Rubio goes on homophobic rant ending political career.

"Our constitution, the bill or rights, and all of our laws and statutes were put in place by majority vote" with guaranteed protection for minority rights.

Brown v. Topeka among many other decisions rebuts "Majority opinions and beliefs always prevail in a democracy, or representative democracy".

"If you want to live in a system where rights and beliefs are dictated" by "the masses, move to" Iraq or the Palestinian Authority.

Yes, with guaranteed protection for minority rights----------------said another way, minority rights were established by majority vote, not minority dictate.

Gay marriage IS NOT A RIGHT.
"Our constitution, the bill or rights, and all of our laws and statutes were put in place by majority vote" with guaranteed protection for minority rights.

Brown v. Topeka among many other decisions rebuts "Majority opinions and beliefs always prevail in a democracy, or representative democracy".

"If you want to live in a system where rights and beliefs are dictated" by "the masses, move to" Iraq or the Palestinian Authority.

Yes, with guaranteed protection for minority rights----------------said another way, minority rights were established by majority vote, not minority dictate.

Gay marriage IS NOT A RIGHT.
Of course it is, and your yelling does not mean anything. The courts have ruled 46 of 49 time against you, the last five elections have approved Marriage Equality, and SCOTUS will do so this month.

As I have challenged you before: will you support the law if it is not want you want?
Heterosexual marriage should be promoted, unlike you leftist who promote single parent homes, too many of which are subsidized and promoted by the federal government through our crony tax code.

So you're proposing that nobody gets tax breaks for children or only that married people get tax breaks for children? Should nobody get married tax breaks or should only heterosexuals get married tax breaks?

1. Nobody gets tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
2. Only married people get tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
3. Nobody get's married tax breaks: I'm good with that, go for it.
4. Only heterosexuals get married tax breaks: Nope, unconstitutional.
There is something called the marriage penalty...

Yeah, and?

Two men can't have children neither can two women.

They can't have their own children, but niether can millions of straight people. Gays do have children. Gay does not equal sterile. We can use AI and IVF just like straight folks do. Oh, and we adopt. 4% of ALL adoptions are by gays and lesbians.

A relationship between two men and two women is not the same as a relationship between man and women not in the least.

Um, actually the relationship is very similar. The sex is better, but the relationships aren't all that different.

It has always been my belief that homosexuality is a psychological disorder and of course it is and shouldn't be promoted as normal. what you do in your private life is your business i could give a shit really. Now quit trying to force this crap down the throat of the American people..How many sexes are there? there are not five, or six or ,whatever, that'll be next thing forced down our throats

Your "belief" and $4 will get you a coffee at Starbucks. It's not supported by science or the psychological community so enjoy your "belief".

My being civilly married and enjoying the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage doesn't shove anything down your throat...but the homoeroticism of that phrase is so totes adorbs.

Congratulations it's not marriage

My marriage license says differently.
Were you molested by a man as a child?

No, were you?
you've undoubtedly had sex with the wrong man, if you have ever. Some may think sex with an animal is "better" doesn't make it normal

I did have sex with a man...once. I figured I should check out and see if I was missing anything. I wasn't.

Really? You're going to the gay sex is like sex with animals thing? You need to learn a little about consent.

:rolleyes-41:You" had sex with a man once"...Wrong man.... Sex is more psychological then physical, if you've mastered the psychology of sex, you can make anyone feel comfortable and enjoy it. You no doubt have been born with a psychological disorder which predetermines you to be attracted to the same sex. That's not a normal thing. No more than Schizophrenia is normal. Homosexual relationships are abnormal...Having said that ,do what you want in your bedroom. it's non of my business until you force that crap down the throats of religious people, school children ect. You people try to change the definition of what marriage has been since civilization began. When man and women get together sexually, its not the same thing as two women or two men it can't be. the only way it could be the same is if men and women where exactly the same which is ridiculous.
Jroc the sex counselor.

God forbid!

The intense fascination of Jroc, Where r my Keys, saintmike, etc., with sex is abnormal.

They are the servants of sexual addiction.
I kind of find it funny how scared some posters on this thread are of gay people. They think they are trampling their rights (they're not).

Me? One of the first gay guys that I ever met was a dude named Paul who served on my first ship. He was a pretty decent sailor, and after we became friends, he told me he was gay and to please not tell anyone. I told him that as long as he didn't pull any moves on me, we'd stay friends. Turns out, he was excellent to hang with, because lots of women would be attracted to him (he was non threatening), and I don't know what it was, but every place we went, ladies would come up and talk to him. He would then introduce them to me, and I'd end up with a date for that night.

He never tried to make me think like he does, nor was he "sex starved". He was actually a pretty decent person.

And..............I can tell all of you from personal experience that gays were better sailors than straights. How do I know? I generally knew who was gay in the command, and I was the one that typed up the evaluations and advancement worksheets (totals up awards, evaluations, and time in service and time in rate), and those who were gay generally had more personal awards for service, as well as higher evaluation marks.

I've also lived with 2 lesbians while I was stationed in Norfolk VA, and they took me out to gay bars with them and I never had a problem. On occasion, I would get hit on by someone, but when I told them I was straight, they'd say oh, okay, and either sit and talk to me or move on. I've only been hassled ONCE in my entire life, and another gay dude came and bailed me out.

No. Gays aren't dangerous, sex starved or looking to convert other people. That's a myth.

Only people who have never actually had any kind of friendship with gays think that.
I kind of find it funny how scared some posters on this thread are of gay people. They think they are trampling their rights (they're not).

Me? One of the first gay guys that I ever met was a dude named Paul who served on my first ship. He was a pretty decent sailor, and after we became friends, he told me he was gay and to please not tell anyone. I told him that as long as he didn't pull any moves on me, we'd stay friends. Turns out, he was excellent to hang with, because lots of women would be attracted to him (he was non threatening), and I don't know what it was, but every place we went, ladies would come up and talk to him. He would then introduce them to me, and I'd end up with a date for that night.

He never tried to make me think like he does, nor was he "sex starved". He was actually a pretty decent person.

And..............I can tell all of you from personal experience that gays were better sailors than straights. How do I know? I generally knew who was gay in the command, and I was the one that typed up the evaluations and advancement worksheets (totals up awards, evaluations, and time in service and time in rate), and those who were gay generally had more personal awards for service, as well as higher evaluation marks.

I've also lived with 2 lesbians while I was stationed in Norfolk VA, and they took me out to gay bars with them and I never had a problem. On occasion, I would get hit on by someone, but when I told them I was straight, they'd say oh, okay, and either sit and talk to me or move on. I've only been hassled ONCE in my entire life, and another gay dude came and bailed me out.

No. Gays aren't dangerous, sex starved or looking to convert other people. That's a myth.

Only people who have never actually had any kind of friendship with gays think that.

Some are, some aren't they generally keep a clean house though:thup:
Jroc, I think the reason that they think gays are sex starved is because the ones who are open about it don't really care who knows, and they view their flamboyancy as sexual desire. I've said..................99 percent of the gays that I've met were pretty decent people. in Amarillo, I worked and hung out at a biker bar, and on occasion, a few of us would get together and head over to the lesbian bar for dancing and beers. The ladies that hung out and worked there didn't mind us showing up once in a while to dance, shoot pool and drink beers.
The Constitution paved the way to eliminate slavery as did the Declaration of Independence which Lincoln used to do exactly that

except he did nothing of the sort. in fact, Lincoln pretty much disregarded the constitution in a way that would make you wingnuts finally shut the fuck up about Obama.

He arrested people who had pro-confederate sympathies, including the Maryland Legistlature to keep them from voting to secede. He suspended Habeas Corpus.

Even the Emancipation Proclamation was unconstitutional.
The Constitution paved the way to eliminate slavery as did the Declaration of Independence which Lincoln used to do exactly that

except he did nothing of the sort. in fact, Lincoln pretty much disregarded the constitution in a way that would make you wingnuts finally shut the fuck up about Obama.

He arrested people who had pro-confederate sympathies, including the Maryland Legistlature to keep them from voting to secede. He suspended Habeas Corpus.

Even the Emancipation Proclamation was unconstitutional.
I'll come back for you later..Your stupidity never ceases to amaze
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The Constitution paved the way to eliminate slavery as did the Declaration of Independence which Lincoln used to do exactly that

except he did nothing of the sort. in fact, Lincoln pretty much disregarded the constitution in a way that would make you wingnuts finally shut the fuck up about Obama.

He arrested people who had pro-confederate sympathies, including the Maryland Legistlature to keep them from voting to secede. He suspended Habeas Corpus.

Even the Emancipation Proclamation was unconstitutional.

While some of that is true, Lincoln used the founding documents to free the salves. a liberty loving Republican:thup:

Mr. Lincoln had steeped himself in the history of the Founding. He understood both its politics and its purpose. And he worried that its meaning had been lost on a generation that associated it only with fireworks and celebrations. In the summer of 1858 Mr. Lincoln told a crowd at Lewiston, Illinois: "Now, my countrymen, if you have been taught doctrines conflict with the great landmarks of the Declaration of Independence; if you have listened to suggestions which would take away from its grandeur and mutilate the fair symmetry of its proportions; if you have been inclined to believe that all men are not created equal in those inalienable rights enumerated in our charter of liberty, let me entreat you to come back. Return to the fountain whose waters spring close by the blood of the revolution. Think nothing of me — take no thought for the political fate of any man whomsoever — but come back to the truths that are in the Declaration of Independence. You may do anything with me you choose, if you will but heed these sacred principles."

The Chicago Press and Tribune reporter for the event wrote: "I cannot close this letter without giving your readers a passage from Mr. Lincoln's noble and impressive apostrophe to the Declaration of Independence. This was truly one of the finest efforts of public speaking I ever listened to. It gave to his auditors such an insight into the character of the man as ought to carry him into the Senate on a great surge of popular affection." He then quoted Mr. Lincoln, who said the Declaration of Independence

.was formed by the representatives of American liberty from thirteen States of the confederacy — twelve of which were slaveholding communities. We need not discuss the way or the reason of their becoming slaveholding communities. It is sufficient for our purpose that all of them greatly deplored the evil and that they placed a provision in the Constitution which they supposed would gradually remove the disease by cutting off its source. This was the abolition of the slave trade. So general was conviction — the public determination — to abolish the African slave trade, that the provision which I have referred to as being placed in the Constitution, declared that it should not be abolished prior to the year 1808. A constitutional provision was necessary to prevent the people, through Congress, from putting a stop to the traffic immediately at the close of the war. Now, if slavery had been a good thing, would the Fathers of the Republic have taken a step calculated to diminish its beneficent influences among themselves, and snatch the boon wholly from their posterity? These communities, by their representatives in old Independence Hall, said to the whole world of men: 'We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' This was their majestic interpretation of the economy of the Universe. This was their lofty, and wise, and noble understanding of the justice of the Creator to His creatures. [Applause.] Yes, gentlemen, to all His creatures, to the whole great family of man. In their enlightened belief, nothing stamped with the Divine image and likeness was sent into the world to be trodden on, and degraded, and imbruted by its fellows. They grasped not only the whole race of man then living, but they reached forward and seized upon the farthest posterity. The erected a beacon to guide their children and their children's children, and the countless myriads who should inhabit the earth in other ages. Wise statesmen as they were, they knew the tendency of prosperity to breed tyrants, and so they established these great self-evident truths, that when in the distant future some man, some faction, some interest, should set up the doctrine that none but rich men, or none but white men, were entitled to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, their posterity might look up again to the Declaration of Independence and take courage to renew the battle which their fathers began — so that truth, and justice, and mercy, and all the humane and Christian virtues might not be extinguished from the land; so that no man would hereafter dare to limit and circumscribe the great principles on which the temple of liberty was being built.

Mr. Lincoln held July 4, 1776 to be an event of worldwide significance, not because a new nation was founded on the shores of the Atlantic, but because a new nation, the very first of its kind, was founded 'under God,' begotten, as Thomas Jefferson wrote, according to the 'Laws of Nature and of Nature's God,' a nation dedicated, in fact to a religious proposition, a principle of natural theology. Consider again the phrasing: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,' to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This proposition, the great Emancipator proclaimed, is 'the Father of all moral principle' among Americans, the animating spirit of our laws. By reason of this founding principle, Lincoln called his countrymen 'the almost chosen people'; and it was Jefferson himself who proposed that the national seal portray Moses leading the chosen people to the promised land.
Abraham Lincoln and Founders - Abraham Lincoln and the Declaration of Independence.
You" had sex with a man once"...Wrong man.... Sex is more psychological then physical, if you've mastered the psychology of sex, you can make anyone feel comfortable and enjoy it. You no doubt have been born with a psychological disorder which predetermines you to be attracted to the same sex. That's not a normal thing.

says who? Homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. What is unnatural is the belief in a Magic Sky Fairy who tells you what kind of sex to have and that it's okay to slaughter your neighbors and steal their land if they believe in a different Sky Fairy.

That's a psychological disorder.

Having said that ,do what you want in your bedroom. it's non of my business until you force that crap down the throats of religious people, school children ect. You people try to change the definition of what marriage has been since civilization began.

Uh, the definition of marriage has already changed since what it was when "civilization" (i.e. belief in the Abrahamic Sky Fairy) began. It's why your rapist can't marry you after paying your father 50 shekels of silver. It's why you aren't required to stone your daughter to death if her cherry was popped before her wedding night. If fact, there's a whole lot of stuff religious people can't do anymore despite what the bible says because society won't tolerate your stupidity.

This is now one of them.

So what you religious people should do is what you've done whenever reality overtakes your back-ward ass superstitions. Change your policy and pretend that was your intent all along. It worked for heliocentrism...
So you're proposing that nobody gets tax breaks for children or only that married people get tax breaks for children? Should nobody get married tax breaks or should only heterosexuals get married tax breaks?

1. Nobody gets tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
2. Only married people get tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
3. Nobody get's married tax breaks: I'm good with that, go for it.
4. Only heterosexuals get married tax breaks: Nope, unconstitutional.
There is something called the marriage penalty...

Yeah, and?

Two men can't have children neither can two women.

They can't have their own children, but niether can millions of straight people. Gays do have children. Gay does not equal sterile. We can use AI and IVF just like straight folks do. Oh, and we adopt. 4% of ALL adoptions are by gays and lesbians.

A relationship between two men and two women is not the same as a relationship between man and women not in the least.

Um, actually the relationship is very similar. The sex is better, but the relationships aren't all that different.

It has always been my belief that homosexuality is a psychological disorder and of course it is and shouldn't be promoted as normal. what you do in your private life is your business i could give a shit really. Now quit trying to force this crap down the throat of the American people..How many sexes are there? there are not five, or six or ,whatever, that'll be next thing forced down our throats

Your "belief" and $4 will get you a coffee at Starbucks. It's not supported by science or the psychological community so enjoy your "belief".

My being civilly married and enjoying the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage doesn't shove anything down your throat...but the homoeroticism of that phrase is so totes adorbs.

Congratulations it's not marriage

My marriage license says differently.
Were you molested by a man as a child?

No, were you?
you've undoubtedly had sex with the wrong man, if you have ever. Some may think sex with an animal is "better" doesn't make it normal

I did have sex with a man...once. I figured I should check out and see if I was missing anything. I wasn't.

Really? You're going to the gay sex is like sex with animals thing? You need to learn a little about consent.

:rolleyes-41:You" had sex with a man once"...Wrong man....

Um, there is no "right man" for me. I'm attracted to women. The sex was fine...there just was no "there" there.
Sex is more psychological then physical, if you've mastered the psychology of sex, you can make anyone feel comfortable and enjoy it.
Sex is sex. I can have sex with a man and enjoy it. I did...but there was no connection beyond the physical.

You no doubt have been born with a psychological disorder which predetermines you to be attracted to the same sex. That's not a normal thing. No more than Schizophrenia is normal. Homosexual relationships are abnormal
Your opinion is not supported by science. Gays are no more "abnormal" than red heads and the left handed.

Having said that ,do what you want in your bedroom. it's non of my business until you force that crap down the throats of religious people, school children ect. You people try to change the definition of what marriage has been since civilization began. When man and women get together sexually, its not the same thing as two women or two men it can't be. the only way it could be the same is if men and women where exactly the same which is ridiculous.

Gays are married and more are marring everyday. By the end of June, our marriages will be legal and recognized in all 50 states...just like the marriages of men to women. From then on, there will just be marriage.
There is something called the marriage penalty...

Yeah, and?

Two men can't have children neither can two women.

They can't have their own children, but niether can millions of straight people. Gays do have children. Gay does not equal sterile. We can use AI and IVF just like straight folks do. Oh, and we adopt. 4% of ALL adoptions are by gays and lesbians.

A relationship between two men and two women is not the same as a relationship between man and women not in the least.

Um, actually the relationship is very similar. The sex is better, but the relationships aren't all that different.

It has always been my belief that homosexuality is a psychological disorder and of course it is and shouldn't be promoted as normal. what you do in your private life is your business i could give a shit really. Now quit trying to force this crap down the throat of the American people..How many sexes are there? there are not five, or six or ,whatever, that'll be next thing forced down our throats

Your "belief" and $4 will get you a coffee at Starbucks. It's not supported by science or the psychological community so enjoy your "belief".

My being civilly married and enjoying the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage doesn't shove anything down your throat...but the homoeroticism of that phrase is so totes adorbs.

Congratulations it's not marriage

My marriage license says differently.
Were you molested by a man as a child?

No, were you?
you've undoubtedly had sex with the wrong man, if you have ever. Some may think sex with an animal is "better" doesn't make it normal

I did have sex with a man...once. I figured I should check out and see if I was missing anything. I wasn't.

Really? You're going to the gay sex is like sex with animals thing? You need to learn a little about consent.

:rolleyes-41:You" had sex with a man once"...Wrong man....

Um, there is no "right man" for me. I'm attracted to women. The sex was fine...there just was no "there" there.
Sex is more psychological then physical, if you've mastered the psychology of sex, you can make anyone feel comfortable and enjoy it.
Sex is sex. I can have sex with a man and enjoy it. I did...but there was no connection beyond the physical.

You no doubt have been born with a psychological disorder which predetermines you to be attracted to the same sex. That's not a normal thing. No more than Schizophrenia is normal. Homosexual relationships are abnormal
Your opinion is not supported by science. Gays are no more "abnormal" than red heads and the left handed.

Having said that ,do what you want in your bedroom. it's non of my business until you force that crap down the throats of religious people, school children ect. You people try to change the definition of what marriage has been since civilization began. When man and women get together sexually, its not the same thing as two women or two men it can't be. the only way it could be the same is if men and women where exactly the same which is ridiculous.

Gays are married and more are marring everyday. By the end of June, our marriages will be legal and recognized in all 50 states...just like the marriages of men to women. From then on, there will just be marriage.

"From then on?" No.. just as roe v wade has not been left as it was originally. it will eventually be overturned. How could there be a physical sexual thing with a man if you are only attracted to women?:dunno: i could never have a physical sexual attraction to a man. You're more comfortable with a woman. that s not a normal thing. With a man and women, two halves make a whole.With two people of the same sex? There are two halves, there is no whole there, and there never will be. no matter what a few lawyers say. You deprive your kids of a father, that is also not a good thing.
You" had sex with a man once"...Wrong man.... Sex is more psychological then physical, if you've mastered the psychology of sex, you can make anyone feel comfortable and enjoy it. You no doubt have been born with a psychological disorder which predetermines you to be attracted to the same sex. That's not a normal thing.

says who? Homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. What is unnatural is the belief in a Magic Sky Fairy who tells you what kind of sex to have and that it's okay to slaughter your neighbors and steal their land if they believe in a different Sky Fairy.

That's a psychological disorder.

Having said that ,do what you want in your bedroom. it's non of my business until you force that crap down the throats of religious people, school children ect. You people try to change the definition of what marriage has been since civilization began.

Uh, the definition of marriage has already changed since what it was when "civilization" (i.e. belief in the Abrahamic Sky Fairy) began. It's why your rapist can't marry you after paying your father 50 shekels of silver. It's why you aren't required to stone your daughter to death if her cherry was popped before her wedding night. If fact, there's a whole lot of stuff religious people can't do anymore despite what the bible says because society won't tolerate your stupidity.

This is now one of them.

So what you religious people should do is what you've done whenever reality overtakes your back-ward ass superstitions. Change your policy and pretend that was your intent all along. It worked for heliocentrism...

You have serious problem, get treated for it...I was on another board before this one. There was a guy there, not miserable like you, but very anti G-d, always railing that there is no G-d like you. So one day he's driving down the freeway, some guy decided he wants to kill himself and purposely crosses the medium slamming head on into his van. The anti G-d guy was the only person who died :eusa_think:..In the Jewish Bible, the Torah, there is nothing about two women together, only two men. so why do you keep bringing up religion here when i rarely use it when discussing Homosexuality or gay "marriage? You're a bitter, hateful person Joey...Get some help.
"From then on?" No.. just as roe v wade has not been left as it was originally. it will eventually be overturned. How could there be a physical sexual thing with a man if you are only attracted to women?:dunno: i could never have a physical sexual attraction to a man. You're more comfortable with a woman. that s not a normal thing. With a man and women, two halves make a whole.With two people of the same sex? There are two halves, there is no whole there, and there never will be. no matter what a few lawyers say. You deprive your kids of a father, that is also not a good thing.

Yes, from then on. You can dream all you want to but the SCOTUS decision isn't going to be reversed and you're NEVER going to get a Constitutional Amendment.

How can you have sex without being attracted to the person you're having sex with? Seriously? Hello, prison. Close your eyes and a mouth sucking your dick is a mouth sucking your dick.

With gay people, their partners complete them just as much as straight couples. Sorry, you don't have a lock on love.

Our kids aren't deprived of anything. Kids need two parents and ours have that.

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