Roy Moore says America is "a focus of evil in the world"

Straight out of the Donald Trump "How to Kiss Putin's ass" manual
The funny part is, college students are taught in class that America is evil. Has always been evil and will always be evil. Yet when Moore says something similar, he's the bad guy.
Roy Moore admires Vladimir Putin’s morality

Q: [Ronald Reagan] said that Russia was a focus of evil in the world.

MOORE: You could say that very well about America, couldn’t you.
Roy Moore, another America hater.

No wonder he is so popular with the pseudocons.

No wonder Trump endorsed him.


But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent. You think our country’s so innocent?
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The funny part is, college students are taught in class that America is evil. Has always been evil and will always be evil. Yet when Moore says something similar, he's the bad guy.
So are you going to be a hypocrite and not attack Moore for saying something similar?

Of course you'll be a hypocrite.

Of course.
If you have an R after your name, you can insult America and reveal your true hateful feelings, and it's all good with the pseudocon tards.

But holy shit, just imagine the fucking hyperbolic shit fits they would have if someone with a D after their name said these things!
I so nailed it when I said Trump would lead the pseudocons into the far left camp.

They sound more and more like the comsymp hippies of the 60s with every passing day.

Russia is great, America sucks.


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