Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

You have a bizarre recollection of history.....cartoon-like.

The whole 'liberals get offended' thing runs pretty thin from people who continually whine and cry about being "mistreated" by parts of the media (for having the audacity to report what Trump says or does). Flippin' morons.
Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS

Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?
This has happened before.........we put quotas and tariffs on them........that is exactly why they started building cars over here. They didn't show up here by choice.............they were forced into it because back then we had BALLS...............and they conceded............

That's what happens when we put whiney little liberals in the drivers seat. Worried someone got offended.

Here's the message. Europe..........we are still your friends and even though we are friends we are tired of you ROBBING our wallets and jobs. Friends don't do that.

You have a bizarre recollection of history.....cartoon-like.

The whole 'liberals get offended' thing runs pretty thin from people who continually whine and cry about being "mistreated" by parts of the media (for having the audacity to report what Trump says or does). Flippin' morons.
Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS

Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

I'm many people in the world will read that link? Maybe 27?:113:
People walk into a room and meet the Obama/Kerry personality and they know inside 60 seconds they are walking out with a boatload of shot they didn't have previously.

How do you meet their 'personality' that like a ghost?! Once you learn the language sparky, then post something.

I get it, however, those words have several syllables....confusing.
You have a bizarre recollection of history.....cartoon-like.

The whole 'liberals get offended' thing runs pretty thin from people who continually whine and cry about being "mistreated" by parts of the media (for having the audacity to report what Trump says or does). Flippin' morons.
Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS

Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

I'm many people in the world will read that link? Maybe 27?:113:

So your issue isn't that Trump lies a lot.....just a matter that most won't notice it?! Thanks for the honesty, I guess.
Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senators rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:
I want each and every person here to take note of every time someone on this forum takes sides against the United States. It will be useful come election time.

Exactly........against the United using influence of a foreign adversary to get elected in the first place.
Trump: Russia didn’t interfere in the election. GOP-led Senate panel: Yeah, it did.

Kinda explains why Trump is so anti-NATO........has nothing to do with percentages of GDP contributed to their military.
Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS

Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Oh...and we are half way to 2019 s0n..... nobody is caring about Russian collusion anymore.
I'm still laughing after seeing Trump sitting at that table and calling out Germany for being a bunch of scheisters on live TV. Hysterical stuff....the WINNING continues!!

"Scheisters"? Dein deutsch ist ziemlich beschissen. Hope my English is a little better than your funny German.

People need to understand....the view of the progressive in talks like this is that you always must go in, drop your drawers, get on all fours put your ass in the air and take the bumpy.

Dog language now?

Dont confront....ever! Just play nice in the sandbox, take your bat and ball and go home.

Baseball? No one plays baseball in the world. I ask myself who will be the next football world champion: France or Croatia.

That's their approach to everyday life.....all like a bunch of John Kerry wannabes.:113:For these people, you were a winner when you escaped the schoolyard playground with no lunch money and without getting your balls kicked in.

I heard male US-Americans have two brain-centers. One for sex - the other for stupidity. But women told me they find always only one brain center. So what is the other for?

Offuckingcourse they would get fleeced if representing a country in any talks like these NATO talks.

Last edited:
You don't know what you are speaking about. Visit Auschwitz-Birkenau and take a look what was going on in the death factories of a death industry which was basing on social Darwinism.

By the way: In the Birken-au (= the meadow of the birches) once the atmosphere of death made it impossible to hear birds singing there.

You don't have to visit Auschwitz for understanding ... Socialized medicine is an excellent example of social Darwinism ... :thup:
It determines care on a scale that uses a person's value to society as a variable.

Yap yap yap. We think the same of you with your constant BS

Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?
Hiding under the bed.
Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Sure sunshine, if that fits your narrative. So, to be clear, your "argument" centers around the assumption that people "who know" me would describe me as some sort of a weak individual?!?! You got that from a handful of posts on a message board?!?!?! I thought you were going to say something stupid??!?!?!?!

I love the fact you folks routinely embrace behavior that most adults chastise their children for. Pathetic.
I'm still laughing after seeing Trump sitting at that table and calling out Germany for being a bunch of scheisters on live TV. Hysterical stuff....the WINNING continues!!

"Scheisters"? Dein deutsch ist ziemlich beschissen. Hope my English is a little better than your funny German.

People need to understand....the view of the progressive in talks like this is that you always must go in, drop your drawers, get on all fours put your ass in the air and take the bumpy.

Dog language now?

Dont confront....ever! Just play nice in the sandbox, take your bat and ball and go home.


That's their approach to everyday life.....all like a bunch of John Kerry wannabes.:113:For these people, you were a winner when you escaped the schoolyard playground with no lunch money and without getting your balls kicked in.

I heard male US-Americans have two brain-centers. One for sex - the other for stupidity. But women told me they have only one brain center. So what is the other for?

Offuckingcourse they would get fleeced if representing a country in any talks like these NATO talks.

Aha - it is for speaking nonsense. Got it.

It is always the intellectual types that get pwn'd at the negotiating table.... everyone and their brother knows that! Nobody trust progressives to do foreign policy..... been that way since I was born and that was a long long time ago!:113:

Oh.....and speaking German on a message board like this is ghey.:backpedal:
Right....because what I am saying takes the slightest bit of thought and understanding. Much easier to drink the Kool Aid and be told what to believe.

It isn't a wonder why you folks are so terrified about immigrants or anybody else who isn't like you......when forced to go head to head, you'll lose every time.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Oh...and we are half way to 2019 s0n..... nobody is caring about Russian collusion anymore. Trump works for Putin at the NATO Summit.......why care about Trump taking assistance from Putin to get elected?!?!? Trump works for Russian interests at the detriment of the United States.....and his moronic follows applaud. Why???? Because he's being a ******bag while doing it.

Good God Trump supporters are stupid.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Oh...and we are half way to 2019 s0n..... nobody is caring about Russian collusion anymore. Trump works for Putin at the NATO Summit.......why care about Trump taking assistance from Putin to get elected?!?!? Trump works for Russian interests at the detriment of the United States.....and his moronic follows applaud. Why???? Because he's being a ******bag while doing it.

Good God Trump supporters are stupid.
Say it enough times mighr get a couple of people to believe you. Keep working on it
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Sure sunshine, if that fits your narrative. So, to be clear, your "argument" centers around the assumption that people "who know" me would describe me as some sort of a weak individual?!?! You got that from a handful of posts on a message board?!?!?! I thought you were going to say something stupid??!?!?!?!

I love the fact you folks routinely embrace behavior that most adults chastise their children for. Pathetic.

Just sayin'....American men who support Trump know exactly what I'm talking about.And by American men, I mean white American men....the non-limpwristers.....and in the distinct majority. View white American men who voted for Aunt Hilda as....well....ghey.:bye1:
I'm still laughing after seeing Trump sitting at that table and calling out Germany for being a bunch of scheisters on live TV. Hysterical stuff....the WINNING continues!!

"Scheisters"? Dein deutsch ist ziemlich beschissen. Hope my English is a little better than your funny German.

People need to understand....the view of the progressive in talks like this is that you always must go in, drop your drawers, get on all fours put your ass in the air and take the bumpy.

Dog language now?

Dont confront....ever! Just play nice in the sandbox, take your bat and ball and go home.


That's their approach to everyday life.....all like a bunch of John Kerry wannabes.:113:For these people, you were a winner when you escaped the schoolyard playground with no lunch money and without getting your balls kicked in.

I heard male US-Americans have two brain-centers. One for sex - the other for stupidity. But women told me they have only one brain center. So what is the other for?

Offuckingcourse they would get fleeced if representing a country in any talks like these NATO talks.

Aha - it is for speaking nonsense. Got it.

It is always the intellectual types that get pwn'd at the negotiating table.... everyone and their brother knows that! Nobody trust progressives to do foreign policy..... been that way since I was born and that was a long long time ago!:113:

Oh.....and speaking German on a message board like this is ghey.:backpedal:

RIGHT! So you honestly believe the trick to good "negotiation" is just yelling and belittling the other side? In what sphere does that REALLY work (other than your brain, that is)?
TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Sure sunshine, if that fits your narrative. So, to be clear, your "argument" centers around the assumption that people "who know" me would describe me as some sort of a weak individual?!?! You got that from a handful of posts on a message board?!?!?! I thought you were going to say something stupid??!?!?!?!

I love the fact you folks routinely embrace behavior that most adults chastise their children for. Pathetic.

Just sayin'....American men who support Trump know exactly what I'm talking about.And by American men, I mean white American men....the non-limpwristers.....and in the distinct majority. View white American men who voted for Aunt Hilda as....well....ghey.:bye1:

So we're back to you're admit you're wrong.....but white men voted for Trump and that makes you right?!? LOGIC??????????

And, by the way, three million more Americans actually voted for Hillary Clinton, but, whateves.
Yawn. You have a problem with the term LEGAL.. You can't comprehend it.

NATO can handle some tough talk. Past time someone said what needs to be said. Trump speaks the truth and those who can't handle the truth.

The truth hurts on the backlash in Europe over liberal policies of letting in immigrants. Guess you are so far up the lefts butt that you haven't noticed.

TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Oh...and we are half way to 2019 s0n..... nobody is caring about Russian collusion anymore. Trump works for Putin at the NATO Summit.......why care about Trump taking assistance from Putin to get elected?!?!? Trump works for Russian interests at the detriment of the United States.....and his moronic follows applaud. Why???? Because he's being a ******bag while doing it.

Good God Trump supporters are stupid.

Perhaps stupid s0n.....but winning!! We're still toasting beers 2 weeks after the Kennedy announcement. Alot of stupid beer drinking!!:cul2::deal:
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Sure sunshine, if that fits your narrative. So, to be clear, your "argument" centers around the assumption that people "who know" me would describe me as some sort of a weak individual?!?! You got that from a handful of posts on a message board?!?!?! I thought you were going to say something stupid??!?!?!?!

I love the fact you folks routinely embrace behavior that most adults chastise their children for. Pathetic.

Just sayin'....American men who support Trump know exactly what I'm talking about.And by American men, I mean white American men....the non-limpwristers.....and in the distinct majority. View white American men who voted for Aunt Hilda as....well....ghey.:bye1:

So we're back to you're admit you're wrong.....but white men voted for Trump and that makes you right?!? LOGIC??????????

And, by the way, three million more Americans actually voted for Hillary Clinton, but, whateves.

But nobody cares about the popular vote s0n. :flirtysmile4:

In 2018, California is basically irrelevant in the electoral college.... sucks balls for you people!!:2up:
TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH?????????????????????????????????????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Too early in the morning for listening to a troll.

2 years listening to your side whine.

Coward much?

You know s0n you are exactly the type I'm talking about here. FRANK......THE TANK. Dollar to 1000 stale doughnuts anybody who knows you would hardly describe you as a "tank". It is highly likely that you are exactly one of those guys that rarely left the school yard with his lunch money!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You can spot a progressive mindset a million miles away....know you can spit directly in their eye and walk away laughing so hard your nut sack hurts.:fingerscrossed:

Oh...and we are half way to 2019 s0n..... nobody is caring about Russian collusion anymore. Trump works for Putin at the NATO Summit.......why care about Trump taking assistance from Putin to get elected?!?!? Trump works for Russian interests at the detriment of the United States.....and his moronic follows applaud. Why???? Because he's being a ******bag while doing it.

Good God Trump supporters are stupid.

Perhaps stupid s0n.....but winning!! We're still toasting beers 2 weeks after the Kennedy announcement. Alot of stupid beer drinking!!:cul2::deal:

Good, at least we have your admission you know you're stupid. Kinda puts everything else into perspective....including any discussion regarding public policy.

It is mind-boggling how easy you folks are to beat in a debate.
You don't know what you are speaking about. Visit Auschwitz-Birkenau and take a look what was going on in the death factories of a death industry which was basing on social Darwinism.

By the way: In the Birken-au (= the meadow of the birches) once the atmosphere of death made it impossible to hear birds singing there.

You don't have to visit Auschwitz for understanding ... Socialized medicine is an excellent example of social Darwinism ... :thup:
It determines care on a scale that uses a person's value to society as a variable.


I don't have any idea what you like to say nor on what reason you like to speak with me. Do you have a problem with drugs or what else is the reason why you do not like to understand what I say? Very short: Social Darwinism (racism) is an essential part of the biological ideology of the Nazis! A warning: Do not use the theory of evolution in context with human societies! This produces nearly always only racism and nonsense. The difference in the genetic structure of human beings is nearly unimportant. Between a man and a man or a woman and a woman is nearly no genetical difference. Two chimpanzees of the same gender, who are neighbors, have much more genetic differences than two human beings of the same gender, who live on the other side of the planet. Much more shorter: Everyone is a child of god. And everyone should know this.

Last edited:

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