ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities


Welp, they're sanctuary cities aren't they?
That's what they named it. Now it's time for them to live up to their words. Nobody's suggesting anything more than that. :dunno:
This “we really don’t want them” is more revealing about true nature of liberal yappers than The Witch Hunt and I did not think that would be topped so quickly.

There are children looking for homes. The idea you don't adopt therm all is proof you hate children.
I don’t care for your child self. Notice you are never on after 9pm-Bedtime?
Census? Really. The Census asks about citzenship? Especially in 2010, the latest Census before that report did not. Therefore your report is fraudulent.

The report includes school lunches as a qualifier.

A household led by a non-citizen does not exclude the fact that US citizens can be part of that household.

legal non citizens not eligible for benefits for 5 years.

They're looking at who's getting the welfare, idiot.

Those who are getting welfare need to provide ID and SS when registering.

Think, it's not that hard.

"Assfuck Dave" thinks that the Census Bureau does the once-a-decade head count, and then does nothing else to collect data the rest of the time.

What is the Census? Everyone knows it the count every ten years.

You think that's the only data Census Bureau have to work with?

I get it, it's hard to get the big picture when you're that stupid...

If someone talks about the Census, you think they are talking about something else besides the ten year count?

If someone talks about the Census Bureau - which is what I did - and all you hear is "the 10-year head count", that demonstrates that you run your gums without thinking first, and that you have very little knowledge with which to think. Neither problem is MY problem, "Assfuck Dave". I choose my words very precisely, and I can't help it if you don't know what they mean.
Census? Really. The Census asks about citzenship? Especially in 2010, the latest Census before that report did not. Therefore your report is fraudulent.

The report includes school lunches as a qualifier.

A household led by a non-citizen does not exclude the fact that US citizens can be part of that household.

legal non citizens not eligible for benefits for 5 years.

This is the first you've heard that the Census Bureau tracks non-citizen residents of the US? And you've decided that since you didn't know it, that means it's not true. Couldn't just be that you're an uninformed moron; has to be that the Census Bureau is putting out fraudulent reports.

You say, "Doesn't exclude citizens from being part of that household" in terms of perfect faux-rage, just as though we haven't been complaining about anchor babies for exactly this reason for literally years. Welcome to the same page the rest of us have been on forever, "Assfuck Dave".
1) The 2010 Census did not include a question regarding citizenship. That is a fact
2) The poster said the CENSUS SAID> This is a fucking lie because the Census did not truck non citizens
3) Tracking non citizen heads of households does not mean that only non citizens

Example, the report your butt buddy posted talked about the number og household headed by non citizen collected some form of Welfare. If a US citizen lived with a non citizen & she had 4 kids, those kids could receive free school lunches & be included in those non citizen head of household stats.

Who is talking about Census of 2010? Only you it seems.

Do you really think that Census Bureau only does census every ten years and than jacking it off until the next one.

Census Bureau
you saids "CENSUS" & the mopst recent would be 2010.

How fucking stupid are you?

None of us wrote the headline, moron, so we're not responsible for its imprecision. Nor are we responsible for the fact that you're too lazy and stupid to do more than read the headline before jumping to conclusions and shooting off your mouth about what you think you know.

Had you bothered to A) read the article linked, and B) know jack shit about what the Census Bureau does and how, you would know that the Bureau DOES track illegal immigrant households and the article was very specific about exactly where the info came from.

Bottom line: You bet the farm on hairsplitting over one word and your massive overconfidence in your own pathetically limited education. And you lost.
Tramp is just using the asylum seekers as political pawns. He is a shameful idiot.

But then so are you. Are you not a shameful idiot too?

Because if you were not using 'asylum seekers as political pawns', wouldn't you be supporting Trumps plan? After all, you support them coming in, and you support sanctuary cities.

So the Democrats, logically, should be the biggest supporters of Trump's plan.

Instead you are opposing it. That makes you the person using this as a political pawn. How shameful and idiotic of you.
Census? Really. The Census asks about citzenship? Especially in 2010, the latest Census before that report did not. Therefore your report is fraudulent.

The report includes school lunches as a qualifier.

A household led by a non-citizen does not exclude the fact that US citizens can be part of that household.

legal non citizens not eligible for benefits for 5 years.

They're looking at who's getting the welfare, idiot.

Those who are getting welfare need to provide ID and SS when registering.

Think, it's not that hard.

"Assfuck Dave" thinks that the Census Bureau does the once-a-decade head count, and then does nothing else to collect data the rest of the time.

What is the Census? Everyone knows it the count every ten years.

You think that's the only data Census Bureau have to work with?

I get it, it's hard to get the big picture when you're that stupid...

If someone talks about the Census, you think they are talking about something else besides the ten year count?

Yes, dummy. Census Bureau collects data all the time, not only every ten years. The link I provided refers to data they collected over time, not just during census.

Not my fault you're too stupid to understand that.
Census? Really. The Census asks about citzenship? Especially in 2010, the latest Census before that report did not. Therefore your report is fraudulent.

The report includes school lunches as a qualifier.

A household led by a non-citizen does not exclude the fact that US citizens can be part of that household.

legal non citizens not eligible for benefits for 5 years.

This is the first you've heard that the Census Bureau tracks non-citizen residents of the US? And you've decided that since you didn't know it, that means it's not true. Couldn't just be that you're an uninformed moron; has to be that the Census Bureau is putting out fraudulent reports.

You say, "Doesn't exclude citizens from being part of that household" in terms of perfect faux-rage, just as though we haven't been complaining about anchor babies for exactly this reason for literally years. Welcome to the same page the rest of us have been on forever, "Assfuck Dave".
1) The 2010 Census did not include a question regarding citizenship. That is a fact
2) The poster said the CENSUS SAID> This is a fucking lie because the Census did not truck non citizens
3) Tracking non citizen heads of households does not mean that only non citizens

Example, the report your butt buddy posted talked about the number og household headed by non citizen collected some form of Welfare. If a US citizen lived with a non citizen & she had 4 kids, those kids could receive free school lunches & be included in those non citizen head of household stats.

Who is talking about Census of 2010? Only you it seems.

Do you really think that Census Bureau only does census every ten years and than jacking it off until the next one.

Census Bureau
you saids "CENSUS" & the mopst recent would be 2010.

How fucking stupid are you?

OMG, you're so dense. What are you, amoeba?

Data is getting collected by Census Bureau all the time, not just every ten years. Data collected during census confirms and update the data collected over time. And you're saying I am stupid? LOL
Census? Really. The Census asks about citzenship? Especially in 2010, the latest Census before that report did not. Therefore your report is fraudulent.

The report includes school lunches as a qualifier.

A household led by a non-citizen does not exclude the fact that US citizens can be part of that household.

legal non citizens not eligible for benefits for 5 years.

This is the first you've heard that the Census Bureau tracks non-citizen residents of the US? And you've decided that since you didn't know it, that means it's not true. Couldn't just be that you're an uninformed moron; has to be that the Census Bureau is putting out fraudulent reports.

You say, "Doesn't exclude citizens from being part of that household" in terms of perfect faux-rage, just as though we haven't been complaining about anchor babies for exactly this reason for literally years. Welcome to the same page the rest of us have been on forever, "Assfuck Dave".
1) The 2010 Census did not include a question regarding citizenship. That is a fact
2) The poster said the CENSUS SAID> This is a fucking lie because the Census did not truck non citizens
3) Tracking non citizen heads of households does not mean that only non citizens

Example, the report your butt buddy posted talked about the number og household headed by non citizen collected some form of Welfare. If a US citizen lived with a non citizen & she had 4 kids, those kids could receive free school lunches & be included in those non citizen head of household stats.

Who is talking about Census of 2010? Only you it seems.

Do you really think that Census Bureau only does census every ten years and than jacking it off until the next one.

Census Bureau
you saids "CENSUS" & the mopst recent would be 2010.

How fucking stupid are you?

OMG, you're so dense. What are you, amoeba?

Data is getting collected by Census Bureau all the time, not just every ten years. Data collected during census confirms and update the data collected over time. And you're saying I am stupid? LOL

Look, you didn't say Census Bureau" You said CENSUS you God damn asshole. The Census is the head count done every ten years.
Census? Really. The Census asks about citzenship? Especially in 2010, the latest Census before that report did not. Therefore your report is fraudulent.

The report includes school lunches as a qualifier.

A household led by a non-citizen does not exclude the fact that US citizens can be part of that household.

legal non citizens not eligible for benefits for 5 years.

This is the first you've heard that the Census Bureau tracks non-citizen residents of the US? And you've decided that since you didn't know it, that means it's not true. Couldn't just be that you're an uninformed moron; has to be that the Census Bureau is putting out fraudulent reports.

You say, "Doesn't exclude citizens from being part of that household" in terms of perfect faux-rage, just as though we haven't been complaining about anchor babies for exactly this reason for literally years. Welcome to the same page the rest of us have been on forever, "Assfuck Dave".
1) The 2010 Census did not include a question regarding citizenship. That is a fact
2) The poster said the CENSUS SAID> This is a fucking lie because the Census did not truck non citizens
3) Tracking non citizen heads of households does not mean that only non citizens

Example, the report your butt buddy posted talked about the number og household headed by non citizen collected some form of Welfare. If a US citizen lived with a non citizen & she had 4 kids, those kids could receive free school lunches & be included in those non citizen head of household stats.

Who is talking about Census of 2010? Only you it seems.

Do you really think that Census Bureau only does census every ten years and than jacking it off until the next one.

Census Bureau
you saids "CENSUS" & the mopst recent would be 2010.

How fucking stupid are you?

None of us wrote the headline, moron, so we're not responsible for its imprecision. Nor are we responsible for the fact that you're too lazy and stupid to do more than read the headline before jumping to conclusions and shooting off your mouth about what you think you know.

Had you bothered to A) read the article linked, and B) know jack shit about what the Census Bureau does and how, you would know that the Bureau DOES track illegal immigrant households and the article was very specific about exactly where the info came from.

Bottom line: You bet the farm on hairsplitting over one word and your massive overconfidence in your own pathetically limited education. And you lost.
Finally, a Trumpette admitting they were wrong.
Tramp is just using the asylum seekers as political pawns. He is a shameful idiot.

But then so are you. Are you not a shameful idiot too?

Because if you were not using 'asylum seekers as political pawns', wouldn't you be supporting Trumps plan? After all, you support them coming in, and you support sanctuary cities.

So the Democrats, logically, should be the biggest supporters of Trump's plan.

Instead you are opposing it. That makes you the person using this as a political pawn. How shameful and idiotic of you.

I do not support illegal immigration. You are a liar.
I support border security. I don't support wasting money on a 40;'' concrete wall.
Asylum seekers are acting legally. You are calling them illegal making you once again a liar.
You claim to hate people coming here from Central America yet favor a plan to let them on.
You support Trump. That makes you dumber than shit.
This is the first you've heard that the Census Bureau tracks non-citizen residents of the US? And you've decided that since you didn't know it, that means it's not true. Couldn't just be that you're an uninformed moron; has to be that the Census Bureau is putting out fraudulent reports.

You say, "Doesn't exclude citizens from being part of that household" in terms of perfect faux-rage, just as though we haven't been complaining about anchor babies for exactly this reason for literally years. Welcome to the same page the rest of us have been on forever, "Assfuck Dave".
1) The 2010 Census did not include a question regarding citizenship. That is a fact
2) The poster said the CENSUS SAID> This is a fucking lie because the Census did not truck non citizens
3) Tracking non citizen heads of households does not mean that only non citizens

Example, the report your butt buddy posted talked about the number og household headed by non citizen collected some form of Welfare. If a US citizen lived with a non citizen & she had 4 kids, those kids could receive free school lunches & be included in those non citizen head of household stats.

Who is talking about Census of 2010? Only you it seems.

Do you really think that Census Bureau only does census every ten years and than jacking it off until the next one.

Census Bureau
you saids "CENSUS" & the mopst recent would be 2010.

How fucking stupid are you?

OMG, you're so dense. What are you, amoeba?

Data is getting collected by Census Bureau all the time, not just every ten years. Data collected during census confirms and update the data collected over time. And you're saying I am stupid? LOL

Look, you didn't say Census Bureau" You said CENSUS you God damn asshole. The Census is the head count done every ten years.

I didn't say anything, I posted a link to the headline exactly how it appears. Instead of checking the link, you stupid fuck assumed I am talking about 10 year census and kept doubling down even after corrected several time by me and others. Here...

This is the first you've heard that the Census Bureau tracks non-citizen residents of the US? And you've decided that since you didn't know it, that means it's not true. Couldn't just be that you're an uninformed moron; has to be that the Census Bureau is putting out fraudulent reports.

You say, "Doesn't exclude citizens from being part of that household" in terms of perfect faux-rage, just as though we haven't been complaining about anchor babies for exactly this reason for literally years. Welcome to the same page the rest of us have been on forever, "Assfuck Dave".
1) The 2010 Census did not include a question regarding citizenship. That is a fact
2) The poster said the CENSUS SAID> This is a fucking lie because the Census did not truck non citizens
3) Tracking non citizen heads of households does not mean that only non citizens

Example, the report your butt buddy posted talked about the number og household headed by non citizen collected some form of Welfare. If a US citizen lived with a non citizen & she had 4 kids, those kids could receive free school lunches & be included in those non citizen head of household stats.

Who is talking about Census of 2010? Only you it seems.

Do you really think that Census Bureau only does census every ten years and than jacking it off until the next one.

Census Bureau
you saids "CENSUS" & the mopst recent would be 2010.

How fucking stupid are you?

OMG, you're so dense. What are you, amoeba?

Data is getting collected by Census Bureau all the time, not just every ten years. Data collected during census confirms and update the data collected over time. And you're saying I am stupid? LOL

Look, you didn't say Census Bureau" You said CENSUS you God damn asshole. The Census is the head count done every ten years.

HE didn't say anything. He linked an article with a misleading headline, but which was about the Census Bureau and the various surveys it uses to track info. Maybe if you bothered to read the link instead of just skimming the headline and jumping right to what you think you "know" about it, you wouldn't step on your johnson quite so much.
This is the first you've heard that the Census Bureau tracks non-citizen residents of the US? And you've decided that since you didn't know it, that means it's not true. Couldn't just be that you're an uninformed moron; has to be that the Census Bureau is putting out fraudulent reports.

You say, "Doesn't exclude citizens from being part of that household" in terms of perfect faux-rage, just as though we haven't been complaining about anchor babies for exactly this reason for literally years. Welcome to the same page the rest of us have been on forever, "Assfuck Dave".
1) The 2010 Census did not include a question regarding citizenship. That is a fact
2) The poster said the CENSUS SAID> This is a fucking lie because the Census did not truck non citizens
3) Tracking non citizen heads of households does not mean that only non citizens

Example, the report your butt buddy posted talked about the number og household headed by non citizen collected some form of Welfare. If a US citizen lived with a non citizen & she had 4 kids, those kids could receive free school lunches & be included in those non citizen head of household stats.

Who is talking about Census of 2010? Only you it seems.

Do you really think that Census Bureau only does census every ten years and than jacking it off until the next one.

Census Bureau
you saids "CENSUS" & the mopst recent would be 2010.

How fucking stupid are you?

None of us wrote the headline, moron, so we're not responsible for its imprecision. Nor are we responsible for the fact that you're too lazy and stupid to do more than read the headline before jumping to conclusions and shooting off your mouth about what you think you know.

Had you bothered to A) read the article linked, and B) know jack shit about what the Census Bureau does and how, you would know that the Bureau DOES track illegal immigrant households and the article was very specific about exactly where the info came from.

Bottom line: You bet the farm on hairsplitting over one word and your massive overconfidence in your own pathetically limited education. And you lost.
Finally, a Trumpette admitting they were wrong.

Finally, a leftist assuming victory where none was had, because they don't understand English. Oh, and ASSuming that anyone who thinks they're a drooling moron MUST be doing it because they're a Trump fan.

Oh, no, wait. That's what you fools ALWAYS do. Don't have to wait for that at all.

So yes, "Assfuck Dave". A post explaining exactly how wrong you were and why was OBVIOUSLY telling you you were right . . . in your own wet dreams. In reality, not so much.
1) The 2010 Census did not include a question regarding citizenship. That is a fact
2) The poster said the CENSUS SAID> This is a fucking lie because the Census did not truck non citizens
3) Tracking non citizen heads of households does not mean that only non citizens

Example, the report your butt buddy posted talked about the number og household headed by non citizen collected some form of Welfare. If a US citizen lived with a non citizen & she had 4 kids, those kids could receive free school lunches & be included in those non citizen head of household stats.

Who is talking about Census of 2010? Only you it seems.

Do you really think that Census Bureau only does census every ten years and than jacking it off until the next one.

Census Bureau
you saids "CENSUS" & the mopst recent would be 2010.

How fucking stupid are you?

None of us wrote the headline, moron, so we're not responsible for its imprecision. Nor are we responsible for the fact that you're too lazy and stupid to do more than read the headline before jumping to conclusions and shooting off your mouth about what you think you know.

Had you bothered to A) read the article linked, and B) know jack shit about what the Census Bureau does and how, you would know that the Bureau DOES track illegal immigrant households and the article was very specific about exactly where the info came from.

Bottom line: You bet the farm on hairsplitting over one word and your massive overconfidence in your own pathetically limited education. And you lost.
Finally, a Trumpette admitting they were wrong.

Finally, a leftist assuming victory where none was had, because they don't understand English. Oh, and ASSuming that anyone who thinks they're a drooling moron MUST be doing it because they're a Trump fan.

Oh, no, wait. That's what you fools ALWAYS do. Don't have to wait for that at all.

So yes, "Assfuck Dave". A post explaining exactly how wrong you were and why was OBVIOUSLY telling you you were right . . . in your own wet dreams. In reality, not so much.

"Assfuck Dave".

Oh god I wish they would have went through with this ! :auiqs.jpg:

TRUMP EFFECT[/paste:font]
White House considered dumping migrants in 'sanctuary cities'
ICE lawyers rejected proposals to bus detained immigrants to Nancy Pelosi's district and other Democratic cities, The Washington Post reported.


WAPO: Trump admin. wanted ICE to release detainees in sanctuary cities
APRIL 12, 201903:57
DHS on Thursday night told NBC News the proposal had been "a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion."

The White House official confirmed the idea came up twice — initially as a query to ICE about the possibility, and later to inquire why it wouldn't be legally doable. Matthew Albence, who starts Friday as acting head of ICE, was involved in the assessment of the plan and the ultimate conclusion that it would not be feasible.

The Post quoted DHS officials as saying the administration sought to release detainees in the San Francisco-based district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and in other strongly Democratic districts. It said the White House told ICE that the plan was partly meant to conserve jail space but also partly to "send a message to Democrats."

A source familiar with the plan told NBC News it was designed to “somehow hurt Pelosi.”

Another source, the former DHS official, told NBC News of the Trump administration’s thinking: “Why release [migrants] into Yuma or Phoenix when you can release them in San Francisco where they want them?”

"The extent of this administration's cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated," a spokeswoman for Pelosi told NBC News. "Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable."

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller at a Republican dinner in Columbus, Ohio, in August.Leah Millis / Reuters file
The Post reported that two DHS whistleblowers independently reported the busing plan to Congress and that several DHS officials confirmed their accounts. Two DHS officials said Stephen Miller, a senior policy adviser who is widely reported to have assumed control of U.S. border policy, discussed the proposal with ICE, according to The Post.



At the center of Trump's Homeland chaos, Stephen Miller is the lone survivor
"Sanctuary cities" is a term used to describe jurisdictions that limit or ban cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Trump has accused Democrats of trying to "turn America into one giant sanctuary city for violent criminals and MS-13 and other gang killers."

Adam Edelman contributed.

White House considered dumping migrants in 'sanctuary cities'
The problem with bussing them into Sanctuary Cities is that they would simply bus the illegals out to red states.
The problem with bussing them into Sanctuary Cities is that they would simply bus the illegals out to red states.
Then we'd have to bus them back to the sanctuary cities, and for ever alien they bus out we'll bring 10 in, from the border.

Hey sanctuary city Dems! Say hello to your new neighbors

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