Rowdy Jennifer Rubin Melts Down, Asks If People Against Amnesty Are ‘Raised By Wolves’

That video rather exemplifies what's wrong with the political discourse in this country. Not one intelligent comment in the whole spiel. Sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Amnesty for illegals was never something we got to vote FOR, was it? All the pandering to illegals from Mexico, were did that come from, legally or otherwise]? Plenty of immigrants came here before Mexicans and didn't get sanctuary cities. What makes Mexicans so extra special to get entire cities devoted to them coming here illegally?
That video rather exemplifies what's wrong with the political discourse in this country. Not one intelligent comment in the whole spiel. Sound and fury, signifying nothing.
I was just thinking, they give women in politics a really bad name.

They make me long for a time before they gave them the right to get involved in the nation's politics. Put them back in the kitchen for all that is holy.


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