Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Sure sunshine, if that fits your narrative. So, to be clear, your "argument" centers around the assumption that people "who know" me would describe me as some sort of a weak individual?!?! You got that from a handful of posts on a message board?!?!?! I thought you were going to say something stupid??!?!?!?!

I love the fact you folks routinely embrace behavior that most adults chastise their children for. Pathetic.

Just sayin'....American men who support Trump know exactly what I'm talking about.And by American men, I mean white American men....the non-limpwristers.....and in the distinct majority. View white American men who voted for Aunt Hilda as....well....ghey.:bye1:

So we're back to you're admit you're wrong.....but white men voted for Trump and that makes you right?!? LOGIC??????????

And, by the way, three million more Americans actually voted for Hillary Clinton, but, whateves.

But nobody cares about the popular vote s0n. :flirtysmile4:

In 2018, California is basically irrelevant in the electoral college.... sucks balls for you people!!:2up:

We're voting for POTUS in 2018?!?!? Missed that memo.........I'm starting to think you may be a plant from the left wing....nobody can truly be as stupid as you appear to be.
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Oh...and we are half way to 2019 s0n..... nobody is caring about Russian collusion anymore. Trump works for Putin at the NATO Summit.......why care about Trump taking assistance from Putin to get elected?!?!? Trump works for Russian interests at the detriment of the United States.....and his moronic follows applaud. Why???? Because he's being a ******bag while doing it.

Good God Trump supporters are stupid.

Perhaps stupid s0n.....but winning!! We're still toasting beers 2 weeks after the Kennedy announcement. Alot of stupid beer drinking!!:cul2::deal:

Good, at least we have your admission you know you're stupid. Kinda puts everything else into perspective....including any discussion regarding public policy.

It is mind-boggling how easy you folks are to beat in a debate.

Maybe we Trump guys are stupid.....who knows? But who cares? To us, it's all about the winning. Being right but losing sucks the big one.:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::flirtysmile4:
Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Oh...and we are half way to 2019 s0n..... nobody is caring about Russian collusion anymore. Trump works for Putin at the NATO Summit.......why care about Trump taking assistance from Putin to get elected?!?!? Trump works for Russian interests at the detriment of the United States.....and his moronic follows applaud. Why???? Because he's being a ******bag while doing it.

Good God Trump supporters are stupid.

Perhaps stupid s0n.....but winning!! We're still toasting beers 2 weeks after the Kennedy announcement. Alot of stupid beer drinking!!:cul2::deal:

Good, at least we have your admission you know you're stupid. Kinda puts everything else into perspective....including any discussion regarding public policy.

It is mind-boggling how easy you folks are to beat in a debate.

Maybe we Trump guys are stupid.....who knows? But who cares? To us, it's all about the winning. Being right but losing ducks the big one.:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::flirtysmile4: can live in the moment. But, it won't be sustainable. I guess ignorance truly is bliss! Perhaps you should try investing some of the time looking for emojis into educating yourself about things you claim to care about?

Sadly, we middle class folks have had to carry the idiot-brigade on our backs for decades. We're used to it....and I've followed politics for long enough to know the pendulum swings in both directions. Your glaring admissions will just assure it'll swing back a bit quicker. So, I appreciate that.
With the possible exception of Helmut Kohl Germany has always had terrible leaders. German Hillary is no exception.

Helmut Kohl was an unbelievable idiot. But the right idiot at the right place in the right moment. The problem now: Trump is only an idiot without anything else except money. He has absolutely no idea what he is doing on what reason - except on reason of the own money.

It was totally funny for example what he said about the natural gas which we sell from Russia. And it was much more funny what he did not say about the new NATO-member "Erdogania" - which was once the former country Turkey. The lost democracy Turkey is one of the worst backstrokes for the democracies of the Western World. And this had happened within the heart of the NATO. And the situation of the democracies in Poland, Hungary and elsewhere is also not the best. And what says the greatest president of the USA ever - the president of "the democracy" - to this problems? "Germany is my enemy - I will fight as long against Germany until no star of a Mercedes-Benz will be seen in the streets of NY any longer." Aha. Trump has problems. Funny. Is anything not funny in context with this clown - except that he is president of the United States?

It was Kohl, Reagan and Thatcher that stood strong together and deployed the Pershing II missiles that was a tremendous factor in bankrupting the Soviet Union's military that led to the downfall of the Soviet Union..

You are confused about Trump.

He is a master negotiator that is showing strong American leadership. Something we haven't seen since Reagan.

Trump convincing the NATO members to increase military spending is the biggest counter to Russian influence we have seen in decades. A refreshing show of leadership especially after eight years of weakness and nothing from that affirmative action dumbshit previous President. I am not even sure that Obama knew there was a NATO alliance until somebody briefed him on it after becoming President.

The militant Muslims are fucking up Turkey just like they fuck up every other country where they have influence.
You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Oh...and we are half way to 2019 s0n..... nobody is caring about Russian collusion anymore. Trump works for Putin at the NATO Summit.......why care about Trump taking assistance from Putin to get elected?!?!? Trump works for Russian interests at the detriment of the United States.....and his moronic follows applaud. Why???? Because he's being a ******bag while doing it.

Good God Trump supporters are stupid.

Perhaps stupid s0n.....but winning!! We're still toasting beers 2 weeks after the Kennedy announcement. Alot of stupid beer drinking!!:cul2::deal:

Good, at least we have your admission you know you're stupid. Kinda puts everything else into perspective....including any discussion regarding public policy.

It is mind-boggling how easy you folks are to beat in a debate.

Maybe we Trump guys are stupid.....who knows? But who cares? To us, it's all about the winning. Being right but losing ducks the big one.:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::flirtysmile4: can live in the moment. But, it won't be sustainable. I guess ignorance truly is bliss! Perhaps you should try investing some of the time looking for emojis into educating yourself about things you claim to care about?

Sadly, we middle class folks have had to carry the idiot-brigade on our backs for decades. We're used to it....and I've followed politics for long enough to know the pendulum swings in both directions. Your glaring admissions will just assure it'll swing back a bit quicker. So, I appreciate that. should join a 2020 election campaign! One that promotes Trump as a racist Nazi Russia lover!:rock::rock:
With the possible exception of Helmut Kohl Germany has always had terrible leaders. German Hillary is no exception.

Helmut Kohl was an unbelievable idiot. But the right idiot at the right place in the right moment. The problem now: Trump is only an idiot without anything else except money. He has absolutely no idea what he is doing on what reason - except on reason of the own money.

It was totally funny for example what he said about the natural gas which we sell from Russia. And it was much more funny what he did not say about the new NATO-member "Erdogania" - which was once the former country Turkey. The lost democracy Turkey is one of the worst backstrokes for the democracies of the Western World. And this had happened within the heart of the NATO. And the situation of the democracies in Poland, Hungary and elsewhere is also not the best. And what says the greatest president of the USA ever - the president of "the democracy" - to this problems? "Germany is my enemy - I will fight as long against Germany until no star of a Mercedes-Benz will be seen in the streets of NY any longer." Aha. Trump has problems. Funny. Is anything not funny in context with this clown - except that he is president of the United States?

It was Kohl, Reagan and Thatcher that stood strong together and deployed the Pershing II missiles that was a tremendous factor in bankrupting the Soviet Union's military that led to the downfall of the Soviet Union..

You are confused about Trump.

He is a master negotiator that is showing strong American leadership. Something we haven't seen since Reagan.

Trump convincing the NATO members to increase military spending is the biggest counter to Russian influence we have seen in decades. A refreshing show of leadership especially after eight years of weakness and nothing from that affirmative action dumbshit previous President. I am not even sure that Obama knew there was a NATO alliance until somebody briefed him on it after becoming President.

The militant Muslims are fucking up Turkey just like they fuck up every other country where they have influence.

He is "convincing" NATO!?!?!? By saying things louder? Good Christ you people are simpletons.

Let me guess........the increase of the budget deficit to $1.2 trillion just to give Trump millions in tax cuts is good for the country?!?!? Moron.
Trump's 'Deficit Reduction' -
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I don't have any idea what you like to say nor on what reason you like to speak with me. Do you have a problem with drugs or what else is the reason why you do not like to understand what I say? Very short: Social Darwinism (racism) is an essential part of the biological ideology of the Nazis!

If you want to compare Nazi ideology to socialized medicine ... Well, I am not going to argue with that ... :thup:

I mean really ... I don't care if you are a Nazi or hate Nazis.
I don't care how you desire to redefine Darwinism in a social context.

Darwinism is survival of the fittest by means of natural selection determined by existing attributes.
If you want to talk about racism ... Then call it racism.
In Darwinism ... A sentient being has no more choice in the matter than the next being.


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[ Trump works for Putin at the NATO Summit.......why care about Trump taking assistance from Putin to get elected?!?!? Trump works for Russian interests at the detriment of the United States.....and his moronic follows applaud. Why???? Because he's being a ******bag while doing it.

Good God Trump supporters are stupid.

You are really a dumbshit Moon Bat. You are either a dumbshit or very confused.

Trump getting the NATO members to increase military spending is the biggest counter to Putin that we have seen in many years. Much better that Obama and Crooked Hillary's stupid "reset button" foreign policy.

Trump is is a strong leader and master negotiator that is doing real things to country Russian influence like telling Germany to stop being idiots and buying so much energy from the very country that threaten them.

Obama never showed any leadership like that. I doubt he even knew there was a NATO alliance. He knew all the NCAA basketball playoff team brackets but he didn't know jackshit about foreign affairs (or anything else).

The dumbasses are the shitheads that elected that affirmative action dufus Obama and then sticking their heads further up their Libtard asses and voting for Crooked Hillary.
RIGHT! So you honestly believe the trick to good "negotiation" is just yelling and belittling the other side? In what sphere does that REALLY work (other than your brain, that is)?

What would you have done to accomplish anything better ... Other than nothing ... :dunno:

Pure, utter stupidity....yet again. Trump and his minions believe that the US will be safer by angering every ally around the world and cozying up to the likes of Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin......"brilliant" foreign policy; if the design is to start war that we have to fight on our own.

If you ask one of the Trump cult members to explain HOW this is better for'll get a big...."uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I dunno, that's what Trump says?" as Trump get belittled around the world.....
Donald Trump is in for the trolling of a lifetime (opinion) - CNN

Trump supporters are flippin' morons.

YOu haven't asked any Trump supporter, because we could easily tell you how it is better.
How is alienating allies better for the US?

Because allies that don't pull their own weight, are worse than useless.
[ Trump works for Putin at the NATO Summit.......why care about Trump taking assistance from Putin to get elected?!?!? Trump works for Russian interests at the detriment of the United States.....and his moronic follows applaud. Why???? Because he's being a ******bag while doing it.

Good God Trump supporters are stupid.

You are really a dumbshit Moon Bat. You are either a dumbshit or very confused.

Trump getting the NATO members to increase military spending is the biggest counter to Putin that we have seen in many years. Much better that Obama and Crooked Hillary's stupid "reset button" foreign policy.

Trump is is a strong leader and master negotiator that is doing real things to country Russian influence like telling Germany to stop being idiots and buying so much energy from the very country that threaten them.

Obama never showed any leadership like that. I doubt he even knew there was a NATO alliance. He knew all the NCAA basketball playoff team brackets but he didn't know jackshit about foreign affairs (or anything else).

The dumbasses are the shitheads that elected that affirmative action dufus Obama and then sticking their heads further up their Libtard asses and voting for Crooked Hillary.

Complete lie....all he is doing is yelling and screaming at them. Yet another photo op that his cult followers will eat up.

Obama focused on actual results.....Trump focuses on whatever gives him media coverage.

Again....Obama was a real President with the best interests of America at heart, Trump is a crook who only cares about himself.
Pure, utter stupidity....yet again. Trump and his minions believe that the US will be safer by angering every ally around the world and cozying up to the likes of Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin......"brilliant" foreign policy; if the design is to start war that we have to fight on our own.

If you ask one of the Trump cult members to explain HOW this is better for'll get a big...."uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I dunno, that's what Trump says?" as Trump get belittled around the world.....
Donald Trump is in for the trolling of a lifetime (opinion) - CNN

Trump supporters are flippin' morons.

YOu haven't asked any Trump supporter, because we could easily tell you how it is better.
How is alienating allies better for the US?

Because allies that don't pull their own weight, are worse than useless.

Not "pulling their own weight" according to whom? The bozos who admit to lying and not caring about it? The dimwits who admit they got assistance from Russia to get elected in the first place?

Why should we believe anything that you have to say?
Another big win for Trump getting the NATO members to agree to increased military spending to counter Russia.

More Moon Bat head exploding.
Pure, utter stupidity....yet again. Trump and his minions believe that the US will be safer by angering every ally around the world and cozying up to the likes of Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin......"brilliant" foreign policy; if the design is to start war that we have to fight on our own.

If you ask one of the Trump cult members to explain HOW this is better for'll get a big...."uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I dunno, that's what Trump says?" as Trump get belittled around the world.....
Donald Trump is in for the trolling of a lifetime (opinion) - CNN

Trump supporters are flippin' morons.

YOu haven't asked any Trump supporter, because we could easily tell you how it is better.
How is alienating allies better for the US?

Because allies that don't pull their own weight, are worse than useless.

Not "pulling their own weight" according to whom? The bozos who admit to lying and not caring about it? The dimwits who admit they got assistance from Russia to get elected in the first place?

Why should we believe anything that you have to say?
Uh, moron, they agreed to pay their agreed upon share.
Another big win for Trump getting the NATO members to agree to increased military spending to counter Russia.

More Moon Bat head exploding.

This is as true as their saying that North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat....(sigh) Cult members believe what cult leaders say.......proof does not matter.
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

The difference in the genetic structure of human beings is nearly unimportant. Between a man and a man or a woman and a woman is nearly no genetical difference. Two chimpanzees of the same gender, who are neighbors, have much more genetic differences than two human beings of the same gender, who live on the other side of the planet.

... Blah-Blah-Blah

I suppose you believe we are all a product of some undefined cosmic equality.

No one is ever equal to another by any scientific measure.
In fact we are not even equal to ourselves for the slightest fraction of a second from one instant to the next.

By your measure ... We may all be children of God ...
But you would be far stretched to suggest we all receive equal blessings from God.


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