Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

The US spends 3.5 percent of its GDP on the military
Europe spends around 2.2 percent

We should teach them a lesson and cut our spending to 2.2 percent

Germany has less than 10 fighter planes serviceable and they are using broomsticks to train their troops. Meanwhile the filthy ass Muslim immigrants are getting tons of government handouts.

Stop trying to justify the welfare queens. It just makes you look like an idiot.
Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senatore rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:

Fuck NATO. I'd pull out and leave them holding the bag. They haven't and never would do shit for us anyway. They only remained our friends so long as we held out the bag of American goodies fr them to pick from!
Our allies went to Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11. Guess we shouldn't count on their help in the future.
---------------------------------------------------- the allies only feck things up . If i recall and for example . Allies don't like American efficiency and said , no shooting or battle noise at night as the enemy and their families need to be able to Sleep . Feck these 'euros' and their weak ways . The 'euros' just try and do mess up American efficiency in killing the enemy P.J..
------------------------ correction . or clarification . Maybe it was 'mrobamas' rule . And reason for correction is because i said , so that the enemy could sleep . The rule was for regular 'iraqis' so that they could sleep . I guess i was being sarcastic and i'll get the link if i can find it .
With the possible exception of Helmut Kohl Germany has always had terrible leaders. German Hillary is no exception.

It's nothing new that we're funding NATO, it's been the case since the beginning and we're only paying more and more - in spite of our pointing this shit out to the other nations:




How much is it costing the US?
MORE than we spend on all naval vessels outside the US globally? Yep!
HALF what we spend on our locally based US troops medical, housing, AND our postal service? Yep!
HALF what we spend on our own fucking CIA? Yep!


And what are we getting for our huge investments?

Not much. We supply like 90% of the troops!



NOTE on the above, it's from 2011, ya know 9-11 when we needed NATO, we got essentually nothing though ya know what I'm sayin? Now there's another comparison chart out there like this, shows the US at 48,000 troops but I can't find a dated one so I left it out because it's kind of unhelpful to the discussion. In 2014 we had a downsizing of US presence under Obama; I suspect the 48k chart is from that time. I do welcome anyone who can find something similar and more up to date to post it up.

I also welcome the broader discussion about who's financing the defense of the "free world" - again, I welcome any newer charts similar (I suspect, like I did, you'll have some trouble finding handy charts like this because no one in the MSM wants to discuss the legit fiscal reasons that Trump [and his supporters] are upset with NATO funding situation - they'd rather just say we hate our allies...)

The US spends 3.5 percent of its GDP on the military
Europe spends around 2.2 percent

We should teach them a lesson and cut our spending to 2.2 percent
Those with a powerful Army gets to make the rules.
Those without, don't.
What rules do we make?

By spending so much on unneeded defense we sacrifice infrastructure spending, education and healthcare that Europe takes for granted
The US spends 3.5 percent of its GDP on the military
Europe spends around 2.2 percent

We should teach them a lesson and cut our spending to 2.2 percent

Germany has less than 10 fighter planes serviceable and they are using broomsticks to train their troops. Meanwhile the filthy ass Muslim immigrants are getting tons of government handouts.

Stop trying to justify the welfare queens. It just makes you look like an idiot.
You must be the oneTrump gets his information on Germany from
The US spends 3.5 percent of its GDP on the military
Europe spends around 2.2 percent

We should teach them a lesson and cut our spending to 2.2 percent
Those with a powerful Army gets to make the rules.
Those without, don't.
What rules do we make?

By spending so much on unneeded defense we sacrifice infrastructure spending, education and healthcare that Europe takes for granted
If we didn't have it we would need it.
Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

It should be NATO's problem, not Trump's. Only prostitutes demand to be paid for their "loyalty".

The entirely EU is a bunch of poor paid whores.
While we're at it w/ Germany, lets see how they like a 10% automotive tariff compared to what we impose on them at 2.5%. I am very fond of my German import 'fun car' & will be trading it in for new shortly, but I don't really care if they jack the OEM prices to offset a 7.5 increase to our imposed tariff on them. It's like the US has been going out of its way to open our vaults & dispersing our treasure to bandits... lol
You'll find out when you price new cars.
La La La............they will not be Made in Germany.......if they don't knock it off with a 25% tariff on our autos.............Ours is 2%..........

Guess you like being screwed ..............

Where the EU charges 25% (and sometimes 10%) the USA charges 22% - where the EU charges 10% the USA charges 2.5%. That's all in context with cars. A problem - but not a big problem. And it was Trump who had cancelled TTIP, which should solve all this problem. Germany has by the way nothing to do with it. The US-government has to speak with the EU in case of tariffs and not with Germany or even the German car industry, which is anyway the greatest exporter of cars "made in the USA". To produce cars in the USA is (since Trump makes nonsense) more expensive and to sell cars "made in the USA" in the international markets - specially in China - is meanwhile much more difficult, nearly impossible. To ask the German car industry to build more factories in the USA is the same as to ask Mexico to build a wall for the USA. That's crazy! Do you know by the way the fairy tale of the president with the naked clothing? Title: "Das Kaisers neue Kleider"; "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

This has happened before.........we put quotas and tariffs on them........that is exactly why they started building cars over here. They didn't show up here by choice.............they were forced into it because back then we had BALLS...............and they conceded............

That's what happens when we put whiney little liberals in the drivers seat. Worried someone got offended.

Here's the message. Europe..........we are still your friends and even though we are friends we are tired of you ROBBING our wallets and jobs. Friends don't do that.
Germany gets 70% of their energy from Russia while expecting us to defend them from the Russians. That makes no sense. They should be buying their energy from us.
At last someone is honest enough to admit greed is motivating the latest spat.
The key factor in that chart is that the US has taken on the role of defending the whole world

Europe only defends its sphere of influence
The best thing is that it was used to imply it charted nations' NATO spending, rather than military spending.
NOTE on the above, it's from 2011, ya know 9-11 when we needed NATO, we got essentually nothing though ya know what I'm sayin?
What were NATO troops doing dying in Afghanistan then? How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have an ungrateful ally.
They have been sucking off the teet of the US for decades, weaning time y'all!!! Why would we expect them NOT to be unhappy! Does beotching loudly necessarily indicate validity to their claims... and if it did, why should the US sacrifice more blood and treasure in a one sided fleecing!
In what NATO conflict has the US taken part on behalf of an ally?

Article 5, the article that calls for NATO member to come to the defense of an attacked member nation, has been invoked once in 70 years. By the US after 9/11.
Blah-Blah-Blah ....

Your problem is to use this theory in context with human beings.

... Blah-Blah-Blah

You can humor yourself with the pliability of language and theory ...
Neither of which is shackled to Darwinism.

Context may present you with difficulties ...
But your naivety in desire is inconsequential.

Darwinism does not care ... Nor does it exist in a state reliant on justification.


You don't know what you are speaking about. Visit Auschwitz-Birkenau and take a look what was going on in the death factories of a death industry which was basing on social Darwinism.

By the way: In the Birken-au (= the meadow of the birches) once the atmosphere of death made it impossible to hear birds singing there.
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It's nothing new that we're funding NATO, it's been the case since the beginning and we're only paying more and more - in spite of our pointing this shit out to the other nations:




How much is it costing the US?
MORE than we spend on all naval vessels outside the US globally? Yep!
HALF what we spend on our locally based US troops medical, housing, AND our postal service? Yep!
HALF what we spend on our own fucking CIA? Yep!


And what are we getting for our huge investments?

Not much. We supply like 90% of the troops!



NOTE on the above, it's from 2011, ya know 9-11 when we needed NATO, we got essentually nothing though ya know what I'm sayin? Now there's another comparison chart out there like this, shows the US at 48,000 troops but I can't find a dated one so I left it out because it's kind of unhelpful to the discussion. In 2014 we had a downsizing of US presence under Obama; I suspect the 48k chart is from that time. I do welcome anyone who can find something similar and more up to date to post it up.

I also welcome the broader discussion about who's financing the defense of the "free world" - again, I welcome any newer charts similar (I suspect, like I did, you'll have some trouble finding handy charts like this because no one in the MSM wants to discuss the legit fiscal reasons that Trump [and his supporters] are upset with NATO funding situation - they'd rather just say we hate our allies...)


As wonderful your images here are - but no one pays money to the NATO. Everyone pays always only for the own army. So it makes absolutely not any difference for the money of the USA how much money Germany pays or not pays for the own army. German soldiers are by the way still in Afghanistan and no one knows what they are really doing there. I guess they are still searching for Osama Bin Laden while they think they are in Saudi Arabia. The problem: Do you really think they are able to defend the USA while the US-governments are doing the politics of the Wahabis in Saudi Arabia? You are the English speaking heirs of the English speaking British empire in this region. And the British empire created the root of all problems around Islamism when they murdered for example the people of the Mahdi in the Sudan with machine guns. And you - the USA - created ISIS with your totally stupid war in the Iraq against WMDs (=weapon of mass disappearance).


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With the possible exception of Helmut Kohl Germany has always had terrible leaders. German Hillary is no exception.

Helmut Kohl was an unbelievable idiot. But the right idiot at the right place in the right moment. The problem now: Trump is only an idiot without anything else except money. He has absolutely no idea what he is doing on what reason - except on reason of the own money.

It was totally funny for example what he said about the natural gas which we sell from Russia. And it was much more funny what he did not say about the new NATO-member "Erdogania" - which was once the former country Turkey. The lost democracy Turkey is one of the worst backstrokes for the democracies of the Western World. And this had happened within the heart of the NATO. And the situation of the democracies in Poland, Hungary and elsewhere is also not the best. And what says the greatest president of the USA ever - the president of "the democracy" - to this problems? "Germany is my enemy - I will fight as long against Germany until no star of a Mercedes-Benz will be seen in the streets of NY any longer." Aha. Trump has problems. Funny. Is anything not funny in context with this clown - except that he is president of the United States?

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