Rotten Rudy: Nothing wrong with taking information from Russians

So getting info on your political opponent from foreigners is bad yet the so called Trump dossier was put together by a British citizen using his Russian contacts. It would seem how bad this is depends greatly on who is getting the information.
I gave this a "winner" although it shouldn't deserve it. It "should" be so obvious as to not be worth mentioning. "Should" be.
Yes it should be but far to many are willingly blind to the obvious.
Trump administration is changing the rules we have been given by our founders. The checks and balances are being trashed. Trump has no respect for the separation of powers. He is trying to exert power over the judiciary. The Senate is under his power now. He is furious that the Dems won the house.
Trump has no trouble accepting help from Russia. That is horrible. The rules do not apply to Trump. He lies like crazy. Is that ok for future presidents?
Will no Repub candidates have to show their taxes?
Who COLLUDED with Russis?....a PAT on the arm....Give your mind some FLEXIBILITY to realize EXACTLY what you are looking at and hearing!!!!!

Rudy Giuliani: 'There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians' - CNNPolitics

Has the Republican Party become this rotten? Have they lowered themselves to cooperating with foreign adversaries in order to stay in power?

They are happy to accept stolen information? I think we are now at the bottom of the barrel....
52 U.S. Code § 30121
"It shall be unlawful for a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation... from a foreign national."

Not sure what this Hillary stuff is. Its legal to purchase opposition research from foreign nation, but not as a contribution or donation.
Wait, if taking info from Russians is BAD all the time then your own claims about Trump are bad because guess what? They came from the RUSSIANS.

The above shows just how fucking dumb Trump ass kissers have become in trying to defend the indefensible.

From Don jr. stating that most of their money comes from Russia
From the orange buffoon stating "Russia are you listening"
From Jarred et al hosting treasonous activities at Trump Towers
Etc., etc. etc.

These cultists back each other up because they're basically COWARDS who can't admit they fucked up backing a moron.
So getting info on your political opponent from foreigners is bad yet the so called Trump dossier was put together by a British citizen using his Russian contacts. It would seem how bad this is depends greatly on who is getting the information.

This other moron is comparing the action of a staunch partener.....the the actions of a hostile country that cares crap about our democracy........

These cultists have sunk even lower than their cult leader.
Wait, if taking info from Russians is BAD all the time then your own claims about Trump are bad because guess what? They came from the RUSSIANS.

The above shows just how fucking dumb Trump ass kissers have become in trying to defend the indefensible.

From Don jr. stating that most of their money comes from Russia
From the orange buffoon stating "Russia are you listening"
From Jarred et al hosting treasonous activities at Trump Towers
Etc., etc. etc.

These cultists back each other up because they're basically COWARDS who can't admit they fucked up backing a moron.
We will be talking about the real conspiracy when Barr gets going. Bye. It will be funny and it will happen.
brings up Hillary because.....well,

BECAUSE, you and I and WE ALL KNOW that whatever nit you pick against Trump, democrats like Hillary did it FIRST, did it MORE and then did it TEN TIMES worse!

The more you try to make a case against Trump, the more you merely lay the groundwork for the eventual special investigations into the Obama/Clinton Crime Syndicate.

And Bob Barr will likely be holding the reigns on that one!

Nice of you to show a picture of the Liar in Chief calling someone fake....Mueller had to write a lot of pages to document all his lies and the times he asked others to lie for him....

Then there is Lying Sarah.....the "slip of the tongue" Christian.....Did Daddy Huck tell her that she is going to Hell for lying> But she will probably get a promotion in this Sewer of a Regime!
You cocksuckers are a bunch of commie shill lowlifes. You should all be locked up with your boy Donnie and his band of miscreants. Our children must be so ashamed of us not to mention the rest of the world. This sham presidency will go down as the biggest shit stain on the American flag EVER. Good job you rotten fucks just remember you are and will always be on the wrong side of history.
Trump administration is changing the rules we have been given by our founders. The checks and balances are being trashed. Trump has no respect for the separation of powers. He is trying to exert power over the judiciary. The Senate is under his power now. He is furious that the Dems won the house.
Trump has no trouble accepting help from Russia. That is horrible. The rules do not apply to Trump. He lies like crazy. Is that ok for future presidents?
Will no Repub candidates have to show their taxes?

As for the taxes, why give info to people who were out to destroy you even before the inauguration. Why should he be happy his political enemies won the house? Haven't the Dems been legislating from the Judiciary for decades? What is wrong with hiring Judges who are Originalists? At least Trump isn't fixing elections and making up bogus investigations like your dear comrades. Maybe the Democrats should just try to win elections instead of using courts to force policy on people, go after politician's wife and kids, fixing primaries, and making up bogus investigations? It wouldn't hurt if you laid off the race garbage either. Its a bit tiresome. Trotting out last minute female accusers is getting old too. Sorry for the rant, but who lies more, Trump or the media? Try not relying on the FACT CHECKERS to answer that question.
Wait, if taking info from Russians is BAD all the time then your own claims about Trump are bad because guess what? They came from the RUSSIANS.
Trump and the GOP love the Russian so much, they even invite them into the Oval Office to give them secret material.

Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials

They just call ahead of time so what they want will be ready when they get their.

It's easy.

Just make all the Americans leave so the exchange can't be witnessed.

And they still have the nerve to talk about Hillary? Hilarious!

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