Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

The US spends 3.5 percent of its GDP on the military
Europe spends around 2.2 percent

We should teach them a lesson and cut our spending to 2.2 percent

Germany has less than 10 fighter planes serviceable and they are using broomsticks to train their troops. Meanwhile the filthy ass Muslim immigrants are getting tons of government handouts.

Stop trying to justify the welfare queens. It just makes you look like an idiot.

The problem is - some people look like idiots - others are idiots.

... Europe..........we are still your friends

Did say so the great white father in Washington?

and even though we are friends we are tired of you ROBBING our wallets and jobs. …

Don't buy European goods, if you think so. Buy American goods. Problem solved. It was by the way the USA which destroyed and destroys millions of jobs in Germany with computers, internet and smart phones. Amazon for example controls in the moment 50% of all internet business in Germany. If someone should do a trade war then it is Germany. On the other side we are creating and recreating new and old jobs and businesses faster than we are losing jobs. But the most jobs in the "new economy" - delivery services for example - are paid lousy. "You" earn by the way a titanic amount of money with products which cost nothing: Operating systems for example.

Besides: What says trade deficit really? If someone is able to buy a good German machine then he will produce something and make money for example. So Germany sells him now not a machine, because of the will of Mr. Almighty Donald Trump. What will he and the USA win now? Less productivity? Higher destruction of natural resources?

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Trump moronic supporters ALWAYS keep coming back to the notion that there is no such thing as diplomacy. We always have to impose our will by the ridiculous notion that our military will be able to blow people off the map. While a strong military is always important, it is only a small portion of world politics and dealing with countries who have their own interests. It is this short-sighted thinking is what used to lead to their thinking that Obama was somehow weak by strengthening relationships with allies and somehow Trump is strong by destroying them.

For Trump supporters, it does NOT MATTER how many experts have to say what Trump is doing is wrong....they believe Trump because they're too embarrassed to admit they backed a moron. They are doing this to the detriment of the country.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be a Trump supporter and a true American at the same time. For Trump is ALWAYS politics first, country second. I guess what do we expect....they voted for a reality TV star.

Do you expect anything different from lowlife twits who voted for an internet troll
To be president?
It was better than the alternative. You guys shouldn't have gone with Hillary. She's awful and most people hate her. For fuck sake, an internet troll beat her! :laugh:

Hardly, we're seeing that Trump was NOT better than the alternative. Although....he DOES know how to insult large groups of people.

Trump gets assistance from a hostile foreign adversary to cheat during the election.....kinda makes the focus on the Hillary Clinton email thing kinda silly by comparison.
Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

It should be NATO's problem, not Trump's. Only prostitutes demand to be paid for their "loyalty".

The entirely EU is a bunch of poor paid whores.
While we're at it w/ Germany, lets see how they like a 10% automotive tariff compared to what we impose on them at 2.5%. I am very fond of my German import 'fun car' & will be trading it in for new shortly, but I don't really care if they jack the OEM prices to offset a 7.5 increase to our imposed tariff on them. It's like the US has been going out of its way to open our vaults & dispersing our treasure to bandits... lol
You'll find out when you price new cars.
La La La............they will not be Made in Germany.......if they don't knock it off with a 25% tariff on our autos.............Ours is 2%..........

Guess you like being screwed ..............

Where the EU charges 25% (and sometimes 10%) the USA charges 22% - where the EU charges 10% the USA charges 2.5%. That's all in context with cars. A problem - but not a big problem. And it was Trump who had cancelled TTIP, which should solve all this problem. Germany has by the way nothing to do with it. The US-government has to speak with the EU in case of tariffs and not with Germany or even the German car industry, which is anyway the greatest exporter of cars "made in the USA". To produce cars in the USA is (since Trump makes nonsense) more expensive and to sell cars "made in the USA" in the international markets - specially in China - is meanwhile much more difficult, nearly impossible. To ask the German car industry to build more factories in the USA is the same as to ask Mexico to build a wall for the USA. That's crazy! Do you know by the way the fairy tale of the president with the naked clothing? Title: "Das Kaisers neue Kleider"; "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

This has happened before.........we put quotas and tariffs on them........that is exactly why they started building cars over here. They didn't show up here by choice.............they were forced into it because back then we had BALLS...............and they conceded............

That's what happens when we put whiney little liberals in the drivers seat. Worried someone got offended.

Here's the message. Europe..........we are still your friends and even though we are friends we are tired of you ROBBING our wallets and jobs. Friends don't do that.

You have a bizarre recollection of history.....cartoon-like.

The whole 'liberals get offended' thing runs pretty thin from people who continually whine and cry about being "mistreated" by parts of the media (for having the audacity to report what Trump says or does). Flippin' morons.
Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

It should be NATO's problem, not Trump's. Only prostitutes demand to be paid for their "loyalty".

The entirely EU is a bunch of poor paid whores.
While we're at it w/ Germany, lets see how they like a 10% automotive tariff compared to what we impose on them at 2.5%. I am very fond of my German import 'fun car' & will be trading it in for new shortly, but I don't really care if they jack the OEM prices to offset a 7.5 increase to our imposed tariff on them. It's like the US has been going out of its way to open our vaults & dispersing our treasure to bandits... lol
You'll find out when you price new cars.
La La La............they will not be Made in Germany.......if they don't knock it off with a 25% tariff on our autos.............Ours is 2%..........

Guess you like being screwed ..............

Where the EU charges 25% (and sometimes 10%) the USA charges 22% - where the EU charges 10% the USA charges 2.5%. That's all in context with cars. A problem - but not a big problem. And it was Trump who had cancelled TTIP, which should solve all this problem. Germany has by the way nothing to do with it. The US-government has to speak with the EU in case of tariffs and not with Germany or even the German car industry, which is anyway the greatest exporter of cars "made in the USA". To produce cars in the USA is (since Trump makes nonsense) more expensive and to sell cars "made in the USA" in the international markets - specially in China - is meanwhile much more difficult, nearly impossible. To ask the German car industry to build more factories in the USA is the same as to ask Mexico to build a wall for the USA. That's crazy! Do you know by the way the fairy tale of the president with the naked clothing? Title: "Das Kaisers neue Kleider"; "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

This has happened before.........we put quotas and tariffs on them........that is exactly why they started building cars over here. They didn't show up here by choice.............they were forced into it because back then we had BALLS...............and they conceded............

That's what happens when we put whiney little liberals in the drivers seat. Worried someone got offended.

Here's the message. Europe..........we are still your friends and even though we are friends we are tired of you ROBBING our wallets and jobs. Friends don't do that.

You have a bizarre recollection of history.....cartoon-like.

The whole 'liberals get offended' thing runs pretty thin from people who continually whine and cry about being "mistreated" by parts of the media (for having the audacity to report what Trump says or does). Flippin' morons.

Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS
I'm still laughing after seeing Trump sitting at that table and calling out Germany for being a bunch of scheisters on live TV. Hysterical stuff....the WINNING continues!!

People need to understand....the view of the progressive in talks like this is that you always must go in, drop your drawers, get on all fours put your ass in the air and take the bumpy. Dont confront....ever! Just play nice in the sandbox, take your bat and ball and go home. That's their approach to everyday life.....all like a bunch of John Kerry wannabes.:113:For these people, you were a winner when you escaped the schoolyard playground with no lunch money and without getting your balls kicked in. Offuckingcourse they would get fleeced if representing a country in any talks like these NATO talks.
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Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

It should be NATO's problem, not Trump's. Only prostitutes demand to be paid for their "loyalty".

The entirely EU is a bunch of poor paid whores.
You'll find out when you price new cars.
La La La............they will not be Made in Germany.......if they don't knock it off with a 25% tariff on our autos.............Ours is 2%..........

Guess you like being screwed ..............

Where the EU charges 25% (and sometimes 10%) the USA charges 22% - where the EU charges 10% the USA charges 2.5%. That's all in context with cars. A problem - but not a big problem. And it was Trump who had cancelled TTIP, which should solve all this problem. Germany has by the way nothing to do with it. The US-government has to speak with the EU in case of tariffs and not with Germany or even the German car industry, which is anyway the greatest exporter of cars "made in the USA". To produce cars in the USA is (since Trump makes nonsense) more expensive and to sell cars "made in the USA" in the international markets - specially in China - is meanwhile much more difficult, nearly impossible. To ask the German car industry to build more factories in the USA is the same as to ask Mexico to build a wall for the USA. That's crazy! Do you know by the way the fairy tale of the president with the naked clothing? Title: "Das Kaisers neue Kleider"; "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

This has happened before.........we put quotas and tariffs on them........that is exactly why they started building cars over here. They didn't show up here by choice.............they were forced into it because back then we had BALLS...............and they conceded............

That's what happens when we put whiney little liberals in the drivers seat. Worried someone got offended.

Here's the message. Europe..........we are still your friends and even though we are friends we are tired of you ROBBING our wallets and jobs. Friends don't do that.

You have a bizarre recollection of history.....cartoon-like.

The whole 'liberals get offended' thing runs pretty thin from people who continually whine and cry about being "mistreated" by parts of the media (for having the audacity to report what Trump says or does). Flippin' morons.

Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS

Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.
I'm still laughing after seeing Trump sitting at that table and calling out Germany for being a bunch of scheisters on live TV. Hysterical stuff....the WINNING continues!!
I'm still laughing after seeing Trump sitting at that table and calling out Germany for being a bunch of scheisters on live TV. Hysterical stuff....the WINNING continues!!

RIGHT....."winning".....if this were an episode of the Bachelor or some other reality TV show.
I'm still laughing after seeing Trump sitting at that table and calling out Germany for being a bunch of scheisters on live TV. Hysterical stuff....the WINNING continues!!

People need to understand....the view of the progressive in talks like this is that you always must go in, drop your drawers, get on all fours put your ass in the air and take the bumpy. Dont confront....ever! Just play nice in the sandbox, take your bat and ball and go home. That's their approach to everyday life.....all like a bunch of John Kerry wannabes.:113:For these people, you were a winner when you escaped the schoolyard playground with no lunch money and without getting your balls kicked in.

What do you expect from people who demonize the Iran denuclearization deal that actually involved inspections....but champion a photo-op with Kim Jong Un that accomplished literally nothing??????

Hatred of progressives (or your view of them) doesn't equate to sound international policy genius. I don't care what your moronic cult leader says.....
The entirely EU is a bunch of poor paid whores.
La La La............they will not be Made in Germany.......if they don't knock it off with a 25% tariff on our autos.............Ours is 2%..........

Guess you like being screwed ..............

Where the EU charges 25% (and sometimes 10%) the USA charges 22% - where the EU charges 10% the USA charges 2.5%. That's all in context with cars. A problem - but not a big problem. And it was Trump who had cancelled TTIP, which should solve all this problem. Germany has by the way nothing to do with it. The US-government has to speak with the EU in case of tariffs and not with Germany or even the German car industry, which is anyway the greatest exporter of cars "made in the USA". To produce cars in the USA is (since Trump makes nonsense) more expensive and to sell cars "made in the USA" in the international markets - specially in China - is meanwhile much more difficult, nearly impossible. To ask the German car industry to build more factories in the USA is the same as to ask Mexico to build a wall for the USA. That's crazy! Do you know by the way the fairy tale of the president with the naked clothing? Title: "Das Kaisers neue Kleider"; "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

This has happened before.........we put quotas and tariffs on them........that is exactly why they started building cars over here. They didn't show up here by choice.............they were forced into it because back then we had BALLS...............and they conceded............

That's what happens when we put whiney little liberals in the drivers seat. Worried someone got offended.

Here's the message. Europe..........we are still your friends and even though we are friends we are tired of you ROBBING our wallets and jobs. Friends don't do that.

You have a bizarre recollection of history.....cartoon-like.

The whole 'liberals get offended' thing runs pretty thin from people who continually whine and cry about being "mistreated" by parts of the media (for having the audacity to report what Trump says or does). Flippin' morons.

Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS

Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.

Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.
I'm still laughing after seeing Trump sitting at that table and calling out Germany for being a bunch of scheisters on live TV. Hysterical stuff....the WINNING continues!!

People need to understand....the view of the progressive in talks like this is that you always must go in, drop your drawers, get on all fours put your ass in the air and take the bumpy. Dont confront....ever! Just play nice in the sandbox, take your bat and ball and go home. That's their approach to everyday life.....all like a bunch of John Kerry wannabes.:113:For these people, you were a winner when you escaped the schoolyard playground with no lunch money and without getting your balls kicked in.

What do you expect from people who demonize the Iran denuclearization deal that actually involved inspections....but champion a photo-op with Kim Jong Un that accomplished literally nothing??????

Hatred of progressives (or your view of them) doesn't equate to sound international policy genius. I don't care what your moronic cult leader says.....

Progressives are appeasers = ghey. They fail to comprehend the deterrent value of a more confrontational approach because it is absent in their daily approach in conditioning. Stick these people on any committee in any industry for a month and come back a month later.....they've given away the whole fucking store but think they've won!:2up: You cant put these progressive-types in charge of anything frankly....they struggle with comprehending necessary trade-offs in life, for example, understanding the value of tough talk.
Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senators rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:
I want each and every person here to take note of every time someone on this forum takes sides against the United States. It will be useful come election time.
Where the EU charges 25% (and sometimes 10%) the USA charges 22% - where the EU charges 10% the USA charges 2.5%. That's all in context with cars. A problem - but not a big problem. And it was Trump who had cancelled TTIP, which should solve all this problem. Germany has by the way nothing to do with it. The US-government has to speak with the EU in case of tariffs and not with Germany or even the German car industry, which is anyway the greatest exporter of cars "made in the USA". To produce cars in the USA is (since Trump makes nonsense) more expensive and to sell cars "made in the USA" in the international markets - specially in China - is meanwhile much more difficult, nearly impossible. To ask the German car industry to build more factories in the USA is the same as to ask Mexico to build a wall for the USA. That's crazy! Do you know by the way the fairy tale of the president with the naked clothing? Title: "Das Kaisers neue Kleider"; "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

This has happened before.........we put quotas and tariffs on them........that is exactly why they started building cars over here. They didn't show up here by choice.............they were forced into it because back then we had BALLS...............and they conceded............

That's what happens when we put whiney little liberals in the drivers seat. Worried someone got offended.

Here's the message. Europe..........we are still your friends and even though we are friends we are tired of you ROBBING our wallets and jobs. Friends don't do that.

You have a bizarre recollection of history.....cartoon-like.

The whole 'liberals get offended' thing runs pretty thin from people who continually whine and cry about being "mistreated" by parts of the media (for having the audacity to report what Trump says or does). Flippin' morons.

Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS

Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.

Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
This has happened before.........we put quotas and tariffs on them........that is exactly why they started building cars over here. They didn't show up here by choice.............they were forced into it because back then we had BALLS...............and they conceded............

That's what happens when we put whiney little liberals in the drivers seat. Worried someone got offended.

Here's the message. Europe..........we are still your friends and even though we are friends we are tired of you ROBBING our wallets and jobs. Friends don't do that.

You have a bizarre recollection of history.....cartoon-like.

The whole 'liberals get offended' thing runs pretty thin from people who continually whine and cry about being "mistreated" by parts of the media (for having the audacity to report what Trump says or does). Flippin' morons.
Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS

Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

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