Rubio (R) addresses angry mob of conservatives

The immigration system is broken and needed to be fixed, he argued, “and I wasn’t going to leave it to the Democrats alone to figure out how.”

So what does he do? He helps make things worse.

Hey Marco wanna know how to fix the immigration system? Make it mandatory to enforce the fucking laws already on the fucking books, you retard!
You know, I think it's a good start. No illegals can profit from this for ten years of paying taxes and working legally in this country. They don't get the benefits of Social security or health care and the border must be fixed with at least a minimum of the details laid out and funded by the bill. Since they don't have citizenship, they can't vote or run for public office or get a government job. They have to pass a full background check before they can begin the process to citizenship. They can't apply for family visas as the rules apply only to the individual.

It is not perfect, and yes it is a delayed amnesty bill but with provisions built in to it for fines that the illegals must pay before anything else happens. This is the best I have seen or heard about that has a chance of getting through as a law.

There is always next time to make it tougher. There is always next time to make the borders more secure. It does stop the train that goes from Mexico to the United States. There is still a road there but we can address that the next time.

I think he has been instrumental in starting the progress in the correct order and in the correct direction. Let's face it, what the Tea Party and ultra right Republicans want has no chance of getting passed and this is a lot better than what the Democrats wanted.
It's classic bait-and-switch....I'll bet the farm on it.

Were it a "good start" it could have been done inside 100 pages, rather than the 1,000+ page behemoth that came out of the Senate.

Wake the hell up.
interesting internal civil war in conservative ranks :eusa_think:

Marco Rubio responds to angry tea party activists
Weathering conservative attacks on his immigration reform work “has been a real trial,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said Wednesday, in a speech aimed at the tea party activists who helped elect him and are now upset by his work on the issue.

What say you? Rubio (R) betrayed the tea party voters who elected him (conservative voters in Florida) or amnesty-loving bureaucrat?

The latter.
I would have thought the former.
here you go dottie, not that you would care then you couldn't call people stupid names
links in article at site

House Immigration Bill Drafter: I Don't Know What Everything Means in My Bill

by Tony Lee 29 Jun 2013, 11:36 AM PDT 66 post a comment

A Republican member of the Gang of 7 in the House acknowledged on Friday that there were things in the comprehensive immigration bill he is helping to draft that even he did not understand.

Rep. John Carter (R-TX), while saying the House bill would have border security "triggers" without offering specifics, acknowledged, "There are things in the bill that I don't know what they mean because I'm not an immigration lawyer.”

Carter's comment emphasizes how difficult it is for legislators to not only read the bill but to fully understand what they are voting for.

all of it here
House Immigration Bill Drafter: I Don't Know What Everything Means in My Bill

breitbart . com? I thought he was.....

Anyway, politicians don't write the bills. Staffers do all the work in a politician's office. Politicians merely sign it after its done. Some don't know that > a few staffers go on to run for office afterwards such as the darling of the Randians- :up: Paul Ryan (R) I call them "Washington Insiders" :)
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What I find interesting is the Post refers to the Tea Party people as angry activists and Rubio calls them patriots but more important Rubio sounds like a true leader something that can not be said of most members of Congress.
The dirty little secret is that the Tea Party is doing what we all wish we were doing which is taking an active part in politics. I see posts whining that republicans and democrats are no different and the same a-holes criticize the Tea Party for trying to make a difference. The fact that the left wing absolutely hates and fears the pleasant and non offensive people in the Tea Party indicates that they are doing something right. No pun intended.
The dirty little secret is that the Tea Party is doing what we all wish we were doing which is taking an active part in politics. I see posts whining that republicans and democrats are no different and the same a-holes criticize the Tea Party for trying to make a difference. The fact that the left wing absolutely hates and fears the pleasant and non offensive people in the Tea Party indicates that they are doing something right. No pun intended.

you people do have short memories. :doubt: You conveniently forget the shout-fests..... errr..... town halls in 2010? :eusa_whistle:

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Now he sees what happens when you talk like a libertarian and govern like any other member of the socialistic inside-the-beltway ruling class.

Tough shit for him.

I agree. I allowed him on my radar. Now he is attenuated.

Watching Cruz closely. Like Rand Paul

The rest of em can go f--k themselves

Don't like Allen West any better than Rubio but there is talk of West primarying Rubio.

talk? By whom? West misses getting that taxpayer-financed paycheck no doubt.

Audio: Allen West won?t rule out primarying Rubio in Florida in 2016 « Hot Air
Don't like Allen West any better than Rubio but there is talk of West primarying Rubio.

Yeah same way I feel about it...2 idiots tearing each other apart.
West is a :tinfoil: & Rubio (R) is a vote coveter (will do whatever it takes including being a Libral ;) ) Right now he's "taking one for the team" w/ his amnesty.....errr..... immigration bill to get those non-white votes :thup: that Republicorp DESPERATELY needs :)
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Marco realizes that the Repub party will cease to be relevant on the national scene unless it nips in the bud the nativists/xenophobes in its ranks.
Rubio has fallen into the same corrupt pattern as the rest of the trash that permeates D.C.

He would rather be reelected than do the right thing.
How is West a conspiracy theorist?Like I said I don't like one over the other so...

she read it off a left wing site, probably know that site that know everything about anyone who is

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