Rove Declares War on Tea Party

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
Ben Shapiro
Feb 3, 2013


But it isn’t. The Bush insider team that helped lead to the rise of Barack Obama insists that they, and only they, know the path to victory. As the Times reports, Conservative Victory Project won’t merely protect incumbents – it will challenge sitting Congresspeople of the Tea Party variety, including six-term Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, who may run for Senate. “We’re concerned about Steve King’s Todd Akin problem,” Law told the Times – with whom he seems far too friendly. “This is an example of candidate discipline and how it would play in a general election. All of the things he’s said are going to be hung around his neck.”

The rest: Rove Declares War on Tea Party
I see all of you are trying to pretend that the Bush years didn't happen, when Karl Rove was your savior.
I see all of you are trying to pretend that the Bush years didn't happen, when Karl Rove was your savior.
Not to worry!!!!

Mickey Huckabee

Why is Karl Rove such a big topic of conversation?

Because the left wing nut jobs think they can cause internal problems within the GOP by talking shit. It's the old divide and conquer tactics. They're desperate to try to take the house in 2014 and think this is a way to do it. The proper response to threads like this one is to call them for the bull shit they are.
Ben Shapiro
Feb 3, 2013


But it isn’t. The Bush insider team that helped lead to the rise of Barack Obama insists that they, and only they, know the path to victory. As the Times reports, Conservative Victory Project won’t merely protect incumbents – it will challenge sitting Congresspeople of the Tea Party variety, including six-term Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, who may run for Senate. “We’re concerned about Steve King’s Todd Akin problem,” Law told the Times – with whom he seems far too friendly. “This is an example of candidate discipline and how it would play in a general election. All of the things he’s said are going to be hung around his neck.”

The rest: Rove Declares War on Tea Party

I see all of you are trying to pretend that the Bush years didn't happen, when Karl Rove was your savior.

its the frankenstein that they funded. Poetic justice that they now have to pay AGAIN to have them put-down as it were. :clap2:
Why is Karl Rove such a big topic of conversation?

Because the left wing nut jobs think they can cause internal problems within the GOP by talking shit. It's the old divide and conquer tactics. They're desperate to try to take the house in 2014 and think this is a way to do it. The proper response to threads like this one is to call them for the bull shit they are.
Stopping EFFING lying...will you!??!?

The GOP are currently ripping at each other's throats.

How else do you explain this...

Mark Levin blasts Karl Rove as a propagandist, interviews Steve King on Rove » The Right Scoop -

Which of the two are the "real Conservatives?"

You tell me.

Even w/o this, from the minute you had a Republican response, followed by a Tea-Party response for the State of The Nation speech, you have yourself a fraction on your hands.

And this was during the LAST Administration. There has been a soft war going on in the GOP for the last 4 years now, actually 6, it started during Bush's collapse and has been ramping up ever since, up to now.

It's coming to a head, but it hasn't peaked as yet.

And yes, it's fun for people like me to watch.
Oh my God, Rove has been a RINO this whole time? Somebody alert the 2000-2008 Republicans.
Why is Karl Rove such a big topic of conversation?

The alternative is to talk about Obama, Democrats and the state of the country not something everyone wants to do. The obsession with Rove is dam funny give he has not run or advised a campaign in eight years.

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