Rubios new George Soros money master


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
Marco Rubio's New Billionaire Backer Funds Open Borders

As Politico reported at the time, Singer “quietly go[t] involved in the fight for immigration reform, making a six-figure donation… to the National Immigration Forum”— a George Soros-backed organization that lobbied for Rubio’s legislation to issue 33 million green cards to foreign nationals in the span of a single decade.

Only an ignorant fool would vote for the pig, Rubio. He is bought and paid for by his money masters. He is pig vomit.
Rubio is bought and paid for by open border pigs and they want Rubio so they can line thier pockets with bucks.
Good for her!! Hopefully no one but drooling fools will vote for a pig funded by Soros.

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