Rubio goes on homophobic rant ending political career.

He's ended his political career ? That's probably news to him.
Six days after the thread appears. Rubio is still a candidate.

Well, he's got to save face and stick in until at least a few primaries.

Point is, it's over juanny.
Point is: you're talking out your ass. Again.
There is zero evidence anyone actually remembers Rubio's comment, much less that his political career is over.
You understand he said exactly what Obama and Clinton were saying up until 2 years ago, right you little hypocrite?

"60% favor same sex marriage in the country.
40% of the population does not and they should have their rights also."


Citizens' rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' those hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans have no 'right' to vote away others' rights. The fact that laws and measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are being invalidated by the courts is proof of that.

Having a opposite opinion is not hostile.

"60% favor same sex marriage in the country.
40% of the population does not and they should have their rights also."


Citizens' rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' those hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans have no 'right' to vote away others' rights. The fact that laws and measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are being invalidated by the courts is proof of that.

Having a opposite opinion is not hostile.

Anti gay legislation is hostile. In fact, one of the reasons this type of legislation loses in court is because it is based solely on animus.

Symposium Let s be clear the marriage bans are about animus SCOTUSblog

"60% favor same sex marriage in the country.
40% of the population does not and they should have their rights also."


Citizens' rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' those hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans have no 'right' to vote away others' rights. The fact that laws and measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are being invalidated by the courts is proof of that.

Having a opposite opinion is not hostile.

Anti gay legislation is hostile. In fact, one of the reasons this type of legislation loses in court is because it is based solely on animus.

Symposium Let s be clear the marriage bans are about animus SCOTUSblog

Wanting laws that gives them their civil rights Is not Anti gay.
Forcing gays agenda is hostile.

"60% favor same sex marriage in the country.
40% of the population does not and they should have their rights also."


Citizens' rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' those hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans have no 'right' to vote away others' rights. The fact that laws and measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are being invalidated by the courts is proof of that.

Having a opposite opinion is not hostile.

Anti gay legislation is hostile. In fact, one of the reasons this type of legislation loses in court is because it is based solely on animus.

Symposium Let s be clear the marriage bans are about animus SCOTUSblog
LOL. Gays are the most hostile people out there. WHo else goes demonizing some poor girl at a pizza restaurant in Bumfuck Indiana? WHo else wages a nasty social media campaign against a CEO?

"60% favor same sex marriage in the country.
40% of the population does not and they should have their rights also."


Citizens' rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' those hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans have no 'right' to vote away others' rights. The fact that laws and measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are being invalidated by the courts is proof of that.

Having a opposite opinion is not hostile.

Anti gay legislation is hostile. In fact, one of the reasons this type of legislation loses in court is because it is based solely on animus.

Symposium Let s be clear the marriage bans are about animus SCOTUSblog

Wanting laws that gives them their civil rights Is not Anti gay.
Forcing gays agenda is hostile.

Gives who their civil rights? Anti gay laws deny tax paying gay Americans their civil rights. These ant gay laws lose because they have no rational basis.

"60% favor same sex marriage in the country.
40% of the population does not and they should have their rights also."


Citizens' rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' those hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans have no 'right' to vote away others' rights. The fact that laws and measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are being invalidated by the courts is proof of that.

Having a opposite opinion is not hostile.

Anti gay legislation is hostile. In fact, one of the reasons this type of legislation loses in court is because it is based solely on animus.

Symposium Let s be clear the marriage bans are about animus SCOTUSblog

Wanting laws that gives them their civil rights Is not Anti gay.
Forcing gays agenda is hostile.

Gives who their civil rights? Anti gay laws deny tax paying gay Americans their civil rights. These ant gay laws lose because they have no rational basis.

Who have we been talking about?
Making the laws that will give them their rights is not anti gay.
Gays are the ones who are forcing themselves into the straight society.

"60% favor same sex marriage in the country.
40% of the population does not and they should have their rights also."


Citizens' rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' those hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans have no 'right' to vote away others' rights. The fact that laws and measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are being invalidated by the courts is proof of that.

Having a opposite opinion is not hostile.

Anti gay legislation is hostile. In fact, one of the reasons this type of legislation loses in court is because it is based solely on animus.

Symposium Let s be clear the marriage bans are about animus SCOTUSblog

Wanting laws that gives them their civil rights Is not Anti gay.
Forcing gays agenda is hostile.

Gives who their civil rights? Anti gay laws deny tax paying gay Americans their civil rights. These ant gay laws lose because they have no rational basis.

Who have we been talking about?
Making the laws that will give them their rights is not anti gay.
Gays are the ones who are forcing themselves into the straight society.

Few states are making laws to "give them their rights" quite a few passed laws to deny gays their civil rights...those are the ones losing. Why? Because they are hostile laws based solely on animus.

Equality "forces" nothing on "straight society".
Having a opposite opinion is not hostile.

Anti gay legislation is hostile. In fact, one of the reasons this type of legislation loses in court is because it is based solely on animus.

Symposium Let s be clear the marriage bans are about animus SCOTUSblog

Wanting laws that gives them their civil rights Is not Anti gay.
Forcing gays agenda is hostile.

Gives who their civil rights? Anti gay laws deny tax paying gay Americans their civil rights. These ant gay laws lose because they have no rational basis.

Who have we been talking about?
Making the laws that will give them their rights is not anti gay.
Gays are the ones who are forcing themselves into the straight society.

Few states are making laws to "give them their rights" quite a few passed laws to deny gays their civil rights...those are the ones losing. Why? Because they are hostile laws based solely on animus.

Equality "forces" nothing on "straight society".
Nobody passed laws denying gays any civil rights. You can't name a single law.
Anti gay legislation is hostile. In fact, one of the reasons this type of legislation loses in court is because it is based solely on animus.

Symposium Let s be clear the marriage bans are about animus SCOTUSblog

Wanting laws that gives them their civil rights Is not Anti gay.
Forcing gays agenda is hostile.

Gives who their civil rights? Anti gay laws deny tax paying gay Americans their civil rights. These ant gay laws lose because they have no rational basis.

Who have we been talking about?
Making the laws that will give them their rights is not anti gay.
Gays are the ones who are forcing themselves into the straight society.

Few states are making laws to "give them their rights" quite a few passed laws to deny gays their civil rights...those are the ones losing. Why? Because they are hostile laws based solely on animus.

Equality "forces" nothing on "straight society".
Nobody passed laws denying gays any civil rights. You can't name a single law.

Inheritance laws is one.
Wanting laws that gives them their civil rights Is not Anti gay.
Forcing gays agenda is hostile.

Gives who their civil rights? Anti gay laws deny tax paying gay Americans their civil rights. These ant gay laws lose because they have no rational basis.

Who have we been talking about?
Making the laws that will give them their rights is not anti gay.
Gays are the ones who are forcing themselves into the straight society.

Few states are making laws to "give them their rights" quite a few passed laws to deny gays their civil rights...those are the ones losing. Why? Because they are hostile laws based solely on animus.

Equality "forces" nothing on "straight society".
Nobody passed laws denying gays any civil rights. You can't name a single law.

Inheritance laws is one.
Gives who their civil rights? Anti gay laws deny tax paying gay Americans their civil rights. These ant gay laws lose because they have no rational basis.

Who have we been talking about?
Making the laws that will give them their rights is not anti gay.
Gays are the ones who are forcing themselves into the straight society.

Few states are making laws to "give them their rights" quite a few passed laws to deny gays their civil rights...those are the ones losing. Why? Because they are hostile laws based solely on animus.

Equality "forces" nothing on "straight society".
Nobody passed laws denying gays any civil rights. You can't name a single law.

Inheritance laws is one.

High Court Ruling On Same-Sex Marriage Could Alter Estate Planning For Gay Couples - Forbes
Federal tax law allows heterosexual spouses to transfer as much as they want to each other, either during life or at death, without having to pay any estate or gift tax, provided that the recipient spouse is a U.S. citizen.

Same-sex couples can’t use this unlimited marital deduction, as it’s called, because of the federal Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA. Section 3 of that law defines marriage as a “legal union between one man and one woman,” and spouse as “a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.” DOMA prohibits all types of federal benefits to spouses of same-sex marriages, even in states that have recognized gay marriage.
Who have we been talking about?
Making the laws that will give them their rights is not anti gay.
Gays are the ones who are forcing themselves into the straight society.

Few states are making laws to "give them their rights" quite a few passed laws to deny gays their civil rights...those are the ones losing. Why? Because they are hostile laws based solely on animus.

Equality "forces" nothing on "straight society".
Nobody passed laws denying gays any civil rights. You can't name a single law.

Inheritance laws is one.

High Court Ruling On Same-Sex Marriage Could Alter Estate Planning For Gay Couples - Forbes
Federal tax law allows heterosexual spouses to transfer as much as they want to each other, either during life or at death, without having to pay any estate or gift tax, provided that the recipient spouse is a U.S. citizen.

Same-sex couples can’t use this unlimited marital deduction, as it’s called, because of the federal Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA. Section 3 of that law defines marriage as a “legal union between one man and one woman,” and spouse as “a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.” DOMA prohibits all types of federal benefits to spouses of same-sex marriages, even in states that have recognized gay marriage.
Nobody passed a law about it. The federal law applies to any opposite sex couple. Doesnt matter what their sexual preferences are.
"From then on?" No.. just as roe v wade has not been left as it was originally. it will eventually be overturned. How could there be a physical sexual thing with a man if you are only attracted to women?:dunno: i could never have a physical sexual attraction to a man. You're more comfortable with a woman. that s not a normal thing. With a man and women, two halves make a whole.With two people of the same sex? There are two halves, there is no whole there, and there never will be. no matter what a few lawyers say. You deprive your kids of a father, that is also not a good thing.

Yes, from then on. You can dream all you want to but the SCOTUS decision isn't going to be reversed and you're NEVER going to get a Constitutional Amendment.

How can you have sex without being attracted to the person you're having sex with? Seriously? Hello, prison. Close your eyes and a mouth sucking your dick is a mouth sucking your dick.

With gay people, their partners complete them just as much as straight couples. Sorry, you don't have a lock on love.

Our kids aren't deprived of anything. Kids need two parents and ours have that.
I now understand why you're with another women. You're very simpleminded when it comes to sex and sexuality, like a lot of men actually. So I take it you're the more masculine person in your relationship?
Marco strikes me as the kind of guy who would go waaay overboard if given the lever of power
"From then on?" No.. just as roe v wade has not been left as it was originally. it will eventually be overturned.

Guy, you're delusional. Republicans have appointed 8 of the 12 justices to the court since Roe happened. Roe is still there. The One Percenters like to use abortion to keep stupid people like you voting for their economic interests, but it isn't going anywhere. The One Percenters don't want all those poor kids getting in the way of where they want to ride their dressage horsies.

How could there be a physical sexual thing with a man if you are only attracted to women?:dunno: i could never have a physical sexual attraction to a man. You're more comfortable with a woman. that s not a normal thing.

Uh, dude, the prisons are full of guys who are normally straight who do the gay because that's what's available.

With a man and women, two halves make a whole.With two people of the same sex? There are two halves, there is no whole there, and there never will be. no matter what a few lawyers say. You deprive your kids of a father, that is also not a good thing.

Then why aren't you right wingers railing against divorce, which deprives more kids of a "father" than gay marriage does.
You have serious problem, get treated for it...I was on another board before this one. There was a guy there, not miserable like you, but very anti G-d, always railing that there is no G-d like you. So one day he's driving down the freeway, some guy decided he wants to kill himself and purposely crosses the medium slamming head on into his van. The anti G-d guy was the only person who died

And this is relevent to anything I said, how exactly? I asked an honest question, if you are going to use the Big Book of Jewish Fairy Tales as a standard of morality, why aren't you stoning your (hypothetical) daughter for her popped cherry? Why aren't you arranging for women to marry their rapists after they pay their father 50 shekels of silver. (What does that come out to in American Money?) You keep avoiding the question, of course. The fact is, no one wants to live by the Torah, not even the Jews. Well, maybe ISIS does. Frankly, they seem to be the only people who take the Abrahamic God seriously.

In the Jewish Bible, the Torah, there is nothing about two women together, only two men. so why do you keep bringing up religion here when i rarely use it when discussing Homosexuality or gay "marriage? You're a bitter, hateful person Joey...Get some help.

Guy, the backward ass rules are considered to apply to lesbians by most of you nuts. Not sure why you are trying to dodge the issue. When you get right down to it, all arguments against gay marriage come down to

"God says it's bad"


"I think it's icky". Of course, you nuts think it soooo icky that you describe the acts in detail. all the time.
"From then on?" No.. just as roe v wade has not been left as it was originally. it will eventually be overturned. How could there be a physical sexual thing with a man if you are only attracted to women?:dunno: i could never have a physical sexual attraction to a man. You're more comfortable with a woman. that s not a normal thing. With a man and women, two halves make a whole.With two people of the same sex? There are two halves, there is no whole there, and there never will be. no matter what a few lawyers say. You deprive your kids of a father, that is also not a good thing.

Yes, from then on. You can dream all you want to but the SCOTUS decision isn't going to be reversed and you're NEVER going to get a Constitutional Amendment.

How can you have sex without being attracted to the person you're having sex with? Seriously? Hello, prison. Close your eyes and a mouth sucking your dick is a mouth sucking your dick.

With gay people, their partners complete them just as much as straight couples. Sorry, you don't have a lock on love.

Our kids aren't deprived of anything. Kids need two parents and ours have that.
I now understand why you're with another women. You're very simpleminded when it comes to sex and sexuality, like a lot of men actually. So I take it you're the more masculine person in your relationship?

I'm with another woman because I'm gay. Always have been. I was born this way.

There is a difference between sex and attraction and affection.

Neither of us are the "more masculine". Many gay relationships don't follow your antiquated butch/fem ideas. We've both been known to wear dresses and we can both throw a baseball. Only one of us gave birth though...that was me, four times to five babies. Not the "butch" thing to do.

Is it safe to assume you're not the more masculine one in your relationship?

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