Rubio (R) addresses angry mob of conservatives

It was "(Tea Party)" BEFORE the Senate produced their latest immigration bill hence, the angry conservative mob. Now its "(R)" ;)

Tea Party is a caucus, not a political party.
Just like the Black caucus...Black is not a political party.


Tea Party is what Rubio ran as. After this bill, he's just another Republican (amnesty-loving, bureaucrat :) ) I can think of one or two conservatives, on this board who live down there & prolly voted for him because he was running as a Tea Party candidate, who aren't very happy right now with the "path to citizenship" in the bill ;)

FAIL! Tea party backed him, There is no Tea party on the ballot.

His Pop was even Mexican (technically) and he didn't win so....

Another fail!!
Rubio's Father was Cuban.

If I'm wrong, prove it. Blogs, opinions, half truths, lefty 'articles' won't count as verified facts.

FAIL!. Try to keep up. We were talking about how many Hispanics voted for Milquetoast (Romney)

FAIL! title of thread: Rubio (R) addresses angry mob of conservatives

Learn how to use the quote function properly when submitting a one liner. ::lol:
he's an Establishment, amnesty-loving, /repub bureaucrat now, hence the angry mob. Do I have to lead you by the hand to the obvious thrust of my OP's?
Tea Party activists ain't the enemy. They are people who get off their asses and try to make a difference in republican politics. Democrats have the OWS rabble and communists to try to impact left wing politics.
isn't so cute when a liberal cares so much for a Republican...any Republican out there better get a clue, they are only USING YOU don't think that will make them vote for you

dots, here's a clue...give up the rdean impersonation...not pretty on you
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