Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

A military ally that won't spend 2 fucking per cent for their own protection, is worse than dead weight.
Anyone who thinks spending a percentage of gdp on 'defence' is a valid measure of security is probably a US rightard.
A military ally that won't spend 2 fucking per cent for their own protection, is worse than dead weight.
Anyone who thinks spending a percentage of gdp on 'defence' is a valid measure of security is probably a US rightard.

If you want to make an argument that their defensive posture is fine at less than 2%, go right ahead.

Otherwise, you are just an asshole.
Yes, I want to b**** about the President who lies about what he achieved at the NATO summit.....I would think any real American would. We have reached a point in our politics now where quite literally EVERY word out of the President's mouth has to be questioned. We can't trust the simplest of statements from him to be true, how can we trust him when it comes to foreign policy or domestic policy? I've studied and followed politics for 30 years....I've never seen or read anything like it.

If you think bitching about the President will help the European leaders match our GDP based contributions ...
Strengthen NATO and help support its mission ... Well cry some more ... :dunno:

Meanwhile ... Germany's former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is the CEO of Russia's Rosneft Gas Company.
Perhaps you can use your infinite knowledge of foreign policy to school Chancellor Merkel on the dangers of energy dependence and getting in bed with Russia.

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If you want to make an argument that their defensive posture is fine at less than 2%, go right ahead.
Measuring security by what percentage of gdp is spent on defence is a stupid metric. For instance, paying off veterans comes under 'defence'. Spending billions on an aircraft not fit for purpose comes under 'defence'. Only a US rightard would think it a useful measure.

Really, what it means is 'buy more US weaponry'.
And what are the consequences? For me personally it's for example totally unimportant whether the USA takes their soldiers home or lets them be here. I don't live in fear of Russians - and if I would live in fear of Russians then it could perhaps be better to send the US-army home.

Not a new sentiment among young people in Germany ... :thup:

On the other hand ... I guess I am just thankful I had the opportunity to enjoy more pleasant German hospitality.
My three years stationed at Katterbach Kaserne near Ansbach were great and provided an excellent opportunity to travel Europe.

Of course I had no intention of being sent home ... I didn't join the military to stay at home.
I spent seven years in the military and made it a point to never be stationed stateside (except for training).
If it hadn't had been Germany ... It would have been somewhere else other than home.

If you want to make an argument that their defensive posture is fine at less than 2%, go right ahead.
Measuring security by what percentage of gdp is spent on defence is a stupid metric. For instance, paying off veterans comes under 'defence'. Spending billions on an aircraft not fit for purpose comes under 'defence'. Only a US rightard would think it a useful measure.

Really, what it means is 'buy more US weaponry'.

Are you claiming that the US numbers are terrifically inflated by spending on veteran benefits, and we do NOT actually have a vastly more capable military?

That's seems unlikely.

Are you claiming that the US numbers are terrifically inflated by wasteful spending on crap weapon programs, and we do NOT actually have a vastly more capable military?

That seems unlikely.

Nato countries spend vastly less and have vastly less defensive capability.

Yet, we are committed to defending them, when so many of them refuse to be serious about defending themselves.
A military ally that won't spend 2 fucking per cent for their own protection, is worse than dead weight.
Anyone who thinks spending a percentage of gdp on 'defence' is a valid measure of security is probably a US rightard.
Military equipment is high dollar expenses. It is a accurate indicator if serious about defense.

They need aircraft, and high tech wepons to strenghten Nato
I disagree with President Trump and say fuck em, let them defend themselves. If they get over run by their trade partner Russia tough fucking shit, we, the US, have been telling them for years to put more into their own defense; but they just ignore our advice and send the American tax payer the bill.

A lot of us American's are tired of carrying the weight of a thankless world, we have enough of being shit on by our own people who we can at least pretend care about the nation... (or at least we used to be able to pretend... not so much anymore,) too fucking hell with these European jerks disrespecting us and our fucking election choices. I'm basically at the point of fuck em all; foreign and domestic. Asshats the world over think that everyone else (aka fucking me the tax payer) is responsible for their health, safety, etc. They actively fight /against/ being responsible for themselves, vote selfishly, steal, attack, and yeah cheat (or at least are okay if others cheat for them.)

Attention Earthlings, we American tax payers are tired of paying to get shit on! Get a fucking clue.
It was better than the alternative. You guys shouldn't have gone with Hillary. She's awful and most people hate her. For fuck sake, an internet troll beat her! :laugh:

Hardly, we're seeing that Trump was NOT better than the alternative. Although....he DOES know how to insult large groups of people.

Trump gets assistance from a hostile foreign adversary to cheat during the election.....kinda makes the focus on the Hillary Clinton email thing kinda silly by comparison.
Cheat? How did he cheat? Be specific?

Posted this 45 times already......I can see how you missed it??? (eyeroll)
Russian election meddling meant to help Trump, hurt Clinton, Senate Intelligence Committee finds

Senate Intel panel: Russia tried to help Trump, hurt Clinton, in 2016 election

U.S. Senate Panel Finds Russia Worked To Aid Trump In Election

Maybe ask your parents if you need help with big words.
You said TRUMP cheated, not Russia. Where is the proof that TRUMP cheated?

Learn how to read nitwit. I'd ask you...if you now accept the fact that Russia tried to get Trump elected in the first place, then WHY aren't you concerned about the multitude of lies Trump and his people have told about their involvement with Russia? You folks love a good God, you couldn't have a better one than here.

Or, does it REALLY come down really don't care how Trump "won" the election; as long as it serves your political purposes. I've had some Trump supporters finally admit it....why don't you? Politics a distant second for you people.
Opinion | Trump’s lies about the Russia probe devolve into absurdity

God bless America!
----------------------------------------------- hey FrankTank , there it is again so i reply . who cares if the Russians tried to get TRUMP elected or not . Doesn't matter , meddling in elections and messing with the West and the USA is Russias job . - mrobama - meddled in Israels election a few years ago . Anyway , Russia meddles and tries to influence and its no big deal as its the USA problem and the USA should guard against ALL meddling FTank .
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Hardly, we're seeing that Trump was NOT better than the alternative. Although....he DOES know how to insult large groups of people.

Trump gets assistance from a hostile foreign adversary to cheat during the election.....kinda makes the focus on the Hillary Clinton email thing kinda silly by comparison.
Cheat? How did he cheat? Be specific?

Posted this 45 times already......I can see how you missed it??? (eyeroll)
Russian election meddling meant to help Trump, hurt Clinton, Senate Intelligence Committee finds

Senate Intel panel: Russia tried to help Trump, hurt Clinton, in 2016 election

U.S. Senate Panel Finds Russia Worked To Aid Trump In Election

Maybe ask your parents if you need help with big words.
You said TRUMP cheated, not Russia. Where is the proof that TRUMP cheated?

Learn how to read nitwit. I'd ask you...if you now accept the fact that Russia tried to get Trump elected in the first place, then WHY aren't you concerned about the multitude of lies Trump and his people have told about their involvement with Russia? You folks love a good God, you couldn't have a better one than here.

Or, does it REALLY come down really don't care how Trump "won" the election; as long as it serves your political purposes. I've had some Trump supporters finally admit it....why don't you? Politics a distant second for you people.
Opinion | Trump’s lies about the Russia probe devolve into absurdity

God bless America!
----------------------------------------------- there it is again so i reply . who cares if the Russians tried to get TRUMP elected or not . Duesn't matter , meddling in elections and messing with the West and the USA is Russias job . mrobama - meddled in Israels election a few years ago . Anyway , Russia meddles , tries to influence and its no big deal as its the USA problem and the USA should guard against ALL meddling FTank .

So Trump really isn't an American President......he could be doing the bidding of the Kremlin? That's OK with you?

God Bless Americussia! Flippin' weirdo.
and just noticing , sure looks like TRUMP has those 'englsh' eating out of his hands [widdle hands] .
You said TRUMP cheated, not Russia. Where is the proof that TRUMP cheated?

Learn how to read nitwit. I'd ask you...if you now accept the fact that Russia tried to get Trump elected in the first place, then WHY aren't you concerned about the multitude of lies Trump and his people have told about their involvement with Russia? You folks love a good God, you couldn't have a better one than here.

Or, does it REALLY come down really don't care how Trump "won" the election; as long as it serves your political purposes. I've had some Trump supporters finally admit it....why don't you? Politics a distant second for you people.
Opinion | Trump’s lies about the Russia probe devolve into absurdity

God bless America!
----------------------------------------------- there it is again so i reply . who cares if the Russians tried to get TRUMP elected or not . Duesn't matter , meddling in elections and messing with the West and the USA is Russias job . mrobama - meddled in Israels election a few years ago . Anyway , Russia meddles , tries to influence and its no big deal as its the USA problem and the USA should guard against ALL meddling FTank .

So Trump really isn't an American President......he could be doing the bidding of the Kremlin? That's OK with you?

God Bless Americussia! Flippin' weirdo.
----------------------------------------- [chuckle] , you are funny FTank . Russia meddles , USA meddles , everyone meddles . Let the USA guard against foreign meddling in the USA as thats the USA job FTank .
A military ally that won't spend 2 fucking per cent for their own protection, is worse than dead weight.
Anyone who thinks spending a percentage of gdp on 'defence' is a valid measure of security is probably a US rightard.
----------------------------------- Just so those 'euros' and 'english' get to work and do as they have been ordered to do and pay up the cash they will be alright CNM .
They need aircraft, and high tech wepons to strenghten Nato
Bought from the US, perchance?
----------------------------------------------- I was hearing last night that 'german' military is pretty depleted and very weak . And sure , if TRUMP wants the 'germans' to have the very best military equipment then he will have them buy American military equipment CNM .
They need aircraft, and high tech wepons to strenghten Nato
Bought from the US, perchance?
----------------------------------------------- I was hearing last night that 'german' military is pretty depleted and very weak . And sure , if TRUMP wants the 'germans' to have the very best military equipment then he will have them buy American military equipment CNM .
Perhaps Syria.

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