Roughly 80% of all voters say U.S. needs secure borders, including 68% of Democrats: Harvard poll

You and the other idiot are the ones who are confused.
Says the clown that said the census cost $5B and then got mad and claimed he wasnt talking about a census. :laugh:

What? Fingerboi has a history of getting shit wrong? No way!
Turds like you get things wrong every time you post. I spend so much time correcting your idiocies that it consumes most of my time on this forum. On the other hand, I get one thing wrong and I keep hearing about it for the next 5 years.

Ah, the whole world is out to get you, waahhhhh.

Here's a thought, do a little more research before you start a thread.
Here's a thought: quite posting idiocies. Take a course in logic. Stay away from snowflake propaganda organs. Quit lying.
Low logic people are like 8 yr olds and if we treat them different they will self destruct

Protect 8 yr olds and low logic adults in the same way. stop their voting and being on juries
The Dims are fooling themselves if they think opposing the border wall is a winning issue. Not only are they opposing that, they are opposing funding for more judges and for more beds in detention centers for illegal aliens waiting for their hearings.

First, the poll is in the Moonie Times, which makes it suspect.
Secondly, no one is really against security on the border.... We are against a pointless wall to memorialize Trump's racism.

Jealous people are low logic people and proves they are losers

Trump was elected as president. What he wants must be what goes

Others are simply jealous low logic losersv
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.
Democrats are not serious about border security. If they were they would have secured it under Clinton and Obama.
Castles was built with walls

Walls are the proven success way

Castles were proven to be ineffective when technology outgrew them. Plus, all you had to do is surround the Castle and wait it out, throw a few dead diseased cows over the walls and presto, chango, the wall was defeated. Or find the back door that all castle walls had installed and enter that way. Or you could bring your favorite siege engine and hammer holes in it. Much like it's done today in the existing Mexican wall that is not heavily monitored. And let's not forget the tunneling that was done to enter those castles as well. The wall only slows down the stupid. Once a method to defeat it is discovered, everyone else will be coming en mass. The most effective wall is still a live human with the right equipment to stop the other person from entering. How he gets there is another matter and what brings him to that place is also another matter. But that live human is still the most effective. It's called Boots on the Ground. Works in War and Peace equally.
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.

What makes disagreement from trumps wall that castles built proves as correct...

The disagreement comes from low logic jealousy and are losers
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.

You missed the joke. Besides, we are having trouble in maintaining the wall that we have already built. The funds to maintain it are being used to build new walls and more people are getting through the dilapidated walls. A wall is only good if it's well maintained and well manned. Remember, the Wall of China didn't stop the Monguls once they learned they could just go around it.
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.

You missed the joke. Besides, we are having trouble in maintaining the wall that we have already built. The funds to maintain it are being used to build new walls and more people are getting through the dilapidated walls. A wall is only good if it's well maintained and well manned. Remember, the Wall of China didn't stop the Monguls once they learned they could just go around it.

Remember the castles built with walls

Not stopping all does not prove it is not indeed a great help
Start charging illegals at the border and it would pay for itself. Like the charges to ships that use the Panama canal. $400 a passage. The Panama Canal cost Americans around $375,000,000, including the$10,000,000 paid to Panama and the $40,000,000 paid to the French company. It was the single most expensive construction project in United States history to that time.
Castles was built with walls

Walls are the proven success way

Castles were proven to be ineffective when technology outgrew them. Plus, all you had to do is surround the Castle and wait it out, throw a few dead diseased cows over the walls and presto, chango, the wall was defeated. Or find the back door that all castle walls had installed and enter that way. Or you could bring your favorite siege engine and hammer holes in it. Much like it's done today in the existing Mexican wall that is not heavily monitored. And let's not forget the tunneling that was done to enter those castles as well. The wall only slows down the stupid. Once a method to defeat it is discovered, everyone else will be coming en mass. The most effective wall is still a live human with the right equipment to stop the other person from entering. How he gets there is another matter and what brings him to that place is also another matter. But that live human is still the most effective. It's called Boots on the Ground. Works in War and Peace equally.
We'll be happy to allow the potential illegals to sit on their side of the border and "sit it out."

Sorry, turd, but a human is not as effective as a wall. Your claim is ludicrous. Nothing stops humans in their tracks better than a wall.
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.

You missed the joke. Besides, we are having trouble in maintaining the wall that we have already built. The funds to maintain it are being used to build new walls and more people are getting through the dilapidated walls. A wall is only good if it's well maintained and well manned. Remember, the Wall of China didn't stop the Monguls once they learned they could just go around it.
The wall we already have is a 10 foot high jury rigged patchwork made from military surplus runway mats. It's not a structure built to last. It all needs to be replaced by a real 30 foot high wall built from prestressed concrete. As you douchebag snowflakes usually do, you're comparing things that aren't comparable.

BTW, moron, the Chinese wall stopped the Mongols for centuries. Genghis Khan breached it only be bribing the guards at one of the gates.
The Dims are fooling themselves if they think opposing the border wall is a winning issue. Not only are they opposing that, they are opposing funding for more judges and for more beds in detention centers for illegal aliens waiting for their hearings.

A wide-reaching poll conducted by Harvard University reveals that majorities of U.S. voters — including Democrats — appear to agree with many of President Trump's most basic beliefs about immigration.

The findings reveal, for example, that eight out of 10 of all U.S. voters — 79 percent — say the U.S. needs secure borders; 93 percent of Republicans, 80 percent of independents and 68 percent of Democrats agree with that.

Another 79 percent of voters overall say immigration priorities should be granted on a person’s “ability to contribute to America”; 87 percent of Republicans, 79 percent of independents and 72 percent of Democrats agree.

Meanwhile, 68 percent overall oppose a lottery-based immigration system which is meant to ensure “greater diversity: in the U.S.; 78 percent of Republicans, 65 percent of independents and 62 percent of Democrats agree.

In addition, 61 percent overall say U.S. border security is inadequate; 84 percent of Republicans, 64 percent of independents and 40 percent of Democrats agree.
No link to the actual poll I see

You wrote: "No link to the actual poll I see"
Here is the LINK...
Cool thanks. As I expected to find, the poll shows massive support for work permits and a path to citizenship for dreamers. I was expecting to find an overwhelming majority of voters opposing Trump shutting down the government to get wall funding, as other polls have found, but they did not ask that question.
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.

50 years ago we landed men on the moon and they returned to earth safely. Today Technology, Engineering and Heavy Equipment would make the project possible, and not like a fence, generate revenue.

I actually don't support it, and only an imbecile would support building a 2,000 mile wall, and support Trump's likely illegal efforts, that is his abuse of power.
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.

You missed the joke. Besides, we are having trouble in maintaining the wall that we have already built. The funds to maintain it are being used to build new walls and more people are getting through the dilapidated walls. A wall is only good if it's well maintained and well manned. Remember, the Wall of China didn't stop the Monguls once they learned they could just go around it.
The wall we already have is a 10 foot high jury rigged patchwork made from military surplus runway mats. It's not a structure built to last. It all needs to be replaced by a real 30 foot high wall built from prestressed concrete. As you douchebag snowflakes usually do, you're comparing things that aren't comparable.

BTW, moron, the Chinese wall stopped the Mongols for centuries. Genghis Khan breached it only be bribing the guards at one of the gates.
Genghis Khan didnt have C4 you fucking inbred retard. :rolleyes:
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.

50 years ago we landed men on the moon and they returned to earth safely. Today Technology, Engineering and Heavy Equipment would make the project possible, and not like a fence, generate revenue.

I actually don't support it, and only an imbecile would support building a 2,000 mile wall, and support Trump's likely illegal efforts, that is his abuse of power.
Sorry, turd, but the wall is smart. It's cheap and effective. That's why you're opposed to it. Build the wall, and the supply of new Democrats dries up.
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.

You missed the joke. Besides, we are having trouble in maintaining the wall that we have already built. The funds to maintain it are being used to build new walls and more people are getting through the dilapidated walls. A wall is only good if it's well maintained and well manned. Remember, the Wall of China didn't stop the Monguls once they learned they could just go around it.
The wall we already have is a 10 foot high jury rigged patchwork made from military surplus runway mats. It's not a structure built to last. It all needs to be replaced by a real 30 foot high wall built from prestressed concrete. As you douchebag snowflakes usually do, you're comparing things that aren't comparable.

BTW, moron, the Chinese wall stopped the Mongols for centuries. Genghis Khan breached it only be bribing the guards at one of the gates.
Genghis Khan didnt have C4 you fucking inbred retard. :rolleyes:
You actually believe that ignorant impoverished Mexican peasants can get their hands on C4?

Talk about fucking inbred retards.
What bothers me is why the house was lost. I feel many gop voters stayed home in a crucial election. This would be all done had enuff fly by voters showed up. We need the wall plus thousands of new patrol officers to patrol the whole border.

We need to understand the wall is a metaphor since the cost to build a wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean is way to expensive, to build, to maintain and to patrol.

Bullshit. The wall is cheap. The cost of maintaining it is almost nil, and we already have the personnel to patrol it. It takes fewer people to patrol the border with a wall than it does without a wall. What you're saying is that we should leave the border unpatrolled. You're just another open-borders douchebag who is arguing for doing nothing.

How about building a Canal from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean? Large and deep enough for Sea Going Cargo Ships, Energy provided by Solar and Wind Power. Think Big, how many jobs will be created in Mexico and the U.S.

Why would any sane person support that? Only an imbecile like you would.

50 years ago we landed men on the moon and they returned to earth safely. Today Technology, Engineering and Heavy Equipment would make the project possible, and not like a fence, generate revenue.

I actually don't support it, and only an imbecile would support building a 2,000 mile wall, and support Trump's likely illegal efforts, that is his abuse of power.

Sorry, turd, but the wall is smart. It's cheap and effective. That's why you're opposed to it. Build the wall, and the supply of new Democrats dries up.

Tell me and the readers, the exact cost of the wall to build, to maintain, to man 2,000 miles by guards and pay land owners whose land the builders of the wall will need to occupy and maintain.

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