ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

so one million new people? OMG !!! where are we gonna get 200,000 port o potties in a week?

Let the cities of LA, San Fran, Portland, Seattle, pay for them.
If you drive in downtown Seattle today it smells like a fucking PORTA-POTTY that hasn't been cleaned in two months.
The downtown merchants are buying 'Febreeze by the case full!

Yes I know, Portland is just as bad, but these places have encouraged these people to come here by sending out the message that they are a sanctuary.
They've made their beds, let the fuckers sleep in it.
I`ll swap our Deplorables for illegals any day of the week. At least the illegals have some attractive women with full sets of teeth.
so one million new people? OMG !!! where are we gonna get 200,000 port o potties in a week?

Let the cities of LA, San Fran, Portland, Seattle, pay for them.
If you drive in downtown Seattle today it smells like a fucking PORTA-POTTY that hasn't been cleaned in two months.
The downtown merchants are buying 'Febreeze by the case full!

Yes I know, Portland is just as bad, but these places have encouraged these people to come here by sending out the message that they are a sanctuary.
They've made their beds, let the fuckers sleep in it.
The DEM leaders of these SC's have shit the bed and they are more than happy to welcome tens of thousands of illiterate illegals to lay in long as they produce the DEM votes later.
If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Yeah, and walls don't work!

Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there were 15 border walls in the world. Today, there are nearly 70.
Border walls help, they are a tool, ask the border patrol employees, not the fucking political leaders. Walls help.

But here's the real question, why are you guys on the left so desperate to keep the wall from being built ? Why don't all of you just come right out and be honest. You guys fight tooth and nail to stop ANY efforts that are intended to stop or slow the flow of illegals and refugee liars from coming here.
The Dimocrat party needs to make it clear instead of continuing the beating around the bush. We know you don't want secure borders, we know you want sanctuary cities, we know you want to provide illegals with taxpayers government resources, be honest about it, make a public announcement at the DNC convention.
I`ll swap our Deplorables for illegals any day of the week. At least the illegals have some attractive women with full sets of teeth.
We don't get to remove people based on their political views. That's how America works.
Perhaps you would be more at home in China or North Korea, though I doubt anyone would take you.
By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there were 15 border walls in the world. Today, there are nearly 70.
Border walls help, they are a tool, ask the border patrol employees, not the fucking political leaders. Walls help.
I've posted this link many times of all the nations that have put up walls (or barriers of any sort) of their own to keep parasites out. How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online

Without fail those posts are ignored. The liars and b.s. artists know they are in the wrong but all that matters is they get there way politically, even as the nation is being invaded.
So they continue to make their lying claims even when they know better, as they all do.

Don't ever let those pricks wrap themselves in the flag and claim they are the real patriots. I've seen that trick many times and it always turns my stomach over. They are traitors that belong in Gitmo, locked in cages and fed dog food.
This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.

Why is it bad for illegals to get free transportation to sanctuary cities?

Isn’t that what you want?
OMG OMG OMG we have too many illegals and now you want to let therm all in.

This is how fucking stupid you people are.

1) You keep saying these people will vote Democrat
2) The census will give Democrats more representation in Congress
3) Dump them in San Francisco does not mean they will stay in San Francisco
4) If this is an invasion, you just allowed them all in.
5) You assfucks cheer this on because you are really that stupid.

Look you stupid idiot, we don't want them here AT ALL !!

The whole point of this, is if they are going to simply given a court date, and then released, let's drop them off then in cities that want to protect them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let these cities deal with it, they are the fucking morons who announce to the world they are a sanctuary. They are the ones that encourage these people to head here in the fucking first place !
OMG OMG OMG we have too many illegals and now you want to let therm all in.

This is how fucking stupid you people are.

1) You keep saying these people will vote Democrat
2) The census will give Democrats more representation in Congress
3) Dump them in San Francisco does not mean they will stay in San Francisco
4) If this is an invasion, you just allowed them all in.
5) You assfucks cheer this on because you are really that stupid.
Another crude idiotic post from a real brainless clown. No one is saying we want to let more illegals into our nation just so we can take them to San Francisco, or Chicago or any other law breaking sanctuary dumping ground.
Where did you get that idea? Out of a dumpster? It's absolutely senseless and mind boggling!
The thought of showing our love for sanctuary cities by honoring their wishes crossed my mind in 2015 but I let it go. Had I capitalized on it then I'd be YOUR president today!
I`ll swap our Deplorables for illegals any day of the week. At least the illegals have some attractive women with full sets of teeth.
Well, the invaders are hardly attractive. Neither the men nor women are attractive. We know that the democrats are actively replacing the American population with one more obedient. This is the first suggestion that there are no attractive American women. Has there been a study? Do you have a link?
If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Yeah, and walls don't work!

Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there were 15 border walls in the world. Today, there are nearly 70.
Border walls help, they are a tool, ask the border patrol employees, not the fucking political leaders. Walls help.

But here's the real question, why are you guys on the left so desperate to keep the wall from being built ? Why don't all of you just come right out and be honest. You guys fight tooth and nail to stop ANY efforts that are intended to stop or slow the flow of illegals and refugee liars from coming here.
The Dimocrat party needs to make it clear instead of continuing the beating around the bush. We know you don't want secure borders, we know you want sanctuary cities, we know you want to provide illegals with taxpayers government resources, be honest about it, make a public announcement at the DNC convention.

Most illegals came here legally. Stats prove it.

But here’s the question. Since we know the wall will do nothing and there is no national emergency, can’t you just admit that this is about two things;

You don’t like brown people.

You think the wall will help you see fewer of them.
Well, the invaders are hardly attractive. Neither the men nor women are attractive. We know that the democrats are actively replacing the American population with one more obedient. This is the first suggestion that there are no attractive American women. Has there been a study? Do you have a link?
Democrats are looking to replace American citizens with uneducated compliant third world peons who are easy to bribe and buy off. It's that simple.
If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Yeah, and walls don't work!

Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there were 15 border walls in the world. Today, there are nearly 70.
Border walls help, they are a tool, ask the border patrol employees, not the fucking political leaders. Walls help.

But here's the real question, why are you guys on the left so desperate to keep the wall from being built ? Why don't all of you just come right out and be honest. You guys fight tooth and nail to stop ANY efforts that are intended to stop or slow the flow of illegals and refugee liars from coming here.
The Dimocrat party needs to make it clear instead of continuing the beating around the bush. We know you don't want secure borders, we know you want sanctuary cities, we know you want to provide illegals with taxpayers government resources, be honest about it, make a public announcement at the DNC convention.

Most illegals came here legally. Stats prove it.

But here’s the question. Since we know the wall will do nothing and there is no national emergency, can’t you just admit that this is about two things;

You don’t like brown people.

You think the wall will help you see fewer of them.

Why do you think walls "do nothing"? Should we do as the phony Mexican Beto suggests, and tear down the barriers between American and Mexico? We can start at the Pacific Coast.
This news demonstrates how much this whore in the Oval Office is only a political prostitute and not the leader of the American People who has only our best interests in mind. This demonstrates once again why he is not fit for office.

Why is it bad for illegals to get free transportation to sanctuary cities?

Isn’t that what you want?
OMG OMG OMG we have too many illegals and now you want to let therm all in.

This is how fucking stupid you people are.

1) You keep saying these people will vote Democrat
2) The census will give Democrats more representation in Congress
3) Dump them in San Francisco does not mean they will stay in San Francisco
4) If this is an invasion, you just allowed them all in.
5) You assfucks cheer this on because you are really that stupid.

No. You obviously don't understand our position, or perhaps are not capable of understanding it.

We are not 'cheering' this because it is a solution to the whole problem.

Right now, due to the courts, and the Democraps, there is no real solution. Every solution to the problem, has been blocked by people who don't care about immigrants, but love to have this be a political football they can kick around for their personal political gain.

So we don't have any viable means to fix this problem, thanks you scum sucking self-centered immigrant abusers people known as "democraps".

Therefore, if we can't keep them out, and we can't keep them in jail, and we can't enforce the law...... Then one option is, let us dump these people on the cities that claim they want them.

I would create a new law.... Sanctuary cities are exempt from turning in illegals. Sanctuary cities are denied welfare funding. Equally, illegals can be arrested and deported if they leave their sanctuary city.

Now everything else you say is true. They will vote democrap, but they do already, and they are already coming into the country. The census will give democraps more representation in congress, but they do already because of illegals. And some might not stay in San Francisco, but then we arrest and deport them if they leave the sanctuary. And it is an invasion, but they are already coming in now.... so nothing has changed.

So what you ignorantly pointed out is that there is no down side to this plan. Everything that you listed, is already happening right now.

And of course what we would hope, is that San Francisco will go bankrupt.

What is ironic is that even the ultra-left-wingers on your own side of the ideology, admit we need to have boarders. Bernie Sanders, the multi-millionaire capitalist rich guy who promotes socialism for everyone else, said himself that you can't have open boarders and a welfare system.

And this is one of the most obvious realities in the world. What if you had welfare for your home.... and to some extent you do. You pay for your families food, shelter, clothing, and other basic needs, without demanding anything in return. My brother-in-law, works to pay for his entire family. Not even my sister works a job. So it is a family sized welfare system.

Now, if you said you had an open-house policy, and anyone could come in, and use that welfare... it would be a few days, and you would be bankrupt as hundreds of people flooded into your house and ate, and drank, you into bankruptcy.

Nations are no different.

So.... let San Francisco have an open boarder for itself, and deny welfare to any city that wants to be a sanctuary to illegals. Let's see how well your socialist system works.
Honestly I don't see why not, after all it's these sanctuary city policies that are encouraging the crisis we currently have at the border.
the crisis at the border is a refugee crisis, asylum seekers, NOT an illegal immigrant problem... asylum seekers do not need sanctuaries, they are here legally, while seeking asylum, which is done in an immigration court...

once they have their hearing and are accepted, they become refugees, legal refugees, if they are denied in court, then they are shipped home, if they try to reenter at a later time and cross illegally after their court hearings which denied them, they then become felons....

But again, there is no need for these asylum seekers to seek sanctuary in a city offering it, before their hearings... they legally have a right to be here, by law and by a treaty.
Being taught to lie, and then lying to immigration authorities does not make one "legal". There are no conditions for asylum for the countries these migrants are coming from. Nor are these people are fleeing political or religious persecution. And no, a broken economy, or a failed state run by corrupt leaders, does not qualify one for "asylum". So it is more than obvious that this is a scam. This country is now under a well orchestrated attack by Soros and the Left.

  1. 1.
    the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee.
    "she applied for asylum and was granted refugee status"
  2. 2.
    an institution offering shelter and support to people who are mentally ill.
    "he'd been committed to an asylum"
    synonyms: psychiatric hospital, mental hospital, mental institution, mental asylum, institution; More
If all of these morons who declare themselves spokespersons for Jesus and insist on calling the U.S.A. a "Christian nation," would step up to the plate and care for the stranger as Jesus taught, there would be no need for a "sanctuary city" because every city would be one.

All religions are contributing to the welfare of these seekers of refuge. One of the reasons stated for the massacre of Jewish people who were praying in Pittsburgh was that Jewish people, a minority in this country, had set up an organization to help these refugees. Christians and Muslims have also set up similar organizations for this purpose. Be mindful that each of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths has a period in the year that focuses on repentance and giving to others.

The obligation to care for the poor and refugees is deeply ingrained in the three Abrahamic faiths, and I think that other faiths agree. In our present world, we see people from the Middle East, from Africa, and from the Central America's fleeing from their homelands. Anyone of any country and any faith knows that it is a moral imperative to care for them.
The obligation of a properly functioning state is to care for the health and welfare of its own citizens, and provide safety and security, including on its own borders. Sending financial help or other forms of aid to people in need in foreign countries is one thing, letting your country be invaded by millions of unvetted people, is another, and pure insanity and national suicide.
If all of these morons who declare themselves spokespersons for Jesus and insist on calling the U.S.A. a "Christian nation," would step up to the plate and care for the stranger as Jesus taught, there would be no need for a "sanctuary city" because every city would be one.

All religions are contributing to the welfare of these seekers of refuge. One of the reasons stated for the massacre of Jewish people who were praying in Pittsburgh was that Jewish people, a minority in this country, had set up an organization to help these refugees. Christians and Muslims have also set up similar organizations for this purpose. Be mindful that each of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths has a period in the year that focuses on repentance and giving to others.

The obligation to care for the poor and refugees is deeply ingrained in the three Abrahamic faiths, and I think that other faiths agree. In our present world, we see people from the Middle East, from Africa, and from the Central America's fleeing from their homelands. Anyone of any country and any faith knows that it is a moral imperative to care for them.

We have no obligation to care for people who break into our homes. Lawbreakers. The Bible does speak about visiting people in prison. It does not speak about taking care of people who break into your home and take your stuff. Illegally.

I don't care about "The Bible." Jesus didn't write any of it. No one is breaking into your home. Such hysteria!

Sure you care about it, Lysistrata. You talk about Jesus, Christianity, Christians, pastors, evangelicals, fundies and the like INCESSANTLY. You're obsessed.
They actually want more voters,mthats all, they don't care if they're criminals, or illegal immigrants. All they want is to get power to be able to impose their radical ideology which will bring about the demise of this country:


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