Rubio said that the government doen't create jobs

Do right wingers EVER wonder why....if their contention is that its democrats who destroy private sector jobs....the richest families are..........


That's because of the class warfare that is PROPAGATED by the left.. Mostly consisting of lies and stuff about economics that they do not understand. Why belong to a party that VILLIFIES you for nothing. And uses you as a scapegoat for their FAILURE to lead and administer the Federal Government..

Like for instance, not understanding the difference between living on INCOME and living on INVESTMENTS.
What's the difference there? One is little personal risk. The other is TOTAL personal risk. Dems (leftists) are RISK adverse and seek to mold a RISK - FREE society.

Trust me -- you would not want a RISK -- FREE American economic system..
More bullshit

Investment income should be taxed the same or more as the income from labor

Labor actually creates wealth

U amst had that right
Do right wingers EVER wonder why....if their contention is that its democrats who destroy private sector jobs....the richest families are..........


That's because of the class warfare that is PROPAGATED by the left.. Mostly consisting of lies and stuff about economics that they do not understand. Why belong to a party that VILLIFIES you for nothing. And uses you as a scapegoat for their FAILURE to lead and administer the Federal Government..

Like for instance, not understanding the difference between living on INCOME and living on INVESTMENTS.
What's the difference there? One is little personal risk. The other is TOTAL personal risk. Dems (leftists) are RISK adverse and seek to mold a RISK - FREE society.

Trust me -- you would not want a RISK -- FREE American economic system..
More bullshit

Investment income should be taxed the same or more as the income from labor

Labor actually creates wealth

You ALMOST got that right. Both labor and investment create wealth. BOTH are required for economic health and growth. But labor income has little risk -- while investment income is almost total risk. And leftists don't like risk. Their policies are DESIGNED to create a ZERO RISK society.

And I explained the Romney phony marginal rate absolutely correctly. No Bullshit required. Leftists ought to be kissing the asses of the risk-takers, because that's where the jobs come from. Don't believe me -- watch Shark Tank --- or do as I did and work in Silicon Valley for 18 years. We wouldn't HAVE a Silicon Valley without investment risk takers living on Capital Gains. And the Fed Govt that you all worship is WAAAAY too stupid and incompetent to substitute for the process of investment capital and entrenprenuership.. Shouldn't even BE in that business. They SUCK at it..
You overstate the risk of investment. You win some, you lose some. The ones you win, you pay a lower tax rate. The ones you lose, you deduct from your taxes.
Labor creates a product. That product results in wealth. Investment either places money in option A or option actual wealth is generated

Labor is far from low risk....your life depends on it. Investors make a poor choice, it is LABOR that pays with their livelihood
Do right wingers EVER wonder why....if their contention is that its democrats who destroy private sector jobs....the richest families are..........


That's because of the class warfare that is PROPAGATED by the left.. Mostly consisting of lies and stuff about economics that they do not understand. Why belong to a party that VILLIFIES you for nothing. And uses you as a scapegoat for their FAILURE to lead and administer the Federal Government..

Like for instance, not understanding the difference between living on INCOME and living on INVESTMENTS.
What's the difference there? One is little personal risk. The other is TOTAL personal risk. Dems (leftists) are RISK adverse and seek to mold a RISK - FREE society.

Trust me -- you would not want a RISK -- FREE American economic system..
More bullshit

Investment income should be taxed the same or more as the income from labor

Labor actually creates wealth

Perhaps if you invested a million of your own money and actually hired people, you would understand why that money is taxed less. Continue on with your old bitter self though.
Do right wingers EVER wonder why....if their contention is that its democrats who destroy private sector jobs....the richest families are..........


That's because of the class warfare that is PROPAGATED by the left.. Mostly consisting of lies and stuff about economics that they do not understand. Why belong to a party that VILLIFIES you for nothing. And uses you as a scapegoat for their FAILURE to lead and administer the Federal Government..

Like for instance, not understanding the difference between living on INCOME and living on INVESTMENTS.
What's the difference there? One is little personal risk. The other is TOTAL personal risk. Dems (leftists) are RISK adverse and seek to mold a RISK - FREE society.

Trust me -- you would not want a RISK -- FREE American economic system..
More bullshit

Investment income should be taxed the same or more as the income from labor

Labor actually creates wealth

U amst had that right
Do right wingers EVER wonder why....if their contention is that its democrats who destroy private sector jobs....the richest families are..........


That's because of the class warfare that is PROPAGATED by the left.. Mostly consisting of lies and stuff about economics that they do not understand. Why belong to a party that VILLIFIES you for nothing. And uses you as a scapegoat for their FAILURE to lead and administer the Federal Government..

Like for instance, not understanding the difference between living on INCOME and living on INVESTMENTS.
What's the difference there? One is little personal risk. The other is TOTAL personal risk. Dems (leftists) are RISK adverse and seek to mold a RISK - FREE society.

Trust me -- you would not want a RISK -- FREE American economic system..
More bullshit

Investment income should be taxed the same or more as the income from labor

Labor actually creates wealth

You ALMOST got that right. Both labor and investment create wealth. BOTH are required for economic health and growth. But labor income has little risk -- while investment income is almost total risk. And leftists don't like risk. Their policies are DESIGNED to create a ZERO RISK society.

And I explained the Romney phony marginal rate absolutely correctly. No Bullshit required. Leftists ought to be kissing the asses of the risk-takers, because that's where the jobs come from. Don't believe me -- watch Shark Tank --- or do as I did and work in Silicon Valley for 18 years. We wouldn't HAVE a Silicon Valley without investment risk takers living on Capital Gains. And the Fed Govt that you all worship is WAAAAY too stupid and incompetent to substitute for the process of investment capital and entrenprenuership.. Shouldn't even BE in that business. They SUCK at it..
You overstate the risk of investment. You win some, you lose some. The ones you win, you pay a lower tax rate. The ones you lose, you deduct from your taxes.
Labor creates a product. That product results in wealth. Investment either places money in option A or option actual wealth is generated

Labor is far from low risk....your life depends on it. Investors make a poor choice, it is LABOR that pays with their livelihood

Saying that "labor" creates a product is bit sketchy. The type of labor that CREATES products is very specialized. These are the marketeers, the engineers, the entrepreneurs, and the executives.. Labor (as you're using the term) builds and moves the product to market. Wouldn't much matter in most cases what exactly the product is.

When I worked in Silicon Valley, the start-up principles were in 2nd mortgaged homes, driving beater cars, and eating brown bag lunches while the WORKERS were going out for lunch and driving the best cars of their lives. They were not expected to -- nor were they willing to put lives on hold and risk their incomes for the sake of success for THAT product. I often took no pay for months in exchange for stock that would MOST LIKELY be worthless in time. But I did that because I believed in the product(s) -- and because I knew the execs above me were doing the same thing.

NONE of the "laborers" needed to make those sacrifices or take those risks. They could walk across the street and have the same job tomorrow. So don't exaggerate the "risks of a taking straight wages". There are virtually none.

LOSING your job is becoming more of an event because the market "incubators" are broken and there are fewer manufacturing or even administrative positions required.. Valid COMPETITION and the changing "definition of a job are not part of this topic. That broke ass dishwasher plant just might be -- the only game in town if you don't have a large toolkit of skills today..

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