Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

Do You Agree or Disagree With Giuliani

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I'm still interested in who dimocraps think is going to defeat ISIS.

They're so stupid they don't realize who ISIS really is.

Who is ISIS and what is their connection to Rudy Giuliani?
I'm beginning to think they hired Rudy to spread hate and mistrust of our president. And the clown car posse of Republicans falls right in line.
Nah...they didn't need Rudy to do it. Obama has successfully spread the hate and mistrust for him all by his lonesome.
And that clown car posse? Look closely at the drivers....I see Howard, and I see Debbie and I see Nancy.....
I'm still interested in who dimocraps think is going to defeat ISIS.

They're so stupid they don't realize who ISIS really is.

Who is ISIS and what is their connection to Rudy Giuliani?
I'm beginning to think they hired Rudy to spread hate and mistrust of our president. And the clown car posse of Republicans falls right in line.

Rudys problem is that he has not been relevant for thirteen years

This is a desperate plea for attention
I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.

BTW, "sharing" is never forced. When you force it, it is simply "theft".

Someone should inform Mr. Obama and his liberal cohorts of this fact.
I'm still interested in who dimocraps think is going to defeat ISIS.

They're so stupid they don't realize who ISIS really is.

Start with Israel.

Just when I start to think there might be a living brain cell in your empty head.....

You post something that incredibly, phenomenally, unbelievably stupid.

I mean, mouth-breathing, drool-cup stupid.

The ONLY people that can defeat ISIS without starting WWIII is the US of A.

And with a dimocrap coward (redundant, I know) in office, ISIS will have free rein for quite a while -- Until we get a MAN in Office (aka; ANY Republican)

That 25,000 man Unit the US is training? A Joke. A bad joke. A really bad joke.

Even if they do manage to boot them out of Mosul (unlikely without destroying the city and everyone in it) ISIS will just be back in and occupying it within a few weeks.

You people on the left -- You're pathetic.
And for those who insist America is responsible for what Iraq is today, look no further than what Obama did by pulling the troops when the mission wasn't completed. Iraq was more stable and began having free elections, something Saddam never allowed for.

Now it looks like we may have to send troops back there. They shouldn't have left in the first place.

Keep the Big Lie going.
Did obama not successfully end the Iraq war? Or did he lie again?

Iraq is not our responsibility and never was.
Avoiding the question? Did Obama successfully end the war or was he lying again?

Yes he successfully ended the war.
Then this mess belongs to Obama.
Even if they do manage to boot them out of Mosul (unlikely without destroying the city and everyone in it) ISIS will just be back in and occupying it within a few weeks.
No wonder modern liberals say "war never settles anything".

When they run it, it never does.

Thank God FDR had the guts to turn our military loose. He was one of the last liberals to know that war means DESTROYING your enemy with everything you had, until they surrender and agree to change their ways... and that your soldiers still had to stick around for a while to make sure they didn't renege later. That actually worked - look at Japan and Germany today.

Even with FDR being a quasi-socialist who put policies in place that are damaging America today, at least he didn't let our enemies destroy it in the 1940s.
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Neither Japan nor Germany were any threat to the United States in WWII. Not even close.

FDR virtually guided Japan into attacking us so he could end the Great Depression. He had been fighting it for 9 years and gotten nowhere..... I mean NO where.

In early 1941, our U-3 Unemployment Rate was as high as 14%.

The man was a failure. Had it not been for Japan stupidly attacking Pearl Harbor, he would have gone down as THE worst President in history.
Neither Japan nor Germany were any threat to the United States in WWII. Not even close.

FDR virtually guided Japan into attacking us so he could end the Great Depression. He had been fighting it for 9 years and gotten nowhere..... I mean NO where.

In early 1941, our U-3 Unemployment Rate was as high as 14%.

The man was a failure. Had it not been for Japan stupidly attacking Pearl Harbor, he would have gone down as THE worst President in history.

FDR wanted to fight Germany not Japan

Even so, Japan was a second priority
Oh btw, when ISIS is eventually defeated and the US does NOT lose another few thousand troops killed in the process,

I will be proven right.
So basically when Obama is out of office. ISIS has grown and the next President is left to deal with it all.
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the war. 110 voted for it. Dumbass.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem because he said, "the majority of the US Congress" not the majority of Democrats. The irony of you calling the other poster a dumbass.

Its interesting that some Democrats first voted against the war and when polling showed this position was unpopular with the American people they demanded a second vote so they could vote for the war. Its weird how gutless Dem's are, always trying to duck and dodge vs taking responsibility.

That falsely assumes the GOP Congressmen have principles. lol.

Just because the Republicans voted for something doesn't mean they were reflecting American principles.

You need to include the 110 Democrats that voted for the war in you feeble assessment of principles. Two of those unprincipled, in your opinion, Democrats ran for President.
I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.

BTW, "sharing" is never forced. When you force it, it is simply "theft".

Someone should inform Mr. Obama and his liberal cohorts of this fact.
Neither Japan nor Germany were any threat to the United States in WWII. Not even close.
A Eurasian continent from England to Siberia dominated and controlled by a warlike German dictatorship, allied with a southeastern Asia from Australia to India to China dominated and controlled by an equally warlike dictatorship in Japan, with more population and natural resources than the rest of the globe combined, would NOT be "any threat to the United States"???

Surely you can't be naïve enough to believe that.

And Germany and Japan came within a hair's breadth of accomplishing it in November 1941.

Next you'll tell us that Germany and Japan fully intended to let the U.S alone after conquering everybody else.

FDR knew that Germany was the greater threat of the two. His "Germany First" policy was the correct decision. Especially since he knew that after Pearl Harbor we didn't have the warships to carry the war to Japan, and would need a year or two to build up enough to do the job (a program he had already started).

If Germany had accomplished its aims alone (which they were one inch away from doing), they would have presented a far greater threat to the U.S. If Japan had accomplished theirs alone, they would have been mostly a thorn in our sides for the forseeable future.

Your obtuse Monday-morning quarterbacking and conspiracy-theory-pushing is as sickening as it is misguided.
I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.
Giuliani is apparently backtracking a bit on Obama's "love". Calls him a patriot.

"President Obama was brought up in an atmosphere in which he was taught to be a critic of America," Giuliani said in a phone interview with CNN. "That is a distinction with prior American presidents." But still, Obama is patriotic even if he doesn't love America, Giuliani said, pointing out that "there have been an awful lot of patriots who were critics."
Giuliani stands by explains Obama America remarks -
"President Obama was brought up in an atmosphere in which he was taught to be a critic of America," Giuliani said in a phone interview with CNN. "That is a distinction with prior American presidents." But still, Obama is patriotic even if he doesn't love America, Giuliani said,
In other words, Giuliani still says Obama doesn't love America.

Nothing has changed.

Good for Giuliani.
There is >literally< NO Evidence that obama has ANY kinship with the principles that define America. And there is no END to the evidence that obama is a life-time student of every conceivable facet of Anti-Americanism; from his communist Mother, his foreign national communist father, the communist Ideological mentor (F.M. Davis) and his communist political conduits and Home-grown Terrorist Cloward–Piven-Alinskyites... Bill Ayers and his convicted murderer Wife, Bernardine Dohrn.

This combined with obama's own words once he was elected by the Anti-American Democrat Party, wherein he informed the planet that he intended to 'fundamentally transform the United States'.

So, all Gulliani was doing, was pointing out the 900lb Gorilla in the room; OKA: The Obvious: There is nothing > American < about obama proving how foolish it is to ignore the fundamentals set forth in the US Constitution.

It turns out that a > Natural Born Citizen < in the Presidency is critical to the viability of the United States, where the goal is to sustain such in kinship with America.
In other words, Giuliani still says Obama doesn't love America. Nothing has changed. Good for Giuliani.
You missed the point. This is the important part, "there have been an awful lot of patriots who were critics." Giuliani backtracked and put Obama on a level with the Founding Fathers, the original critics.
JoeB said:
Giuliani is apparently backtracking a bit on Obama's "love". Calls him a patriot.

Yep... he did. But he did NOT say to what obama is patriotic. But how cool is it that you lacked the intellectual means to recognize that key semantic point. "I'm sure he's a Patriot..."

Gulliani didn't back track a scintilla... and obama is not even remotely aligned with America, as everything he stands for, stands in opposition to American principle.
Go Mayor. I got your back


At a private dinner in midtown Manhattan, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani accused President Barack Obama of not loving America, Politico reports.

Giuliani was speaking to a group including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and conservative business executives.

"I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America," Giuliani said, according to Politico. "He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

Read more: Rudy Giuliani says Obama doesn t love America - Business Insider
I think we knew that, Rudy.....

You guys really miss your evangelical, born-again, DUI-busted-Alfredo Gonzales-rescued cowboy, don't you?
And then you wonder why people in the MIddle East fly planes into our buildings? This pumping up the Christian bullshit when you are the leader of the free world has shown to be deadly, hasn't it?

Obama would be disingenuous if he stood at the podium and brought the cross with him. That's not his job. He is keeping religion and state separate, that is constitutionally correct.

Go suck up to Jeb, maybe he can return you to the fantasy turned horror.

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