Rubio (R) addresses angry mob of conservatives

Marco realizes that the Repub party will cease to be relevant on the national scene unless it nips in the bud the nativists/xenophobes in its ranks.

The Democrat party LOST 4 million voters in 2012 under Obama. The general voter base growth of 3-9 million for the Dems also was missing... meaning Dems lost about 7million voters last election, or about 5%.

The Republicans, as shitty of a party as they are gained 2-3% on the Dems from 2008 to the 2012 election. Reps gained 1 million voters, down from the 3-9 million they should have grown, based on past elections. So a gain for Reps but still an overall loss compared to ever other elections (not Ross Perot elections).

These numbers are based on fact, based on the only poll that matters, the election poll.

I am not a Republican, I don't vote Republican. YOU are a hyper partisan Progressive liberal so you make threads like these despite the reality being YOUR party is the fastest dying party in the world currently.

PS: Fuck Rubio.
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Marco realizes that the Repub party will cease to be relevant on the national scene unless it nips in the bud the nativists/xenophobes in its ranks.

The Democrat party LOST 4 million voters in 2012 under Obama. The general voter base growth of 3-9 million for the Dems also was missing... meaning Dems lost about 7million voters last election, or about 5%.

The Republicans, as shitty of a party as they are gained 2-3% on the Dems from 2008 to the 2012 election. Reps gained 1 million voters, down from the 3-9 million they should have grown, based on past elections. So a gain for Reps but still an overall loss compared to ever other elections (not Ross Perot elections).

These numbers are based on fact, based on the only poll that matters, the election poll.

I am not a Republican, I don't vote Republican. YOU are a hyper partisan Progressive liberal so you make threads like these despite the reality being YOUR party is the fastest dying party in the world currently.

PS: Fuck Rubio.
yeah, yeah, yeah. Wheres your links trollboi? :eusa_eh: Without it, its just voodoo math on your part. :eusa_hand: Don't bother trying to gather them up now as you already have egg on your face for coming to the table unprepared.

BTW- you think people are "energized" w/ the Boehner House? :rofl:
Marco realizes that the Repub party will cease to be relevant on the national scene unless it nips in the bud the nativists/xenophobes in its ranks.

The Democrat party LOST 4 million voters in 2012 under Obama. The general voter base growth of 3-9 million for the Dems also was missing... meaning Dems lost about 7million voters last election, or about 5%.

The Republicans, as shitty of a party as they are gained 2-3% on the Dems from 2008 to the 2012 election. Reps gained 1 million voters, down from the 3-9 million they should have grown, based on past elections. So a gain for Reps but still an overall loss compared to ever other elections (not Ross Perot elections).

These numbers are based on fact, based on the only poll that matters, the election poll.

I am not a Republican, I don't vote Republican. YOU are a hyper partisan Progressive liberal so you make threads like these despite the reality being YOUR party is the fastest dying party in the world currently.

PS: Fuck Rubio.
yeah, yeah, yeah. Wheres your links trollboi? :eusa_eh: Without it, its just voodoo math on your part. :eusa_hand: Don't bother trying to gather them up now as you already have egg on your face for coming to the table unprepared.
Here's a math problem for ya...

What percentage of the hispanic vote would've won the presidency for Romney?
Really? You felt the need to add the (R)?

What a douche...

It was "(Tea Party)" BEFORE the Senate produced their latest immigration bill hence, the angry conservative mob. Now its "(R)" ;)

Tea Party is a caucus, not a political party.
Just like the Black caucus...Black is not a political party.
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His Pop was even Mexican (technically) and he didn't win so....

Another fail!!
Rubio's Father was Cuban.

If I'm wrong, prove it. Blogs, opinions, half truths, lefty 'articles' won't count as verified facts.
The Democrat party LOST 4 million voters in 2012 under Obama. The general voter base growth of 3-9 million for the Dems also was missing... meaning Dems lost about 7million voters last election, or about 5%.

The Republicans, as shitty of a party as they are gained 2-3% on the Dems from 2008 to the 2012 election. Reps gained 1 million voters, down from the 3-9 million they should have grown, based on past elections. So a gain for Reps but still an overall loss compared to ever other elections (not Ross Perot elections).

These numbers are based on fact, based on the only poll that matters, the election poll.

I am not a Republican, I don't vote Republican. YOU are a hyper partisan Progressive liberal so you make threads like these despite the reality being YOUR party is the fastest dying party in the world currently.

PS: Fuck Rubio.
yeah, yeah, yeah. Wheres your links trollboi? :eusa_eh: Without it, its just voodoo math on your part. :eusa_hand: Don't bother trying to gather them up now as you already have egg on your face for coming to the table unprepared.
Here's a math problem for ya...

What percentage of the hispanic vote would've won the presidency for Romney?

I thought I heard he needed somewhere in the 72% - 74% of the Hispanic vote to win.
Rubio (R) addresses angry mob of conservatives

Governor Bobby Jindal didn't call them the "STUPID PARTY" for nothing!

Conservatives are always angry at someone or something anyway - so how would we know the difference?
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Rubio (R) addresses angry mob of conservatives

Governor Bobby Jindal didn't call them the "STUPID PARTY" for nothing!

Conservatives are always angry at someone or something anyway - so how would we know the difference?

well Jindal would call this post for angry, I guess people don't have a right to angry? everything is just hunky dorrey in your little world?
yeah, yeah, yeah. Wheres your links trollboi? :eusa_eh: Without it, its just voodoo math on your part. :eusa_hand: Don't bother trying to gather them up now as you already have egg on your face for coming to the table unprepared.
Here's a math problem for ya...

What percentage of the hispanic vote would've won the presidency for Romney?

I thought I heard he needed somewhere in the 72% - 74% of the Hispanic vote to win.
The way I hear it told, Romney could have received 100% of the Hispanic vote and still lost.

Regardless, the bait-and-switch currently being played by the lolberal/neocon ruling class won't get the GOP enough Hispanic votes to matter....Both Rubio and Jeff Flake are selling out the people who got them elected.
Really? You felt the need to add the (R)?

What a douche...

It was "(Tea Party)" BEFORE the Senate produced their latest immigration bill hence, the angry conservative mob. Now its "(R)" ;)

Tea Party is a caucus, not a political party.
Just like the Black caucus...Black is not a political party.


Tea Party is what Rubio ran as. After this bill, he's just another Republican (amnesty-loving, bureaucrat :) ) I can think of one or two conservatives, on this board who live down there & prolly voted for him because he was running as a Tea Party candidate, who aren't very happy right now with the "path to citizenship" in the bill ;)
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His Pop was even Mexican (technically) and he didn't win so....

Another fail!!
Rubio's Father was Cuban.

If I'm wrong, prove it. Blogs, opinions, half truths, lefty 'articles' won't count as verified facts.

FAIL!. Try to keep up. We were talking about how many Hispanics voted for Milquetoast (Romney)
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interesting internal civil war in conservative ranks :eusa_think:

Marco Rubio responds to angry tea party activists
Weathering conservative attacks on his immigration reform work “has been a real trial,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said Wednesday, in a speech aimed at the tea party activists who helped elect him and are now upset by his work on the issue.
What say you? Rubio (R) betrayed the tea party voters who elected him (conservative voters in Florida) or amnesty-loving bureaucrat?

An angry mob of conservatives? Conservatives aren't happy unless they're mad about something. Hell, conservative talk radio hosts spend most of their time ginning up anger within the ranks in order to exploit it for ratings. Have you ever heard their shows on weeks when their are no front burner issues? They spend those weeks trying to start fires on non issues in the hope that they can fan those subsequent flames into the latest conservative moral outrage. All those conservative political interest groups do the same thing in order to raise money. They even market the morning after pill as an abortifacient (it isn't one) in order to stir up outrage because decreasing numbers of abortion is bad for fundraising. Conservative candidates do likewise in an effort to turn out the base to vote. Conservatives have GOT to be the most gullible people on the planet when one considers how often they get manipulated by people looking to make money off them or further their own personal interests or careers.
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