ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Yeah, and walls don't work!

Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there were 15 border walls in the world. Today, there are nearly 70.
Border walls help, they are a tool, ask the border patrol employees, not the fucking political leaders. Walls help.

But here's the real question, why are you guys on the left so desperate to keep the wall from being built ? Why don't all of you just come right out and be honest. You guys fight tooth and nail to stop ANY efforts that are intended to stop or slow the flow of illegals and refugee liars from coming here.
The Dimocrat party needs to make it clear instead of continuing the beating around the bush. We know you don't want secure borders, we know you want sanctuary cities, we know you want to provide illegals with taxpayers government resources, be honest about it, make a public announcement at the DNC convention.

Most illegals came here legally. Stats prove it.

But here’s the question. Since we know the wall will do nothing and there is no national emergency, can’t you just admit that this is about two things;

You don’t like brown people.

You think the wall will help you see fewer of them.

This is what makes all of your arguments feeble. You say “let them in, Just not where I live”. Very elitist and racist, and quite cowardly and weak.
If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Yeah, and walls don't work!

Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there were 15 border walls in the world. Today, there are nearly 70.
Border walls help, they are a tool, ask the border patrol employees, not the fucking political leaders. Walls help.

But here's the real question, why are you guys on the left so desperate to keep the wall from being built ? Why don't all of you just come right out and be honest. You guys fight tooth and nail to stop ANY efforts that are intended to stop or slow the flow of illegals and refugee liars from coming here.
The Dimocrat party needs to make it clear instead of continuing the beating around the bush. We know you don't want secure borders, we know you want sanctuary cities, we know you want to provide illegals with taxpayers government resources, be honest about it, make a public announcement at the DNC convention.

Most illegals came here legally. Stats prove it.

But here’s the question. Since we know the wall will do nothing and there is no national emergency, can’t you just admit that this is about two things;

You don’t like brown people.

You think the wall will help you see fewer of them.

Yes, the majority of illegals each year are from visa overstays...……….. Well, at least we think.

For instance in 2016, there were 569K visa overstays, and 409K border apprehensions.
But wait, what about the ones that sneak in and are not apprehended ? How many get in that we don't know about ?

Here's the deal though, the individuals that have stayed beyond their visa expirations passed a background check. While they should be rounded up and deported, at least we know much more about them than we do those that are either apprehended at the border and especially the ones that sneak in and we haven't a clue about them.

The bottom line is, we need enforcement at all levels, and a border wall, fence, whatever you wish to call it, will help. Why are you resistant to it ?

Your claim that it will "do nothing" is bullshit. It won't stop it, but it will help.

As for your "brown people" comment. What I want is people who will assimilate and speak English. I don't want to live in a country that is so balkanized it can barely function as a country, let alone a united country.

Brown is doing just fine, they have EVERYTHING south of our border all the way to the southern tip of Argentina.
If all of these morons who declare themselves spokespersons for Jesus and insist on calling the U.S.A. a "Christian nation," would step up to the plate and care for the stranger as Jesus taught, there would be no need for a "sanctuary city" because every city would be one.

All religions are contributing to the welfare of these seekers of refuge. One of the reasons stated for the massacre of Jewish people who were praying in Pittsburgh was that Jewish people, a minority in this country, had set up an organization to help these refugees. Christians and Muslims have also set up similar organizations for this purpose. Be mindful that each of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths has a period in the year that focuses on repentance and giving to others.

The obligation to care for the poor and refugees is deeply ingrained in the three Abrahamic faiths, and I think that other faiths agree. In our present world, we see people from the Middle East, from Africa, and from the Central America's fleeing from their homelands. Anyone of any country and any faith knows that it is a moral imperative to care for them.

We have no obligation to care for people who break into our homes. Lawbreakers. The Bible does speak about visiting people in prison. It does not speak about taking care of people who break into your home and take your stuff. Illegally.

I don't care about "The Bible." Jesus didn't write any of it. No one is breaking into your home. Such hysteria!

Sure you care about it, Lysistrata. You talk about Jesus, Christianity, Christians, pastors, evangelicals, fundies and the like INCESSANTLY. You're obsessed.
She claims to be an atheist. Most non believers are obsessed with instructing Christians on how to be a Christian, as if they know.
so one million new people? OMG !!! where are we gonna get 200,000 port o potties in a week?

Let the cities of LA, San Fran, Portland, Seattle, pay for them.
If you drive in downtown Seattle today it smells like a fucking PORTA-POTTY that hasn't been cleaned in two months.
The downtown merchants are buying 'Febreeze by the case full!

Yes I know, Portland is just as bad, but these places have encouraged these people to come here by sending out the message that they are a sanctuary.
They've made their beds, let the fuckers sleep in it.
Oh no no no no no
That would make libbies responsible for the consequences of their acts and responsibility is an oppressive act of suppression imposed by privledged white people.
Put sanctuary cities to the test. Let's put Alinskyite tactics to good use and see if leftist actions match their self proclaimed so called values.
If all of these morons who declare themselves spokespersons for Jesus and insist on calling the U.S.A. a "Christian nation," would step up to the plate and care for the stranger as Jesus taught, there would be no need for a "sanctuary city" because every city would be one.

All religions are contributing to the welfare of these seekers of refuge. One of the reasons stated for the massacre of Jewish people who were praying in Pittsburgh was that Jewish people, a minority in this country, had set up an organization to help these refugees. Christians and Muslims have also set up similar organizations for this purpose. Be mindful that each of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths has a period in the year that focuses on repentance and giving to others.

The obligation to care for the poor and refugees is deeply ingrained in the three Abrahamic faiths, and I think that other faiths agree. In our present world, we see people from the Middle East, from Africa, and from the Central America's fleeing from their homelands. Anyone of any country and any faith knows that it is a moral imperative to care for them.

We have no obligation to care for people who break into our homes. Lawbreakers. The Bible does speak about visiting people in prison. It does not speak about taking care of people who break into your home and take your stuff. Illegally.

I don't care about "The Bible." Jesus didn't write any of it. No one is breaking into your home. Such hysteria!

Sure you care about it, Lysistrata. You talk about Jesus, Christianity, Christians, pastors, evangelicals, fundies and the like INCESSANTLY. You're obsessed.
She claims to be an atheist. Most non believers are obsessed with instructing Christians on how to be a Christian, as if they know.

I never claimed to be an atheist, although there is nothing wrong with it, so you are a liar from the git-go. I find your brand of false, cheesy Jesus-less Christianity abhorant. It's an ignorant cult.

Bet you run after graham or jeffress or swaggart or some similar asshole. Bet you run after some "pastah."

If you have anything written by Jesus, you should share it.
Well Mien Fuhrer, first you need to build a big wall around the city, then you can start dumping all the undesirables inside. Otherwise they'll escape to the good countryside.

You can determine their final disposition later.
Sorry, BB, I'm a girl. I think the law that says Immigrants are welcome, get on the list for admittance was the very best we had. Others who break the law need to realize, that in order to come here, you have to obey our laws. That is, register, wait your turn.

I'm sorry I was thinking of Herr Trumps' policy.

Wasn't he was talking about dumping the asylum seekers in Democratic controlled cities, not legal immigrants?

Why stop with dumping them? They obviously know how to walk. They'll just move out of the cities. If you're gonna dump them, best to wall them in so the can't infect the rest of the country. We can determine what to do with them later. A final solution if you will!


With that logic why don't blacks in the ghetto go to the rich part of town to loot and riot instead of pooping where they live?

I don't care about "The Bible." Jesus didn't write any of it. No one is breaking into your home. Such hysteria!
If you don't care about the bible then stop using Jesus as a club with which to assault people who want to stop this human invasion of our Southern border. It's fucking hypocritical and dishonest, not that you seem to care.

The people in an earlier caravan were offered asylum in Mexico and they turned it down, obviously preferring the deeper pockets of Uncle Scam. If I let one homeless person crash the night on my couch do I then owe it to every freeloader for miles around to live in my home?
There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

― Oscar Wilde

One must have a heart of stone to read about the Dems' angst over Trump sending illegals to their cities without bursting into laughter.

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If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Yeah, and walls don't work!

Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there were 15 border walls in the world. Today, there are nearly 70.
Border walls help, they are a tool, ask the border patrol employees, not the fucking political leaders. Walls help.

But here's the real question, why are you guys on the left so desperate to keep the wall from being built ? Why don't all of you just come right out and be honest. You guys fight tooth and nail to stop ANY efforts that are intended to stop or slow the flow of illegals and refugee liars from coming here.
The Dimocrat party needs to make it clear instead of continuing the beating around the bush. We know you don't want secure borders, we know you want sanctuary cities, we know you want to provide illegals with taxpayers government resources, be honest about it, make a public announcement at the DNC convention.

Most illegals came here legally. Stats prove it.

But here’s the question. Since we know the wall will do nothing and there is no national emergency, can’t you just admit that this is about two things;

You don’t like brown people.

You think the wall will help you see fewer of them.

We give you a hundred links on how the wall does something and you continue to post the wall does nothing..why is that ???

Are you and the left just brain dead, mental, sheep, propaganda tools, what is it?

Please help us out here..

Honestly I don't see why not, after all it's these sanctuary city policies that are encouraging the crisis we currently have at the border.
the crisis at the border is a refugee crisis, asylum seekers, NOT an illegal immigrant problem... asylum seekers do not need sanctuaries, they are here legally, while seeking asylum, which is done in an immigration court...

once they have their hearing and are accepted, they become refugees, legal refugees, if they are denied in court, then they are shipped home, if they try to reenter at a later time and cross illegally after their court hearings which denied them, they then become felons....

But again, there is no need for these asylum seekers to seek sanctuary in a city offering it, before their hearings... they legally have a right to be here, by law and by a treaty.
Being taught to lie, and then lying to immigration authorities does not make one "legal". There are no conditions for asylum for the countries these migrants are coming from. Nor are these people are fleeing political or religious persecution. And no, a broken economy, or a failed state run by corrupt leaders, does not qualify one for "asylum". So it is more than obvious that this is a scam. This country is now under a well orchestrated attack by Soros and the Left.

  1. 1.
    the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee.
    "she applied for asylum and was granted refugee status"
  2. 2.
    an institution offering shelter and support to people who are mentally ill.
    "he'd been committed to an asylum"
    synonyms: psychiatric hospital, mental hospital, mental institution, mental asylum, institution; More

Just a lefty overused ploy...

Change the word..

Liberal >>>now progressive

Global cooling>>>global warming >> now climate change

Illegal rapist killer Mexican >>Now asylum seeker

I don't care about "The Bible." Jesus didn't write any of it. No one is breaking into your home. Such hysteria!
If you don't care about the bible then stop using Jesus as a club with which to assault people who want to stop this human invasion of our Southern border. It's fucking hypocritical and dishonest, not that you seem to care.

The people in an earlier caravan were offered asylum in Mexico and they turned it down, obviously preferring the deeper pockets of Uncle Scam. If I let one homeless person crash the night on my couch do I then owe it to every freeloader for miles around to live in my home?

The bible has very little to due with Jesus. Jesus and "the bible" do not have a relationship. Most of what is known about "the bible' consists of the teachings of other humans. Are you quoting these men paul/saul or timothy or something?
This is really the perfect answer. As we have said over and over, we conservatives don't want them here at all !

But, if we are going to end up catching them, giving them a court date, and then releasing them, why not make sure they end up on the streets of cities that want to protect them ?

My god, Dims have the perfect opportunity here to show the world they back up what they say.

Trump shouldn't even have to threaten to do this. Places like LA, San Fran, Portland and Seattle should be sending buses down to the border on their own.
Secondly; couldn’t the cities just bus these illegal aliens to a red state and drop them off there or the White House? Or the nearest Military Base?

Sure they could. And wouldn't that be GREAT on TV and the Internet? Sanctuary cities busing people seeking sanctuary out of their sanctuary city and to cities NOT offering sanctuary.

If all of these morons who declare themselves spokespersons for Jesus and insist on calling the U.S.A. a "Christian nation," would step up to the plate and care for the stranger as Jesus taught, there would be no need for a "sanctuary city" because every city would be one.

All religions are contributing to the welfare of these seekers of refuge. One of the reasons stated for the massacre of Jewish people who were praying in Pittsburgh was that Jewish people, a minority in this country, had set up an organization to help these refugees. Christians and Muslims have also set up similar organizations for this purpose. Be mindful that each of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths has a period in the year that focuses on repentance and giving to others.

The obligation to care for the poor and refugees is deeply ingrained in the three Abrahamic faiths, and I think that other faiths agree. In our present world, we see people from the Middle East, from Africa, and from the Central America's fleeing from their homelands. Anyone of any country and any faith knows that it is a moral imperative to care for them.

We have no obligation to care for people who break into our homes. Lawbreakers. The Bible does speak about visiting people in prison. It does not speak about taking care of people who break into your home and take your stuff. Illegally.

I don't care about "The Bible." Jesus didn't write any of it. No one is breaking into your home. Such hysteria!

Sure you care about it, Lysistrata. You talk about Jesus, Christianity, Christians, pastors, evangelicals, fundies and the like INCESSANTLY. You're obsessed.
She claims to be an atheist. Most non believers are obsessed with instructing Christians on how to be a Christian, as if they know.

I never claimed to be an atheist, although there is nothing wrong with it, so you are a liar from the git-go. I find your brand of false, cheesy Jesus-less Christianity abhorant. It's an ignorant cult.

Bet you run after graham or jeffress or swaggart or some similar asshole. Bet you run after some "pastah."

If you have anything written by Jesus, you should share it.

Obsession with Christianity noted.

Oh god I wish they would have went through with this ! :auiqs.jpg:

TRUMP EFFECT[/paste:font]
White House considered dumping migrants in 'sanctuary cities'
ICE lawyers rejected proposals to bus detained immigrants to Nancy Pelosi's district and other Democratic cities, The Washington Post reported.
WAPO: Trump admin. wanted ICE to release detainees in sanctuary cities
APRIL 12, 201903:57
DHS on Thursday night told NBC News the proposal had been "a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion."

The White House official confirmed the idea came up twice — initially as a query to ICE about the possibility, and later to inquire why it wouldn't be legally doable. Matthew Albence, who starts Friday as acting head of ICE, was involved in the assessment of the plan and the ultimate conclusion that it would not be feasible.

The Post quoted DHS officials as saying the administration sought to release detainees in the San Francisco-based district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and in other strongly Democratic districts. It said the White House told ICE that the plan was partly meant to conserve jail space but also partly to "send a message to Democrats."

A source familiar with the plan told NBC News it was designed to “somehow hurt Pelosi.”

Another source, the former DHS official, told NBC News of the Trump administration’s thinking: “Why release [migrants] into Yuma or Phoenix when you can release them in San Francisco where they want them?”

"The extent of this administration's cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated," a spokeswoman for Pelosi told NBC News. "Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable."

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller at a Republican dinner in Columbus, Ohio, in August.Leah Millis / Reuters file
The Post reported that two DHS whistleblowers independently reported the busing plan to Congress and that several DHS officials confirmed their accounts. Two DHS officials said Stephen Miller, a senior policy adviser who is widely reported to have assumed control of U.S. border policy, discussed the proposal with ICE, according to The Post.

At the center of Trump's Homeland chaos, Stephen Miller is the lone survivor
"Sanctuary cities" is a term used to describe jurisdictions that limit or ban cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Trump has accused Democrats of trying to "turn America into one giant sanctuary city for violent criminals and MS-13 and other gang killers."

Adam Edelman contributed.

White House considered dumping migrants in 'sanctuary cities'
It's not off the table.


The Democrat Party has come out against the rule of law and in favor of illegal immigration. Opposing open borders, Democrats say, is immoral. OK, fine–where are the tens of millions of people who would like to move here from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and so on going to go? Liberals imagine them inhabiting places where they don’t live. Flyoverland.

Without the immigration increase from 1965 to the present, total population today in 2015 would have been 250 million, rather than 320 million. Based on current trends, in 2065 we will have 535 million here. And this assumes no Gang of Ocho immigration “reform” which would essentially double current levels of immigration.

Over our children’s lifetime, the immigration celebrationists are planning on adding a minimum of 180 million, the entire population of the United States just before the disastrous 1965 Act.

So, put them in the Sanctuary Cities. As Trump pointed out, this should make them happy. Instead they reacted with fury to the idea that the many millions of illegal immigrants whom they want to import into the U.S. might actually live near them. But isn’t that precisely what a sanctuary city is for?

Democrats were, naturally, outraged. This is a teachable moment.

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