldn’t the cities just bus these illegal aliens to a red state and drop them off there or the White House? Or the nearest Military Base?

I guess they *could* do a lot of things, including forcing the illegals onto buses to ship them to places they aren't welcome.

But that would show them to be the hypocrites they are, and that the President is actually right- the flood of Illegals coming across our border isn't a positive at all.

No. The President is incredibly stupid. This is just the latest evidence of brazen stupidity that gains traction with the equally daft.

If Illegals flooding into a town is such a point of positivity, why didn't Speaker Pelosi applaud the idea of them flooding into San Francisco when our President and the Maha Rushdie suggested it yesterday?

If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Trump’s too much of a pussy

The idea is so patently stupid that it was almost certainly a plan the fucking idiot himself came up with.

Yet you cannot explain why it is stupid. That must mean you are dumber than Trump, right?

You can’t fathom the dumbness of the idea so that must mean you’re either brain damaged or were born with a learning disability, right?

Sweetie.....let me tell you something.....we have 70 million US citizens euphoric this morning over the idea of illegals dumped in progressive cities!

The dumb are often easily amused.

But winning.....and it's all about the winning honey!

That this story throws the left a wicked curve ball causing a whiff.....just shows a lack of ability to connect the dots. Dums support sanctuary cities but think this is a bad idea?:wtf::wtf::wtf:. Talk about a classic case of disconnected thinking!:up:
Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

Maybe President Trump should remove the walls and fences from the border between California and Mexico?

If the wall is such a bad idea? It would help unknot the traffic jam at the border where people line up. We can replace the border agents with Costco style greeters telling the peeps coming by"Welcome to America- we love you"
If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Yeah, and walls don't work!

Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.
Those people are coming here from utopias. Conan will do more shows on that. I will watch you ph uks get your just due when things collapse.
Politicians designate cities to be sanctuary cities because they believe that the illegals are peaceful and productive people. They are better human beings than Americans. They work harder, commit no crimes, love their children more and neither drink nor use drugs.

Liberals should be glad to have Trump drop busloads of these wonderful people off in their cities. Didn't Nancy Pelosi say that her grandson was crying because he wasn't brown? Well, he can be buggered by lots of wonderful brown men.

Better than Trumpettes who spew hate & bigotry.
Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

Maybe President Trump should remove the walls and fences from the border between California and Mexico?

If the wall is such a bad idea? It would help unknot the traffic jam at the border where people line up. We can replace the border agents with Costco style greeters telling the peeps coming by"Welcome to America- we love you"
Another fucking idiot who thinks that a 40' concrete wall is the same as border fencing.
Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

Maybe President Trump should remove the walls and fences from the border between California and Mexico?

If the wall is such a bad idea? It would help unknot the traffic jam at the border where people line up. We can replace the border agents with Costco style greeters telling the peeps coming by"Welcome to America- we love you"

Will Mexico pay for the smocks too?
If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Yeah, and walls don't work!

Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.
Those people are coming here from utopias. Conan will do more shows on that. I will watch you ph uks get your just due when things collapse.

Who is Conan?
This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.

Why is it bad for illegals to get free transportation to sanctuary cities?

Isn’t that what you want?
OMG OMG OMG we have too many illegals and now you want to let therm all in.

This is how fucking stupid you people are.

1) You keep saying these people will vote Democrat
2) The census will give Democrats more representation in Congress
3) Dump them in San Francisco does not mean they will stay in San Francisco
4) If this is an invasion, you just allowed them all in.
5) You assfucks cheer this on because you are really that stupid.
Oh god I wish they would have went through with this ! :auiqs.jpg:

TRUMP EFFECT[/paste:font]
White House considered dumping migrants in 'sanctuary cities'
ICE lawyers rejected proposals to bus detained immigrants to Nancy Pelosi's district and other Democratic cities, The Washington Post reported.


WAPO: Trump admin. wanted ICE to release detainees in sanctuary cities
APRIL 12, 201903:57
DHS on Thursday night told NBC News the proposal had been "a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion."

The White House official confirmed the idea came up twice — initially as a query to ICE about the possibility, and later to inquire why it wouldn't be legally doable. Matthew Albence, who starts Friday as acting head of ICE, was involved in the assessment of the plan and the ultimate conclusion that it would not be feasible.

The Post quoted DHS officials as saying the administration sought to release detainees in the San Francisco-based district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and in other strongly Democratic districts. It said the White House told ICE that the plan was partly meant to conserve jail space but also partly to "send a message to Democrats."

A source familiar with the plan told NBC News it was designed to “somehow hurt Pelosi.”

Another source, the former DHS official, told NBC News of the Trump administration’s thinking: “Why release [migrants] into Yuma or Phoenix when you can release them in San Francisco where they want them?”

"The extent of this administration's cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated," a spokeswoman for Pelosi told NBC News. "Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable."

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller at a Republican dinner in Columbus, Ohio, in August.Leah Millis / Reuters file
The Post reported that two DHS whistleblowers independently reported the busing plan to Congress and that several DHS officials confirmed their accounts. Two DHS officials said Stephen Miller, a senior policy adviser who is widely reported to have assumed control of U.S. border policy, discussed the proposal with ICE, according to The Post.



At the center of Trump's Homeland chaos, Stephen Miller is the lone survivor
"Sanctuary cities" is a term used to describe jurisdictions that limit or ban cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Trump has accused Democrats of trying to "turn America into one giant sanctuary city for violent criminals and MS-13 and other gang killers."

Adam Edelman contributed.

White House considered dumping migrants in 'sanctuary cities'
Illegals? or those seeking asylum? Those are two different things.
Politicians designate cities to be sanctuary cities because they believe that the illegals are peaceful and productive people. They are better human beings than Americans. They work harder, commit no crimes, love their children more and neither drink nor use drugs.

Liberals should be glad to have Trump drop busloads of these wonderful people off in their cities. Didn't Nancy Pelosi say that her grandson was crying because he wasn't brown? Well, he can be buggered by lots of wonderful brown men.

Better than Trumpettes who spew hate & bigotry.

Yep....real Nazi's s0n.

Hows that political strategy working out for ya?:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Illegals? or those seeking asylum? Those are two different things.

Actually, they aren't. Illegals aren't stupid. When they get pinched for being illegal, they say they want to seek asylum and that means they can ask for a hearing which are being scheduled for 2023. And if they have minor children with them, they can't be held for more than 3 weeks and can't be sent back to their own countries to wait. So they are released into the community.

Illegals know how to work the broken system.

Our President is just suggesting that these illegals or asylum seekers- or whatever other label you want to use on these uninvited guests- be sent to sanctuary cities.
Illegals? or those seeking asylum? Those are two different things.

Actually, they aren't. Illegals aren't stupid. When they get pinched for being illegal, they say they want to seek asylum and that means they can ask for a hearing which are being scheduled for 2023. And if they have minor children with them, they can't be held for more than 3 weeks and can't be sent back to their own countries to wait. So they are released into the community.

Illegals know how to work the broken system.

Our President is just suggesting that these illegals or asylum seekers- or whatever other label you want to use on these uninvited guests- be sent to sanctuary cities.

Fuck you./ You don't know shit about these people.

You think you walk up & declare you need asylum & that is it? There are always people who cheat the system. Trump cheats on his tax returns, someone gets food stamps when they shouldn't you lied when you claimed your bride isn't your first cousin. In most cases, people that need help, get help.
If all of these morons who declare themselves spokespersons for Jesus and insist on calling the U.S.A. a "Christian nation," would step up to the plate and care for the stranger as Jesus taught, there would be no need for a "sanctuary city" because every city would be one.

All religions are contributing to the welfare of these seekers of refuge. One of the reasons stated for the massacre of Jewish people who were praying in Pittsburgh was that Jewish people, a minority in this country, had set up an organization to help these refugees. Christians and Muslims have also set up similar organizations for this purpose. Be mindful that each of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths has a period in the year that focuses on repentance and giving to others.

The obligation to care for the poor and refugees is deeply ingrained in the three Abrahamic faiths, and I think that other faiths agree. In our present world, we see people from the Middle East, from Africa, and from the Central America's fleeing from their homelands. Anyone of any country and any faith knows that it is a moral imperative to care for them.

I'm not a Christian, but historically the U.S. has been a "Christian nation", but not a Christian government.

Sanctuary cities have declared themselves a "safe space" for illegals. They now need to put their money where their mouths are.
The funny thing is, you'd think they would jump at the chance to have these people be sent to them.
Stupid fuckimng LIBs have painted themselves into a corner......AGAIN!
They have controlled Congress for over 100 days and haven't accomplished fuck all!.......except to habitually make themselves look like the fools they are.
Watch for the LIBs to nominated AOC to take over from Nancy.
Then she can she will hand the Islamofascist bitches House chairmanships.
so one million new people? OMG !!! where are we gonna get 200,000 port o potties in a week?

Let the cities of LA, San Fran, Portland, Seattle, pay for them.
If you drive in downtown Seattle today it smells like a fucking PORTA-POTTY that hasn't been cleaned in two months.
The downtown merchants are buying 'Febreeze by the case full!
There is no drama here, just cheap political tricks by the Democrats that have harm the country and created a humanitarian crisis at the border all to try to prevent the President from keeping his promise to build the border fence. In 2013, Chuck Schumer proposed to do all the same things Trump wants to do when Schumer proposed Senate bill S. 744; Chuck wanted to spend billions of dollars to build border fencing and billions more to buy surveillance equipment to make it a smart fence and all the immigration reforms Trump wants came from Schumer's bill. Obama supported it. Clinton supported it and expressed her sorrow it hadn't passed the House in her 2014 book, Hard Choices. Schumer claimed his bill would reduce illegal immigration across our southern border by at least 90%, and every Democrat in the Senate voted for it, but the bill died in the House.

There is no drama here at all, just cheap political tricks from the Democrats that are hurting everyone. It is just and fair that the Democrats who created this problem should bear the full burden of it. All of the illegals who have to be released should be sent to New York and San Francisco and all the other sanctuary cities the Democrats have created for no other reason than to try to embarrass the President.
Well, there is another reason that Dems give sanctuary. It's to build up the Democrat VOTE. That's the only reason I oppose the idea of dumping illegals into the laps of sanctuary cities.

Look, I don't want these people here at all, PERIOD !!

BUT, if we're going to be stuck with them, it only makes sense to send them to the cities that won't cooperate with ICE, have total disrespect for our immigration laws, and have declared themselves a sanctuary.

Let these cities put the fuck up, or shut the fuck up !

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