Roy Moore Cast The Sole Vote In Favor Of A Man Who Raped A Four-Year-Old


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
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Embattled Alabama Senate Republican candidate Roy Moore once cast the lone vote in favor of a man accused of raping a four-year-old boy.

In 2015, Roy Moore was performing his second stint as a justice sitting on the Alabama Supreme Court–Moore was previously removed from office for ignoring a federal court order mandating the removal of a Ten Commandments monument from the state judicial building.

The Alabama Supreme Court had the opportunity to hear the case of one Eric Lemont Higdon, a man accused and convicted of two sodomy charges due to sexual assault against a four-year-old at Mama’s Place Christian Academy in Clay, Alabama.

One of those convictions was first-degree sodomy of a child less than 12 years old. The other conviction was first-degree sodomy by forcible compulsion. Essentially, the first conviction was for statutory rape; the second for forcible rape.

Higdon’s conviction on the forcible rape charge was eventually overturned on appeal. The state, by way of prosecutor Luther Strange, appealed that decision and the Alabama Supreme Court took the case up for review.

Eight of the nine justices on the panel found that the appeals court had erred. Their legal logic was such that a 17-year-old’s sexual assault of a four-year-old was enough to produce in the mind of the four-year-old, an “implied threat of serious physical injury.” The decision was reversed and remanded and Higdon’s conviction was reinstated.

Roy Moore dissented from that opinion. He wrote:

Because there was no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury…or of an implied threat of death, Higdon cannot be convicted of sodomy in the first degree “by forcible compulsion.”

This man has some serious problems and should be prevented from ever serving and the US Congress or even ice cream man.

Roy Moore Cast The Sole Vote In Favor Of A Man Who Raped A Four-Year-Old
Just a fake witch hunt. I find all of this ironic considering I do not like Moore.
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Yikes another woman who doesn’t believe women who were sexually molested but believes the predator instead.
Rather sick.

This case is a matter of record and there’s nothing fake about it.
Yikes another woman who doesn’t believe women who were sexually molested but believes the predator instead.
Rather sick.

This case is a matter of record and there’s nothing fake about it.

It is not proven, and you know it. This it the response of the one still butthurt. When it is proven, I will be the first to say so. They are Cain-ing Moore.

Guess what. Trump is still President.
Yikes another woman who doesn’t believe women who were sexually molested but believes the predator instead.
Rather sick.

This case is a matter of record and there’s nothing fake about it.

It is not proven, and you know it. This it the response of the one still butthurt. When it is proven, I will be the first to say so. They are Cain-ing Moore.

Guess what. Trump is still President.
For now.
Yikes another woman who doesn’t believe women who were sexually molested but believes the predator instead.
Rather sick.

This case is a matter of record and there’s nothing fake about it.

It is not proven, and you know it. This it the response of the one still butthurt. When it is proven, I will be the first to say so. They are Cain-ing Moore.

Guess what. Trump is still President.
For now.

Yep, and that is all that matters. We may all be dead tomorrow. ;)
Just a fake witch hunt. I find all of this ironic considering I do not like Moore.

I'm not sure I know what to make of the emboldened comment.

A "fake witch hunt?" Insofar as a "witch hunt" is a "the searching out and deliberate harassment of those (such as political opponents) with unpopular views," a "fake witch hunt" must therefore be a fake (not existential, not extant, not real) searching out and deliberate harassing those (such as political opponents) with unpopular views. Well, where I'm from, we call that "just desserts," or "deferentia/preferential" treatment.

What's not clear to me -- mainly because of the rather contrived nature of the "fake" combined with "witch hunt" -- is what exactly you mean by "fake witch hunt."
FACT CHECK: Did a Woman Say the Washington Post Offered Her $1,000 to Accuse Roy Moore of Sexual Abuse?

A conspiratorial web site shared a story based solely on unsourced tweets claiming the venerable newspaper paid off sources.

Their legal logic was such that a 17-year-old’s sexual assault of a four-year-old was enough to produce in the mind of the four-year-old, an “implied threat of serious physical injury.”

Well, yes, of course a four-year-old child would fear what a 17 year-old who'd just fellated them and instructed them to keep quiet about might do to them if they didn't keep quiet. I'd even go so far as to say that four-year-olds are likely trepidatious of 17 year-olds in general.

I mean seriously. What kind of mollycoddled life must one have had not to relate to the experience of fear from having been threatened by (or threatening) one's older sibling, or some bigger and older kid in one's neighborhood, or something of that nature, for things far less consequential than what Higdon did to that child?

So then Pence would be your president. Woo hoo!!! :lol: Damned if you do, damned if you don't, eh? :lol:
Since he is in all of the shite up to his eyeballs, Pence would probably go would be Ryan taking over. You guys would have a better chance of re-winning the presidency if Ryan were in charge than with Trump or Pence. Think about it.
Just a fake witch hunt. I find all of this ironic considering I do not like Moore.

Moore dissented. He acknowledged that Higdon had committed first-degree sodomy but argued that his crime, while “abhorrent,” did not qualify as sodomy “by forcible compulsion.” In everyday English, Higdon undoubtedly engaged in “forcible compulsion,” as would any child rapist. But under Alabama law, Moore noted, the term has a specific meaning. The Alabama legislature defines “forcible compulsion” as “[p]hysical force that overcomes earnest resistance or a threat, express or implied, that places another person in fear of immediate death or serious physical injury to himself or another person.”

The majority concluded that the threat of sexual assault alone qualified as an “implied threat” under this statute. Once again, in plain English, that would certainly make sense. But the Alabama statute expressly defines an “implied threat” as something more: an action or statement that places the victim “in fear of immediate death or serious physical injury.” And in Higdon, no such act was
It’s Wrong to Attack Roy Moore for His Dissent in a Child Rape Case

Its true. Moore is non relevant in my book even before these allegations, he is a racist bigot, but I hope the Alabamians do select him or the Dem that is running, because it will show the Republicans true colors, we only had to watch the white evangelicals chose Trump from the candidates, why not Kasich or Rubio?

The kid was 4 years old.
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