Rubio’s Deceptive Amnesty Ad


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Legalization now, border security?..not so much.

Rubio’s Deceptive Amnesty Ad
By Jon Feere May 2013

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) appears in a new television advertisement designed to promote the immigration amnesty bill currently being debated in Congress. The minute-long advertisement calls the proposal "conservative immigration reform" and attempts to make amnesty appealing to Republican voters. Partisan politics aside, the amnesty ad is misleading on a number of counts, outlined below.

The ad was produced by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg who created the floundering, an advocacy group aimed at promoting amnesty. One of the group's offshoots is something called "Americans for a Conservative Direction", which is cited at the end of the ad. Here is the transcript:

( I bet it didn't take them long to get their tax exempt status )

RUBIO: "Anyone who thinks what we have now in immigration is not a problem is fooling themselves. What we have in place today is de facto amnesty."

Very few Americans believe that we don't have a serious problem with illegal immigration. It is true that this country is experiencing a de facto amnesty for illegal aliens, and it is largely the result of the Obama administration refusing to enforce immigration laws on the books. The problem is that Rubio wants to turn this "de facto" amnesty into a formal amnesty, and grant millions of law-breakers work permits, driver's licenses, Social Security accounts, travel documents, and an unknown number of additional state-level benefits. Rubio is trying to help President Obama fulfill his campaign goal of keeping all illegal aliens in the country and giving them benefits reserved for legal residents. If Rubio was actually troubled by the de facto amnesty being advanced by the Obama administration, Rubio would side with the ICE officials who are suing the Obama administration over the president's effort to prevent them from doing their jobs. Top-ranking ICE official Chris Crane explained the lawsuit to Fox News, here. Mr. Crane's recent congressional testimony, available here, raises many troubling issues. ICE's additional concern is that the amnesty bill would make permanent their inability to enforce the law by giving DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano "virtually unlimited discretion" to waive all enforcement of immigration law. If an amnesty is passed, the Obama administration will likely continue to undermine any immigration enforcement provisions in the bill.

ANNOUNCER: "Conservative leaders have a plan, the toughest immigration enforcement measures in the history of the United States."

The so-called "Gang of Eight" senators who wrote the bill aren't all "conservative leaders", unless you consider Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), and Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) to fit that description. True, the gang also includes Republican senators, but it is up for debate whether one considers Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) to be conservative on immigration. Their immigration report card grades, from the pro-enforcement group NumbersUSA, are troubling: Graham has a "C", McCain a "D", and a Flake "C". This is in contrast to Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, who has an "A+" from NumbersUSA.

The voiceover in the ad also cites a newspaper article for the "toughest enforcement measures in the history of the United States" language. This commercial carefully avoided some of the language in the article's full sentence, particularly the part noting that this bill would allow previously deported illegal aliens to return to the country. The article's full sentence reads:

The controversial proposal would grant most of the 11 million people here illegally a path to citizenship and give thousands of deported individuals a chance to return, but would also adopt some of the toughest immigration enforcement measures in the history of the United States.

No immigration bill in the history of the United States has ever permitted previously deported illegal aliens to return to the United States to receive citizenship, so it is difficult to see how this news organization concluded that the bill is the "toughest" our country has ever seen. Of course, the article is really claiming that the bill would "adopt some" tough enforcement measures, not that the bill itself is tough.

On closer inspection, many of these measures (noted below) are not as tough as they seem to be.

Rubio?s Deceptive Amnesty Ad | Center for Immigration Studies
Yes that ad is just one lie after the other, the bill has to be the most anti-America piece of legislation ever produced.

For example; he says it will stop them from getting welfare, but the way most get on welfare is through the anchor baby loophole, nothing in the bill address that so they will in fact still get on welfare.

What really makes blood shoot out of my eyes is when is says something to the effect we will treat them (illegal immigrants) in a compassionate way.

Where was their compassion for Americans when the came here illegally, took jobs from Americans, leached off of the taxpayer while sending most of their money back home in the form of remittances, and drove US wages down in doing so?

Where is the compassion for the American taxpayer who has to pay for them to the tune of trillions of dollars?

Where is the compassion for the 25 million Americans out of work while 11-60 million illegals immigrants are gainfully employed and jobs they should not have?

Where is the compassion for American children forced to deal with overcrowded schools and bilingual classes that inhibit learning for all, while illegal parents pay little to nothing for it.

By elevating the welfare of foreigners above the welfare of the Country and the welfare and safety of the people it is supposed to govern it demonstrates US government is no longer a "government of the people, by the people, for the people" it is a "government of the foreign people, by the foreign people, and irrefutably for the foreign people".

Oh and by the way, who is paying for that government propaganda anyway?
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This "immigration reform" bill is just as disasterous as Obamacare.

Rubio had the chance to become a GOP star. Not anymore, the dumb shit.
We need to enforce the law; the hell with amnesty. I am so pissed off with our government. Selective law enforcement is bull shit. If your here illegally you are a criminal, and you should be treated as such! Rubio is a RINO - not that any republican leadership has done squat about illegal immigration.
You can't lock up, and deport all the illegals for sure, but you can do the best you can - make them live in fear. We owe them nothing. If amnesty goes through; we are finished! The liberals will rule, and every city will be like Detroit - God help us!
Actually the sponsor is Mark Zuckerberg's "Americans for a conservative direction" but it is not a conservative direction at all. Frankly I'm surprised that senator Rubio would promote this moderate approach to immigration and take this shoddy method of trying to get his message out. I have a feeling that he underestimates how smart Americans are about the issue and it will backfire on him.
We need to enforce the law; the hell with amnesty. I am so pissed off with our government. Selective law enforcement is bull shit. If your here illegally you are a criminal, and you should be treated as such! Rubio is a RINO - not that any republican leadership has done squat about illegal immigration.
You can't lock up, and deport all the illegals for sure, but you can do the best you can - make them live in fear. We owe them nothing. If amnesty goes through; we are finished! The liberals will rule, and every city will be like Detroit - God help us!

Everyone that understands how bad this bill is needs to actively try to defeat it. Talk to others about it and make sure they are fighting it. The phones at the Senators offices need to ring constantly until this is finished. Twitter and Facebook and any other social media sites need to be used to counteract these high dollar ad buys. The calls do make a difference. Don't limit yourself to just calling your senators. Call many of them. Only the American people will stop this bill.
We need to enforce the law; the hell with amnesty. I am so pissed off with our government. Selective law enforcement is bull shit. If your here illegally you are a criminal, and you should be treated as such! Rubio is a RINO - not that any republican leadership has done squat about illegal immigration.
You can't lock up, and deport all the illegals for sure, but you can do the best you can - make them live in fear. We owe them nothing. If amnesty goes through; we are finished! The liberals will rule, and every city will be like Detroit - God help us!

Actually being in the country illegally is about the same as jaywalking, its a misdemeanor. Now if you consider jaywalking being a criminal act, than you are right. Solution: make crossing into the US illegally a felony.

The best way to self deport illegals is to enforce current laws by clamping down on those people who hire them with stiff fines and criminal sanctions. Cut off the reason why they come here illegally (work) and they won't be any incentives.

Simply put make people who come to the US to work go though the green card process and come legally.

My concerns are legals from south of the border breed like rats and live like rats. Secondly, they are taking jobs away from other minority/working poor groups who are undercut in the pay market. Illegals when made citizens are allowed to bring in all the family which in the case of Latinos will be in 30-40 million's.

Another concern are people who are overlooking two other groups of illegals which are Asians (mostly Chinese) and people (estimated to be around 40% of all illegals) who over stay their varies types of visas.

I can not in good conscience support an immigration bill unless the borders are secured first.
We need to enforce the law; the hell with amnesty. I am so pissed off with our government. Selective law enforcement is bull shit. If your here illegally you are a criminal, and you should be treated as such! Rubio is a RINO - not that any republican leadership has done squat about illegal immigration.
You can't lock up, and deport all the illegals for sure, but you can do the best you can - make them live in fear. We owe them nothing. If amnesty goes through; we are finished! The liberals will rule, and every city will be like Detroit - God help us!

Everyone that understands how bad this bill is needs to actively try to defeat it. Talk to others about it and make sure they are fighting it. The phones at the Senators offices need to ring constantly until this is finished. Twitter and Facebook and any other social media sites need to be used to counteract these high dollar ad buys. The calls do make a difference. Don't limit yourself to just calling your senators. Call many of them. Only the American people will stop this bill.

Not sure the bill needs to be defeated, but it sure need some heavy amendments to make it work. I noticed the other day that democrats defeated an amendment which would enforce the borders first before any amnesty was given.
We need to enforce the law; the hell with amnesty. I am so pissed off with our government. Selective law enforcement is bull shit. If your here illegally you are a criminal, and you should be treated as such! Rubio is a RINO - not that any republican leadership has done squat about illegal immigration.
You can't lock up, and deport all the illegals for sure, but you can do the best you can - make them live in fear. We owe them nothing. If amnesty goes through; we are finished! The liberals will rule, and every city will be like Detroit - God help us!

Everyone that understands how bad this bill is needs to actively try to defeat it. Talk to others about it and make sure they are fighting it. The phones at the Senators offices need to ring constantly until this is finished. Twitter and Facebook and any other social media sites need to be used to counteract these high dollar ad buys. The calls do make a difference. Don't limit yourself to just calling your senators. Call many of them. Only the American people will stop this bill.

Not sure the bill needs to be defeated, but it sure need some heavy amendments to make it work. I noticed the other day that democrats defeated an amendment which would enforce the borders first before any amnesty was given.

Did the defeat of the Grassley amendment not convince you that the Democrats and the Gang Republicans have no intention of securing the border?
What amendments do you think would make this bill passable?
Everyone that understands how bad this bill is needs to actively try to defeat it. Talk to others about it and make sure they are fighting it. The phones at the Senators offices need to ring constantly until this is finished. Twitter and Facebook and any other social media sites need to be used to counteract these high dollar ad buys. The calls do make a difference. Don't limit yourself to just calling your senators. Call many of them. Only the American people will stop this bill.

Not sure the bill needs to be defeated, but it sure need some heavy amendments to make it work. I noticed the other day that democrats defeated an amendment which would enforce the borders first before any amnesty was given.

Did the defeat of the Grassley amendment not convince you that the Democrats and the Gang Republicans have no intention of securing the border?
What amendments do you think would make this bill passable?

Secure the borders first and foremost. Second enforce the law on the book to go after employer who hire illegals. Have mandatory E-Verify on all employees no matter who they are.

I would also put an amendment putting a hold on visas from Muslim countries for 5-10 years and stop Chinese students from taking computer science courses and going back to China and use that knowledge to hack both business and government sites in the US.
Not sure the bill needs to be defeated, but it sure need some heavy amendments to make it work. I noticed the other day that democrats defeated an amendment which would enforce the borders first before any amnesty was given.

Did the defeat of the Grassley amendment not convince you that the Democrats and the Gang Republicans have no intention of securing the border?
What amendments do you think would make this bill passable?

Secure the borders first and foremost. Second enforce the law on the book to go after employer who hire illegals. Have mandatory E-Verify on all employees no matter who they are.

I would also put an amendment putting a hold on visas from Muslim countries for 5-10 years and stop Chinese students from taking computer science courses and going back to China and use that knowledge to hack both business and government sites in the US.

The amendment that would have secured the borders first and foremost was tabled. E-verify will only apply to new hires after the system is put in place leaving the system ripe for fraud by people being able to claim that they hired someone illegally before E-verify was mandatory. Not everyone is going to want to come forward and there will be plenty of new illegals to replace any that this bill would legalize.'
This bill needs to be defeated.
Did the defeat of the Grassley amendment not convince you that the Democrats and the Gang Republicans have no intention of securing the border?
What amendments do you think would make this bill passable?

Secure the borders first and foremost. Second enforce the law on the book to go after employer who hire illegals. Have mandatory E-Verify on all employees no matter who they are.

I would also put an amendment putting a hold on visas from Muslim countries for 5-10 years and stop Chinese students from taking computer science courses and going back to China and use that knowledge to hack both business and government sites in the US.

The amendment that would have secured the borders first and foremost was tabled. E-verify will only apply to new hires after the system is put in place leaving the system ripe for fraud by people being able to claim that they hired someone illegally before E-verify was mandatory. Not everyone is going to want to come forward and there will be plenty of new illegals to replace any that this bill would legalize.'
This bill needs to be defeated.

E-Verify is being gutted by the reform, and it will be years before anything like it is put in its place if ever, knowing the Dems never;

Immigration bill guts E-Verify for years

This is to protect the employers whom have and will continue to hire illegals with out repercussion. (like when they fire the newly legalized workers whom will cost employers more than illegal workers due to the legalization)
On Sean Hannity's show (WABC radio) a few weeks ago, baby-faced Senator Marco Rubio - Sean's "Beloved One" - made the following impossible comments...without any challenges on the part of Mr. Hannity:

"The proposed [amnesty] bill would apply only to those undocumented aliens who have been living in the U.S. since before 2011, and EACH AND EVERY one of the 11 millions' backgrounds will be thoroughly checked before they're legalized...." Hogwash! Months and months later FBI is still coming up with new findings on the Boston Marathon terrorists and related links, and the investigation still continues. And, of course, if Senator Rubio claims the 2013 Legalization Bill would apply only to those having lived here since before 2011, then that tells us that the problem of illegal immigration is eternal because our government officials, such as the GANG OF EIGHT, are not willing to go to the root of the problem and enforce the current laws based on the 1986 Immigration Law - punitive measures against employers, including fining them up to $2000 per illegal hiring, thus making it hard for UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, who would have no choice but to leave the U.S....
On Sean Hannity's show (WABC radio) a few weeks ago, baby-faced Senator Marco Rubio - Sean's "Beloved One" - made the following impossible comments...without any challenges on the part of Mr. Hannity:

"The proposed [amnesty] bill would apply only to those undocumented aliens who have been living in the U.S. since before 2011, and EACH AND EVERY one of the 11 millions' backgrounds will be thoroughly checked before they're legalized...." Hogwash! Months and months later FBI is still coming up with new findings on the Boston Marathon terrorists and related links, and the investigation still continues. And, of course, if Senator Rubio claims the 2013 Legalization Bill would apply only to those having lived here since before 2011, then that tells us that the problem of illegal immigration is eternal because our government officials, such as the GANG OF EIGHT, are not willing to go to the root of the problem and enforce the current laws based on the 1986 Immigration Law - punitive measures against employers, including fining them up to $2000 per illegal hiring, thus making it hard for UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, who would have no choice but to leave the U.S....

Yes that appears to be another lie;

Shocking DHS Illegal Immigration Secret: Background Checks Suspended

Moreover, the Obama administration has no idea how dangerous some of these illegal aliens are because, according to documents we recently obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) stopped doing background checks late last year!

Instead, the agency adopted costly “lean and lite” procedures in an effort to keep up with the flood of applications spurred by President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) directive, which grants illegal aliens a two-year deferment from deportation. This DACA program is one of Obama’s lawless initiatives through which he unilaterally is ignoring the law to let these illegal aliens avoid deportation.

If they can't even handle doing Deferred Action applications there is no way they are going to do it for some 11 million+ Legalization applications, it is going to be rubber stamp them all and worry about who we let stay later.
hannity loves rubio, maybe a bit too much. i was reading there are allegations hannity was part of a scheme to ignore amnesty opponents.

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