Roughly 80% of all voters say U.S. needs secure borders, including 68% of Democrats: Harvard poll

How many say they are in support of the wall and have donated to the cause? Currently the gofundme page is at about 2% of the 1B they planned to reach.
The OP won't tell you that a more recent Harvard poll found this:
A majority of U.S. voters surveyed, 58 percent, said Trump should withdraw his demand for the border funding, while 42 percent said the president "should not give in."

By the way, the poll in the OP is one year old.
Poll: Majorities oppose Trump's wall funding demand, call for compromise

Did you also know that of the people surveyed in the more recent poll, 626 voted for the Democratic candidate in the recent midterms, while 506 voted for the Republican? Guess which state had the highest number of respondents? California, 177, wasn't close. So maybe the numbers for and against that wall are a lot closer than this poll indicates.

Not sure if you are aware*, there are more Democrats than Republicans.
2018: Democrats lead GOP by 12 million registered voters, 40% D, 29% R, 28% I

Also, about 12% of the U.S. population lives in California.
List of states and territories of the United States by population - Wikipedia

I know, I know, you're outnumbered and surrounded.

*Just kidding, I'm positive you don't have a clue.
Republicans want pollsters to pretend that there is a 50-50 split between the two parties.
That's idiotic on its face.

Right there is no split among the wise

The most wise group are white males and they go with trump in a landslide

Trump has all the real power

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