ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

OK The Indians should have kept Columbus out Somewhere down the line you had people that came from somewhere else Morons like you don't want to give others the same chance
Columbus was the best thing that ever happened to American Indians. How many if them do you see living today in teepees, without electricity, climate control, indoor plumbing etc.
Amazing...the extent of your ignorance of where Native American culture was before Columbus.........
From Dragon lady
These refugees are PEOPLE, families. How about you treat them like people? Treat them the way YOU would want to be treated if you were forced to leave your homes.

Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me: Matthew 25:40
OK The Indians should have kept Columbus out Somewhere down the line you had people that came from somewhere else Morons like you don't want to give others the same chance
Columbus was the best thing that ever happened to American Indians. How many if them do you see living today in teepees, without electricity, climate control, indoor plumbing etc.

Remember--the white man taking their land and killing their people:

"Somebody did something"
Ever hear about making mountains out of molehills?? Trump is a divider Remember 1000's were dancing when 9/11 hit ? Trump the BS artist is a danger for freedom loving people

Well to some, of course!!!!

But lets face it......around 70 million Americans heard about this dump the Mexicans in sanctuary cities idea and have been laughing their balls off ever since!! In fact, they think this is the most brilliant idea the President has had since he took office! The reason? It makes perfect sense! Supporters of sanctuary cities staunchly defend their existence and hold illegals should have a right to be there. OK...…..send more!! DoY :2up:

By the way...….the administration has offered to truck them there!! They don't even have to walk!! What a great, great gesture! That should be a bargain for any illegal!:beer:
Yesterday on CNN the show's host asked the mayor of Seattle :"How thousands of new 'immigrants are going to be able to survive in one of the most expensive cities in the country?". The bitch deflected and spewed out a 'talking point' completely non related to the question.
She may as well have answered: "We are sure having a wet spring this year".
That`s correct. We`re going to tie them to chairs and make them watch FOX news 24/7 until they become as stupid as a Deplorable.
Come on now. Leftists are amoral devious shitbags but they aren't stupid...well, not their leadership anyway.

They would never allow their newest ethnic/racial voting block to become educated and figure out they are of no use to democrats except as a compliant obedient underclass that can be bribed with food stamps and Section 8 housing.
And besides, they are strongly Catholic and not likely to worship at the bloody altar of NARAL.

And then there's whole problem of voting rights. They have none!
Drop off a hundred thousand illegals in downtown El Paso. 'Beta' can spend a few million of his wife's families BILLIONS! to feed and house them. Take them to the dentist/hospital for free health care. Bus the kids to the local schools. Provide all of them with 'walking around money' and a cell phone to keep in touch with 'family' back in SA. Make sure all their full screen TVs have working remotes.
Yesterday on CNN the show's host asked the mayor of Seattle :"How thousands of new 'immigrants are going to be able to survive in one of the most expensive cities in the country?". The bitch deflected and spewed out a 'talking point' completely non related to the question.
She may as well have answered: "We are sure having a wet spring this year".
The whole horrified reaction of sanctuary mayors to the idea that busloads of illegals may be dropped off in their cities if we are forced to turn them loose inside the country (what ever happened to sending them back to where they came from?) is an
amazing tacit admission that caring for these people is an expensive problem and budgets in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, etc. are already stretched to the limits by the generous welfare/social services policies that attract parasites like a McDonald's dumpster attracts raccoons and other ferals.

Trump has an amazing weapon if he chooses to use it. Reagan pushed the Soviet Union over by making them go broke trying to keep up with the West. Trump can break the back of the sanctuary left by making them and not the rest of the nation pay for the millions of illegals they are enticing (like a raccoon to a McDonald's dumpster).

Why is Libby Schaaf, the mayor of Oakland who tipped off illegals of ICE raids on her city, so afraid and horrified by the idea that Trump may bring thousands of illegals to her city? Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf On Trump And 'Sanctuary Cities'

I think it's obvious. She wants the rest of America to deal with the "raccoons" her dumpster helps attract. Illegals cost the nation billions of dollars! Let Libby Schaaf and her friends figure out where that money will come from.
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There is no drama here, just cheap political tricks by the Democrats that have harm the country and created a humanitarian crisis at the border all to try to prevent the President from keeping his promise to build the border fence. In 2013, Chuck Schumer proposed to do all the same things Trump wants to do when Schumer proposed Senate bill S. 744; Chuck wanted to spend billions of dollars to build border fencing and billions more to buy surveillance equipment to make it a smart fence and all the immigration reforms Trump wants came from Schumer's bill. Obama supported it. Clinton supported it and expressed her sorrow it hadn't passed the House in her 2014 book, Hard Choices. Schumer claimed his bill would reduce illegal immigration across our southern border by at least 90%, and every Democrat in the Senate voted for it, but the bill died in the House.

There is no drama here at all, just cheap political tricks from the Democrats that are hurting everyone. It is just and fair that the Democrats who created this problem should bear the full burden of it. All of the illegals who have to be released should be sent to New York and San Francisco and all the other sanctuary cities the Democrats have created for no other reason than to try to embarrass the President.
Well, there is another reason that Dems give sanctuary. It's to build up the Democrat VOTE. That's the only reason I oppose the idea of dumping illegals into the laps of sanctuary cities.

As I pointed out before, who cares? Those cities and states vote Democrat anyway!
If these stories of illegals are true, the would effect the down ticket.
More seats, more funding.

Trump allowed this by wasting time pouting about his stupid fucking wall instead of taking real action.
:icon_rolleyes: The caravans put together and planned by Marxists in Chicago and elsewhere are all Trump's fault. What a dumb fuck, you are! How do you suppose he could have stopped the human tsunami? Send the bombers down to Mexico?

By pissing off Mexico instead of cooperation to help us. By cutting off funding to the countries in strife sending these refugees. By being a worthless, lying piece of shit who only threaten & bully.
Obviously paying off the
nations of Central America to keep the peasants happy hasn't turned out too well, has it. Or are you so dumb you
haven't noticed the problem at the Southern border?
And Mexico HAS helped, and alternately NOT helped stem the flow. Mexico Moves to Disband Caravan of Illegal Aliens After Being Blasted By President Trump on Twitter

Your problem is you want to see Trump fail so badly it's messed up your so called thinking.

Caravans are not some evil plan to get your orange buddy.

They are formed to help people escape violence on their home country.

What has Trump done about this? He yelled at Mexico, he threatened Mexico, he whines about hjs stupid wall, he called those in caravans names.

But in reality, he has done nothing.

He should have expanded the containment areas, expanded the infrastructure to handle them.

Maybe if Trump actually was a leader, we would have a solution.

He should have increased aid to these Central America countries & worked with them. Instead the dunbasss cut funding.
Boy the left is sure fighting tooth and nail this morning ! They continue to claim it would be illegal, and they call Trump heartless for using these people as pawns.

So funny to see these people fight against keeping these people out of their cities. The show us how hypocritical they are.
Gavin Newsome wants to give illegals healthcare, so let's have him do it then ! Send these folks to his sanctuary cities, and he can work to get his wish !
Obviously it's what Californian's want as well, or they wouldn't be electing Dimocrats.
OK The Indians should have kept Columbus out Somewhere down the line you had people that came from somewhere else Morons like you don't want to give others the same chance
Columbus was the best thing that ever happened to American Indians. How many if them do you see living today in teepees, without electricity, climate control, indoor plumbing etc.

Remember--the white man taking their land and killing their people:

"Somebody did something"

OMG, that's brilliant ! Well done Susie !:clap2::clap:
More seats, more funding.

Trump allowed this by wasting time pouting about his stupid fucking wall instead of taking real action.
:icon_rolleyes: The caravans put together and planned by Marxists in Chicago and elsewhere are all Trump's fault. What a dumb fuck, you are! How do you suppose he could have stopped the human tsunami? Send the bombers down to Mexico?

By pissing off Mexico instead of cooperation to help us. By cutting off funding to the countries in strife sending these refugees. By being a worthless, lying piece of shit who only threaten & bully.
Obviously paying off the
nations of Central America to keep the peasants happy hasn't turned out too well, has it. Or are you so dumb you
haven't noticed the problem at the Southern border?
And Mexico HAS helped, and alternately NOT helped stem the flow. Mexico Moves to Disband Caravan of Illegal Aliens After Being Blasted By President Trump on Twitter

Your problem is you want to see Trump fail so badly it's messed up your so called thinking.

Caravans are not some evil plan to get your orange buddy.

They are formed to help people escape violence on their home country.

What has Trump done about this? He yelled at Mexico, he threatened Mexico, he whines about hjs stupid wall, he called those in caravans names.

But in reality, he has done nothing.

He should have expanded the containment areas, expanded the infrastructure to handle them.

Maybe if Trump actually was a leader, we would have a solution.

He should have increased aid to these Central America countries & worked with them. Instead the dunbasss cut funding.

So, the next best thing is to send them to your sanctuary cities ! It's a win win for you Dave !
So, the next best thing is to send them to your sanctuary cities ! It's a win win for you Dave !
Better they go to Oakland or San Francisco where illegals are sheltered and loved than to have them wander off to Bum Fuck, Iowa where roving ICE detention vehicles will scoop them up like a four year old scooping up M&Ms.

I thought people like Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf cared for illegal immigrants. I guess not.
I got by with both Bushes I'll get by with 8 years {{GOD FORBID} of Trump I'll go along with Comey saying Barr doesn't know what he's talking about Aren't you tired of ALL of Trumps conspiracy theories? His attempts to divide not unite???

And the Great President Donald Trump just keeps turning out to be right!
So Trump will provide the succor, safety, asylum and sanctuary that they crave And created but now they don’t want it and call it punitive.
This is how 3 year olds operate, they wail, you give it to them, they throw it on the floor.
Boy the left is sure fighting tooth and nail this morning ! They continue to claim it would be illegal, and they call Trump heartless for using these people as pawns.

So funny to see these people fight against keeping these people out of their cities. The show us how hypocritical they are.

Stupidity is complaining about illegal immigrants & allowing them in & placing them in areas where ICE can't get them.

You people are dumber that shit.
The leftist butthurt continues...

But, but... veteransssss!!!

Boy the left is sure fighting tooth and nail this morning ! They continue to claim it would be illegal, and they call Trump heartless for using these people as pawns.

So funny to see these people fight against keeping these people out of their cities. The show us how hypocritical they are.

Stupidity is complaining about illegal immigrants & allowing them in & placing them in areas where ICE can't get them.

You people are dumber that shit.

How may times do I have to tell you stupid fuck !

We don't want these people here AT ALL ! Do you fucking get what that means ?

But, if we are stuck having to give them the opportunity to plead their asylum case, then we might as well send them to the fucking places that want to spend their money on them, like this stupid fuck here wants to: Democrat California gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newson said in an interview released Tuesday that, as governor, he would grant universal health care to illegal aliens through an executive order. Newsom told Pod Save America hosts Jon Favreau and Jon Lovett that he was “very proud” of creating the nation’s only universal healthcare plan for illegal immigrants as mayor of San Francisco.

As an illegal lover yourself Dave, you should be quite happy about all this !
Funny how Trumpettes think it is OK for a President to use his office for political attacks. Through the tax code & through sending refugees.

When a Democrats wins in 2020, he put a special tax of snuff & chewing tobacco, cheap beer, & you Trumpettes will run through the streets crying,

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