Rubio declares candidacy....nobody cares

Rubio is a serious and very strong candidate. No wonder the OP and the Dims are so worried. :D
I'm worried that Palin won't run....
I'm worried that Palin won't run....

She is too busy watching putin rear his head

Funny that she isn't doing that media tease like she has before. But the last few spots on Fox she appeared to be quite soused, too. Rambling and almost slurring her words.

Yet you still want to bang her back to the stone age. :)

I do like my women on the trashy side....
Reports Marco Rubio jumps into 2016 presidential race

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a telegenic rising star with appeal to conservative and establishment Republicans, told donors in a conference call today that he will run for president, according to multiple news reports.
Rubio told his supporters he feels "uniquely qualified" to be president and criticized Hillary Clinton as "a leader from yesterday," the Associated Press reported. CNN and NBC News cite unnamed sources who have divulged Rubio's plans.
The senator is set to hold a rally this evening at Miami's Freedom Tower.
The 43-year-old senator elected in 2010 is now the third Republican in the race, joining Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. All three were elected with Tea Party support.


Hmm, considering the number of liberals I've heard talking about this and you starting a thread, clearly a lot of you do care.

Indifference shows you don't care, not starting a thread to bash the guy.
You guys must be in total rigid fear, since there is so many threads about Hillary...
You guys must be in total rigid fear, since there is so many threads about Hillary...
Do you know how many threads there are about Rubio? Including this one?

Did somebody mention being "in total rigid fear"?

No, I have only recognized this thread...but I have noticed all the absurdity trying to stigmatize a candidate with misconceptions and cheap shots...
You guys must be in total rigid fear, since there is so many threads about Hillary...
Do you know how many threads there are about Rubio? Including this one?

Did somebody mention being "in total rigid fear"?

No, I have only recognized this thread...but I have noticed all the absurdity trying to stigmatize a candidate with misconceptions and cheap shots...

Not cheap shots if they're true. :) Hillary's got more baggage than UPS. You Dems are just gonna have to deal with it. The media and right will be legitimately going after her until election day.

Hope you folks have a thick skin.
Reports Marco Rubio jumps into 2016 presidential race

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a telegenic rising star with appeal to conservative and establishment Republicans, told donors in a conference call today that he will run for president, according to multiple news reports.
Rubio told his supporters he feels "uniquely qualified" to be president and criticized Hillary Clinton as "a leader from yesterday," the Associated Press reported. CNN and NBC News cite unnamed sources who have divulged Rubio's plans.
The senator is set to hold a rally this evening at Miami's Freedom Tower.
The 43-year-old senator elected in 2010 is now the third Republican in the race, joining Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. All three were elected with Tea Party support.

Somebody cares^^^^^^^^^
You guys must be in total rigid fear, since there is so many threads about Hillary...
Do you know how many threads there are about Rubio? Including this one? Did somebody mention being "in total rigid fear"?
No, I have only recognized this thread...
How typical of a liberal. "I only see what I want to see, OK?"
Well goodness, I can't always be a busy beaver like yous...
Anyone that supports the colossally inept and crooked Clinton has no room criticizing anyone... Clinton isn't qualified to be the county dogcatcher.
That's the sickness that pervades the criminal organization known as the democrat party....

You're no different in principle than the communist party - - You get together behind closed doors, nominate a candidate of YOUR liking and put him on the throne.

Republicans like the American tradition of letting THE PEOPLE decide who THEY want as their Candidate.

The Republican Party is the Party of The People.

Very true

Rich ,white, Christian people
Still talking about Hillary
I love it when libtards cry about someone who would be better than the witch Hillary.

The Dems will be vicious because they don't want anyone with a brain debating Hillary. They will lie to get candidates knocked out of the race with the help of the liberal media.
Reports Marco Rubio jumps into 2016 presidential race

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a telegenic rising star with appeal to conservative and establishment Republicans, told donors in a conference call today that he will run for president, according to multiple news reports.
Rubio told his supporters he feels "uniquely qualified" to be president and criticized Hillary Clinton as "a leader from yesterday," the Associated Press reported. CNN and NBC News cite unnamed sources who have divulged Rubio's plans.
The senator is set to hold a rally this evening at Miami's Freedom Tower.
The 43-year-old senator elected in 2010 is now the third Republican in the race, joining Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. All three were elected with Tea Party support.


Hmm, considering the number of liberals I've heard talking about this and you starting a thread, clearly a lot of you do care.

Indifference shows you don't care, not starting a thread to bash the guy.

It is more mockery than indifference
Maybe he should tell the media he won't cater a gay wedding....he'd get more contributions that way.
I love it when libtards cry about someone who would be better than the witch Hillary.

The Dems will be vicious because they don't want anyone with a brain debating Hillary. They will lie to get candidates knocked out of the race with the help of the liberal media.

What the fuck ever you ignorant loser.

Republicans vote in republican they are the only ones responsible for who wins. Not the media, not the clintons, not the Democrats....

Again, blame yourself if your candidate isn't the last man standing.
If an unaccomplished inexperienced backbencher senator from Illinois can win, why not another Rubio or Paul or Cruz or......???

Are you excited about Rubio...Paul...or Cruz? The basis for conservative governance is doing less, spending less, but being right there to bless your weddings and force you to carry a pregnancy to term.

It's impossible to look at what you have to stand for as a GOP candidate and get excited about doing less, proposing nothing except rolling back and repealing whatever came before, and all the while having to explain why you want to be more intrusive
Rubio has proven himself not ready for prime time on the public stage

His best chance is as a potential VP
Good for him at this time his announcement doesn't mean any more to me than anyone else's. I look foreword to hearing what he has to say.

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