ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

I`ll swap our Deplorables for illegals any day of the week. At least the illegals have some attractive women with full sets of teeth.

Why do I suspect that your problem with women has more to do with none of them letting you anywhere near them, teeth or no?

I will happily accept 100 illegals if we can just ship you where they came from in exchange.
I`ve been happily married for 36 years. Just WTF are you babbling incoherently about anyway?

I'm talking quite coherently about your misogynistic need to judge women on appearance. Please don't assume that because your wife puts up with your bitterness and vitriol toward women, that makes it okay. And definitely don't assume that because you don't understand things, that must mean they don't make sense. It's far more likely that you just don't read well.
By proposing to send migrants to sanctuary cities, President Trump pulled the curtain back on Democratic leadership, showing their hypocrisy
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. for civil purposes.

The several States should be able to charge up to ten dollars per person to ensure compliance with State inspection laws.

You have no clue what you're talking about, hombre.

Not now, not hundred of previous times you wrote the same sentence.
But releasing undocumented immigrants into sanctuary cities isn’t any more morally odious than sabotaging America’s health-care system, subjecting hundreds of thousands of American-raised immigrants to the threat of deportation, or shuttering the federal government for weeks on end in a fit of pique. In fact, Trump’s new gambit is much less objectionable from a moral standpoint. After all, if one rejects his racist (and empirically baseless) presumptions about the effect that undocumented immigrants have on urban life, then he is essentially threatening to provide asylum-seekers with free transportation to cities that are currently in need of more labor, and which have proved to be especially accommodating to America’s newcomers.

As far as this president’s hostage-taking threats go, that’s a rather benign proposition.

Trump’s Sanctuary-Cities Threat Is His Latest Bid to Govern by Sabotage

There is nothing wrong with releasing illegals into sanctuary cities, since purpose of the sanctuary is to "protect" such people. Let them put the money where their mouth is. I haven't seen anyone complain then Barry allocated Somali refugees into Minnesota, without getting their permission.

American healthcare system was sabotaged by BarryCare.

When you say "American-raised immigrants" you're thinking of illegals. Illegals are not American-raised, and they're not immigrants.

There is no threat of deportation to immigrants, since immigrants are those who are legally in the country. Illegals have no right to be here, and since Democrats are blocking their deportation, than Democrats should invite them into their states.
the hypocrisy is that it is our own, expensive, and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are what is creating more refugees.
By proposing to send migrants to sanctuary cities, President Trump pulled the curtain back on Democratic leadership, showing their hypocrisy
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. for civil purposes.

The several States should be able to charge up to ten dollars per person to ensure compliance with State inspection laws.

You have no clue what you're talking about, hombre.

Not now, not hundred of previous times you wrote the same sentence.
no dear, you have no understanding of the concepts involved.
I haven't seen anyone complain then Barry allocated Somali refugees into Minnesota, without getting their permission.

From the day Obama took office — Jan. 20, 2009 — to the last full day of his presidency — Jan. 19, 2017 — there were 54,514 Somali refugees that arrived in the U.S., according to the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. Of those, 6,320 went to Minnesota.

American healthcare system was sabotaged by BarryCare.

American Insurance care was a joke before the ACA. Guess what , it still is.

"American-raised immigrants" you're thinking


Trumpublicans just love Trumpybear cause he's love being an asshole.

Seriously, where do you think most of these people are going to go anyway? Big cities of course.
By proposing to send migrants to sanctuary cities, President Trump pulled the curtain back on Democratic leadership, showing their hypocrisy
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. for civil purposes.

The several States should be able to charge up to ten dollars per person to ensure compliance with State inspection laws.

You have no clue what you're talking about, hombre.

Not now, not hundred of previous times you wrote the same sentence.

And this is standard idiotic reply to anything that leftist can't refute.

But releasing undocumented immigrants into sanctuary cities isn’t any more morally odious than sabotaging America’s health-care system, subjecting hundreds of thousands of American-raised immigrants to the threat of deportation, or shuttering the federal government for weeks on end in a fit of pique. In fact, Trump’s new gambit is much less objectionable from a moral standpoint. After all, if one rejects his racist (and empirically baseless) presumptions about the effect that undocumented immigrants have on urban life, then he is essentially threatening to provide asylum-seekers with free transportation to cities that are currently in need of more labor, and which have proved to be especially accommodating to America’s newcomers.

As far as this president’s hostage-taking threats go, that’s a rather benign proposition.

Trump’s Sanctuary-Cities Threat Is His Latest Bid to Govern by Sabotage

There is nothing wrong with releasing illegals into sanctuary cities, since purpose of the sanctuary is to "protect" such people. Let them put the money where their mouth is. I haven't seen anyone complain then Barry allocated Somali refugees into Minnesota, without getting their permission.

American healthcare system was sabotaged by BarryCare.

When you say "American-raised immigrants" you're thinking of illegals. Illegals are not American-raised, and they're not immigrants.

There is no threat of deportation to immigrants, since immigrants are those who are legally in the country. Illegals have no right to be here, and since Democrats are blocking their deportation, than Democrats should invite them into their states.
the hypocrisy is that it is our own, expensive, and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are what is creating more refugees.

Funny how you equate those three, like they're the same thing.

Some people did something, right? Fuck off, imbecile.
"For some reason, Democrats don't like pipelines -- they don't like energy," Trump says in Minnesota, before pivoting to immigration. "Who do you think these countries are giving us -- they're not giving us their finest, I can tell you." He calls asylum seekers "a big con job"
I haven't seen anyone complain then Barry allocated Somali refugees into Minnesota, without getting their permission.

From the day Obama took office — Jan. 20, 2009 — to the last full day of his presidency — Jan. 19, 2017 — there were 54,514 Somali refugees that arrived in the U.S., according to the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. Of those, 6,320 went to Minnesota.

No, that data is from

And remaining 70K Somalis just happen to live there, right?

American healthcare system was sabotaged by BarryCare.

American Insurance care was a joke before the ACA. Guess what , it still is.
Insurance doesn't provide care.

And if is still a joke, bother with ACA?

"American-raised immigrants" you're thinking


Trumpublicans just love Trumpybear cause he's love being an asshole.

Seriously, where do you think most of these people are going to go anyway? Big cities of course.

DACA recipients are still illegals. Just because Barry unconstitutionally signed it, doesn't make them legal in the country.
I believe this is the wrong decision. Making sanctuary cities be overpopulated with illegal immigrants will not solve problems for the president but it will cause a major amount of chaos for several people and the cities.
I believe this is the wrong decision. Making sanctuary cities be overpopulated with illegal immigrants will not solve problems for the president but it will cause a major amount of chaos for several people and the cities.

Sanctuary cities and states help create illegal immigration by sending out the word that they will help you evade ICE.
They attract them, they should be the ones footing the bill.
If all of these morons who declare themselves spokespersons for Jesus and insist on calling the U.S.A. a "Christian nation," would step up to the plate and care for the stranger as Jesus taught, there would be no need for a "sanctuary city" because every city would be one.

All religions are contributing to the welfare of these seekers of refuge. One of the reasons stated for the massacre of Jewish people who were praying in Pittsburgh was that Jewish people, a minority in this country, had set up an organization to help these refugees. Christians and Muslims have also set up similar organizations for this purpose. Be mindful that each of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths has a period in the year that focuses on repentance and giving to others.

The obligation to care for the poor and refugees is deeply ingrained in the three Abrahamic faiths, and I think that other faiths agree. In our present world, we see people from the Middle East, from Africa, and from the Central America's fleeing from their homelands. Anyone of any country and any faith knows that it is a moral imperative to care for them.

We have no obligation to care for people who break into our homes. Lawbreakers. The Bible does speak about visiting people in prison. It does not speak about taking care of people who break into your home and take your stuff. Illegally.

I don't care about "The Bible." Jesus didn't write any of it. No one is breaking into your home. Such hysteria!

First you want to lecture us on how we need to "care for the stranger as Jesus taught', and then when you're told that's not what Jesus taught, you suddenly want to tell us how you don't care about the Bible. What you're really saying is that you want to congratulate yourself on how "superior" you are while forcing others to carry the burden of your self-satisfaction, and whatever excuse you think will work at the moment is fine. And if it contradicts what you said two minutes ago and makes you a shitbag hypocrite, that's okay too.

Tell me again: why should anyone even listen to you, let alone give a rat's ass if garbage like you doesn't approve of them?

I don't care about much in the bible. Nobody of devine origin wrote it. It was put together by people who wanted to satisfy Constantine.To the extent that it deals with the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, I might be interested. Otherwise, it's not particularly more relevant than the Gnostics or anyone else. How about those folks who quote Leviticus and Deuteronomy but are not ultra orthodox Jews. I've read them. Good luck following it all.

What is devine
I believe this is the wrong decision. Making sanctuary cities be overpopulated with illegal immigrants will not solve problems for the president but it will cause a major amount of chaos for several people and the cities.

Pretty sure that WAS the problem the President wanted to solve: making loudmouthed virtue signalers actually live with the consequences of their empty, mindless prattling instead of fobbing them off onto other people to deal with. Perhaps we can FINALLY approach a serious conversation about illegal immigration policy when leftists can't play the NIMBY game.
Amazing...the extent of your ignorance of where Native American culture was before Columbus.........
Or YOUR ignorance. It was killing other American Indians, for centuries, + living in the stone age. Hardly what could be called a "culture"
From Dragon lady
These refugees are PEOPLE, families. How about you treat them like people? Treat them the way YOU would want to be treated if you were forced to leave your homes.

Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me: Matthew 25:40
Trouble is they are only "refugees" to those dumb enough to be suckered by that con job.

Or those deceitful enough, to try to use it to obtain political advantage.
Certainly they want to stay away from the bigots in the Red States.
The Democrats are showing their "bigot" (if that's how you want to put it) colors, as much as anyone ever did. "Not in MY backyard"

Suddenly they're not so compassionate any more. LOL This is too funny.
Certainly they want to stay away from the bigots in the Red States.
The Democrats are showing their "bigot" (if that's how you want to put it) colors, as much as anyone ever did. "Not in MY backyard"

Suddenly they're not so compassionate any more. LOL This is too funny.

Democrats are against Trump using refugees as political weapons,. Evidently you think that is OK.

You also think it is OK to dump these people in areas already struggling with the number of people needing help. It has nothing to do with who these people are.

You people are the bigots & racists. You seem to be proud of it.

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