Rubio joins the ranks of McCain And Lindsey...

Libtards reward Cuba. Cuba, the very country who allowed Russia to move nukes into the country and point them at the US. Now they want to be pissed at Russia and to reward Cuba. Libtards are insane people!
I remember that. We had torn down a small chicken coupe in the area of our farm we had decided to repurpose into a fruit tree orchard. The roof was in great shape and was left laying on the ground until us kids repurposed the tung and groove roofing boards. Meantime, we dug a bunker "called a fort at our age" and that became our bunker. We used it during the official national drill. That had to be like 50 or 60 years ago.
Wow such class
At least I didn't skip class when they were teaching world history like you obviously did. Man I've caught some people on this board in miss truths before but you take the cake. Once you feel the need to lie just tell yourself one thing, you are out of your league and you're losing the argument and it's time to surrender and end it. Okie dokie?
Watch the Tillerson hearings from this morning. It is clear that the young senator Rubio is still butt hurt from the primary...thank goodness Trump beat him out. He is showing his immaturity and his anger over getting beat is on display. McCain got himself a new butt buddy...
Wow. The Dems, the Repukes and the entire mainstream media are against Trump.

Good luck on Trump getting anything done during his presidency - that is if he even makes it to inauguration
He will have your Obamas pen, and phone.....don't fret.....
Watch the Tillerson hearings from this morning. It is clear that the young senator Rubio is still butt hurt from the primary...thank goodness Trump beat him out. He is showing his immaturity and his anger over getting beat is on display. McCain got himself a new butt buddy...
Wow. The Dems, the Repukes and the entire mainstream media are against Trump.

Good luck on Trump getting anything done during his presidency - that is if he even makes it to inauguration
He will have your Obamas pen, and phone.....don't fret.....

^^^That's right^^^...and Trump has a golden pen and a golden phone....LOL
What's with these Republicans who don't freaking understand that Aleppo was not held by rebels but by Jabhat al Nusra aka al Qaeda in Syria aka terrorists holding the city's residents hostage as human shields.

Assad and Putin freed the city from monsters. Cripes. The UN knows this shit and has publicized this and they are no friend to Assad or Putin over Syria.

Why are R's lying their faces off about this?
Wow such class
At least I didn't skip class when they were teaching world history like you obviously did. Man I've caught some people on this board in miss truths before but you take the cake. Once you feel the need to lie just tell yourself one thing, you are out of your league and you're losing the argument and it's time to surrender and end it. Okie dokie?
What argument? At this point you're just masturbating to a crock of shit you invented.
What argument? At this point you're just masturbating to a crock of shit you invented.
Admit it you got caught in a lie..."family fled Cuba in 1963" what a load of crap. Just how many other times do you lie on this board? Is it daily? is it on every subject? You should read up on a subject before you lie about said subject. Just a little advise.
You're no match for Rambunctious Old School.....
What's that saying about a playing chess against a pigeon that shits on the board and struts around like it won the match?
When the chess opponent cheats/lies and I win anyway yes a little strutting around is due.
Little Marco out defending John Lewis for not attending the inauguration. He calls Lewis a great civil rights leader. Insane!!
Senator Graham has announced he will vote for Rex Tillerson. now let's see if he can convince Little Rubio and Senile McCain!

Senator McCain will also vote for Rex. McCain and Graham do everything together. do we even need Little Marco's vote anymore?

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