Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

Blah-Blah-Blah ...
You people stand for nothing. You should try reading a little history about the country, the Constitution, and become an American.

What part of the US Constitution do you think covers NATO ...
Much less how the President should handle members who don't meet their obligations?


Blah-Blah-Blah ...
You people stand for nothing. You should try reading a little history about the country, the Constitution, and become an American.

What part of the US Constitution do you think covers NATO ...
Much less how the President should handle members who don't meet their obligations?



Understanding what America stands for in the first place is a necessity to any engagement within the international community.
With the possible exception of Helmut Kohl Germany has always had terrible leaders. German Hillary is no exception.

Helmut Kohl was an unbelievable idiot. But the right idiot at the right place in the right moment. The problem now: Trump is only an idiot without anything else except money. He has absolutely no idea what he is doing on what reason - except on reason of the own money.

It was totally funny for example what he said about the natural gas which we sell from Russia. And it was much more funny what he did not say about the new NATO-member "Erdogania" - which was once the former country Turkey. The lost democracy Turkey is one of the worst backstrokes for the democracies of the Western World. And this had happened within the heart of the NATO. And the situation of the democracies in Poland, Hungary and elsewhere is also not the best. And what says the greatest president of the USA ever - the president of "the democracy" - to this problems? "Germany is my enemy - I will fight as long against Germany until no star of a Mercedes-Benz will be seen in the streets of NY any longer." Aha. Trump has problems. Funny. Is anything not funny in context with this clown - except that he is president of the United States?

It was Kohl, Reagan and Thatcher that stood strong together and deployed the Pershing II missiles that was a tremendous factor in bankrupting the Soviet Union's military that led to the downfall of the Soviet Union..

The "NATO-Doppelbeschluß" was in the year 1979 - December. Specially the Social Democrat chancellor Helmut Schmidt had to do with this difficult decision in Germany. The democrat Jimmy Carter was president of the USA at this time of history when he first steps were done. Others continued. Schmidt worked together with Reagan too - later overtook Kohl. and so on …

You are confused about Trump.

He is a master negotiator that is showing strong American leadership. Something we haven't seen since Reagan.

Trump convincing the NATO members to increase military spending is the biggest counter to Russian influence we have seen in decades.

That's nonsense. We decided under Obama to duplicate the money we will give for national defense. We made a plan to increase this year by year. And now is the next step. This would had happened without Trump in the same way. Latest in 2024 we will be at 2%.

A refreshing show of leadership especially after eight years of weakness

No one had the feeling here Obama was a weak president.

and nothing from that affirmative action dumbshit previous President. I am not even sure that Obama knew there was a NATO alliance until somebody briefed him on it after becoming President.

The militant Muslims are fucking up Turkey just like they fuck up every other country where they have influence.

Turkey made a so called "presidential system" - the Turks have the feeling they make a copy of the presidential system of the USA with a strong leader. And they defend in a similar way the religion Islam as extremists in the USA are defending this what they think what the Christian religion could be. And they are "independent" in a similar way as the USA is "independent". Turkey reorganizes by the way in the moment the army. "Personal loyality" seem to be worldwide meanwhile the standard. Take "ambassador" Grenell as an example. A totally incompetent man, but loyal to Trump.
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Understanding what America stands for in the first place is a necessity to any engagement within the international community.

What part of the US Constitution identifies America's stance on the International Community?
Who does the US Constitution grant the authority to negotiate treaties?

How does the desire for other members to match our GDP based contributions violate the treaty?
How does expressing that desire amount to the President not supporting the mission of NATO ... Or NATO being better prepared to conduct its mission?

With the possible exception of Helmut Kohl Germany has always had terrible leaders. German Hillary is no exception.

Helmut Kohl was an unbelievable idiot. But the right idiot at the right place in the right moment. The problem now: Trump is only an idiot without anything else except money. He has absolutely no idea what he is doing on what reason - except on reason of the own money.

It was totally funny for example what he said about the natural gas which we sell from Russia. And it was much more funny what he did not say about the new NATO-member "Erdogania" - which was once the former country Turkey. The lost democracy Turkey is one of the worst backstrokes for the democracies of the Western World. And this had happened within the heart of the NATO. And the situation of the democracies in Poland, Hungary and elsewhere is also not the best. And what says the greatest president of the USA ever - the president of "the democracy" - to this problems? "Germany is my enemy - I will fight as long against Germany until no star of a Mercedes-Benz will be seen in the streets of NY any longer." Aha. Trump has problems. Funny. Is anything not funny in context with this clown - except that he is president of the United States?

It was Kohl, Reagan and Thatcher that stood strong together and deployed the Pershing II missiles that was a tremendous factor in bankrupting the Soviet Union's military that led to the downfall of the Soviet Union..

The "NATO-Doppelbeschluß" was in the year 1979 - December. Specially the Social Democrat chancellor Helmut Schmidt had to do with this difficult decision in Germany. The democrat Jimmy Carter was president of the USA at this time of history when he first step were done. Others continued.

You are confused about Trump.

He is a master negotiator that is showing strong American leadership. Something we haven't seen since Reagan.

Trump convincing the NATO members to increase military spending is the biggest counter to Russian influence we have seen in decades.

That's nonsense. We decided under Obama to duplicate the money we will give for national defense. We made a palne tpo increase this year by year. And now is the next step. This would had happened without Trump in the same way. Lates in 2024 we are at 2%.

A refreshing show of leadership especially after eight years of weakness

No one had the feeling here Obama was weak president.

and nothing from that affirmative action dumbshit previous President. I am not even sure that Obama knew there was a NATO alliance until somebody briefed him on it after becoming President.

The militant Muslims are fucking up Turkey just like they fuck up every other country where they have influence.

Turkey made a so called "presidential system" - the Turks have the feeling they make a copy of the presidential system of the USA with a strong leader. And they defend in a similar way the religion Islam as extremists in the USA are defending this what they think what the Christian religion could be. And they are "independent" in a similar way as the USA is "independent". Turkey reorganizes by the way in the moment the army. "Personal loyality" seem to be worldwide meanwhile the standard. Take "ambassador" Grenell as an example. A totally incompetent man, but loyal to Trump.

With Trump supporters, all that is important is Trump's photo op and taking credit for things he is not responsible for. He gets away with it because the people that support him don't really stand for anything.....they don't understand what NATO even stands for, much less, its purpose. Which is EXACTLY why they can go from hating everything NATO to applauding its support in the blink of an eye or a tweet from their cult leader. They are empty vessels.....

For example...on the domestic front, he can make a claim that he has a health insurance policy that was cheaper (than Obamacare) and would cover everybody. That, until, of course it is revealed he has nothing of the sort. If that was REALLY important to his dimwitted supporters, they'd be ****ed once that came to light. But, for these people, it doesn't matter. As long as it is anti-progressive....that's what is important. It's a reality TV show to them......and they don't understand the consequences.
Understanding what America stands for in the first place is a necessity to any engagement within the international community.

What part of the US Constitution identifies America's stance on the International Community?
Who does the US Constitution grant the authority to negotiate treaties?

How does the desire for other members to match our GDP based contributions violate the treaty?
How does expressing that desire amount to the President not supporting the mission of NATO ... Or NATO being better prepared to conduct its mission?


It is nice to see you admit what Trump "accomplished" was the exact same thing that happened why the dog and pony show? So, when Trump makes the claim that these 'agreements are unprecedented'......that's completely false and a misrepresentation. That is unfortunately commonplace with Trump.

Regarding Trump is impossible to believe what he says when every other word out of the guy's mouth is an exaggeration or an outright lie. He is taking credit for the groundwork that was worked on by Presidents before him.......again, just like he did with the economy. So......when it comes down to what it means to be an a voting public, it is incumbent on us to be educated about these things are realize when someone is blowing smoke up our rear end. When our leaders are elected by the populous....our vote should not be reliant on belief of what told to us simply because it was told to us.

Trump supporters forget that......they believe whatever the guy says regardless how many times he has proven to lie. THAT is an abandonment of their responsibilities as American citizen. I wish they'd realize that....
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

and they don't understand the consequences.

What are the consequences the US would suffer if other NATO members matched our GDP based contributions towards NATO's mission?


Nothing.....put trying to publicly humiliate other NATO leaders for a political show absolutely DOES have long term consequences. The percentages were agreed to before; so the Trump reality show hissy fit, was just meant for political purposes. US politics used to end at the United States' shores.....that isn't the case any longer.

I guess, what do we expect from people who don't care that the President received assistance from a hostile foreign adversary to get elected in the first place (which is the heart of our democracy)?
i'mt happy and proud to see The TRUMP slapping the 'euros' around and i hope that he does some more slapping of the 'euros' . But Now , its off to 'england' where the Trump is now landing .
i'mt happy and proud to see The TRUMP slapping the 'euros' around and i hope that he does some more slapping of the 'euros' . But Now , its off to 'england' where the Trump is now landing .

Making up for other "shortcomings", are you??????

Do you often take credit for things you haven't done, as well? If so....that'd explain your allegiance to Trump.
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

and they don't understand the consequences.

What are the consequences the US would suffer if other NATO members matched our GDP based contributions towards NATO's mission?


Nothing.....put trying to publicly humiliate other NATO leaders for a political show absolutely DOES have long term consequences. The percentages were agreed to before; so the Trump reality show hissy fit, was just meant for political purposes. US politics used to end at the United States' shores.....that isn't the case any longer.

I guess, what do we expect from people who don't care that the President received assistance from a hostile foreign adversary to get elected in the first place (which is the heart of our democracy)?
---------------------------- 'euros' aren't paying enough . Whats this zhit that they will pay more starting in 2025 . Feck that and lets shine the light on the 'euros' so all Americans can see FTank .
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

... Blah-Blah-Blah

That about sums up what you have to negotiate with ... :thup:

Since you cannot answer any of the questions ...
And seem persistent on expressing your dislike for the President ...

It's safe to assume you don't actually have anything to offer in regards to a basic understanding of the NATO treaty/mission.

i'mt happy and proud to see The TRUMP slapping the 'euros' around and i hope that he does some more slapping of the 'euros' . But Now , its off to 'england' where the Trump is now landing .

Making up for other "shortcomings", are you??????

Do you often take credit for things you haven't done, as well? If so....that'd explain your allegiance to Trump.
-------------------------------- its just fun slapping those effette 'muslim euros' around . If they want to run with the USA they must pay up and follow the USA rules FTank .
Once again........Trump makes claims that aren't true, backed by evidence, and at complete odds with statements he's made before.....and his dullard supporters tighten their drool bibs and applaud?!?! Why? Because that's what Trump tells them to believe.

Trump cult supporters are the most gullible boobs on the planet.
NATO Summit Live Updates: Trump Calls U.S. Ties to Alliance ‘Very Strong’
Trump wins.
As always.
So who’s the illegal in your family?


He doesn't get that it is only about the winning. Out in the real world. But some need to matter somewhere in life so they'll stay in a thread until they get the last word...winning for them!:coffee:

A guy with username of TANK calling everybody "coward". We know what we have here!:113:
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

and they don't understand the consequences.

What are the consequences the US would suffer if other NATO members matched our GDP based contributions towards NATO's mission?


Nothing.....put trying to publicly humiliate other NATO leaders for a political show absolutely DOES have long term consequences. The percentages were agreed to before; so the Trump reality show hissy fit, was just meant for political purposes. US politics used to end at the United States' shores.....that isn't the case any longer.

I guess, what do we expect from people who don't care that the President received assistance from a hostile foreign adversary to get elected in the first place (which is the heart of our democracy)?
---------------------------- 'euros' aren't paying enough . Whats this zhit that they will pay more starting in 2025 . Feck that and lets shine the light on the 'euros' so all Americans can see FTank .

Weren't paying enough, which is why they agreed to paying more in upcoming years. This was all agreed to beforehand genius.....and had NOTHING to do with Trump's tantrums. The tantrums were done purely for the ignoramuses who don't believe in reality.
and now , its The TRUMP invading 'england' and all by himself plus his advisers to slap those 'english' wankers around a bit FTank .
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

and they don't understand the consequences.

What are the consequences the US would suffer if other NATO members matched our GDP based contributions towards NATO's mission?


Nothing.....put trying to publicly humiliate other NATO leaders for a political show absolutely DOES have long term consequences. The percentages were agreed to before; so the Trump reality show hissy fit, was just meant for political purposes. US politics used to end at the United States' shores.....that isn't the case any longer.

I guess, what do we expect from people who don't care that the President received assistance from a hostile foreign adversary to get elected in the first place (which is the heart of our democracy)?
---------------------------- 'euros' aren't paying enough . Whats this zhit that they will pay more starting in 2025 . Feck that and lets shine the light on the 'euros' so all Americans can see FTank .

Weren't paying enough, which is why they agreed to paying more in upcoming years. This was all agreed to beforehand genius.....and had NOTHING to do with Trump's tantrums. The tantrums were done purely for the ignoramuses who don't believe in reality.
---------------------------------- that doesn't work , all right thinking Americans want the money NOW FTank .
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

and they don't understand the consequences.

What are the consequences the US would suffer if other NATO members matched our GDP based contributions towards NATO's mission?


Nothing.....put trying to publicly humiliate other NATO leaders for a political show absolutely DOES have long term consequences. The percentages were agreed to before; so the Trump reality show hissy fit, was just meant for political purposes. US politics used to end at the United States' shores.....that isn't the case any longer.

I guess, what do we expect from people who don't care that the President received assistance from a hostile foreign adversary to get elected in the first place (which is the heart of our democracy)?
---------------------------- 'euros' aren't paying enough . Whats this zhit that they will pay more starting in 2025 . Feck that and lets shine the light on the 'euros' so all Americans can see FTank .

Weren't paying enough, which is why they agreed to paying more in upcoming years. This was all agreed to beforehand genius.....and had NOTHING to do with Trump's tantrums. The tantrums were done purely for the ignoramuses who don't believe in reality.
------------------------------------------- who the heck gives them the authority to say when they will pay . So you seem to think that the 'nato' is a group of equals or what FTank ??
Weren't paying enough, which is why they agreed to paying more in upcoming years. This was all agreed to beforehand genius.....and had NOTHING to do with Trump's tantrums. The tantrums were done purely for the ignoramuses who don't believe in reality.

Unlike President Obama ... President Trump did not suggest the European leaders should pay "more of less".
President Trump suggested that European leaders matching the GDP based contributions would go further towards NATO meeting its mission goals.

Who do you think more aggressively addressed the actual desire to strengthen NATO?
Why do you think it is ignorant to expect or request European members match America's GDP based Contributions to NATO?


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