ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

This thing is even more revealing about libs than the Trump Witch Hunt and I certainly did not think that would be topped so quickly.
Refugees assfuck. Not illegals.
Boy, are you ever stupid. They're not refugees, you idiot. They're money grabbers, conned by Pueblo Sin Fronteras and other traitors, into thinking they can get in here by claiming asylum, and then get lots of freebies$$.

If they were worried about crime, they could have gone to countries closer to Central America, with lower crime rates than the US (e. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba) - trouble is those countries wouldn't shower them with welfare $$$$.

Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?
A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.
Exactly why they are NOT refugees.
I believe this is the wrong decision. Making sanctuary cities be overpopulated with illegal immigrants will not solve problems for the president but it will cause a major amount of chaos for several people and the cities.
They caused illegals to come in here by the droves. Now that they're getting a taste of what they pushed off on border states shows them why they should not have agreed to give sanctuary to illegal people who refused to migrate when their time came. All the illegals had to do was sign a list. Nothing more. Instead, they pushed their way in, removing the right to immigrate to the USA from people the world over who've been on the list themselves for years. It was rude, crude, unfair, and against the law of the country they're migrating to. Sorry, the sanctuary cities will now have to put their money where their flytrap mouths are that exacerbated this problem for their fellow Americans whom they used badly.

No one wants open borders, How the fuck do you people get this fucking stupid.

Democrats have funded border security all along. Just because they know Trump's 40' concrete wall is a joke does not mean they are against border security.

You really need to get a fucking grip & quit being such an asshole.
I have a grip, sir, but your tongue is unbridled and dirty, and you are lying. Her Royal Majesty Pelosi is in her own little world, completely divorced from reality and the adults. I saw her fluffing professional false case scenario professor Christine Blasey Ford at the get Brett Kavanaugh hearing. The lies and fluffing the liar didn't work. Her body language screamed at the false words she was mouthing "I'm lying!" Puerile, but real cute as in Academy Award performance. Rill Dave is off my reading list due to his foul mouth directed at me.
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By proposing to send migrants to sanctuary cities, President Trump pulled the curtain back on Democratic leadership, showing their hypocrisy
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. for civil purposes.

The several States should be able to charge up to ten dollars per person to ensure compliance with State inspection laws.

You have no clue what you're talking about, hombre.

Not now, not hundred of previous times you wrote the same sentence.

And this is standard idiotic reply to anything that leftist can't refute.

View attachment 256027
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. for civil purposes.

The several States should be able to charge up to ten dollars per person to ensure compliance with State inspection laws
But releasing undocumented immigrants into sanctuary cities isn’t any more morally odious than sabotaging America’s health-care system, subjecting hundreds of thousands of American-raised immigrants to the threat of deportation, or shuttering the federal government for weeks on end in a fit of pique. In fact, Trump’s new gambit is much less objectionable from a moral standpoint. After all, if one rejects his racist (and empirically baseless) presumptions about the effect that undocumented immigrants have on urban life, then he is essentially threatening to provide asylum-seekers with free transportation to cities that are currently in need of more labor, and which have proved to be especially accommodating to America’s newcomers.

As far as this president’s hostage-taking threats go, that’s a rather benign proposition.

Trump’s Sanctuary-Cities Threat Is His Latest Bid to Govern by Sabotage

There is nothing wrong with releasing illegals into sanctuary cities, since purpose of the sanctuary is to "protect" such people. Let them put the money where their mouth is. I haven't seen anyone complain then Barry allocated Somali refugees into Minnesota, without getting their permission.

American healthcare system was sabotaged by BarryCare.

When you say "American-raised immigrants" you're thinking of illegals. Illegals are not American-raised, and they're not immigrants.

There is no threat of deportation to immigrants, since immigrants are those who are legally in the country. Illegals have no right to be here, and since Democrats are blocking their deportation, than Democrats should invite them into their states.
the hypocrisy is that it is our own, expensive, and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are what is creating more refugees.

Funny how you equate those three, like they're the same thing.

Some people did something, right? Fuck off, imbecile.
the nine hundred ninety-nine say what you do.
By proposing to send migrants to sanctuary cities, President Trump pulled the curtain back on Democratic leadership, showing their hypocrisy
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. for civil purposes.

The several States should be able to charge up to ten dollars per person to ensure compliance with State inspection laws.

You have no clue what you're talking about, hombre.

Not now, not hundred of previous times you wrote the same sentence.

And this is standard idiotic reply to anything that leftist can't refute.

View attachment 256027
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. for civil purposes.

The several States should be able to charge up to ten dollars per person to ensure compliance with State inspection laws

Should have?

And yet, the're not. Because they don't belong here.

Fuck off, moron.
By he way, when Trump is gonna start shipping illegals to Mexifornia?

Absolute pottery. The limousine libtards are the worst when it comes to this. Everything is save the whales and help the homeless until they have to give up their mocha lattes or come down out of their ivory tower. Brilliant move sticking them in L.A. San Francisco, Seattle. Throw some in Miami and Vermont too just to spread them around a bit. These people need to make the connection between real life and delusional optimism.
Refugees assfuck. Not illegals.
Boy, are you ever stupid. They're not refugees, you idiot. They're money grabbers, conned by Pueblo Sin Fronteras and other traitors, into thinking they can get in here by claiming asylum, and then get lots of freebies$$.

If they were worried about crime, they could have gone to countries closer to Central America, with lower crime rates than the US (e. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba) - trouble is those countries wouldn't shower them with welfare $$$$.

Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households
They shouldn't have been let into the country, period. THAT is the real issue.

These phonies masquerading as "refugees" should be getting in here either.

This country is about helping people. That is what being a world leader means.

But you & Trump want the US to withdraw into itself leaving world leadership to Russia & Iran.

You are no more an American than a pile of horseshit in my from pasture. You piss on our best & brightest who gave their lives in war to maintain our leadership.
This country is about providing an oportunity to succeed. It’s not about assuring that illegals do succeed. Bedtime now Davey.

Refugees assfuck. Not illegals.

People from Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras do not qualify as refugees, shitstain.

A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.

Or, a "refugee" or "asylum" seeker is someone who makes up a story in order to exploit immigration laws.
Refugees assfuck. Not illegals.
Boy, are you ever stupid. They're not refugees, you idiot. They're money grabbers, conned by Pueblo Sin Fronteras and other traitors, into thinking they can get in here by claiming asylum, and then get lots of freebies$$.

If they were worried about crime, they could have gone to countries closer to Central America, with lower crime rates than the US (e. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba) - trouble is those countries wouldn't shower them with welfare $$$$.

Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households
Census? Really. The Census asks about citzenship? Especially in 2010, the latest Census before that report did not. Therefore your report is fraudulent.

The report includes school lunches as a qualifier.

A household led by a non-citizen does not exclude the fact that US citizens can be part of that household.

legal non citizens not eligible for benefits for 5 years.
This country is about helping people. That is what being a world leader means.

But you & Trump want the US to withdraw into itself leaving world leadership to Russia & Iran.

You are no more an American than a pile of horseshit in my from pasture. You piss on our best & brightest who gave their lives in war to maintain our leadership.
This country is about providing an oportunity to succeed. It’s not about assuring that illegals do succeed. Bedtime now Davey.

Refugees assfuck. Not illegals.

People from Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras do not qualify as refugees, shitstain.

A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.

Or, a "refugee" or "asylum" seeker is someone who makes up a story in order to exploit immigration laws.
Or you just got shown to be ignorant & uninformed.
Yes put most of them in the areas people vote for this. Deep blue areas are the ticket. Urban areas, soccer mom areas and wealthy areas that are teeming with Prog compassion are fertile grounds for their virtue of beliefs. No more shall if be like a war where the real men come back in caskets, pieces of their bodies missing or psyche issues while the people in the back act tough and vulgar while doling out the supplies and equipment like Crippled Ken. Its time for all of Hollywood to do their share. All of the MSM to get with the program. And the extremist radical judges, oh those judges to get what they preach.
Yes put most of them in the areas people vote for this. Deep blue areas are the ticket. Urban areas, soccer mom areas and wealthy areas that are teeming with Prog compassion are fertile grounds for their virtue of beliefs. No more shall if be like a war where the real men come back in caskets, pieces of their bodies missing or psyche issues while the people in the back act tough and vulgar while doling out the supplies and equipment like Crippled Ken. Its time for all of Hollywood to do their share. All of the MSM to get with the program. And the extremist radical judges, oh those judges to get what they preach.
Who votes for what?

Democrats voted for border security. Obama increased border security.
Refugees assfuck. Not illegals.
Boy, are you ever stupid. They're not refugees, you idiot. They're money grabbers, conned by Pueblo Sin Fronteras and other traitors, into thinking they can get in here by claiming asylum, and then get lots of freebies$$.

If they were worried about crime, they could have gone to countries closer to Central America, with lower crime rates than the US (e. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba) - trouble is those countries wouldn't shower them with welfare $$$$.

Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households
Census? Really. The Census asks about citzenship? Especially in 2010, the latest Census before that report did not. Therefore your report is fraudulent.

The report includes school lunches as a qualifier.

A household led by a non-citizen does not exclude the fact that US citizens can be part of that household.

legal non citizens not eligible for benefits for 5 years.

They're looking at who's getting the welfare, idiot.

Those who are getting welfare need to provide ID and SS when registering.

Think, it's not that hard.
Yes put most of them in the areas people vote for this. Deep blue areas are the ticket. Urban areas, soccer mom areas and wealthy areas that are teeming with Prog compassion are fertile grounds for their virtue of beliefs. No more shall if be like a war where the real men come back in caskets, pieces of their bodies missing or psyche issues while the people in the back act tough and vulgar while doling out the supplies and equipment like Crippled Ken. Its time for all of Hollywood to do their share. All of the MSM to get with the program. And the extremist radical judges, oh those judges to get what they preach.
Who votes for what?

Democrats voted for border security. Obama increased border security.

Sure he did.

That's why we have 30 million illegals in the country because Barry and the Dems increased border security??

They sure did a hell of a job.
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Certainly they want to stay away from the bigots in the Red States.
The Democrats are showing their "bigot" (if that's how you want to put it) colors, as much as anyone ever did. "Not in MY backyard"

Suddenly they're not so compassionate any more. LOL This is too funny.

Democrats are against Trump using refugees as political weapons,. Evidently you think that is OK.

You also think it is OK to dump these people in areas already struggling with the number of people needing help. It has nothing to do with who these people are.

You people are the bigots & racists. You seem to be proud of it.

Democrats are against Trump using ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS as political weapons . . . because they don't want him stealing THEIR schtick.

According to the leftist rhetoric, YOU think it's okay for them to be in those areas . . . until they're actually there. If you didn't want to offer them sanctuary, what the fuck did you declare a "sanctuary city" for?

YOU people are hypocrites and liars . . . and you're damned right we're proud of not having the approval of ass napkins like you.

You don't know what sanctuary citoes are.

sanctuary city
[sanctuary city]

  1. (in North America) a city whose municipal laws tend to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation or prosecution, despite federal immigration law.

  1. a place of refuge or safety.
You were saying?
Primarily red states.

Did Obama just send them to Republican States?
They shouldn't have been let into the country, period. THAT is the real issue.

These phonies masquerading as "refugees" should be getting in here either.

This country is about helping people. That is what being a world leader means.

But you & Trump want the US to withdraw into itself leaving world leadership to Russia & Iran.

You are no more an American than a pile of horseshit in my from pasture. You piss on our best & brightest who gave their lives in war to maintain our leadership.
This country is about providing an oportunity to succeed. It’s not about assuring that illegals do succeed. Bedtime now Davey.

Refugees assfuck. Not illegals.

Sorry, "Assfuck Dave", but as much as you want to pretend this issue is JUST about refugees, it isn't. Likewise, as much as you want to pretend all illegal immigrants are "refugees", they aren't.
I believe this is the wrong decision. Making sanctuary cities be overpopulated with illegal immigrants will not solve problems for the president but it will cause a major amount of chaos for several people and the cities.
They caused illegals to come in here by the droves. Now that they're getting a taste of what they pushed off on border states shows them why they should not have agreed to give sanctuary to illegal people who refused to migrate when their time came. All the illegals had to do was sign a list. Nothing more. Instead, they pushed their way in, removing the right to immigrate to the USA from people the world over who've been on the list themselves for years. It was rude, crude, unfair, and against the law of the country they're migrating to. Sorry, the sanctuary cities will now have to put their money where their flytrap mouths are that exacerbated this problem for their fellow Americans whom they used badly.

No one wants open borders, How the fuck do you people get this fucking stupid.

Democrats have funded border security all along. Just because they know Trump's 40' concrete wall is a joke does not mean they are against border security.

You really need to get a fucking grip & quit being such an asshole.

"Just because we fight every attempt to limit border crossing, how the fuck do you people get the idea that means we want open borders? We didn't say the words, so that means it isn't true!"

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