Rotten Rudy: Nothing wrong with taking information from Russians

give it up dean. The most ridiculous thing about the whole mess is that the whole country knew the Republicans hate communism. The Soviets actually helped create the modern Democrat Party. As soon as they said Republicans were Russian Spies, I said really, that is the best they could come up with. Nobody was going to believe something that stupid. A Republican supporting communism is about as dumb as a Democrat waving an American Flag.
Rudy Giuliani: 'There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians' - CNNPolitics

Has the Republican Party become this rotten? Have they lowered themselves to cooperating with foreign adversaries in order to stay in power?

They are happy to accept stolen information? I think we are now at the bottom of the barrel....
Yes... you may very well be right... we may, indeed, be at the bottom of the barrel.

It saddens me that we elected a lewd, arrogant, spoiled, amoral Creature willing to do such things.

It bothers me far more that so many of our fellow countrymen are willing to rush to defend such things.

I haven't made up my mind yet whether that defense stems from Agenda Fever or Personality Cultism.

As with most things, the answer will vary on a minion-by-minion basis, along with a fair amount of crossover.

Tragically, some of them see nothing wrong with enlisting an adversarial foreign power for such purposes.

And, of course, some of them would make a deal with the Devil himself in order to achieve or retain political power.

By the look of it... some of them did just that... and have been cozying-up to the Devil ever since.

And, of course, some of them are ignorant, and just don't know much beyond the bumper-sticker echo-chamber environment.

Personally, I'm far-Right when it comes to Illegal Aliens, and that tempted me to vote for Drumpf myself.

However, I quickly realized that Drumpf was simply far too high a price to pay for what I wanted.

It appears that some sizable percentage of my fellow countrymen did not have that particular epiphany.

Sad... truly sad.
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It bothers me far more that so many of our fellow countrymen are willing to rush to defend such things.

Most of these cultists lack the moral compass to admit that they made a grave mistake in backing a demagogue and charlatan......Hatred of Obama and Clinton made them jump from the pan into the fire and they'll "defend" this buffoon-in-chief in forums like this because of the anonymity.

I will ALWAYS ask..........what if the Obama administration had done 1/10th of the unethical, unpatriotic and immoral actions of the Trump band of corrupt fools?

NEVER forget that many in Trump's circle are going to prison or resigned in shame.
Rudy Giuliani: 'There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians' - CNNPolitics

Has the Republican Party become this rotten? Have they lowered themselves to cooperating with foreign adversaries in order to stay in power?

They are happy to accept stolen information? I think we are now at the bottom of the barrel....
Yes... you may very well be right... we may, indeed, be at the bottom of the barrel.

It saddens me that we elected a lewd, arrogant, spoiled, amoral Creature willing to do such things.

It bothers me far more that so many of our fellow countrymen are willing to rush to defend such things.

I haven't made up my mind yet whether that defense stems from Agenda Fever or Personality Cultism.

As with most things, the answer will vary on a minion-by-minion basis, along with a fair amount of crossover.

Tragically, some of them see nothing wrong with enlisting an adversarial foreign power for such purposes.

And, of course, some of them would make a deal with the Devil himself in order to achieve or retain political power.

By the look of it... some of them did just that... and have been cozying-up to the Devil ever since.

And, of course, some of them are ignorant, and just don't know much beyond the bumper-sticker echo-chamber environment.

Personally, I'm far-Right when it comes to Illegal Aliens, and that tempted me to vote for Drumpf myself.

However, I quickly realized that Drumpf was simply far too high a price to pay for what I wanted.

It appears that some sizable percentage of my fellow countrymen did not have that particular epiphany.

Sad... truly sad.
Lol, you're just mad that Trump won't let y'all get away with telling lies anymore.
It bothers me far more that so many of our fellow countrymen are willing to rush to defend such things.

Most of these cultists lack the moral compass to admit that they made a grave mistake in backing a demagogue and charlatan......Hatred of Obama and Clinton made them jump from the pan into the fire and they'll "defend" this buffoon-in-chief in forums like this because of the anonymity.

I will ALWAYS ask..........what if the Obama administration had done 1/10th of the unethical, unpatriotic and immoral actions of the Trump band of corrupt fools?

NEVER forget that many in Trump's circle are going to prison or resigned in shame.
yea, its like this:
You cocksuckers are a bunch of commie shill lowlifes. You should all be locked up with your boy Donnie and his band of miscreants. Our children must be so ashamed of us not to mention the rest of the world. This sham presidency will go down as the biggest shit stain on the American flag EVER. Good job you rotten fucks just remember you are and will always be on the wrong side of history.

Hypocrisy has become the slogan if the trumpian party....How many liars can you fit in one building...the White House....?
Republicans have always been immune to accusations of hypocrisy simply because they don’t care.

With the rise of Trump it’s become a sad joke
It bothers me far more that so many of our fellow countrymen are willing to rush to defend such things.

Most of these cultists lack the moral compass to admit that they made a grave mistake in backing a demagogue and charlatan......Hatred of Obama and Clinton made them jump from the pan into the fire and they'll "defend" this buffoon-in-chief in forums like this because of the anonymity.

I will ALWAYS ask..........what if the Obama administration had done 1/10th of the unethical, unpatriotic and immoral actions of the Trump band of corrupt fools?

NEVER forget that many in Trump's circle are going to prison or resigned in shame.
You never answered my question. If Trump fails to be re-elected i will leave this forum. If Trump wins re-election you will leave. Again you have a chance to back up your big mouth, how about it?
More bullshit. Give it up, Trump won, you idiots lost.
For someone who won Trump sure does have his panties all twisted over it! Trumps asshole is puckered so tight it's a wonder he can even breathe.
For someone who won

You people insist he did not. I know it is tough to admit but your arguments amount to shit and shoved in it.

I know when I am accused of something I did not do, like Trump I would vigorously defend myself. Maybe you would not. Apparently, you are one more emasculated idiot that is going to have trouble sleeping for the next 6 years.
Clipper believes that Republicans are required to meekly comply with efforts to destroy them.
Not really. But it would be nice to hear Trump just once in a while tell the truth about something. Ever stop to think that maybe Trump's constant lying is why people don't trust him? Would you trust anyone who constantly lied to you if it wasent Donald Trump doing it?
It would be nice to hear you tell the truth about something. Instead, you lie constantly. You're a sleazy lying scumbag.
Yea, you can go ahead & kiss my hairy ass in the middle of Times Square at high fucking noon , dickweed! :cul2:
More bullshit. Give it up, Trump won, you idiots lost.
For someone who won Trump sure does have his panties all twisted over it! Trumps asshole is puckered so tight it's a wonder he can even breathe.
For someone who won

You people insist he did not. I know it is tough to admit but your arguments amount to shit and shoved in it.

I know when I am accused of something I did not do, like Trump I would vigorously defend myself. Maybe you would not. Apparently, you are one more emasculated idiot that is going to have trouble sleeping for the next 6 years.
Clipper believes that Republicans are required to meekly comply with efforts to destroy them.
Not really. But it would be nice to hear Trump just once in a while tell the truth about something. Ever stop to think that maybe Trump's constant lying is why people don't trust him? Would you trust anyone who constantly lied to you if it wasent Donald Trump doing it?
It would be nice to hear you tell the truth about something. Instead, you lie constantly. You're a sleazy lying scumbag.
Trump, 9000 lies & counting, Ace! Enjoy, cheesedick!
Rudy Giuliani: 'There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians' - CNNPolitics

Has the Republican Party become this rotten? Have they lowered themselves to cooperating with foreign adversaries in order to stay in power?

They are happy to accept stolen information? I think we are now at the bottom of the barrel....
JIM, you are stuck on 'stupid'.

Jr had a meeting, facilitated by Obama, in which no information exchanged hands... And you wet yourself screaming 'that's a crime'...because you are stupid and have no clue what you're TALKI g about.

Meanwhile you defend Hillary colluding with and paying Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for their help, taking millions of dollars from them, committing thousands of counts of crimes - to include ESPIONAGE - and being too much of a damn loser to win a rigged election.

Yea, we know humanitarian Don Jr. had a meeting with Russians because he was just heartbroken over those poor kids & wanted to work out that Russian adoption thingy. Only a total goddam fool would fall for that bullshit story. Don't take much to impress you Trumptards does it?
Rudy Giuliani: 'There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians' - CNNPolitics

Has the Republican Party become this rotten? Have they lowered themselves to cooperating with foreign adversaries in order to stay in power?

They are happy to accept stolen information? I think we are now at the bottom of the barrel....
Yes... you may very well be right... we may, indeed, be at the bottom of the barrel.

It saddens me that we elected a lewd, arrogant, spoiled, amoral Creature willing to do such things.

It bothers me far more that so many of our fellow countrymen are willing to rush to defend such things.

I haven't made up my mind yet whether that defense stems from Agenda Fever or Personality Cultism.

As with most things, the answer will vary on a minion-by-minion basis, along with a fair amount of crossover.

Tragically, some of them see nothing wrong with enlisting an adversarial foreign power for such purposes.

And, of course, some of them would make a deal with the Devil himself in order to achieve or retain political power.

By the look of it... some of them did just that... and have been cozying-up to the Devil ever since.

And, of course, some of them are ignorant, and just don't know much beyond the bumper-sticker echo-chamber environment.

Personally, I'm far-Right when it comes to Illegal Aliens, and that tempted me to vote for Drumpf myself.

However, I quickly realized that Drumpf was simply far too high a price to pay for what I wanted.

It appears that some sizable percentage of my fellow countrymen did not have that particular epiphany.

Sad... truly sad.
Lol, you're just mad that Trump won't let y'all get away with telling lies anymore.
I cannot believe that you are that simple-minded... for your sake, I hope I'm wrong.
Rudy Giuliani: 'There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians' - CNNPolitics

Has the Republican Party become this rotten? Have they lowered themselves to cooperating with foreign adversaries in order to stay in power?

They are happy to accept stolen information? I think we are now at the bottom of the barrel....
JIM, you are stuck on 'stupid'.

Jr had a meeting, facilitated by Obama, in which no information exchanged hands... And you wet yourself screaming 'that's a crime'...because you are stupid and have no clue what you're TALKI g about.

Meanwhile you defend Hillary colluding with and paying Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for their help, taking millions of dollars from them, committing thousands of counts of crimes - to include ESPIONAGE - and being too much of a damn loser to win a rigged election.

Yea, we know humanitarian Don Jr. had a meeting with Russians because he was just heartbroken over those poor kids & wanted to work out that Russian adoption thingy. Only a total goddam fool would fall for that bullshit story. Don't take much to impress you Trumptards does it?
You stupid dimwits keep thinking you have something. You're all idiots.
For someone who won Trump sure does have his panties all twisted over it! Trumps asshole is puckered so tight it's a wonder he can even breathe.
For someone who won

You people insist he did not. I know it is tough to admit but your arguments amount to shit and shoved in it.

I know when I am accused of something I did not do, like Trump I would vigorously defend myself. Maybe you would not. Apparently, you are one more emasculated idiot that is going to have trouble sleeping for the next 6 years.
Clipper believes that Republicans are required to meekly comply with efforts to destroy them.
Not really. But it would be nice to hear Trump just once in a while tell the truth about something. Ever stop to think that maybe Trump's constant lying is why people don't trust him? Would you trust anyone who constantly lied to you if it wasent Donald Trump doing it?
It would be nice to hear you tell the truth about something. Instead, you lie constantly. You're a sleazy lying scumbag.
Trump, 9000 lies & counting, Ace! Enjoy, cheesedick!
Probably trying to keep up with you.
Rudy Giuliani: 'There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians' - CNNPolitics

Has the Republican Party become this rotten? Have they lowered themselves to cooperating with foreign adversaries in order to stay in power?

They are happy to accept stolen information? I think we are now at the bottom of the barrel....
JIM, you are stuck on 'stupid'.

Jr had a meeting, facilitated by Obama, in which no information exchanged hands... And you wet yourself screaming 'that's a crime'...because you are stupid and have no clue what you're TALKI g about.

Meanwhile you defend Hillary colluding with and paying Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for their help, taking millions of dollars from them, committing thousands of counts of crimes - to include ESPIONAGE - and being too much of a damn loser to win a rigged election.

Yea, we know humanitarian Don Jr. had a meeting with Russians because he was just heartbroken over those poor kids & wanted to work out that Russian adoption thingy. Only a total goddam fool would fall for that bullshit story. Don't take much to impress you Trumptards does it?
That isn't what he was told the purpose of the meeting was, shit for brains.

You just can't stop lying about the Trump administration, can you?
Rudy Giuliani: 'There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians' - CNNPolitics

Has the Republican Party become this rotten? Have they lowered themselves to cooperating with foreign adversaries in order to stay in power?

They are happy to accept stolen information? I think we are now at the bottom of the barrel....
Yes... you may very well be right... we may, indeed, be at the bottom of the barrel.

It saddens me that we elected a lewd, arrogant, spoiled, amoral Creature willing to do such things.

It bothers me far more that so many of our fellow countrymen are willing to rush to defend such things.

I haven't made up my mind yet whether that defense stems from Agenda Fever or Personality Cultism.

As with most things, the answer will vary on a minion-by-minion basis, along with a fair amount of crossover.

Tragically, some of them see nothing wrong with enlisting an adversarial foreign power for such purposes.

And, of course, some of them would make a deal with the Devil himself in order to achieve or retain political power.

By the look of it... some of them did just that... and have been cozying-up to the Devil ever since.

And, of course, some of them are ignorant, and just don't know much beyond the bumper-sticker echo-chamber environment.

Personally, I'm far-Right when it comes to Illegal Aliens, and that tempted me to vote for Drumpf myself.

However, I quickly realized that Drumpf was simply far too high a price to pay for what I wanted.

It appears that some sizable percentage of my fellow countrymen did not have that particular epiphany.

Sad... truly sad.
Lol, you're just mad that Trump won't let y'all get away with telling lies anymore.
I cannot believe that you are that simple-minded... for your sake, I hope I'm wrong.
You're a very hate filled person. Please get help!
Rudy Giuliani: 'There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians' - CNNPolitics

Has the Republican Party become this rotten? Have they lowered themselves to cooperating with foreign adversaries in order to stay in power?

They are happy to accept stolen information? I think we are now at the bottom of the barrel....
JIM, you are stuck on 'stupid'.

Jr had a meeting, facilitated by Obama, in which no information exchanged hands... And you wet yourself screaming 'that's a crime'...because you are stupid and have no clue what you're TALKI g about.

Meanwhile you defend Hillary colluding with and paying Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for their help, taking millions of dollars from them, committing thousands of counts of crimes - to include ESPIONAGE - and being too much of a damn loser to win a rigged election.

Yea, we know humanitarian Don Jr. had a meeting with Russians because he was just heartbroken over those poor kids & wanted to work out that Russian adoption thingy. Only a total goddam fool would fall for that bullshit story. Don't take much to impress you Trumptards does it?
That isn't what he was told the purpose of the meeting was, shit for brains.

You just can't stop lying about the Trump administration, can you?
Why do you Trump supporters hate America? Trump & his goon squad conspired with Russia to game the election in his favor & you defend him. You know it, I know & so do milions of other Americans. Never in the history of this country have millions of people fallen in line behind the likes of Trump, a no good traitor. That's right, Trump is a fucking traitor & I'm going to rub your noses in it every chance i get. I don't believe in cults, so screw you.

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