Rubio declares candidacy....nobody cares

The Republican Party is the Party of The People.

The Republican Party, like the Democratic Party, is the party of big money. Neither of them give a shit about the people, but they sure do enjoy pulling your guys' strings and watching you all go at it.
That's the sickness that pervades the criminal organization known as the democrat party....

You're no different in principle than the communist party - - You get together behind closed doors, nominate a candidate of YOUR liking and put him on the throne.

Republicans like the American tradition of letting THE PEOPLE decide who THEY want as their Candidate.

The Republican Party is the Party of The People.

Very true

Rich ,white, Christian people
This is the Politics Forum. Remember to keep the insults within context.
If an unaccomplished inexperienced backbencher senator from Illinois can win, why not another Rubio or Paul or Cruz or......???
The Republican Party, like the Democratic Party, is the party of big money. Neither of them give a shit about the people, but they sure do enjoy pulling your guys' strings and watching you all go at it.

What's your alternative? :dunno:

Seriously. What is it?

I can think of but a few alternatives....

1) Anarchy (doesn't work very well..... death, disease, murder, genocide, etc)

2) Monarchy.... No Thanks

3) communist totalitarianism. No thanks

4) Benign Dictatorship )give me an example of one that has ever existed)

5) Meaningless, empty theory accompanied by meaningless empty rhetoric as an excuse to opt out of the hard work of making things work

Most liberturdians I've ever run into fall straight into the #5 category.

Nobody and nothing is perfect. The BEST we can hope for is to keep SCUM (aka; dimocraps) out of Office sometimes.

Messiahs have been in short supply for a couple thousand years.

And they crucified the last one so there haven't been a lot of volunteers since then
Grab a bottle of water, Marco you look parched. They're free for now.

Wait until debate season. Forget the primaries. Let's peel the onion and see what sort of Republican we're dealing with here.

Rubio will never be a serious candidate until he fixes his drinking problem

And Hillary doesn't have a drinking problem? Are you really that stupid?

No, she doesn't

LOL Yeah she does Moonbeam, a bad one. It's common knowledge, she's also a bisexual, going to try and refute that also?

Cheer up Sparky, I'm bumping your precious thread so you don't have to every 15 mins or so in your quest to be noticed.

Yeah, I see it LOL

No, she doesn't

If an unaccomplished inexperienced backbencher senator from Illinois can win, why not another Rubio or Paul or Cruz or......???

Because minorities hate Cruz and Rubio doesn't look like he can chop wood and carry water. Not after that Republican response water bottle grab.
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If an unaccomplished inexperienced backbencher senator from Illinois can win, why not another Rubio or Paul or Cruz or......???

What you're trying to say is, 'experience' is off the table now that it won't work to the RWnuts' advantage.
Rubio is a serious and very strong candidate. No wonder the OP and the Dims are so worried. :D
Rubio is a serious and very strong candidate. No wonder the OP and the Dims are so worried. :D
I'm worried that Palin won't run....
I'm worried that Palin won't run....

She is too busy watching putin rear his head

Funny that she isn't doing that media tease like she has before. But the last few spots on Fox she appeared to be quite soused, too. Rambling and almost slurring her words.
Rubio is a serious and very strong candidate. No wonder the OP and the Dims are so worried. :D
I'm worried that Palin won't run....
I'm worried that Palin won't run....

She is too busy watching putin rear his head

Funny that she isn't doing that media tease like she has before. But the last few spots on Fox she appeared to be quite soused, too. Rambling and almost slurring her words.

Yet you still want to bang her back to the stone age. :)

Reports Marco Rubio jumps into 2016 presidential race

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a telegenic rising star with appeal to conservative and establishment Republicans, told donors in a conference call today that he will run for president, according to multiple news reports.
Rubio told his supporters he feels "uniquely qualified" to be president and criticized Hillary Clinton as "a leader from yesterday," the Associated Press reported. CNN and NBC News cite unnamed sources who have divulged Rubio's plans.
The senator is set to hold a rally this evening at Miami's Freedom Tower.
The 43-year-old senator elected in 2010 is now the third Republican in the race, joining Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. All three were elected with Tea Party support.


Hmm, considering the number of liberals I've heard talking about this and you starting a thread, clearly a lot of you do care.

Indifference shows you don't care, not starting a thread to bash the guy.

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