ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

There is no drama here, just cheap political tricks by the Democrats that have harm the country and created a humanitarian crisis at the border all to try to prevent the President from keeping his promise to build the border fence. In 2013, Chuck Schumer proposed to do all the same things Trump wants to do when Schumer proposed Senate bill S. 744; Chuck wanted to spend billions of dollars to build border fencing and billions more to buy surveillance equipment to make it a smart fence and all the immigration reforms Trump wants came from Schumer's bill. Obama supported it. Clinton supported it and expressed her sorrow it hadn't passed the House in her 2014 book, Hard Choices. Schumer claimed his bill would reduce illegal immigration across our southern border by at least 90%, and every Democrat in the Senate voted for it, but the bill died in the House.

There is no drama here at all, just cheap political tricks from the Democrats that are hurting everyone. It is just and fair that the Democrats who created this problem should bear the full burden of it. All of the illegals who have to be released should be sent to New York and San Francisco and all the other sanctuary cities the Democrats have created for no other reason than to try to embarrass the President.
Well, there is another reason that Dems give sanctuary. It's to build up the Democrat VOTE. That's the only reason I oppose the idea of dumping illegals into the laps of sanctuary cities.

As I pointed out before, who cares? Those cities and states vote Democrat anyway!
If these stories of illegals are true, the would effect the down ticket.

Who the fuck cares if California elects more mayors, city council members, etc.? Answer: No one with an IQ above room temp!
More seats, more funding.

Trump allowed this by wasting time pouting about his stupid fucking wall instead of taking real action.
:icon_rolleyes: The caravans put together and planned by Marxists in Chicago and elsewhere are all Trump's fault. What a dumb fuck, you are! How do you suppose he could have stopped the human tsunami? Send the bombers down to Mexico?

By pissing off Mexico instead of cooperation to help us. By cutting off funding to the countries in strife sending these refugees. By being a worthless, lying piece of shit who only threaten & bully.
Obviously paying off the
nations of Central America to keep the peasants happy hasn't turned out too well, has it. Or are you so dumb you
haven't noticed the problem at the Southern border?
And Mexico HAS helped, and alternately NOT helped stem the flow. Mexico Moves to Disband Caravan of Illegal Aliens After Being Blasted By President Trump on Twitter

Your problem is you want to see Trump fail so badly it's messed up your so called thinking.

Caravans are not some evil plan to get your orange buddy.

They are formed to help people escape violence on their home country.

What has Trump done about this? He yelled at Mexico, he threatened Mexico, he whines about hjs stupid wall, he called those in caravans names.

But in reality, he has done nothing.

He should have expanded the containment areas, expanded the infrastructure to handle them.

Maybe if Trump actually was a leader, we would have a solution.

He should have increased aid to these Central America countries & worked with them. Instead the dunbasss cut funding.

Why? So those containment areas can sit empty after 20 days when the courts ruled that they can no longer be detained?

Is your IQ higher than the average temp in Point Barrow, Alaska?
Funny how Trumpettes think it is OK for a President to use his office for political attacks. Through the tax code & through sending refugees.

When a Democrats wins in 2020, he put a special tax of snuff & chewing tobacco, cheap beer, & you Trumpettes will run through the streets crying,

He? No woman candidate? You misogynist bastard!
Boy the left is sure fighting tooth and nail this morning ! They continue to claim it would be illegal, and they call Trump heartless for using these people as pawns.

So funny to see these people fight against keeping these people out of their cities. The show us how hypocritical they are.

Stupidity is complaining about illegal immigrants & allowing them in & placing them in areas where ICE can't get them.

You people are dumber that shit.

No, it means you libtards that support sanctuary cities and states will suffer from your own stupidity!
Funny how Trumpettes think it is OK for a President to use his office for political attacks. Through the tax code & through sending refugees.

When a Democrats wins in 2020, he put a special tax of snuff & chewing tobacco, cheap beer, & you Trumpettes will run through the streets crying,

"refugees" LOL

Trump is exposing sanctuary cities that neglect their own citizens to virtue signal for poor immigrants who are invaders trespassers and unwelcome.

Why sanctuary cities are complaining over getting something what makes them "sanctuaries" at the first place?

And Trump, if he does it, and I certainly hope so, is a fucking genius.
Boy the left is sure fighting tooth and nail this morning ! They continue to claim it would be illegal, and they call Trump heartless for using these people as pawns.

So funny to see these people fight against keeping these people out of their cities. The show us how hypocritical they are.

Stupidity is complaining about illegal immigrants & allowing them in & placing them in areas where ICE can't get them.

You people are dumber that shit.

No, it means you libtards that support sanctuary cities and states will suffer from your own stupidity!

Oh my god, illegals makes us less safe? No way. Really?

Cory Booker Admits Releasing Migrants In Sanctuary Cities Would "Make Us Less Safe"
They want sanctuary, we will give it to them but like 3 years olds once you give the libbies what they want then they don’t want it and in fact you are a bad person for having given it to them.
Lib 101
If water is a basic building block for life, why do we build sea walls?
Yeah, and walls don't work!

Correct. A human figures out how to get around them if they are there and what is on the other side is worth it.

Water and small minded organisms like Trump voters….can not.

By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there were 15 border walls in the world. Today, there are nearly 70.
Border walls help, they are a tool, ask the border patrol employees, not the fucking political leaders. Walls help.

But here's the real question, why are you guys on the left so desperate to keep the wall from being built ? Why don't all of you just come right out and be honest. You guys fight tooth and nail to stop ANY efforts that are intended to stop or slow the flow of illegals and refugee liars from coming here.
The Dimocrat party needs to make it clear instead of continuing the beating around the bush. We know you don't want secure borders, we know you want sanctuary cities, we know you want to provide illegals with taxpayers government resources, be honest about it, make a public announcement at the DNC convention.

Most illegals came here legally. Stats prove it.

But here’s the question. Since we know the wall will do nothing and there is no national emergency, can’t you just admit that this is about two things;

You don’t like brown people.

You think the wall will help you see fewer of them.

Yes, walls will help. Absolutely.
It appears most Dims and libs simply wanted to create sanctuary cities just to be able to pat themselves on the back.
Can anyone name ONE SUBSTANTIVE THING President Trump has done to secure our border or make Americans safer since he declared a National Emergency? Just one? What was the purpose in declaring it? To present the optics of "winning"?

Now that I think about it, Coulter basically rolled her eyes at the announcement of a National Emergency. I guess she was right. It did nothing.
Can anyone name ONE SUBSTANTIVE THING President Trump has done to secure our border or make Americans safer since he declared a National Emergency? Just one? What was the purpose in declaring it? To present the optics of "winning"?

Now that I think about it, Coulter basically rolled her eyes at the announcement of a National Emergency. I guess she was right. It did nothing.
Yes, all of those DETAINED people at the border you Leftards are whining about is failure in your miserable world. ^

If the liberal attitude toward immigration and a host of other issues could be summed up with just one saying, it would be this one: “good for thee, but not for me.”

Safely tucked away inside their think tanks, tenured academic positions, lilly-white suburban enclaves, and ESPECIALLY behind their carefully crafted WALLS, it’s easy for liberals to virtue-signal about how the rest of us should be “compassionate” and agree to welcome every migrant who takes a notion to come to the United States. But when it comes to their own personal lives, their “money” is almost never anywhere in the vicinity of their big fat jabbering pie holes.

In other words, just like with the degree of charitable contributions from people all-too-eager to spend YOUR money, liberals are big fat hypocrites.

Such was the case last week when President Donald Trump brilliantly proposed - in a masterful troll job that may very well exceed all of his previous troll jobs - that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) transport illegal border-crossers to … wait for it ... sanctuary cities. Sure, it’ll sadly probably never happen, and likely the only reason Trump brought it up was to do exactly what it did - expose liberal hypocrisy. But even so, you’d think liberals would be ALL OVER the notion, right? This should be so EASY, given their worldview, so why not just call Trump’s bluff and say “bring them on in?” I mean, even allowing for the typical degree of liberal hypocrisy, the very definition of “sanctuary city” means that those in charge of designating their cities as such must want them to be, you know, a SANCTUARY for illegal immigrants. The more the merrier, they’re always saying, yet when the bad orange man proposes giving them what they supposedly want, right in their own backyards, they look that gift horse in the mouth like it’s got three eyes.

It’s almost like they think Mexico and Central America aren’t sending their best, or something.

Senator Amy Klobuchar accused Trump of “literally using human beings as pawns in a political game.” If that was the case, it was a checkmate move, Mr. President. Actress Alyssa Milano called the idea “sick and twisted.” Rep. Adam “Pencil-Neck” Schiff called it a “hare-brained scheme.” Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro waxed eloquent about “the cruelty of this administration,” because apparently the definition of “cruelty” is matching liberals up with the reality of their absurd utopian fantasies. CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin accused the Trump administration of treating illegals like a “pestilence to spread around the country,” which still begs the question: if they love them so much why would they care?

And then there was Cher, who did a Trump-prompted stark 180 on mass immigration by wondering via Twitter why Los Angeles and California, a city and state that aren’t “taking care of” their “own” should bring in and “take care of more.” This was a woman who, less than two years ago mind you, begged anyone who could to “take a dreamer” into their home. It’s hard to know how long it’ll be before “red-pilled Cher” issues the obligatory profuse apology, but for today at least it’s nice to see a ray of common sense pierce even the most brainwashed of souls.

There were plenty more where those came from, all perfectly summed up by Trump Deputy Director of Communications Matt Wolking, who tweeted: “Seeing left-wing media folks who advocate for open borders lose their minds because immigrants will bring violence and crime to their cities is ... quite a sight.”

Indeed. It reminds me of Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s now legendary question to Jorge Ramos last October when the Univision anchor was traveling with the first migrant caravan.

“How many of these migrants are you taking in personally into your home and are supporting once they get into the United States?” Carlson asked Ramos.

“I think that’s a great question and that’s precisely the kind of question that people like you ask when you don’t want to understand that this has nothing to do with individuals,” Ramos responded. After an awkward back and forth, Carlson asked him if he would simply take in “three” migrants, a question Ramos dodged yet again because he CLEARLY wasn’t about to take any of the migrants he supposedly cares so much about into his sprawling, walled (because of course it is) mansion. They might get the carpets dirty, after all.

To his credit, San Jose, California Mayor Sam Liccardo is the only liberal non-hypocrite in America right now. That’s because he offered to take any illegal immigrants President Trump would transfer to his city: “[Donald Trump] plans to release detained immigrants to [San Jose]??” Liccardo tweeted Friday. “We welcome any families willing to endure such extraordinary hardships and to take such tremendous risks to be a part of our great country.”

Liccardo’s non-hypocrisy, on this issue at least, stands in stark contrast to the rest of his ideological brethren. Liberals want to take your money and choose where to spend it, but don’t want to give it themselves. Liberals want walls for their mansions and their neighborhoods, but none for America. Liberals want armed guards and even guns for themselves, but would disarm ordinary Americans whose lives apparently aren’t as “valuable” as theirs.

And as Trump masterfully exposed, they want endless immigration from the Third World, but not anywhere near where they live.



If socialism is so grand, why are Guatemalans coming here instead of going to Venezuela?
Tramp is just using the asylum seekers as political pawns. He is a shameful idiot.
Trump Has a Legal Right to Move Detainees to Sanctuary Cities

Donald J. Trump


The USA has the absolute legal right to have apprehended illegal immigrants transferred to Sanctuary Cities. We hereby demand that they be taken care of at the highest level, especially by the State of California, which is well known for its poor management & high taxes!

6:47 PM - Apr 13, 2019

The federal government does have the legal right to relocate immigration detainees as it sees fit. The federal government and its executive agencies have wide legal discretion overseeing immigration generally and detention specifically. Just as prisoners within the federal corrections system can legally be transferred from one facility to another, a person can be freely reassigned among detention centers.

Director of Safe Passage Project Lenni Benson explained:

When DHS takes custody of a person at the border they have authority to move them to any detention center or location where they have arranged for detention (private or rented spaces). In some cases Congress has mandated detention and in others detention is at the discretion of the DHS. They can choose the location.

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