Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

Just because someone yells louder, it does not mean they're being successful.

Which still doesn't address the question.
If you just want to bitch about the President ... All I can say is that your opinion doesn't really matter ... :thup:

Blah-Blah-Blah ...

ANYONE can yell and scream.......that doesn't make Trump a hard***.....that makes him a fool.

... Blah-Blah-Blah.

Anyone can run around pulling their hair out and crying about the President ...
But that is no testament to their ability to address the actual details of their desires concerning NATO and support of its mission ... :thup:


How the fuck did we fail our kids so hard? Seriously. These dolts whine and complain for years about how the US "overspends" on it's military but can't put the pieces together that part of why we spend so god damn much is because we're defending the entire damned planet. Fucking idiots...

(Much less the more subtle idea that the US cannot, the fucking world cannot, afford for the US to go socialist because then we won't be able to defend the world - we're already fucking struggling as it is. The selfish bastards don't get that they are expected to pull their fucking weight and pay their own god damn bills so that we as the greatest nation on Earth can take care of the rest of the nations.)
Pure, utter stupidity....yet again. Trump and his minions believe that the US will be safer by angering every ally around the world and cozying up to the likes of Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin......"brilliant" foreign policy; if the design is to start war that we have to fight on our own.

If you ask one of the Trump cult members to explain HOW this is better for'll get a big...."uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I dunno, that's what Trump says?" as Trump get belittled around the world.....
Donald Trump is in for the trolling of a lifetime (opinion) - CNN

Trump supporters are flippin' morons.

YOu haven't asked any Trump supporter, because we could easily tell you how it is better.
How is alienating allies better for the US?

Because allies that don't pull their own weight, are worse than useless.

Not "pulling their own weight" according to whom? The bozos who admit to lying and not caring about it? The dimwits who admit they got assistance from Russia to get elected in the first place?

Why should we believe anything that you have to say?

According to guidelines on defense spending that they agreed to.

A military ally that won't spend 2 fucking per cent for their own protection, is worse than dead weight.
Because allies that don't pull their own weight, are worse than useless.

Not "pulling their own weight" according to whom? The bozos who admit to lying and not caring about it? The dimwits who admit they got assistance from Russia to get elected in the first place?

Why should we believe anything that you have to say?
Uh, moron, they agreed to pay their agreed upon share.
That was agreed to before genius.......
Uh, idiot, It was agreed to; it just never happened.

So, Trump is a genius for getting an there were other agreements? didn't I see that? What a brilliant negotiator??????????

Trump again taking credit for what others before him have done.......just like the economy.

Do you have a rug that you use to bow down to your cult leader? Stretch before you bow.......that bending over could pull a muscle in your back.

Gullible much?

Errr, he's not taking credit for the agreement, he is pointing out that the majority of the Europeans have not lived up their their promises.

For you to make a mistake like that, and then talk shit about how stupid or gullible other people are?

Does not look good. For you. I guess I need to be VERY, VERY, VERY clear, for you.
Another big win for Trump getting the NATO members to agree to increased military spending to counter Russia.

More Moon Bat head exploding.

Only to make clear the situation of Russia and the Krim. The Krim was conquered in 1799 from Russia. Before it was part of the Osman empire. On a totally unknown reason the Soviet leader Nikita Sergeyevich Krushchev gave the Krim to the Ukraine as a present - but still the Krim was the home harbor of the black sea fleet of the Russians and is this still today. This "deal" was totally without any real substance, because in this days the Soviet empire and Russia were pragmatically the same. The hypocrisy of the West is to expect the USA would give up the home harbor of the pacific fleet in Pearl Harbor only because Hawaii was not a territory of the USA in 194x ... ah sorry: wrong time, wrong war … the hypocrisy of the West is it to expect Russia will give up the home harbor of their black see fleet. Question: For example: Why should Russia not fight in a worst case scenario against Turkey, if Erdogan would drive completely crazy for example? … Imagine a situation where Turkey is producing nukes. Should the NATO fight against the NATO-member Turkey in such a case? With nukes?… I don't know why all our politicians are stupid (or liars) - and I don't know why you made to the president of the United States the most stupid liar of all of them. Nevertheless: The military budget of Russia is still only about 10% of the budget of the USA. It makes no sense to try to isolate Russia. World war 2 is over. Cold war is over. The Soviets are gone. Krim belongs to Russia. End of this stupid discussion. We have other serious problems in the world, which are much more important - for example the climate change and the fight against causes of refugees.

Perhaps the most interesting question is in the moment where this damned third millennium A.D. is hiding itself. Everyone seems to be on the way to the wars of the 20th or 19th century. And everyons seems to forget the very important values and real ways of our worthful traditions.

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I don't have any idea what you like to say nor on what reason you like to speak with me. Do you have a problem with drugs or what else is the reason why you do not like to understand what I say? Very short: Social Darwinism (racism) is an essential part of the biological ideology of the Nazis!

If you want to compare Nazi ideology to socialized medicine ... Well, I am not going to argue with that ... :thup:

I mean really ... I don't care if you are a Nazi or hate Nazis.
I don't care how you desire to redefine Darwinism in a social context.

Darwinism is survival of the fittest by means of natural selection determined by existing attributes.
If you want to talk about racism ... Then call it racism.
In Darwinism ... A sentient being has no more choice in the matter than the next being.


Still I don't know what's your problem. Shortest way: Darwinism is social bullshit. It has nothing to do with ways to live.

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Do you expect anything different from lowlife twits who voted for an internet troll
To be president?
It was better than the alternative. You guys shouldn't have gone with Hillary. She's awful and most people hate her. For fuck sake, an internet troll beat her! :laugh:

Hardly, we're seeing that Trump was NOT better than the alternative. Although....he DOES know how to insult large groups of people.

Trump gets assistance from a hostile foreign adversary to cheat during the election.....kinda makes the focus on the Hillary Clinton email thing kinda silly by comparison.
Cheat? How did he cheat? Be specific?

Posted this 45 times already......I can see how you missed it??? (eyeroll)
Russian election meddling meant to help Trump, hurt Clinton, Senate Intelligence Committee finds

Senate Intel panel: Russia tried to help Trump, hurt Clinton, in 2016 election

U.S. Senate Panel Finds Russia Worked To Aid Trump In Election

Maybe ask your parents if you need help with big words.
You said TRUMP cheated, not Russia. Where is the proof that TRUMP cheated?

Learn how to read nitwit. I'd ask you...if you now accept the fact that Russia tried to get Trump elected in the first place, then WHY aren't you concerned about the multitude of lies Trump and his people have told about their involvement with Russia? You folks love a good God, you couldn't have a better one than here.

Or, does it REALLY come down really don't care how Trump "won" the election; as long as it serves your political purposes. I've had some Trump supporters finally admit it....why don't you? Politics a distant second for you people.
Opinion | Trump’s lies about the Russia probe devolve into absurdity

God bless America!
Just because someone yells louder, it does not mean they're being successful.

Which still doesn't address the question.
If you just want to bitch about the President ... All I can say is that your opinion doesn't really matter ... :thup:


Yes, I want to b**** about the President who lies about what he achieved at the NATO summit.....I would think any real American would. We have reached a point in our politics now where quite literally EVERY word out of the President's mouth has to be questioned. We can't trust the simplest of statements from him to be true, how can we trust him when it comes to foreign policy or domestic policy? I've studied and followed politics for 30 years....I've never seen or read anything like it.
regarding 'rocket man kim' , things are still being worked on by TRUMP . We will see what happens but the latest i heard a few days ago is that the denuking of the 'norks' is mandatory . Also , President TRUMP and MY military is functional and ready to go if needed by President Trump Luddley .

Less functional and ready when they cancel their annually scheduled join manuevers on that idiot's whim.
… A military ally that won't spend 2 fucking per cent for their own protection, is worse than dead weight.

If we will move the costs for refugees into our military household in Germany, then I fear we will have one of the biggest military households of the world.

And it's by the way still totally unimportant how much money anyone in the NATO pays into the own military household. If we pay 50% more then this would make financially only sense for the USA if you had to pay 1/3 less. But this will not happen. Your army is 3 times as expensive as the armies of all other NATO-members together. And you own about 1/2-2/3 of all military structures of the whole world. If someone takes a look at the household of the USA without text and numbers then he thinks this is the household of a military dictatorship. Social components inside?
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How the fuck did we fail our kids so hard? Seriously. These dolts whine and complain for years about how the US "overspends" on it's military but can't put the pieces together that part of why we spend so god damn much is because we're defending the entire damned planet. Fucking idiots...

(Much less the more subtle idea that the US cannot, the fucking world cannot, afford for the US to go socialist because then we won't be able to defend the world - we're already fucking struggling as it is. The selfish bastards don't get that they are expected to pull their fucking weight and pay their own god damn bills so that we as the greatest nation on Earth can take care of the rest of the nations.)

Sorry folks lost the ability to talk about spending since Republicans JUST INCREASED the budget deficit to $1.3 trillion just to give Trump himself and the people who crashed the economy a gigantic tax cut. You folks are the LAST people to be lecturing about spending.

Most importantly......Trump and his band of cult followers kept saying that Trump was the guy to get things done. Yelling, screaming, making a gigantic public spectacle was going to get things done. When that DIDN'T happen, Trump tried to spin it as some sort of victory....even though the NATO alliance agreed to increases in spending as was determined under the Obama Administration. In short......Trump failed....again. AND, embarrassed the country and destroyed allied relationships in the process.

You morons wouldn't know "socialism" if it slapped you in the face. If you're going to listen to right wing gobbledygook for your "news".....whatever, that's your prerogative. But, at least have the slightest clue what the **** you are talking about before you hit enter on your keyboard.
With the possible exception of Helmut Kohl Germany has always had terrible leaders. German Hillary is no exception.

Helmut Kohl was an unbelievable idiot. But the right idiot at the right place in the right moment. The problem now: Trump is only an idiot without anything else except money. He has absolutely no idea what he is doing on what reason - except on reason of the own money.

It was totally funny for example what he said about the natural gas which we sell from Russia. And it was much more funny what he did not say about the new NATO-member "Erdogania" - which was once the former country Turkey. The lost democracy Turkey is one of the worst backstrokes for the democracies of the Western World. And this had happened within the heart of the NATO. And the situation of the democracies in Poland, Hungary and elsewhere is also not the best. And what says the greatest president of the USA ever - the president of "the democracy" - to this problems? "Germany is my enemy - I will fight as long against Germany until no star of a Mercedes-Benz will be seen in the streets of NY any longer." Aha. Trump has problems. Funny. Is anything not funny in context with this clown - except that he is president of the United States?

It was Kohl, Reagan and Thatcher that stood strong together and deployed the Pershing II missiles that was a tremendous factor in bankrupting the Soviet Union's military that led to the downfall of the Soviet Union..

The "NATO-Doppelbeschluß" was in the year 1979 - December. Specially the Social Democrat chancellor Helmut Schmidt had to do with this difficult decision in Germany. The democrat Jimmy Carter was president of the USA at this time of history when he first step were done. Others continued.

You are confused about Trump.

He is a master negotiator that is showing strong American leadership. Something we haven't seen since Reagan.

Trump convincing the NATO members to increase military spending is the biggest counter to Russian influence we have seen in decades.

That's nonsense. We decided under Obama to duplicate the money we will give for national defense. We made a palne tpo increase this year by year. And now is the next step. This would had happened without Trump in the same way. Lates in 2024 we are at 2%.

A refreshing show of leadership especially after eight years of weakness

No one had the feeling here Obama was weak president.

and nothing from that affirmative action dumbshit previous President. I am not even sure that Obama knew there was a NATO alliance until somebody briefed him on it after becoming President.

The militant Muslims are fucking up Turkey just like they fuck up every other country where they have influence.

Turkey made a so called "presidential system" - the Turks have the feeling they make a copy of the presidential system of the USA with a strong leader. And they defend in a similar way the religion Islam as extremists in the USA are defending this what they think what the Christian religion could be. And they are "independent" in a similar way as the USA is "independent". Turkey reorganizes by the way in the moment the army. "Personal loyality" seem to be worldwide meanwhile the standard. Take "ambassador" Grenell as an example. A totally incompetent man, but loyal to Trump.

With Trump supporters, all that is important is Trump's photo op and taking credit for things he is not responsible for. He gets away with it because the people that support him don't really stand for anything.....they don't understand what NATO even stands for, much less, its purpose. Which is EXACTLY why they can go from hating everything NATO to applauding its support in the blink of an eye or a tweet from their cult leader. They are empty vessels.....

For example...on the domestic front, he can make a claim that he has a health insurance policy that was cheaper (than Obamacare) and would cover everybody. That, until, of course it is revealed he has nothing of the sort. If that was REALLY important to his dimwitted supporters, they'd be ****ed once that came to light. But, for these people, it doesn't matter. As long as it is anti-progressive....that's what is important. It's a reality TV show to them......and they don't understand the consequences.

And what are the consequences? For me personally it's for example totally unimportant whether the USA takes their soldiers home or lets them be here. I don't live in fear of Russians - and if I would live in fear of Russians then it could perhaps be better to send the US-army home.

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And what are the consequences? For me personally it's for example totally unimportant whether the USA takes their soldiers home or lets them be here. I don't live in fear of Russians - and if I would live in fear of Russians then it could perhaps be better to send the US-army home.

Dont be an idiot.

No one thinks we will have to fight the Russian Bear in Europe.

It is all about keeping the soldiers there to spend the incomes there. Much of Europe's economy depends on the US military presence, duh.
… Trump showed real leadership. ...



Tax cuts, regulation reductions, securing the border, growing the economy, perusing peace initiatives with the NORKS, making NATO share, fixing trade imbalance, strengthening the military, just to name a few.

Real leadership. Much more of a leader than that worthless lazy affirmative action dumbass that the Moon Bats elected.
… A military ally that won't spend 2 fucking per cent for their own protection, is worse than dead weight.

If we will move the costs for refugees into our military household in Germany, then I fear we will have one of the biggest military households of the world.

And it's by the way still totally unimportant how much money anyone in the NATO pays into the own military household. If we pay 50% more then this would make financially only sense for the USA if you had to pay 1/3 less. But this will not happen. Your army is 3 times as expensive as the armies of all other NATO-members together. And you own about 1/2-2/3 of all military structures of the whole world. If someone takes a look at the household of the USA without text and numbers then he thinks this is the household of a military dictatorship. Social components inside?

That made no sense.

my point stands.

A military ally that won't spend 2 fucking per cent for their own protection, is worse than dead weight.
These dolts whine and complain for years about how the US "overspends" on it's military but can't put the pieces together that part of why we spend so god damn much is because we're defending the entire damned planet.
Wow, the US really defended Iraq. And Libya. And Yemen. And Syria.

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