Rubio goes on homophobic rant ending political career.

There is something called the marriage penalty... Two men can't have children neither can two women. A relationship between two men and two women is not the same as a relationship between man and women not in the least. It has always been my belief that homosexuality is a psychological disorder and of course it is and shouldn't be promoted as normal. what you do in your private life is your business i could give a shit really. Now quit trying to force this crap down the throat of the American people..How many sexes are there? there are not five, or six or ,whatever, that'll be next thing forced down our throats

Sexuality isn't a psychological disorder.

Religion, on the other hand, should be. You think there's a man in the sky who is going to punish you for having the wrong kind of sex or thinking bad thoughts or that it's okay to blow up women and children because they are upset you stole their land.

That's psychotic.

Wanting to marry the person you love? Not so much.
An interesting thing that people sometimes fail to realize is that yes, the Constitution is a clearly written document, but, as society changes, so too does that particular document via amendments. We once allowed slavery, but, because of that document and changing attitudes of the day, eventually it became illegal. At one time, alcohol was made illegal via Constitutional amendment, and then (again because of the changing ideas of the people), we made it legal again.

The Constitution is a living document, continually changing with the times, and yes, depending on what the country is doing and thinking at the time determines how we interpret it to match what is going on NOW.

It's not a static document.

Wrong:slap:...And there is no slavery in the constitution

Yes there was. The 3/5ths designation was a direct reference to black slaves.
An interesting thing that people sometimes fail to realize is that yes, the Constitution is a clearly written document, but, as society changes, so too does that particular document via amendments. We once allowed slavery, but, because of that document and changing attitudes of the day, eventually it became illegal. At one time, alcohol was made illegal via Constitutional amendment, and then (again because of the changing ideas of the people), we made it legal again.

The Constitution is a living document, continually changing with the times, and yes, depending on what the country is doing and thinking at the time determines how we interpret it to match what is going on NOW.

It's not a static document.

Wrong:slap:...And there is no slavery in the constitution

Yes there was. The 3/5ths designation was a direct reference to black slaves.
Already been covered genius Post 556 &558 The Constitution is an "Anti-slavery document" it certainly doesn't promote slavery that's ridiculous. Stupid, leftist, talking point
There is something called the marriage penalty... Two men can't have children neither can two women. A relationship between two men and two women is not the same as a relationship between man and women not in the least. It has always been my belief that homosexuality is a psychological disorder and of course it is and shouldn't be promoted as normal. what you do in your private life is your business i could give a shit really. Now quit trying to force this crap down the throat of the American people..How many sexes are there? there are not five, or six or ,whatever, that'll be next thing forced down our throats

Sexuality isn't a psychological disorder.

Religion, on the other hand, should be. You think there's a man in the sky who is going to punish you for having the wrong kind of sex or thinking bad thoughts or that it's okay to blow up women and children because they are upset you stole their land.

That's psychotic.

Wanting to marry the person you love? Not so much.
I don't wish to "punish" anybody that's not my place. How many sexes are there? the left would like us to think there are more than two.:uhoh3: Should segregated bathrooms be eliminated? Are they discriminatory against " Transsexuals" cross dressers? whatever
Does the fed govt promote sodomy in heterosexual marriage, yet the practice occurs.

Jroc, stay on track, please.

Your comments are becoming increasingly shrill.
Heterosexual marriage should be promoted, unlike you leftist who promote single parent homes, too many of which are subsidized and promoted by the federal government through our crony tax code.

So you're proposing that nobody gets tax breaks for children or only that married people get tax breaks for children? Should nobody get married tax breaks or should only heterosexuals get married tax breaks?

1. Nobody gets tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
2. Only married people get tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
3. Nobody get's married tax breaks: I'm good with that, go for it.
4. Only heterosexuals get married tax breaks: Nope, unconstitutional.
There is something called the marriage penalty...

Yeah, and?

Two men can't have children neither can two women.

They can't have their own children, but niether can millions of straight people. Gays do have children. Gay does not equal sterile. We can use AI and IVF just like straight folks do. Oh, and we adopt. 4% of ALL adoptions are by gays and lesbians.

A relationship between two men and two women is not the same as a relationship between man and women not in the least.

Um, actually the relationship is very similar. The sex is better, but the relationships aren't all that different.

It has always been my belief that homosexuality is a psychological disorder and of course it is and shouldn't be promoted as normal. what you do in your private life is your business i could give a shit really. Now quit trying to force this crap down the throat of the American people..How many sexes are there? there are not five, or six or ,whatever, that'll be next thing forced down our throats

Your "belief" and $4 will get you a coffee at Starbucks. It's not supported by science or the psychological community so enjoy your "belief".

My being civilly married and enjoying the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage doesn't shove anything down your throat...but the homoeroticism of that phrase is so totes adorbs.
Rubio will be fine, and is still doing good in the polls.
Sure, Republican primary polls. In the general election, though, he's dead meat.

Whatever, hell look at some of the stupid things Obama said and he got elected. No one is going to care 18 months later, unless the Dems start pounding on it, then it will gain votes.
An interesting thing that people sometimes fail to realize is that yes, the Constitution is a clearly written document, but, as society changes, so too does that particular document via amendments. We once allowed slavery, but, because of that document and changing attitudes of the day, eventually it became illegal. At one time, alcohol was made illegal via Constitutional amendment, and then (again because of the changing ideas of the people), we made it legal again.

The Constitution is a living document, continually changing with the times, and yes, depending on what the country is doing and thinking at the time determines how we interpret it to match what is going on NOW.

It's not a static document.

Wrong:slap:...And there is no slavery in the constitution

Yes there was. The 3/5ths designation was a direct reference to black slaves.
Already been covered genius Post 556 &558 The Constitution is an "Anti-slavery document" it certainly doesn't promote slavery that's ridiculous. Stupid, leftist, talking point

“Art. 4th, Sec. 2nd. — No person held to service or labor in one State, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due.”
Does the fed govt promote sodomy in heterosexual marriage, yet the practice occurs.

Jroc, stay on track, please.

Your comments are becoming increasingly shrill.
Heterosexual marriage should be promoted, unlike you leftist who promote single parent homes, too many of which are subsidized and promoted by the federal government through our crony tax code.

So you're proposing that nobody gets tax breaks for children or only that married people get tax breaks for children? Should nobody get married tax breaks or should only heterosexuals get married tax breaks?

1. Nobody gets tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
2. Only married people get tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
3. Nobody get's married tax breaks: I'm good with that, go for it.
4. Only heterosexuals get married tax breaks: Nope, unconstitutional.
There is something called the marriage penalty...

Yeah, and?

Two men can't have children neither can two women.

They can't have their own children, but niether can millions of straight people. Gays do have children. Gay does not equal sterile. We can use AI and IVF just like straight folks do. Oh, and we adopt. 4% of ALL adoptions are by gays and lesbians.

A relationship between two men and two women is not the same as a relationship between man and women not in the least.

Um, actually the relationship is very similar. The sex is better, but the relationships aren't all that different.

It has always been my belief that homosexuality is a psychological disorder and of course it is and shouldn't be promoted as normal. what you do in your private life is your business i could give a shit really. Now quit trying to force this crap down the throat of the American people..How many sexes are there? there are not five, or six or ,whatever, that'll be next thing forced down our throats

Your "belief" and $4 will get you a coffee at Starbucks. It's not supported by science or the psychological community so enjoy your "belief".

My being civilly married and enjoying the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage doesn't shove anything down your throat...but the homoeroticism of that phrase is so totes adorbs.
Congratulations it's not marriage Were you molested by a man as a child? you've undoubtedly had sex with the wrong man, if you have ever. Some may think sex with an animal is "better" doesn't make it normal
Rubio will be fine, and is still doing good in the polls.
Sure, Republican primary polls. In the general election, though, he's dead meat.

Whatever, hell look at some of the stupid things Obama said and he got elected. No one is going to care 18 months later, unless the Dems start pounding on it, then it will gain votes.

Saying stupid things is not the same as supporting bad policy. Rubio's support of bad policy isn't going to change. He will be asked again about marriage equality and he will continue to be against it. That will not serve him well in a General Election were he to make it that far.
Does the fed govt promote sodomy in heterosexual marriage, yet the practice occurs.

Jroc, stay on track, please.

Your comments are becoming increasingly shrill.
Heterosexual marriage should be promoted, unlike you leftist who promote single parent homes, too many of which are subsidized and promoted by the federal government through our crony tax code.

So you're proposing that nobody gets tax breaks for children or only that married people get tax breaks for children? Should nobody get married tax breaks or should only heterosexuals get married tax breaks?

1. Nobody gets tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
2. Only married people get tax breaks for children: I'm good with that, go for it.
3. Nobody get's married tax breaks: I'm good with that, go for it.
4. Only heterosexuals get married tax breaks: Nope, unconstitutional.
There is something called the marriage penalty...

Yeah, and?

Two men can't have children neither can two women.

They can't have their own children, but niether can millions of straight people. Gays do have children. Gay does not equal sterile. We can use AI and IVF just like straight folks do. Oh, and we adopt. 4% of ALL adoptions are by gays and lesbians.

A relationship between two men and two women is not the same as a relationship between man and women not in the least.

Um, actually the relationship is very similar. The sex is better, but the relationships aren't all that different.

It has always been my belief that homosexuality is a psychological disorder and of course it is and shouldn't be promoted as normal. what you do in your private life is your business i could give a shit really. Now quit trying to force this crap down the throat of the American people..How many sexes are there? there are not five, or six or ,whatever, that'll be next thing forced down our throats

Your "belief" and $4 will get you a coffee at Starbucks. It's not supported by science or the psychological community so enjoy your "belief".

My being civilly married and enjoying the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage doesn't shove anything down your throat...but the homoeroticism of that phrase is so totes adorbs.

Congratulations it's not marriage

My marriage license says differently.
Were you molested by a man as a child?

No, were you?
you've undoubtedly had sex with the wrong man, if you have ever. Some may think sex with an animal is "better" doesn't make it normal

I did have sex with a man...once. I figured I should check out and see if I was missing anything. I wasn't.

Really? You're going to the gay sex is like sex with animals thing? You need to learn a little about consent.
States rights meant the right to sell and buy human flesh.

Rubio's attack on gays will not help him nationally.
When discussing Marriage Equality, "Congratulations it's not marriage" is nothing more than worthless opinion and an incredible statement of weakness, personally and morally.

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