RP supporters warm to Johnson not Romney at RNC convention

Johnson did give a great speech at Paul Fest, and that's the first time I've said that about him. I also never understood the Paul campaign's position on Johnson, because he was never really competition but who would care if he was? I'd like to see a stage full of libertarians and libertarian-leaning candidates personally.

I still won't vote for him.
Ah....I just can't help myself but to vote...I love politics and just 1 vote against willard makes me happy..plus my wife and mother that I can count on to not vote for willard...probably gonna vote for Johnson as well.
Ah....I just can't help myself but to vote...I love politics and just 1 vote against willard makes me happy..plus my wife and mother that I can count on to not vote for willard...probably gonna vote for Johnson as well.

I understand that, and I reserve the right to change my mind for no reason whatsoever but as of now I don't plan to vote. I would vote for Johnson if there was another was race I was interested in voting in, but my Senate and Congressional races are just as pointless as the Presidential race.
ah. Yeah my congressional race sucks. They did redistricting and we lost our awesome congressman and now its some establishment tool vs a democrat lol...
Obviously what shitfire doesn't understand that this movement was never about 1 man its a movement for freedom and liberty. Ron Paul was our torch bearer and we will continue on with what he started and help us start,like electing our own as state party leaders,city leaders,electing people to congress and senate and state houses as well....
ah. Yeah my congressional race sucks. They did redistricting and we lost our awesome congressman and now its some establishment tool vs a democrat lol...

I lost my tool Congressman and will now be given a different one. The new district is nicely gerrymandered too.
Who cares.
Obviously you do,you took time to come in here and post a pointless response.

ah. Yeah my congressional race sucks. They did redistricting and we lost our awesome congressman and now its some establishment tool vs a democrat lol...

I lost my tool Congressman and will now be given a different one. The new district is nicely gerrymandered too.

I will probably write myself in lol..
I like your user name 9/11.

I love using it because when all the 9/11 apologists in denial and afraid of the truth call me 9/11 nutjob anytime I challenge them to debunk evidence and facts that it was an inside job,like cowards they run away with their tail between their legs not even attempting to debunk the facts.:D:lol::lol:

anyways back to the topic here,I knew Paul would not get in.Rigged elections have been going on for ages and Romneys camp was caught and then nothing was done about it,I knew the establishment woulf get romney in so it was no surprise when the RNC changed the rules at the last minute so Paul could not get the delegates he had lined up.

Plus our corrupt court system threw out the lawsuit that the delegates of the RNC filed against Romney.after that,I knew it was over.face it,Johnson will not get in either in the future.there needs to be a revolution.as long as we have this corrupt one party system designed to look like two parties and the american sheople dont wake up and continue thinking they have a choice in who gets elected,nothings ever going to change and we will continue having the government we have where we serve them instead of them serving us like they are suppose to according to the constitution.
4 hours until RP's final irrelevancy.

tick tock tick toc tick toc


so you love living in a world where we lose more and more of our freedoms every year and get more and more closer to a police state and serving the government instead of them serving us like they are suppose to because neither Obama or Romney believe in the constitution.Glad you love being a slave to the system.
Obviously what shitfire doesn't understand that this movement was never about 1 man its a movement for freedom and liberty. Ron Paul was our torch bearer and we will continue on with what he started and help us start,like electing our own as state party leaders,city leaders,electing people to congress and senate and state houses as well....

Im afraid the only way we can do that though Dissent is the american sheople need to get off their asses and fight for their country back.You got to remember,the majority of congress is bought off and paid for.anytime a good politician like Dennis Kucinich or Cythia Mckinney for example gets in,they get rid of them.

Also the courts are corrupt,the majority of cops are corrupt,cops lie,lawyers lie,the courts like,the judges lie. and look how the RNC sabotgoed Ron Pauls campaine throwing out the lawsuit delegates of romney had against the RNC and chaning the rules at the last second.

there needs to be a revolution to overthrow this corrupt government we have for anything to change im afraid.

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