Rubio's Credit Card Nonsense.Well What About"Moochelle's"Vacations On The Middle Class Credit Line?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue: So Marco Rubio may have used his line of credit for personal use. Big Deal! What about those million dollar vacations Michelle Obama has taken on our dime? Has she ever offered to pay it all back with her millions? Even with Obama's million dollar vacations, who do think pays for those? "The Middle Class Master Card". No Limit of course. Marco Rubio should of brought up what the Obama's charge up on our credit lines (aka, borrowing from us and our kids). :afro:
That would of been a killer moment to see Marco bring up the millions the Obama's piss off, and yet the rats and Donald Trump are so concerned how Marco Rubio handles his line of credit?
Something about those stupid rules and election monies...Gah!
i will probably get my share of "Well, Duh, ahh, Bush did it! Bush did it,,duhhh,,,,,see George, see George, I done a good thing George,,,,,George is my friend,,,,derrhuahh.
who ever thought we would see the day when a president had a 10 trillion dollar credit line and just piss it off cause he knows he wont have to pay it back,,,yet the IRS will come after you for $25.00.42
Something about those stupid rules and election monies...Gah!
between the Clintons, the Pelosi's, The Reids and Obama's, Rubio's situation would make him a saint and qualified to be the next Pope.
Michelle Obama pays for her vacations, so does the President
Rubio VS the 500 Million pissed off at Solyndra, you would think that the rats would be more concerned over the wasted 500 Million!
should of

should have....!!

sorry, i just get a little finicky about that particular usage of words, you are NOT the only poster that makes this common English mistake, i see it all the time on all the other forums i visit.
i just dont believe that the Obama's pay for all of their vacations/golf outings,,,i guess if they did, they would be broke, right?
:argue: So Marco Rubio may have used his line of credit for personal use. Big Deal! What about those million dollar vacations Michelle Obama has taken on our dime? Has she ever offered to pay it all back with her millions? Even with Obama's million dollar vacations, who do think pays for those? "The Middle Class Master Card". No Limit of course. Marco Rubio should of brought up what the Obama's charge up on our credit lines (aka, borrowing from us and our kids). :afro:
That would of been a killer moment to see Marco bring up the millions the Obama's piss off, and yet the rats and Donald Trump are so concerned how Marco Rubio handles his line of credit?
No one has ever complained about White First Ladies taking vacations.
Something about those stupid rules and election monies...Gah!
i will probably get my share of "Well, Duh, ahh, Bush did it! Bush did it,,duhhh,,,,,see George, see George, I done a good thing George,,,,,George is my friend,,,,derrhuahh.
You will only hear it when and if people compare First Lady trips. No one really does because it is distasteful and in the end the result is that one of the things First Ladies do is act as good-will ambassadors by making trips overseas.
I thought Democrats in general watch their budgets (in reference to the ones who have to pay a mortgage and support two kids),,i guess the Obama's are not Democrats, just charge up an unlimited credit card and after 2017, they will just walk away from the mess they made and just say to themselves,,,oh well,,looks like we added 12 trillion to the debt,,,no big deal, we have 30 Billion Dollars, lets go buy more houses and the middle class can go &^%$#K themselves. they are all bunch of racists anyway.

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