Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

Do You Agree or Disagree With Giuliani

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"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.
And for those who insist America is responsible for what Iraq is today, look no further than what Obama did by pulling the troops when the mission wasn't completed. Iraq was more stable and began having free elections, something Saddam never allowed for.

Now it looks like we may have to send troops back there. They shouldn't have left in the first place.

Keep the Big Lie going.
Did obama not successfully end the Iraq war? Or did he lie again?

Iraq is not our responsibility and never was.
Avoiding the question? Did Obama successfully end the war or was he lying again?

Yes he successfully ended the war.

There no longer is a war in Iraq? I don't believe it!
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the war. 110 voted for it. Dumbass.
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the war. 110 voted for it. Dumbass.

Only 6 Republlicans voted against about Dumbasses
Keep the Big Lie going.
Did obama not successfully end the Iraq war? Or did he lie again?

Iraq is not our responsibility and never was.
Avoiding the question? Did Obama successfully end the war or was he lying again?

Yes he successfully ended the war.

There no longer is a war in Iraq? I don't believe it!

Our war in Iraq was over. That we are now assisting the Iraqis in their war against ISIS, right or wrong, agree or disagree,

is an entirely different affair.

Yes he successfully ended the war.

The one sure way to end a War is the one way that dimocrap scum are always willing to end a War --


obama, being a scum of the earth dimocrap, simply pulled our troops out of Iraq -- he surrendered.

But I love it. I absolutely LOVE it.

After Viet Nam, dimocrap FILTH stabbed all of SE Asia in the back (like the scum they are) and cost the lives of MILLIONS of people.

But the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media managed to avert blame for the back-stabbing scumbags (LSM, dimocrap scum? same-same) that stabbed those people in the back because a Republican was President at the time -- THE WORST Republican President in History -- Ford.

This time, the scum of the earth dimocrap party can't run and hide.

They're going to take it up the ass for this one. No way they can avoid it.

Keep on keepin' on dimocrap scum.

Enjoy yourselves, this may be the last time you EVER hold the White House.

I shit you not.
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the war. 110 voted for it. Dumbass.

Only 6 Republlicans voted against about Dumbasses

The RWnuts have been trying to blame the war on the Democrats ever since they tacitly conceded that it was a colossal disaster.

Yes he successfully ended the war.

The one sure way to end a War is the one way that dimocrap scum are always willing to end a War --


obama, being a scum of the earth dimocrap, simply pulled our troops out of Iraq -- he surrendered.

But I love it. I absolutely LOVE it.

After Viet Nam, dimocrap FILTH stabbed all of SE Asia in the back (like the scum they are) and cost the live of MILLIONS of people.

But the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media managed to avert blame for the back-stabbing scumbags (LSM, dimocrap scum? same-same) that stabbed those people in the back because a Republican was President at the time -- THE WORST Republican President in History -- Ford.

This time, the scum of the earth dimocrap party can't run and hide.

They're going to take it up the ass for this one. No way they can avoid it.

Keep on keepin' on dimocrap scum.

Enjoy yourselves, this may be the last time you EVER hold the White House.

I shit you not.

The Big Lie continues.
Oh btw, when ISIS is eventually defeated and the US does NOT lose another few thousand troops killed in the process,

I will be proven right.
Oh btw, when ISIS is eventually defeated and the US does NOT lose another few thousand troops killed in the process,

I will be proven right.

Who's going to defeat ISIS you stupid bitch?

Iran? Are you THAT stupid, seriously?
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the war. 110 voted for it. Dumbass.

What part of "the majority of the US Congress" don't you understand dipshit?
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the war. 110 voted for it. Dumbass.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem because he said, "the majority of the US Congress" not the majority of Democrats. The irony of you calling the other poster a dumbass.

Its interesting that some Democrats first voted against the war and when polling showed this position was unpopular with the American people they demanded a second vote so they could vote for the war. Its weird how gutless Dem's are, always trying to duck and dodge vs taking responsibility.
I'm still interested in who dimocraps think is going to defeat ISIS.

They're so stupid they don't realize who ISIS really is.
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the war. 110 voted for it. Dumbass.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem because he said, "the majority of the US Congress" not the majority of Democrats. The irony of you calling the other poster a dumbass.

Its interesting that some Democrats first voted against the war and when polling showed this position was unpopular with the American people they demanded a second vote so they could vote for the war. Its weird how gutless Dem's are, always trying to duck and dodge vs taking responsibility.

That falsely assumes the GOP Congressmen have principles. lol.

Just because the Republicans voted for something doesn't mean they were reflecting American principles.
Mitch McConnell: I Want To Be Senate Majority Leader In Order To Make Obama A One-Term President

Go Mayor. I got your back


At a private dinner in midtown Manhattan, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani accused President Barack Obama of not loving America, Politico reports.

Giuliani was speaking to a group including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and conservative business executives.

"I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America," Giuliani said, according to Politico. "He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

Read more: Rudy Giuliani says Obama doesn t love America - Business Insider

"I know this is a horrible thing to say"

Giuliani should have stopped right there.

The thing is, hating Obama has become a mainstream Republican/conservative position. They have sunk below the point where the mainstreaming of that sort of hatred would be considered unacceptable incivility.
I'm still interested in who dimocraps think is going to defeat ISIS.

They're so stupid they don't realize who ISIS really is.

Who is ISIS and what is their connection to Rudy Giuliani?
I'm still interested in who dimocraps think is going to defeat ISIS.

They're so stupid they don't realize who ISIS really is.

Who is ISIS and what is their connection to Rudy Giuliani?
I'm beginning to think they hired Rudy to spread hate and mistrust of our president. And the clown car posse of Republicans falls right in line.

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