Rubio goes on homophobic rant ending political career.

So what we are doing is changing 96% of the normal straight population to accept the marketing
of gay sex which is the ONLY reason for this legislative effort.

That's what the left does. They insist that the vast, vast, vast majority accommodate a tiny minority rather than the tiny minority acclimating to the vast, vast, vast majority. They do it with everything but the pushing of the homo/bi/trans/confused gender thing is out of control. How many children are 'gender confused'? Teeny, tiny, small (and seeing as they are children, ridiculous to even contemplate), BUT ... change all the bathrooms in schools so these gender-unknown children won't have their feelings hurt. Inch by inch by inch. And they hurl 'phobe' onto anyone who has a differing opinion. The party of 'diversity' refuses to tolerate anyone who holds a differing pov. Oh, the irony.
The social con far right, as always, is mad that it is forced to act humanely when it comes to marriage equality.

The numbers mean nothing because civil rights cannot be withheld because the majority disagrees with a principle.
Congratulations it's not marriage Were you molested by a man as a child? you've undoubtedly had sex with the wrong man, if you have ever. Some may think sex with an animal is "better" doesn't make it normal

That's the crux of the whole argument, imo. They want homosexuality to be treated/considered/seen as normal. It isn't, it never will be. That's like saying a person with Down's Syndrome is normal. They aren't, they never will be no matter how much one may wish it so or insist that it be. Is that saying to treat these non-normal people with contempt/hatred/as if they are dirt? Of course not. But this forcing of 'accept that homosexuality is too normal or you are a hater!' is just out of bounds. How long before some leftist comes along and calls me a 'phobe' or other clever phrase? lol
You far righies are entitled to your opinions but not to the point you can deny civil rights. You just won't be allowed to do that.
Just a simple question...
What would happen if WE ALL WERE GAY?
I mean would we be around in the first place?
The social con far right, as always, is mad that it is forced to act humanely when it comes to marriage equality.

The numbers mean nothing because civil rights cannot be withheld because the majority disagrees with a principle.

Rights in any society are established by majority vote, not minority dictate. Our constitution, the bill or rights, and all of our laws and statutes were put in place by majority vote.

Majority opinions and beliefs always prevail in a democracy, or representative democracy. Thats what the word "democracy" means.

If you want to live in a system where rights and beliefs are dictated to the masses, move to north korea.
Just a simple question...
What would happen if WE ALL WERE GAY?
I mean would we be around in the first place?

All this debate and discussion and argument about what 2% of the population wants. Amazing and quite pathetic with all of the real problems facing this country.
"Our constitution, the bill or rights, and all of our laws and statutes were put in place by majority vote" with guaranteed protection for minority rights.

Brown v. Topeka among many other decisions rebuts "Majority opinions and beliefs always prevail in a democracy, or representative democracy".

"If you want to live in a system where rights and beliefs are dictated" by "the masses, move to" Iraq or the Palestinian Authority.
Just a simple question...
What would happen if WE ALL WERE GAY?
I mean would we be around in the first place?

Ooh...the "what if" game. I love this game!

"What if" unicorns farted glitter and we all got one?

Your turn
"Our constitution, the bill or rights, and all of our laws and statutes were put in place by majority vote" with guaranteed protection for minority rights.

Brown v. Topeka among many other decisions rebuts "Majority opinions and beliefs always prevail in a democracy, or representative democracy".

"If you want to live in a system where rights and beliefs are dictated" by "the masses, move to" Iraq or the Palestinian Authority.
The majority of gays are men that are promiscuous. They can't have sex with a woman without "rape" involved... hence they are very read to ejaculate with a man
just to have sex. Extremely few gays really "Love" another person. Very few. The majority of gays are just sex hungry and their ONLY outlet is another man.
Just a simple question...
What would happen if WE ALL WERE GAY?
I mean would we be around in the first place?

Ooh...the "what if" game. I love this game!

"What if" unicorns farted glitter and we all got one?

Your turn
I guess my point went WAY over your head.
A little birds and the bees for you....
A) a man having intercourse with another man WILL NEVER pass on his genes. NOT gonna happen.
B) The driving force behind intercourse has historically been reproduction.
C) So if we all were gay how would we be here then?

Do you understand or is that too complicated? Not sure how much simpler I can make it for you though!
Just a simple question...
What would happen if WE ALL WERE GAY?
I mean would we be around in the first place?

Ooh...the "what if" game. I love this game!

"What if" unicorns farted glitter and we all got one?

Your turn
I guess my point went WAY over your head.
A little birds and the bees for you....
A) a man having intercourse with another man WILL NEVER pass on his genes. NOT gonna happen.
B) The driving force behind intercourse has historically been reproduction.
C) So if we all were gay how would we be here then?

Do you understand or is that too complicated? Not sure how much simpler I can make it for you though!

Nobody has to have babies in order to qualify for a marriage license. Only the most retarded don't understand that.
"Our constitution, the bill or rights, and all of our laws and statutes were put in place by majority vote" with guaranteed protection for minority rights.

Brown v. Topeka among many other decisions rebuts "Majority opinions and beliefs always prevail in a democracy, or representative democracy".

"If you want to live in a system where rights and beliefs are dictated" by "the masses, move to" Iraq or the Palestinian Authority.
The majority of gays are men that are promiscuous. They can't have sex with a woman without "rape" involved... hence they are very read to ejaculate with a man
just to have sex. Extremely few gays really "Love" another person. Very few. The majority of gays are just sex hungry and their ONLY outlet is another man.

And that explains why the most likely customer of a female prostitute is a middleaged married man?
The "what if" game is a failure every time hm tries it.

Procreation or the ability to procreate are not the necessary requirement for marriage.
Just a simple question...
What would happen if WE ALL WERE GAY?
I mean would we be around in the first place?

Ooh...the "what if" game. I love this game!

"What if" unicorns farted glitter and we all got one?

Your turn
I guess my point went WAY over your head.
A little birds and the bees for you....
A) a man having intercourse with another man WILL NEVER pass on his genes. NOT gonna happen.
B) The driving force behind intercourse has historically been reproduction.
C) So if we all were gay how would we be here then?

Do you understand or is that too complicated? Not sure how much simpler I can make it for you though!

Nobody has to have babies in order to qualify for a marriage license. Only the most retarded don't understand that.

What does a marriage license have to do with being gay?
You can designate ANYONE to be your beneficiary of your estate.
You can designate anyone to be the director of your living trust.
YOU can be designated by completing this form as a personal representative:
  • Click the 'Download Medicare Authorization to Disclose Personal Health Information Form' link in the Related Materials section to download this form.
  • Mailing instructions are included on the form.
So what does a marriage license do?
Just a simple question...
What would happen if WE ALL WERE GAY?
I mean would we be around in the first place?

Ooh...the "what if" game. I love this game!

"What if" unicorns farted glitter and we all got one?

Your turn
I guess my point went WAY over your head.
A little birds and the bees for you....
A) a man having intercourse with another man WILL NEVER pass on his genes. NOT gonna happen.
B) The driving force behind intercourse has historically been reproduction.
C) So if we all were gay how would we be here then?

Do you understand or is that too complicated? Not sure how much simpler I can make it for you though!

Nobody has to have babies in order to qualify for a marriage license. Only the most retarded don't understand that.

What does a marriage license have to do with being gay?
You can designate ANYONE to be your beneficiary of your estate.
You can designate anyone to be the director of your living trust.
YOU can be designated by completing this form as a personal representative:
  • Click the 'Download Medicare Authorization to Disclose Personal Health Information Form' link in the Related Materials section to download this form.
  • Mailing instructions are included on the form.
So what does a marriage license do?

Marriage Rights and Benefits

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